i officially got a radio show!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Blue Crack Supplier
Nov 8, 2002
i did i did! on the university's station!

and i think i've got a cold...
play "wake the neighbour"

also "grumpy george"

and "has anyone bought underpants at the local value village" call the store and ask. let viewers guess before hand, and if theyre right, then they get a small token of appreciation for tuning in.


Welcome to the ranks of college radio hosts the world over.

What's your show called?

Mine is "All Your Favorite Bands Suck" Formerly the government music after hours club.

Well I don't have it right now, because I am traveling. But I will have it when I get back. That's the point.
it doesn't have a name. i'm really bad at naming things. i didn't name it, i wonder when i'll be told to name it. it's half punk, part local rock, and then some other stuf...
Fun!! :) I have one on my uni radio station too...it really is so fun - forcing people to listen to your music, hehe...is yours online?
One piece of advice..figure out if your station has a webcam BEFORE you act like an idiot in the studio. ;)
jkayet said:
Fun!! :) I have one on my uni radio station too...it really is so fun - forcing people to listen to your music, hehe...is yours online?
One piece of advice..figure out if your station has a webcam BEFORE you act like an idiot in the studio. ;)

Phil was asking about yours....have you been doing it lately?
i don't think there's a webcam. there's a security cam, i usually ignore that and dance around like an idiot when i'm hanging around while my freinds have shows or helpgin to alphabetize the cd stacks...
meegannie said:

Phil was asking about yours....have you been doing it lately?
we moved studios...more room for live performances and all...ahem, ed? ed? :shifty:

i think we are actually supposed to start back up again tomorrow. :eek: Should be interesting...guess I'll just play lots of music. Reuqests? ;)

IWasBored - hope your station isn't as unorganized as the one here! Alphabetizing would take me centuries...
I had a show called Nefariously Pedantic Machinations. We wanted people to guess what it meant and then we would pick the best one.

I think we only got 3 calls. Anyway. It was fun, but it was really hard to get a sizable audience. But then, I went to a really small school.

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