How to save money?!

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Dec 19, 2003
Porto Alegre, Brazil
I've been in interference for almost 4 years!
And when it came the thing of being a premium member, I didn't do it, cause I didn't have the money, so I decided to save money (because being a teenager is kinda hard, you have to survive by your parents money, so... lol), when I had the money to pay the premium member thing... it came the best of 90 - 00, and I had to buy... WITH the money from the forum...
and also is so difficult because I live in Brazil, so I need to count in dollars how many reais I need to save to become a premium member.. and now .. I had the money again... but I had to buy my school books!!
grrr.. :madspit:

Any idea of how should I save money and DON'T spend it?!
Jobs, jobs, jobs. When I was in highschool, I sometimes babysat 20 hrs a week for random relatives and neighbor families. I also delivered two different newspapers and took care of a dog. My parents were never home and they haven't given me money since I was in grade school, so I found random jobs in walking distancearound the neighborhood.

You could get a job, save some money, and then put it in a savings account with a minimum balance. Like, say you earn $100. Open an account with a $50 min. so you aren't allowed to spend more than $50 of the $100.

Right now, both of my jobs directly deposit my paychecks into my account so I'm not tempted to cash a check. To get money out, I'd have to go to the bank which is a long walk. The ATMs here charge at least $1.50, so there's not much temtation to take money out of my account.

School books are a pain, I'm with you on that! I had a lot saved for the tour and lost about $400 to school books last month.
yeah job

three months of the year I only worked Sundays and still got $60 a week. It was nice.

Course, the other months of the year in high school I worked more.

and these days I work five days a week and make $58.50 max.

The only people who have money in college have rich parents or are strippers.
ah, that would prove problematic

...I just never bought anything until I got a job :|

maybe your parents would give you some extra money for doing things around the house?

past that, I don't know :shrug:
You mean your parents didn't pay for your school books? :( I don't mean to insult them but I always thought it was a parent's responsiblity to provide clothes, food and school supplies to a kid at least until they are 18, and even after most of the time. Your own money should be for stuff you want, like CDs and Interference! :(

Do you go to a private school? In the US, all public schools don't make you buy the books. When I was in school you had to rent them for a small fee every year but now they are free to borrow for the year, paid for by people's taxes (in my town anyway)

Saving money is so frustrating to me because I can't do it, there are always too many bills and problems and something breaking. But I'm 34 and have a family to raise. Sorry I just believe a kid should be able to enjoy their fun when they are young because problems will come soon enough!
U2Kitten said:
You mean your parents didn't pay for your school books? :( I don't mean to insult them but I always thought it was a parent's responsiblity to provide clothes, food and school supplies to a kid at least until they are 18, and even after most of the time.

WOW will you PLEASE sit down and have lunch with my mom? lol!

My parents never gave/give me money for anything b/c they simply don't have it. And I don't ask b/c it makes them feel bad. I went to a private school and that sucked up all of their resources (the quality of the public schools around here is laughable). Lot's of people around where I live have this misconception that if a kid's parents can afford to send them to a private school, then they can also afford to give them allowance, pay for books, clothes, cars, etc. Not true - I've been earning my own spending money (clothes, movies, toys, trips) since I was 11. I'm not complaining either; I don'f feel like I've missed out on things, but I've learned to manage on my own.
My family is kinda weird... it is.. a lot weird...
Last christmans I had to buy myself a present otherwise I wouldn't get any.. :sad:

And yes, I study in a private school, and the books are really expensive..
At least the school they still pay lol

But I can't complain really, my step father works 12 hours a day and he makes really low money...
Because, if you think for a second, we're too much.. I got 11 brothers and sisters just by my mom's side, and 9, (not couting myself) live with us... so I guess it's kinda hard raise 10 kids and still pay school, and stuff for them.. I can understand a bit, and I'll look for a job, just wished things were a bit different...
I'm sorry :hug: That's a rough situation. I have one too but in another way, I guess a lot of us have problems, just not the same ones. I can't save money because there's always something that has to be bought or fixed and it's very depressing. Good luck :hug:

I feel so bad, but I know greedy yuppie American people with lots of money who make their kids buy their own school supplies out of their allowance and it makes me mad because sometimes these kids take my daughter's crayons and pencils and don't give them back, but their parents have much more money than me!

BTW you say you've been here 4 years, were you by any chance the same young Brazilian girl who used to be here during the tour with another name, I think it was Laurenha?
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