How Was Your Day? Part VI

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Another busy day at work. At times I don't know how I do it. Had to call a volunteer, to come in, & help me out today. Hope tomorrow will be a slower day, for me to catch up on what I have to do.
^ That's really painful Carek1 :hug: I hope that you will be feeling better very soon.

Such a slow working day, that I closed up early. Wanted to get a lantern at Lowe's, but they were all sold out, so I had to go to Wal-Mart :yuck:, bit I was able to get one, there.

I overslept, and was a hour & a half late for work so that was not good ,but my boss understood. As most Wednesday's goes, it is the most stressful day of the week for me at work. Very glad to be home right now.
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