Honeymooning MacPhisto Society Style.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Author's Note: My penance is complete!
*Macphisto stooped slowly to pick his burning cigar off of his new red carpet where it lay smouldering. Pregnant!?. He sat down again, the phone had been hung up long ago. She loved him, and she was having a baby. He never pictured her having a child, he just never had. His concrete eyes stared into space, beyond the newly marbled walls of the office. She loved him?*
Macphisto:*Thinking to himself* No. No. Forget that. Demons shall know no silence, nor weakness, nor love. Just remember that. Good, good. She didn't mean it, she's ill and nearing the end of her life...*He felt a little knot in his throat as he remembered that she could only live a couple more months at all* Don't think of that, everyone dies, she knew that when she became human, too bad... Millions of people die every month, what makes her so special? People die. They just die. It happens all the time, all the time...*He poured himself a brandy*...She does NOT love me. She can't. If she did, she'd be here and she's NOT...But she came. She was here once...and she LEFT, remember? Damn, just I can't do this anymore! *He threw his drink down in frustration and walked out, ripping the door open... and stopped. There in the hallway stood a young temptress with brown eyes, obviously sent to him by The Father in his time of need. She smiled and walked to him invitingly.* Why am I hesitating? This is ridiculous...*The temptress ran a hand down his shirt and he closed his eyes... he realized it had been MONTHS since he had touched anyone.*Go on, just touch her...Mrs. The Fly isn't coming back you know, you'll never see her again, you might as well...*Macphisto pulled the temptress into his office and shut the door. Without kissing her or looking into her eyes he tossed her on a couch and was soon on top of her. He screwed her for hours, moving from the new sofa to the new floor...he barely looked at her, his eyes were closed and he moaned Bluephisto's name over and over...When it was done, he dressed and left without saying a word to the temptress smiling on the floor. He lit a cigar in the hallway and leaned against the wall, blowing smoke through his lips. Physically, he felt wonderful, and renewed... but his eyes were still dull. It just wasn't right somehow... it just wasn't the same, he didn't feel... better.*
Macphisto:*Thinking to himself*She was probably just a trainee...*He closed his eyes, inhaling his cigar, and when he opened them, another temptress stood just down the hall. This one had long black hair and smiled at him...He walked towards her, smirking.*Maybe this one will be better...I have a good feeling about this one...*He pulled her into the office and shut the door*
Originally posted by FishNeedsABicycle:
she slipped into bed and carefully snuggled up next to Adam...she had just closed her eyes...
Adam:*sarcastically* How?s the nightlife?

Fishy Froze. Her blood ran cold. Maybe Adam was just talking in his sleep...he had done that from time to time during their months together...
Adam: *bitterly* You know for a minute there I had almost forgotten I was in love with a Phisto...forgotten you could lie...
Fishy?s heart sank. She began to cry into Adams bare chest. This was it, she wouldn?t even get one more night with him?one more walk in the snow?it would all be over in a matter of minutes, and she would be alone once more.
Adam: MacFishto...*her heart sank at the use of her full name* how long were you going to live this lie? How long were you going to let me go on believing I had found love? Is this some kind of game to you? Am I some kind of trophy? No, better yet...I?m an assignment aren?t I? Have you been sneaking off all of these nights to gloat with the Devil about how you?ve deceived me? What is it you want from me? Hmmm? You know you could have skipped all of this effort and just got me drunk if it was information you needed! But no, that would be too easy...you couldn?t tear out my heart that way! *Fishy?s tears turned into wracking sobs* DAMN IT FISHY! I LOVED YOU! I have to admit I never saw this coming...the devil must realize what a powerful weapon he has in the clumsy facade, the mask of caring you wear...it?s my own fault...all of my instincts screamed against doing this again...falling in love with a Phsito...But I thought you were different...I thought I saw something different in you...
Fishy: NO! Adam no! It not a facade! You are not an assignment! I do lo...*Adam interrupts*
Adam: DON?T YOU DARE SAY IT! I can accept the fact that you were just doing your job, but DO NOT rub salt into the wound by continuing with this silly game...you do not love me! You NEVER loved me! So run back to wherever you came from...wherever you go to...your game is up...I?m just sorry it took this long for me to find out.*Adam pushes Fishy away and begins to get out of bed*
Fishy: *Crying hysterically, and clinging to Adams arm* Adam PLEASE! Please you have to listen to me! This was not a game! You are not an assignment! My feelings for you are real! This relationship is real! WE are real! *Adam yanks his arm out of Fishy?s grasp, and begins to hastily gather his things, and Fishy?s hysteria turns into desperation*Adam don?t leave me! PLEASE! You have to believe me! *She gets up and crosses the room to where Adam is standing, she notices the feathers on the floor, and gasps when she realizes what she has done to him?she has made him feel hatred. She reaches out to embrace him?partly to anchor him into the room, and partly to comfort him*
Adam: Don?t touch me. *the sudden coldness in his voice scares her, and she looks up into his eyes, his normally warm and caring eyes...eyes that were once filled with love are now only glassed over and unfeeling, this scares her and she holds him tighter, Adam reaches down and grasps Fishy?s arms from around his waist and holds her just off balance in front of him, his hands digging into her skin, she fears her arms may break and cries out* I said, DON?T TOUCH ME!!!

*As he screams this, he releases Fishy?s arms and she collapses to the floor in a sobbing heap, utterly defeated. Adam gives up on gathering his things, and storms out of the tiny cabin...leaving Fishy alone...utterly alone.*

[This message has been edited by FishNeedsABicycle (edited 12-27-2001).]
*The Fly stetched like a cat in the morning sunshine. It had been weeks since the little "incident" with the magazine and he had spent it here, in the house with Bluey and their new puppy. Both had been doing very well and got along like old friends, from the instant she picked him up, Elvis became attached to her and followed her around wherever she went.Mind you,He thought,she seemed to have that effect on almost everyone...himself included.He turned to look at her. She was still sleeping soundly. He kissed her cheek ... her skin was ice cold. His face hardened and he looked down at her, and sighed ... she was still breathing. It was okay, she was just cold, not dead... cold. He covered her with all the blankets and ran downstairs to turn on the heat. It was beginning to get colder this time of year... he wondered if she would remember what day it was. Of course she would, she knew... But he wouldn't blame her if she didn't,he'd be surprised if she knew what day of the week it was. Days had a way of melting together into one when a person had nothing to show up for. It didn't matter. If she remembered, great, if she didn't ...that's fine too. He was just glad she was around.*
The Fly: Elvis? Elvis... Hey boy...Elvis?
*A tiny golden head appeared at the top of the stairs near the bedroom door.*
The Fly: Hey... come down, come on *He whistled softly. The puppy cocked his head to one side but sat at the top of the stairs, refusing to come.* Come on! Don't you want to play? PLAY? Come on Boy, let's go chase cars! I'll drive... you chase, or vice versa! You like to chase cars!!! *He puppy whimpered and pawed at Bluey's door. The Fly laughed...* Ooooh I see. You like her better do ya? *The dog's little yellow body hit the door with a thump and hiss as he slid down to his tummy outside Bluey's door.* Oh yeah... I bought you but you fall in love with heerrrrr, I see...traitor. *The phone rang* You better watch it dog, or I'm gonna start making you earn your keep around here....Hello? Oh hey Edge! How are you? She's good, she's sleeping. Yeah... so... nice day we're having hmmm? *He smiled on the phone...expentantly, as Edge talked, the smile drizzled down to a dissapointed smirk.* Yeah? Okay...I dunno I lost it...you never lent me that guitar, did you? *He rubbed his still sleepy face*I don't remember it...well, I still don't...okay, I'll look, whatever beanie boy. Okay, bye. *He hung up* Hmmmmm...*He hit a button and coffee began to brew. The silver chain around his neck stuck to his bare chest, leaving a serpentine imprint where he slept on it. He staightened it out and rubbed sleep from his blue eyes as the coffee finished brewing. The phone rang again and he grabbed it* Yeah? ... Lar! What's up? Yeah...uh huuuuuh*He smiled again, waiting for the words that never came*She's sleeping....the puppy's great. *He poured coffee and 5 spoonfulls of sugar into a tall blue cup stirring it with a pen* He's up there right now guarding the bedroom door...Hell, I dunno from what... from me I guess. *He laughed quietly* Yeah. Okay. Talk later...bye. *He hung up again, frowning. If Adam was here, Adam would have remembered. Light poured into the hallway as the bedroom door opened and Bluey stepped out*
Bluephisto: Puppy!!!! How are you sweetie? You guarding me? Are you? Good boy...*She bent down unsteadily and picked up the excited dog who licked her repeatedly, wagging his tail as she walked down the stairs. The Fly smiled... she still looked like an angel to him.* Morning sweetheart... *Bluephisto always thought The Fly was adoreable in the morning, all rumpled and a little confused... very much like the puppy she held. He still had pillow marks on his face and his hair broke out in ringlets around his forehead. She walked into his arms and felt his stubbly cleft chin against her forehead.*
The Fly: Heeeey baby... You escaped!
Bluephisto: Escaped?
The Fly: Yeah, I even tried to block the door with *He looks at the dog helf between them* this hairy thing, but you went all McGyver on my ass and escaped... You're too smart for me honey, good thing I'm pretty, huh?
Bluephisto: Good thing. *She put the puppy on the floor and straightened up slowly... the grey morning light made her chalk white skin look almost silver.* What?
The Fly: Uhhh, nothing... Just that you look kinda pale today... like, Annie Lennox pale, baby. C'mere... you need some Fly-Mart brand name lovin'*He took her into his arms again and frowned... her skin was like ice* Honey?
Bluephisto: Yes? *She kissed his chest, even her lips were cold, like rain against his skin.*
The Fly: Baby... you're kind of... you do feel okay?
Bluephisto: I'm kind of cold.I think I'm just going to go back to bed for a while, okay?
The Fly: Yeah, yeah... *He was disturbed by the dead feeling of her lips and he pushed her back to look at her... she was still standing, still alive.* Okay, come on sweetie. *He picked her up in his arms and carried her back upstairs like a bride. The dog followed at his heels, almost tripping him as the puppy jumped, trying to reach Bluephisto. The Fly swatted it away with his foot and kept walking until they got to the still warm bed where he tucked her in and she fell asleep again immediately. He piled wild animal print blankets over her and the black duvet. As soon as it was in place the dog took his spot on her feet and regarded The Fly truimphantly. The phone rang again, and then Fly looked at the dog as he ran out of the room and down the stairs.*
The Fly: Yeah, yeah, live it up pooch ... You ain't calling the shots around here yet.
*He reached the phone just as the machine picked up and he hammered on it to make it stop recording, mashing buttons indiscriminantly.*
The Fly: Mother fucking machine! *pound*Shut the fuck off! already! *pound pound* Hello?....Hey Bono! Long time no talk! *Bono was an angel, surely he'd remember* Yeah? So how are things? Ooooh, tough gig. Anyway... she's sleeping... *He ran a hand through his wavy black hair* We got a dog! Stupid damn thing won't leave her alone for two seconds... just follows her everywhere like her very own little entourage. *He sipped his coffee, it was still hot* It's just tiny but it'll grow real soon. Sooo? *He smiled for the third time...waiting for the words he hungered for all morning like a child* Oh yeah? Hmmmm. Well, I don't think I have that number, nah I lost it or something like that. Yeah... okay bye.
*He hung up the phone, discouraged. No one remembered.*
The Fly: Oh well, I'll just be able to forget a year... Voila, I am one year younger today! Wooo! *He grabbed the remote and turned on the huge television, a commercial for some anti-aging cream flashed across it and promised to take time off in thrity days.* Oh yeah aging cream? I just took a year off in a morning...all I did was make sure no one remembered my damn birthday. Oh fucking well...*He watched television alone for hours, talking to the screen. He eventually fell asleep on the couch in his pajama pants.*

*The Fly was dreaming about trees, acres and acres of trees. He was running from someone, hiding behind the trees, panting... one of the branches grabbed his shoulder and told him to wake up.*
Bluephisto: *Shaking The Fly's shoulder* Fly....honey...wake up!
The Fly: Lemme alone you stupid tree...
Bluephisto: tree?
The Fly: *He opened his eyes slowly, it was now dark in the house, he slept all day* Baby? *He focused on her in the dim light and gasped. She was wearing a green silk sundress and had done her hair and makeup to perfection... he had never seen her look so beautiful, he smiled* Wow... *he whistled* Damn baby, do you have a date tonight or something?
Bluephisto: Yes I do.
The Fly: You do?
Bluephisto: Go get dressed.
The Fly: Oh...it's with ME? *she laughed*
Bluephisto: Just go get dressed... go on! We're on schedule here!
The Fly: *He poses seductively on the couch* Hey... if you're pressed for time, let's just cut to the part where you rip all my clothes off.
Bluephisto: Get Dressed! *He smiled and jumped off the couch and raced upstairs*
The Fly: The faster I get dressed the faster you undress me right?
Bluephisto: Something like that.
*The Fly came downstairs in his habitual leather pants and black shirt to find Bluephisto standing at the bottom of the stairs holding a blindfold. His eyes widened.*
The Fly: I've been very good, haven't I?
Bluephisto: Come here.
*He was beside her before the word "here" left her lips. She tied the blindfold over his eyes and kissed him, the warmth was back in her lips and he moaned and started to take his jacket off but she stopped him gently.*
Bluephisto: Not yet... You have to come somewhere with me first.
The Fly: Baby...I'd follow you anywhere.
*He felt himself being led into the garage and into the passanger seat of one of his black cars. She did up his seatbelt for him, brushing his thighs with her hand, and he purred and kissed her again...she pulled away gently and laughed, and he felt wind on his face as she drove away from the house. They drove for a long time, The Fly nattering away and trying to discover where she was taking him.*
The Fly: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we-
Bluephisto: *Stopping the car and turning it off* We're there.
The Fly: Can I take the blindfold off?
Bluephisto: Not yet.
*She helped him out of the car and up a few stairs and through a door.*
Bluephisto: Okay.... ready?
The Fly: *he smirked* Sure baby...take it off! *The black fabric was removed from his brilliant eyes to reveal a bar full of his friends. Edge, Larry, Bono, Gavin, Paul McGuinness, REM, Radiohead and about 75 others, all wearing silly party hats. They erupted into cheers*... Holy shit. *He was soon swarmed by his closest buddies*
Edge: You really thought we forgot didn't you?
The Fly: Nah.... I knew you were...Okay, yeah I had no fucking clue! WOW! This is...this is
Larry: Bluey's idea. *The Fly turned to his wife.*
The Fly: Baby... you did this?
Bluephisto: You never see anyone, you need a night out Mr Rockstar.
The Fly: *Quietly* Are you sure you're up for this?
Bluephisto: I made sure I stayed in bed all day... I'll be fine! Go on, everyone wants to talk to you. *He kissed her*
The Fly: I love you.
Bluephisto: I know... now go mingle and drink or people will think I'm a horrible woman who doesn't let you have any fun. Go!
*He laughed and kissed her again, squeezing her hand and made his way into the crowd. Bluephisto sat on a barstool of the rented out bar and Larry walked up to her.*
Larry: Hey Bluey... You look nice.
Bluephisto: Thanks... so do you.
Larry: I know. *He hugged her very lightly and pulled away* See? Starting small.*He did look great, and much much more relaxed than he had the last time she saw him...*
Bluephisto: Good Larry, you're doing great. *She looked around*And how is Bona?
Larry: Oh, she's good. She wanted to come but she's pretty ... pregnant and didn't feel like dealing with crowds and all.
Bluephisto: Oh... okay. *Across the room, Bluephisto hears her husband discover the kareoke machine*
*Bluephisto laughs, she was so glad he was having fun... he spent so much time taking care of her.*
Larry: Oh God...I'm gonna go get my earplugs from the car. Do you want a pair?
Bluephisto: No I'm fine thanks.
*Larry walked off and The Fly and Micheal Stipe launched into a very touching version of "Rhinestone Cowboy". The Fly had a beer in his hand and an arm around the emaciated Stipe... Bluephisto smiled and waved and he grinned at her. The happy crowd clapped along, laughing at the Fly's improvised lyrics.*
Bono: He's in his element up there.
*Bluephisto turned, Bono stood behind her with a little smile on his handsome face. She stood and hugged him warmly*
Bluephisto: Bono! It's so nice to see you out! *Bono grinned. Larry really had to twist his arm to make him leave Macphisto alone for a whole evening, but now that he was here he was relieved.*
Bono: Thanks...Wow. You look really great Bluey *She did, the emerald green dress set off her chalk white skin like snow, and her loosely pinned black hair fell in waves around her delicate face and bright eyes. Bono had the feeling that if Macphisto saw her like this... he'd be stunned. Motherhood agreed with her.* So how are you feeling?
Bluephisto: Good, good. I rested all day, so I'm feeling great. It's so nice to be out.
*The song ended and Bluey and Bono clapped for the birthday boy. Gavin brought a drink for The Fly to the stage and hugged him.*
Gavin: And now.... ladies and gentlemen. The birthday boy and I will do a song near and dear to our hearts...the theme song from "Mighty Mouse"!
*The Fly spit his drink out laughing as the peppy theme music started, the crowd laughed*
Bono: This is a nice change of pace for us both...
Bluephisto: *Catching his meaning* Yes... I imagine it is. *They stare at each other for a moment* Do I want to ask?
Bono: No.
Bluephisto: Oh...
Bono: Sorry.
Bluephisto: No, it's just ...*She looks like she's going to talk about him, but then shakes her head* No. I won't.
Bono: Okay.
*There is a long silence. Bono's relucance to reveal any details has told her more about Macphisto's state of mind than any words could have. He changes the subject.*
Bono: How is the baby?
Bluephisto: Shhh.
Bono: You haven't told him?
Bluephisto: No. Only you.
*their sombre moment is broken by The Fly and Gavin's raucous singing*
The Fly and Gavin: *Singing heroically* Heeeere I come to save the daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
*Bono and Bluey both crack up, the tension is broken. She will not ask, he will not tell her. He hugs her again and looks across the bar.*
Bono: Again, you look very nice. I won't say a word.
Bluephisto: Thanks Bono.
*He leaves and The Fly bows on the tiny stage and bounds over to Bluephisto, sweeping her up in his arms and spinning her around kissing her. A very drunk Thom Yorke has taken the mic to sing "Copacabana" somehow, he manages to make it sound like a plea for help...*
The Fly: Hey...gorgeous. How are ya feeling? *He runs a hand across her collarbone and smiles below his shades* Besides supple and silky to the touch? *She laughs*
Bluephisto: Good. I feel really great. Are you having fun?
The Fly: Oh yeah baby! God! How did you get all these losers in one place?
Bluephisto: Oh, a lot of sexual favours...*He chokes on his drink for a split second and she laughs at him* The PHONE....I used the PHONE! *He cracks up*
The Fly: Sorry, baby... I'm already half drunk. People have been shoving drinks in my hand all night. Sexual favours! *He laughs and shakes his famous head* Hey... is that what I get for my birthday present? *Thom Yorke walks off and The Edge grabs The Fly, dragging him onstage for a song. The Fly raises his eyebrows and looks at Bluephisto through the crowd, repeating his question into the mic*
The Fly: Well... is it baby!? *All heads turn to look at the woman in the green dress*
Bluephisto: *Shouting back at him*If you're good...
The Fly: You are an EVIL woman...but I love ya baby! *The crowd claps and Bluephisto blushes. The Edge and The Fly search for a song and settle on Edge's favorite "Sweet Caroline". The crowd cheered as the song started and Bluey felt a tap on her shoulder. A man dressed in a brilliant silver suit with a large silver cowboy hat stood behind her holding a drink.*
Bluephisto: Hello...*He looked vaugely familliar*
Mirrorball Man: Hello thar ma'am. I was wonderin if you would care for a little 'ol drink?
Bluephisto: *She paused* Oh, I'm sorry, I can't drink I'm ... driving.
Mirrorball Man: Well that's just a cryin shame, ain't it? Purty girl like you, can't enjoy a drink... *She looked up at him and sighed*
Bluephisto: I'm driving my husband home later. *Gavin tapped her on the shoulder*
Gavin: Oh, sorry Mrs. The Fly... would you care to dance?
Bluephisto: *relieved* I'd love to Gavin!
Mirrorball Man: *Calling after them* Save me a spot on yer dance card thar...dang.
*Gavin walks with her to the front of the stage and dances with her right in front of The Fly, spinning her around expertly.*
The Fly: *announcing to the bar full of his friends* Warning, warning... Gavin Friday is dancing with my woman! *Gavin laughs and dips Bluey. The Fly pretends to be angry* Fuck, that's it... Gavin Friday is gonna get his scrawny white ass kicked in the parking lot after this song! *He laughs and talks over the rest of the song to a responsive crowd.* Okay, it's my birthday and there are some rules!!!! Listen UP babies! ONE: Gavin Friday will unhand my woman! TWO: Someone will bring me another one of these really nice greenish drinks, I dunno what the Hell they are, but I like em...FOUR! *The crowd laughed* Oh, ummm...THREE: Larry Mullen is not to stand directly beside me at any time tonight, the bastard just makes me look like shite, and finally ... *The Fly was quite drunk by now and smiling widely* TWO: I'm gonna do a song for myyyyyyyyy wife. Yeah baby! This is for you...Cause yeah, you might be dancing with Mr. Friday but NOBODY ....NOOOBODY can resist this song...*"Let's Get it On" By Marvin Gaye starts to sway out of the speakers and the crowd hoots and hollers at the famous opening bars. The Fly turns dramatically to Bluephisto who is already blushing near the stage.*
The Fly: *Singing through his smirk and swaggering seductively...One quarter Marvin Gaye, three quarters Austin Powers.*
I've been really tryyyyyin, baaby
Tryin to hold back these feelings for sooo long
And if you feel, like I feel baby
*He is swaying on stage, looking over the top of his huge shades at her and winking. The crowd begins to clap and sway along to the beat.*
Come on, YEAH BLUEY BABY! come on,
Let's get it on!!
*The crowd screamed in reply and The Fly started to peel off his jacket. Bluephisto hid her face in her hands, laughing and blushing.*
Let's go home and get it on
(Bring me a green drink baby!)
Let's get it on, baby..
*He puts the jacket back on, teasing them all like a pro.*
Let's get it on...
*Bluephisto has blushed deeply up to her forehead as he slides down on his knees, very close to her and sings inches away from her, smiling*
There's nothin wrong with me
Lovin you---come on child...
And givin yourself to me can never be wrong
If the love is true
*Most of the crowd is now singing along with the motown classic and dancing with each other*
Don't you know how sweet and wonderful, life can be...yeah honey! *He stood again and backed up to centre stage*
I'm askin you baby, to get it on with me
I aint gonna worry, I aint gonna push *He began to peel his jacket off of his shoulders again as he danced and posed like a supermodel*
So come on, come on, come on, come on baby
Stop beatin round the bush....*He giggled and Gavin pointed*
Gavin: Hee hee, you said bush!
*The Fly's Jacket was off, and he swung it around like a stripper before throwing it to Bluephisto, the crowd of friends cheered and whistled*
The Fly: *Shouting* Let's ALL get it on!!!
*He began to pull his shirt out of his pants flirtaciously and Bluephisto shook her head laughing.*
The Fly:*Singing* Let's get it oooon!
*The shirt came off and money was thrown on stage. Bluephisto doubled over laughing but straightened up when she saw The Fly fumbling with his belt, but he was far too tipsy to operate said belt*
The Fly: *Singing* I can't take it off...
*Bluephisto ran onstage, laughing and gently moved her husband's hands away from his belt and onto her hips. The crowd applauded and some boo-ed, (well, only Edge and Gavin, who kept yelling for The Fly to "take it all off baby, yeah!")*
The Fly: *to Bluephisto, resting his forehead against hers and resting his hand in the small of her back. He kisses her softly and quickly* Let's get it ooooon. *Several "Oooooooh"'s rose from the crowd and Bluephisto shook her head laughing and kissed him back, fogging up his shades. He pulled her close to him, kissing her. The crowd cheered raucously until Larry got up onstage after the music ended and took the mic, shoeing the couple off the stage*
Larry: Enough of that... let's rock. *"Blue Suede Shoes" blasted through the speakers and a slightly drunk Larry caterwauled through the song merrily, soon joined by The Edge.*
The Fly: *Pulling Bluephisto into a corner and kissing her again* Wanna go home and get it on?
Bluephisto: Sure...let's go
*They collect The Fly's clothes and he waves goodbye to all his friends, pulled into more hugs than he can count. Finally, he turns back to the door where she stood to find Bono crouched over her where she lay with her eyes closed on the floor. The angel was slapping her white hand to wake her up*
Bono: Bluey...wake up. BLUEY!!! WAKE UP!!!

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 12-28-2001).]
*Fishy didn?t move for days. She just lay the way she fell when Adam tossed her away like so much garbage. She was bleeding and bruised from Adams final grasp, but she didn?t care?the hand prints on her arms were all she had left of him and she refused to help herself heal. She had decided to keep them as a reminder to herself of the love she let slip through her fingers. Around the third day a blizzard picked up and a tree branch, heavy with snow, came crashing through one of the windows of the cabin. The snow began to swirl around her and cover her in a shimmering blanket. Still Fishy did not move. She let the snow envelope her body. She knew she would not die...no that would be welcome...the fires of hell that burned within her heart and kept her body warm would not allow it...no, in her desperate state she hoped that the snow would treat her as it does the landscape...covering her, making her new...taking the ugly and making it beautiful...it all seemed so simple to her traumatized psyche...and for the first time in days she stopped crying...and started thinking...

Fishy:*internal thoughts*Well old girl, you can?t really blame him, now can you? You should be glad he left when he did...would you really have wanted him to find out he was in love with the village idiot? To find out how it is you became a Phisto all of those years ago? No, this way atleast your pride is saved, and hey, if anyone ever finds you, this may actually improve your status in Hell right? Breaking the heart of and Arch-Angel has to count for something right? Right...you keep telling yourself that and maybe one day you?ll believe it. Face it honey, you screwed up big time...no two ways about it...I screwed up three thousand years ago and became a Phisto, losing my chance at eternity in Heaven, and after three thousand years of living with my mistake...kicking myself daily for my blunder...I found Adam...I found happiness...and for the first time I could see I was of value. No matter how much I hated myself...someone loved me, even with all of my flaws...

It reminded her of a man she once knew...and as the snow continued to cover her, she whispered a desperate plea to that man...

Jesus, Jesus help me
I'm alone in this world
And a fucked up world it is too
Tell me, tell me the story
The one about eternity
And the way it's all gonna be
Jesus, I'm waiting here boss
I know you're looking out for us
But maybe your hands aren't free
Your father, He made the world in seven
He's in charge of heaven
Will you put in a word in for me...
*Macphisto shut the door to the webmisstresses' office. What a waste...those girls were entirely too focused on their work, they didn't know if they were clerks or temptresses, the poor dears. If they weren't careful they would end up alone, forever...Certainly if they refused him, they refused any demon. Macphisto leaned back against the red wall of the hallway, breathing in the spicy, hot air and tossing a cigar on the carpet. A clerk scurried down the hall, his arms full of papers. Macphisto sighed, why did he still feel like a fugitive down here? The hall was now empty and endless, like a vein hungering for blood.*
What now?
*He turned slowly and began to wander aimlessly. Macphisto had been a devil long enough to know that Hell was very much like Las Vegas, it was fascinating for three days, and mind numbingly dull for any period of time after. He was just about to abandon his search for amusement and return to the mansion when a familiar voice caught his ear.*
Mackie, long time no see.
*Macphisto turned elegantly to find a young Frank Sinatra standing before him, his tuxedo shirt open and the tie dangling from his neck like a laurel. There was a joke circulating in hell that only "Old Blue Eyes"' eyes could compete with Macphisto's in Hell, for a while there had been an aimiable rivalry between the two. That, however, was before...*
Macphisto: Ahh, Frank. It's been ages.
Sinatra: Yeah, yeah...so you're back now?
Macphisto: Certainly.
Sinatra: *Lighting a cigar and offering one to Macphisto who accepted and lit his own* Good, good *He inhaled deeply* dames ain't nothing but trouble. *Macphisto exhaled smoke in a sigh*
Macphisto: Quite... *He looked down at the floor remembering her face for a second, only for a second, instantly resuming his haughty posture, but Sinatra caught the lapse*
Sinatra: Still thinkin about her?
Macphisto: *Laughing darkly* Of course not, don't be ridiculous. I don't even know who you're speaking of. *He straightened his shirt cuffs* Don't be absurd Frank.
Sinatra: *His famous blue eyes narrow to the chink in Macphisto's armor with surgical precision* Hey, it happens to the best of us.
Macphisto: *Crossing his arms and turning away* I don't know what you are referring to.
Sinatra: *Leaning in and clasping Macphisto around the shoulders with one thin arm in a fatherly gesture. He whispers the following to him in a conspiratorial manner, soft and sad...* Look, it happens. Once it happens there ain't nothing you can do to unhappen it. But the good news is it only happens once, there's only one of them. Sure, there's lots of dames afterwards but... you'll never have to feel that dizzy for a broad again. Mind you *He tapped his cigar, the dead ash turning grey as it fell to the carpet below* that's also the bad news. *Sinatra shook his head and his eyes seemed suddenly far away, he murmured,* Man...Ava.
Macphisto: Who?
Sinatra: Nothing..*He steps back tapping his cigar again and running a hand through his brown curls* Just a girl.
Macphisto: So...*He crosses his arms again, his eyes like lead* just out of morbid curiosity...what did you do? How did you erase this girl?
Sinatra: Still trying.
*Sinatra slapped Macphisto on the back and walked down the hall, humming to himself and smoking. Macphisto turned and furrowed his brow.*
Macphisto: What do you mean? How was that supposed to help?
Sinatra: *Over his shoulder without turning back* It wasn't...*He laughed sadly* It wasn't.
Opalphisto: *banging the keyboard in anger* ARGH!
Olivephisto: *calling from the other room* You okay in there?
Opal: No! This is just crazy! Stupid fecking reject! *With the anger only a dignified phisto can possess, she swept the computer off the table in one gloriously satisifying motion.*
Olive: *rising from her own chair* Not again
Opal: *she lit one of her thin cigarettes, tossing the match aside with disregard* Like you haven?t destroyed your own share.
*Olive sighed, then took a drag off of Opal?s ciggie. They stood in silence for a moment, smoke settling around their head like the gloom outside the murky window in their chambers. Neither had seen much of the world since agreeing to help MacPhisto work wonders with the world wide web. As Phistos they naturally craved and feed off prolific attention, and neither were receiving their fair share lately.*
Opal: And where the fuck is Fishy? Tell me that one, Olive.
Olive: *shaking her long dark hair back from her face* Well I want to know the same thing! It?s been ages since we?ve seen her.
Opal: How can she expect us to complete this without her? I know we are crafty but we are not three people! She leaves for six fucking months and expects us to cover her ass? *Opal shook the empty cigarette box. They had smoked the entire pack. She threw it over her shoulder, striding to the Armour and ripping open the doors.* I?m going out.
Olive: Well, I?m coming with! *Slipping into her own long black velvet jacket and applying fiery red lipstick* I still can?t believe she?s on vacation for six months!
Opal: With an angel, no less! *she ran her fingers through her hair, smiling seductively at her image in the mirror. In a flash her smile was gone and she was all business.* Let?s go.
*The two temptresses exited their chambers with a flourish, their energy and excitement palpable in the air. Behind them a chain of demons watch, eyes out and mouths hungry. Macphisto had been correct- alone they could bring any angel man or demon to his knees. Together, they were a formidable force?.*


*Opal and Opal were laughing, discussing their particularly favorite Macphisto party during which they succeeded in corrupting a smashing total of 57 men in only two and a half hours! They had been rewarded abundantly for their work. They would both admit that lately things have been a bit stale, Macphisto had not had an extravagant party in a long time, and the temptresses were tied up with his project. Without Fishy, they knew they would be there longer than tolerable. It hadn't taken long for them to track Fishy down; Olive did not know how she did it, but Opal had used some manipulation to discover Fishy?s whereabouts. There was a lot to say about knowing the right people.*
Opal: And all this fucking snow! Unending! *she laughs with pity* And honestly, a wood cabin!
Olive: Terribly tasteless, we must get Fishy as soon as possible. Is she in there, Opal? *She was getting a little tired of all this, Fishy taking off, working all the time. She really wanted to just go out tonight and have a little fun. How boring being a temptress if she could not take her powers out for a spin every few hours!*
Opal: Well she should be- ahhhh!! *Opal let out a terrified scream as she tumbled to the ground*
Olive: Opal!
Opal: * On her hands and knees, deep in the snow. Snow clung to her hair like desperate parasites. On her hot skin it melted instantly, puddling on the ground. Her mouth was open and she was angry. * Don?t touch me. I?m fine. Stupid boots.
Olive *stepping back* Fine * she looked at her surroundings while Opal composed herself. Her eyes narrowed when she spotted a tiny shed off the side of the cabin. The snow was imprinted with almost indiscernible objects. Stepping forward, she realized it was feathers. Great giant feathers, littered around the shed. If she hadn?t seen that before she would not have thought twice?. She jumped back quickly in shock when she saw a head peer around the corner. Olive glanced down at Opal, who was still taking her sweet time in composing herself, enjoying her opportunity to curse everything. Olive looked back at the shed. Adam?s wide, concerned eyes stared back at her. He put his fingers to his lips, desperate. He wanted her to keep quiet. Her eyes narrowed. Just what was going on here? Adam looked awful: his hair was snarly and his face was gaunt, he probably had not eaten in days. And his eyes were in another place. What the Hell was he doing out here, not with Fishy?*
* Opal snapped up and grabbed Olive?s arm *
Come on, she?s in here.
* Olive opened her mouth to say something, but between blinks Adam had disappeared again. Biting her tongue, she let herself be dragged inside to Fishy *
Opal: MacFishto!! Fishy! Where the Hell are you? Olive, check in that room.
Olive: This place is pathetic. * opening a door to be greeted with a terrible chill * Uh, Opal. You might want to come here.
* Opal approached the door, and both temptresses peered into the room. A broken window was opposite the door, its sill covered with snow that spilled onto the floor and nearly filled the entire room. *
Olive: What is this?
*Both hear a tiny whimper come from the corner of the room, below the window. *
Olive: Fishy?!
Opal: You?re joking, right? Fishy!
Fishy: *sniffling* yes? * she rustled very slightly and an avalanche of snow rolled off of her, revealing her bent head, soaking hair and destroyed figure. Opal and Olive gasped in horror. *
Opal: What happened to you?!
Fishy: *still sniffling, she looks up to reveal large, empty eyes* nothing.
* Olive and Opal rush to Fishy?s side, as quickly as they could through the heavy snow. Neither understood or knew what to think. A lovenest with Adam, fireplace and hot chocolate? they expected all that, but they certainly never expected this! Gently they each grasped one of Fishy?s arms to raise her, but let her go instantly when she let out a howl.*
Olive: What? Are you hurt, Fishy?
Opal: I?ll kill him.
Olive: An angel! *her eyes narrowed. They may fight between themselves, but woe to the being who tried to fuck with one of them.*
*Fishy was too exhausted to protest. Opal took her wrist and extended her arm gently. She and Olive gasped again. There were deep ugly wounds up and down her arm, still red and disfigured from someone?s hand*
*Opal gritted her teeth and with Olive?s help gently lifted Fishy out of her pile of snow. Thankfully the room across the hallway was ready with a fireplace, which Opal lit instantly after setting Fishy down in a generous leather chair*
Opal: You mind explaining to us just what is going on?
Fishy: Things haven?t exactly gone smoothly.
Olive: That?s an understantment. What the Hell happened, Fishy?
Fishy: Well.. it?s all * she was trying hard not to cry it?s all because of me! I just couldn?t sleep! *and with using the last of her energy, she burst into tears*
Olive: All this over sleeping?!
Fishy: It's not all about sleeping...it's more than that
*Opal and Olive exchanged a knowing look, both rolling their eyes in frustration as they realized what was happening.*
Olive: Oh really now Fishy, this isn't about that whole "Falling" mess is it? Get over it dear we all do dumb things-
Opal: Well actually you are the only one who does dumb things...but that's not the point?
Fishy: Right, Opal. I can count a few of yours, too, if I had about a hundred years!
Opal: Listen, MacFishto, we have been busting our ass to do work for Mackie, who is repaying us quite generously, might I remind you, while you have been off galivating around the world with.. with an angel *she spit out the last word as if she had bit a sour peach* And now, you are a shriveling mess, and it?s because of your ridiculous insecurities! That?s it. I?m going to have to talk to the Father about this.
Fishy: Opal!
Opal: It?s my responsibility. Especially with the fact that you let an angel in here, who has hurt you.
Olive: She?s right, Fishy! Look at your arms- that is cause for great punishment to Adam! Think of it this way, you will probably be rewarded for making an arch angel fall!
Fishy: *tears brimming* I.. I?
Opal: I, I what? What, Fishy? Look at yourself! A pathetic excuse for a Phisto!
Fishy: *screaming* He left me, okay! OKAY! He left me because I lied to him...he trusted me...the first person in three thousand years to trust me, and I lied to him *She had nothing left, and the realization of that caused her to hallow out like a balloon. Tears were streaming down her face, her lungs heaving with pain.* And I will always be reminded of it! Of what a complete asshole I am, how I can?t even keep the one thing that I love with me! I fucked up once, I fucked up again! Don?t you understand? I am nothing!?
Opal: Well you are a Phisto, Fishy. Get used to it; we feed off of deception. And Adam?s an asshole, trust me on that one!
Fishy: *hysterical now* Where could he be? How could he just leave me? *her imploring, desperate eyes caught Olive?s*
Opal: Probably screwing some other gullible twit as we speak-
Fishy: SHUT UP! Shut up, Opal! You know it?s not true!
Opal: Yes, it is. Now get yourself together so we can get the Hell out of here. Fishy, we just want you back where you belong.
Olive: She quite right, dear. This is no place for a phisto.
*Fishy started to scream and argue with Opal and Olive, and they all bantered back and forth. Olive finally threw her hands up in complete frustration and hollered at them* ENOUGH! Enough! Look at what he's done to us!!! *She stood, exasperated, hands out to them and arms wide in disgust. They both stared back at her in shock, waiting for her to tell them what to do. The cabin had exploded with all the pent up anger and emotions of three very volatile and disruptive Phistos. Olive breathed heavy, her own lungs heaving. She ran her fingers through her hair, gesturing out the window and then back at the demons.* For fuck?s sake, he?s right outside!

[This message has been edited by oliveu2cm (edited 12-31-2001).]
Bono crouched over her where she lay with her eyes closed on the floor. The angel was slapping her white hand to wake her up*[/b]
Bono: Bluey...wake up. BLUEY!!! WAKE UP!!!
The Fly: *Dropping his drink on the ground and running over clumsily* Oh God... what's goin on?
Bono: She just hit the ground, no coughing or anything. *He continues to try to wake her, his brown hair falling around his shoulders. The Fly, drunk, is panicked... her brow is laced in sweat and is white as paper. The crowd begins to collect around her.* Bluey? Bluey? *Bono is scared... this is not a disease of heaven or earth, it's a creation of Hell and there is nothing he can do to abate it*
The Fly: Oh shit... Bono, what's going on? Is she breathing? *The Edge comes behind The Fly and tries to comfort him but The Fly shoves him away, angry* Bono!!!
Bono: *He picks her up in his arms and bursts out of the bar with her, she is limp and white. The Fly is on his heels and The Edge and Larry follow as the crowd watches from the door. Bono lays her on the hood of a car, it's cooler and moister out here, it might make it easier for her to breathe, but she does not breathe on her own.* Shit.
Larry: Fly, let him work...She'll be okay. *The Fly climbs onto the hood of the car beside her and cradled her hand in his.*
The Fly: Baby....come on. Bluey...
*Bono began to perform manual cpr on her and The Edge ran inside to call an ambulance. The Fly held his wife's cold hand as the angel pressed down on her heart and inflated her lungs with his own breath. No one spoke, not even anyone watching from the open door of the bar. The only sound was The Fly's weeping and Bono's desperate breath. The Edge came back out and stood helpless behind Bono.*
Bono: *thinking*Come on Bluey...come on, just one breath is enough...I wish I could do something more..please...
The Fly: *thinking* Oh God...please not on my birthday... My wife is gonna die on my birthday...
Larry: *Thinking* I never should have agreed to help her with the party. She should be at home. This is terrible...
*It began to rain, fat raindrops drenching the silent onlookers and pounding the hood of the car. The Fly took his jacket off and covered her with it, it looked like a shroud.*
The Fly: *He squeezed her hand, he was losing his grip in the rain, and he leaned close to her ear and whispered as Bono breathed into her mouth* Come on honey, come on...Please not tonight, stay...stay...I love you so much...stay.
*She gasped and coughed and everyone startled. The Fly and Bono helped her sit up as she coughed the blood that was choking her into her hands.*
Bono: Bluey, are you okay? *She nodded*
The Fly: Baby, baby...oh God. *He hugged her in the rain as she coughed and he cried into her shoulder. The Edge handed her some napkins he retrived from the bar when she finished coughing and smiled at her gently. She wiped her mouth and hands and shivered in the rain, her green dress soaked with rain and her husband's tears.*
Bono: What happened, do you remember?
Bluey: I just...I, I fell. I don't know.
Bono: Okay. We should get you home...
*A murmur of relief flooded through the crowd and people began to move again.
The Fly straightened up and wiped his eyes and tried to be more sober and more strong than he was at the moment.*

The Fly: Okay...baby, Bluey...oh God. *He was shaking like a leaf and he held her tightly, wrapping his jacket around her and kissing her face. He could still taste traces of blood around her lips.* Are you okay?
Bluephisto: Yes, I'm just...tired. *She smiled bravely and patted his arm that fastened around her like a vice* I'll be just fine baby...*She kissed him softly on the cheek and he smiled a little*
Bono: Let's get you home...I'll drive you.
*The Fly slid off of the car and carried Bluephisto in his arms and sat beside her in the back seat of the convertable. Bono started the car without keys and put the roof up.*
The Fly: How'd you manage that!? The keys are still in my jacket?
Bono: The angel thing comes in handy.
*They drove back to The Fly's house, with Bono in the front seat and The Fly holding his exhausted wife in the back seat. She slept most of the way and the men talked softly*
Bono: Has she been doing this a lot?
The Fly: Well, not like...just crashing. Usually she coughs first.
Bono: I think she was choking... She couldn't cough it out... maybe it was the smoke.
The Fly: Yeah, I don't smoke in the house now.
*Bono is astonished, he can't think of a time when he saw The Fly without something on fire dangling from his lips. They pulled up and drove into the garage. The Fly stumbled out and Bono was reminded of how drunk he still was.*
Bono: How about you open the doors and I'll carry her in?
The Fly: *Wavering*Are you sure? I wanna hold her...*Bono lifted the sleeping woman from the car*
Bono: Well, you have the keys and I've already got her...
The Fly: Okay, I guess so.
*As soon as they were in the door the puppy jumped up at them excitedly.*
The Fly: Oh, this is Elvis...The bedroom is up here.
*Bono carried her upstairs, the puppy leapt up and down trying to get to his mistress as if she were a treat. Finally, he laid her down in bed and The Fly covered her with blankets.*
Bono: She should get out of her wet clothes but...
The Fly: I can handle that... It's my job, right? *He held up his left hand displaying his wedding ring* To love, cherish and undress until death do us part..*His face fell. He took his shades off, his eyes were bloodshot and tired.*
Bono: Are you alright?
The Fly: Uhhhh, yeah. Yeah. I just thought that, that, uhh. I'm fine. I just need to sleep and it'll be okay in the end.
Bono: Okay. Do you want me to stay?
The Fly: Nah. I got it.
Bono: You're sure?
The Fly: Yeah. I got it, really.
Bono: Okay then, if you need me, I'll know and I'll be right over okay? *The Fly nodded from his place beside her on the bed* I'll let myself out, just stay there.
*He begins to close the door when The Fly's voice stops him*
The Fly: Bono?
Bono: Yeah?
The Fly: What do I do if she... you know... if she stops breathing like that again?
Bono: I'll be there in an instant. I promise.
The Fly: Okay...thanks.
*Bono closed the door and stood in the hallway, closing his eyes. Instantly, he was back at the mansion. He looked around.*
Bono: Still standing...thank God.
*He turned the corner to find Macphisto sitting in a black armchair smoking. The Devil looked up at him with cold dissapointed eyes.*
Macphisto: Ah, Bono. Thank The Father Below you're back. I was just thinking to myself that I needed someone to spy on me. I was beginning to think you had given up.
Bono: I'm not bloody spying on you.
Macphisto: *Archly*Oh, so you're just here for the food?
Bono: I'm here because I promised I would look after you.
Macphisto: To whom?
Bono: None of your business.
Macphisto: *Rising and pouring a snifter of brandy for himself, filling it almost to the top just for effect* Let me guess...Adam? Bona? Your Boss?
Bono: Good night. I'm going to sleep.
Macphisto: *Stepping closer* Sleep... that must be nice. I think I slept once, long ago but I can't remember now... *he sighed, his elegant, gold draped shoulders rose and fell* Now I just smoke, and drink and...*He smirked* well, the rest is as you would say, none of your business.
Bono: I know what you're up to. It won't work.
Macphisto: *Stepping very close to him, his dull, chilly eyes narrowing* Listen to me angel, how about I agree not to tell you how to do your job if you agree not to *He froze.* Why do you smell like...*His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Bono smelled like a woman's perfume....Macphisto stepped back as though he had been slapped. It was her perfume...*
Bono: Mac, what's the matter?
*Macphisto looked up, Bono also still had some of her red lipstick on his mouth. Macphisto's head spun and he sat on a black couch to keep from falling.*
Bono: Mac...are you okay?
Macphisto: *Furiously* GET OUT!!!!!
Bono: But, what did I?
*Macphisto stands, throwing his brandy glass on the floor and grabbing Bono by his leather vest.*
Macphisto: *Enraged, through clenched teeth* I don't EVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!! *He threw the startled Bono out of the room and slammed the door, locking it.
*Bono got up slowly...What could have provoked such anger? He was bleeding a little from where Macphisto gripped his arm and he sighed and walked into a bathroom to rinse it out. He bathed his cut in cool water until the bleeding stopped and he sighed, not knowing how much more of this erratic behavior he could take. He caught a glimpse of his face in the mirror and gasped... Of course, Bluephisto's lipstick was smeared on his lips from the cpr...He probably smelled like her perfume. He shook his head...Macphisto probably thought he had slept with her. He raced into the hallway and knocked on the locked door but Macphisto didn't answer, he was already trying to lose himself on the sofa in the newest black haired, blue eyed temptress to appear before him, courtesy of The Father Below.*
Macphisto sat up on the edge of the bed. A temptress lay passed out behind him. He couldn't remember which number this was; He didn't really care. Shoving his jacket on he stood, cigar already half spent. This place was a mess. He pushed open the door to the hallway. That annoying angel wasn't anywhere to be seen. Fine, Macphisto had had just about enough of Bono trailing him around like a mother trying to find her lost son.
He headed down the hallway, taking note at the charred furniture Bono had had removed.

Macphisto:*muttering to himself*Infantile pest... Sooner or later I'm going to fry him!
*Macphisto, brimming with annoyance, headed down to the wine cellar. Selecting a particularly old brew, he popped the cork and let his elegant mouth savor the liquid as he drank. He leaned up against one of his cabinets, thinking ruefully back to the temptresses. Something about it all made him a little angry. He sniffed, and turned to see a shiny door knob he had not touched in a while.*
Macphisto: What the Hell. Everything is dead up here anyway. *Grasping the hot knob, Macphisto descended into Hell*
*He knew where their office was. He had arranged for it, after all. Being in Hell again calmed his anger, and he straightened his collar. The entrance was was lavishly decorated and sexiness hung in the air like a panther about to pounce. The door was just up ahead, and he entered without knocking*
Macphisto: Darlings... I've brought some of my best wine for my favorite temptresses
Opalphisto: *looking up from her computer* Get out of here, Mackie.
Macphisto: Now Opal dearest, is that any way to treat your old friend? *He walked to her, his finger grazing her shoulder. His other hand held the two wine bottles he had grabbed on the way down. He watched with satisfaction as her eyes followed his hand down her arm*
Opalphisto: *softly* Macphisto, we are very busy down here...
Macphisto:*Leaning down and whispering into her ear* By all means, darling, let me relieve you for a while.
Olivephisto: *shouting* Macphisto! *Macphisto jumped, much to his disdain. Olivephisto sweeped up to him, taking the wine bottles from his hand, while the other, having left Opalphisto's skin, now smoothed down his shirt*
Macphisto: Olive, my dear. I see I know how to win your heart *he raised his eyebrows as she raised a wine glass to her lips.
Olivephisto: *staring back at him evenly* Must you be so rude, Mr. Macphisto?
Opalphisto: *rising from her chair and flicking off the computer screen* Yes, Mackie, after all, it does say to bring alcohol when entering our chambers. Now do as you should and apologize to poor Olive.
Macphisto: *pausing, then walking up to Olivephisto, staring into her dark eyes.* Would you please accept my apology, dear Olive. You know I desire nothing but the best for you. *He slowly leans toward her and kisses her on the cheek.*
Olivephisto: *pursing her lips, then smiling slowly* Macphisto... you do look stunning.
Opalphisto: It has been a long time since we have seen you, darling.
Macphisto *Satisfied to be back in charge, leans against the arm of an overstuffed leather chair* I have been busy myself, darlings.
Olivephisto: We know.
Macphisto: *raising an eyebrow* Oh, do you now?
Opalphisto: We know all about it, Mackie.
Macphisto: *chuckling*And you do not rush to welcome me back with open arms?
Olivephisto: *going around to the other humming computers in the room and systematically shutting each one off.* We are not your typical temptresses, Macphisto. Don't insult us.
Macphisto: *His eyes narrowed* Last I checked, a temptresses job was to tempt and corrupt. Neither of you have been doing much of that lately. *Olivephisto was standing next to Opal, arms crossed. Macphisto looked both temptresses over and shifted slightly against the chair. They were ravishing. If only they didn't have such an edge about them all the time. He should have known better to go into their chambers- they both were very protective of their secrets*
Olivephisto: Mackie, don't play games with us. You've dishonored all of us the way you have behaved lately.
Opalphisto: You know, Olive.. I'm surprised the Father allowed him into his haven again.
Macphisto *jumping up, furious* You have no idea what you are talking about.
Opalphisto: Falling for an angel Macphisto, really! A female one at that, the most deceitful creature in existance.
Olivephisto: You really should have known, Macphisto.
Macphisto: *growing angrier by the second* Yes, well, she is no more. Soon she'll be dead, as a matter of fact. I do not even care. *He stared angrily at the temptresses, breathing harder than he wanted to. The air was thick in the room and Olivephisto shifted*
Olivephisto: There, there, Macphisto, we did not want to get you all disturbed. Have a drink, darling.
Macphisto: *slowly taking the drink from her* Where is Fishy? *Olive glanced back at Opalphisto*
Opalphisto: She is indisposed, Macphisto.
Macphisto: *growing suspicious* With whom?
Olivephisto: With the webpage my dear. It is why we are here, after all.
Macphisto: I don?t believe you.
Opalphisto: *shrugging* Macphisto, why are you bad tempered suddenly? You used to be so charming all the time.
Macphisto: *relenting, realizing he was very tense* Sleepless nights, my dear. *he laughed suggestively, twirling the last of the wine in his glass.*
Opalphisto: Yes, well, darling, we do hate to be rude but it is getting late.
Macphisto: *not wanting to leave, to go and find more temptresses the Father sent to distract him. He approached the temptresses and gently eased his arms around their waists. He has known them for thousands of lifetimes* You are both doing a wonderful job. Have you no time to play?
*Olivephisto and Opalphisto exchange glances. They knew what Macphisto is doing. But they also knew what the Father was doing-He would not be pleased with them*
Opalphisto: *sighing* Mackie?
Macphisto *Abruptly removing his arms and brushing past the temptresses.* Fine. I bid you good tidings, darlings.
Opalphisto: Mackie-
*But he was gone, the doorway narrow and empty.*
Olivephisto: Poor devil. He doesn?t know his left from his right.
Opalphisto: At least the Father is with him again. He had gotten rather pathetic for a while there.
Olivephisto: *shaking her head* Ridiculous woman. *She strode to the exit, shutting and locking the heavy door*
Opalphisto: Hell knows we have enough to handle without worrying about him. Let?s reboot and continue, shall we? *Both temptresses move to their computers, thinking of what could have happened, their silence betraying their illusion of apathy.*

[This message has been edited by oliveu2cm (edited 12-28-2001).]
*Fishy straightened up a little at Olive's words*
Fishy: He's...he's where? *She ran a hand through matted brown hair*
Olive: He's outside...in a ridiculous little tool shed.
Opal: Tool shed...appropriate.
Fishy: Don't you fucking start with me Opal!
Opal: Oh come on!!
*Olive sighs and grabs their heads, cracking them together. Both Fishy and Opal reel back silent, and clutching their foreheads*
Olive: Shut....UP. *She massaged her forehead elegantly with dragonlady fingernails* Fishy. If you are going to be a child about this, Adam is in the shed outside looking as ridiculously sad as you do.
Opal: Fishy, forget him. You are six months late for work!!!
Olive: Shush.
Opal: Well she IS!!!! Maybe I should fall in love with some harp-playing, soda-drinking, "not-till-we're-married", goody-two shoes angel...everyone who fucking does seems to get out of work scot free!
*Fishy is already out of the door and turns back gesturing to her hair and makeup*
Fishy: How do I look?
Olive: Just great.
*Fishy runs to the shed*
Opal: She looks like she crawled out of an exhaust pipe backwards!!!!
Olive: Nothing we could fix in five minutes.
Opal: True. Let's get out of this "hickville", gracious, not an oriental rug in site, where is the minibar? How do humans live in such squallor?
Olive: I don't know. Let's go back.
*She snaps her fingers and the Web Mistresses are back in Hell*

*Fishy stands outside of the toolshed for some time, pacing back and forth, chewing her bottom lip almost to a nub and trying to find words to appeal to the angel*
Fishy: *Talking to the rusty door of the shed, she can hear him moving.* Adam...Adam? Listen, don't talk. I'm sorry...I want to explain to you what I did. I'm so sorry. *She leans against the door, her hot finger tracing patterns in the frost* Adam, I'm so sorry... *the sound of a door opening from far away makes her jump. She turns, and a dishevelled Adam looks at her from 50 feet away, puzzled.*
Adam: Fishy...who are you talking to?
*The door that Fishy was talking to opens and a old homeless man peers out.*
Homeless Man: I'm ready for my apology.
*Fishy freezes and looks from Adam to the man to Adam and back again.*
Fishy: Oh...sorry. *She walks toward Adam backwards laughing nervously* Wrong shed. Sorry. Yeah...
*Adam shakes his head and guides the homeless man to the cabin, telling him he can stay there for as long as he wants and to help himself to anything he needs. Adam closes the door behind the grateful man and turns to Fishy*
Adam: Fishy, what are you doing out here?
Fishy: Well, harassing the homeless apperantly...*Adam sighs and walks away*
Adam: Fishy, you can't joke your way out of this. You lied.
Fishy: *Running after him* Adam... I didn't mean to hurt you. I really didn't.
Adam: *Sitting with his wings to her on a rock* Well the road to Hell is paved with good intentions... is it? I'm sure you helped build it.
Fishy: Adam...
Adam: *With a heavy sigh* Fishy, I don't think that this is going to work. I mean, look at Macphisto and Bluey, I KNOW that at somepoint they both loved each other at the same time, but now...look at them.
Fishy: Adam...I'm different.
Adam: *Sadly, wiping his tears away, his back still to her* Fishy... I'm sorry. I just don't see why anything would be different between us. I don't want to end up like that. I'm sorry. *Fishy cries behind him and Adam's heart breaks to hear her weeping. There is something especially sad about a demon brought to tears... when angels wept it was a poetic, beautiful sight, not painful to behold like the sobs of a devil breaking down. It took all Adam had not to turn around and comfort her, but he knew that the cleaner the cut, the better she could heal. He didn't want to confuse her. He could hear her boots in the snow as she paced, crying. Finally, she spoke with shuddering breath.*
Fishy: Okay...okay...Adam. I'll tell you why I'm different. I didn't want to, I didn't want to have to do this but ... Here is goes *She sighed heavily* Don't turn around, whatever you do. I am so ashamed of this that I can't say it if you looked at me...just don't turn around okay? Okay...okay...*She wrung her hands and took a deep breath, addressing his immaculate white wings...they were so large and so perfect that they looked like a wall of heaven between them.* Okay....Here it goes...*Adam tensed, what horrible thing had she done that would make a Phisto so ashamed?*. Okay. It's about how I...became a Phisto. *She let out a shaking breath* I have NEVER Told ANYONE about this, not Opal or Olive or Mackie. No One. Okay? So...listen. When the war broke out in heaven, when Satan tried to take over I... I wasn't on that side. I was on God's side. *Adam's eyebrows went up* I was, I was a cherub and I was happy, you know? And then one day...there was a lot of fighting and God finally cast them out. The clouds just ripped open and they all fell for miles and miles and miles to Hell. It was horrible, there was screaming and running and...it was so confusing. Anyway...anyway, I was trying to leave, trying to go home again and I....tripped. *She started to cry again* I TRIPPED, and I fell through the divide and I landed in Hell. *She sobs with her head in her hands again for moment, and then sniffles* And that's how I became a Phisto. I tripped. And I feel so... stupid. *She sat in the snow, melting it around her and cried into her hands. Adam sat for a long time silent, processing everything and then turned, smiling*
Adam: That's it? That's what you had to tell me?
Fishy: *Horrified* YES! God Adam...you must think I am the stupidest creature in creation. I can't even stay in heaven...
Adam: *moving over to her in the snow* Fishy...Fishy...I don't think you're stupid!!!
Fishy: I AM! I've never been bright, and you're so...so...
Adam: So what?
Fishy: PERFECT!!! You're an ARCH ANGEL!!!
Adam: *Laughing a little* That doesn't mean I'm perfect.
Fishy: No?
Adam: No... You should have seen me when I ws training to replace Bluephisto! I broke the pearly gates with a misfired cannon!
Fishy: You did not!
Adam: *Nodding and laughing* I did. They had to close them for repairs...it causes all sorts of problems. See? I'm not perfect...
Fishy: I'm not even a proper Phisto.
Adam: *He takes her in his arms, wrapping his wings around her* That's WHY I love you Fishy. I love you BECAUSE you're different!!! I was terrified to think that you were just like all of them when I woke up and you were gone. I thought I was wrong about you... I'm so sorry. *The angel kissed the weeping demon's forehead softly and held her close* Can you forgive me?
Fishy: Forgive YOU?
Adam: Yes...If you forgive me for overreacting, I will forgive you for sneaking off...but Fishy, don't lie to me. It hurts me. Please.
Fishy: *gravely* I won't. I promise. I love you.
Adam: *He smiles, his eyes delighting in her twisted hair and brown eyes* I love you, I love ALL of you...especially your klutzyness. I wouldn't change a thing about you.
*They kiss happily, and fall back into the snow...they lay like that in the snow kissing and laughing for a long time and Fishy rests her head on Adam's chest. He loves the way her perpetually warm body keeps both of them warm in the freezing cold when he holds her.*
Fishy: I'm sorry I couldn't sleep. I was ashamed.
Adam: It's okay...you will when you're ready.
*He smiles* Did you know that I never cared for snow before I met you?
Fishy: No? I love it!
Adam: I love it because you love it...*Fishy smiles at him and kisses his nose.*
Fishy: So we're okay?
Adam: Oh yeah...*Snow begins to fall on them like confetti and they kiss again, melting the flakes on their lips*

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 12-29-2001).]
*Bona looks up from the postcard she is composing to Fishy, she can hear Larry's motorcycle pull up to the house. It's not even ten thirty. Larry walks in, tossing his jacket on the coatrack and waves to his wife.*
Larry: Hi Bona.
Bona: Hi, what are you doing home so early?
Larry: *Pouring himself a glass of water in the kitchen* It ended early.
Bona: You're telling me that The Fly's birthday party just ended at 10:30 pm...
Larry: *He takes a long drink of water* Well, there was a...Bluey almost died. *Bona gasped, her lovely grey blue eyes wide in shock*
Bona: At the party?
Larry: Yeah. She was doing fine and then *He gestures with one muscular arm* she was out. Bono had to work really hard just to get her to start breathing again, I thought for sure she wasn't going to make it. *He sets the glass down, looking at it on the warm terra cotta counter* And that kind of killed the partying mood. Everyone missed you though. Gavin says hi.
Bona: My God... Is she okay?
Larry: Don't know. Bono took her and The Fly home. That poor guy, I don't know what he's going to do when she dies.
*Normally, Bona would have hugged him at a time like this, but she knew that it made him uncomfortable so she just twisted her ring around her finger.*
Bona: Oh... *The silences between them have been growing lately*
Larry: How are you feeling tonight?
Bona: *She smiled* Fine, Joshua's been kicking like a little football player.
Larry: *Brightening and walking towards her*That's my boy... *He touches her stomach to feel the kicking and Bona sighs happily* He's going to be a great football player I bet, we can take him out and teach him as soon as he can walk and *Bona slides a hand down his strong arm, smiling. Larry freezes.* Bona...
Bona: *Her smile evaporates* Right, sorry, I forgot.
Larry: It's okay. *He steps back...He had been getting more and more possessive of his private space lately*
Bona: Well... I'm going to go to bed. I'm visiting with Macphisto tommorow so I need my sleep.
Larry: Are you sure that it's wise? I mean with the baby and...you know.
Bona: Trust me, he's not interested.
Larry: If you say so. *He would have kissed her here, but...*
Bona: Goodnight.
Larry: Goodnight.
*She starts to head up to the bedroom alone. He calls after her.*
Larry: I'm just going to watch some tele and maybe do some drumming and I'll be in bed later.
Bona: Sure.
*She knew he wouldn't. For the last couple of nights he just hadn't slept at all. He was a demon now and sleep was no longer essential so rather than risk the nightmares, he just stopped sleeping at all. Bona slipped into a nightgown and fell into bed, upset, not bothering to remove her makeup. The bed was large and cold, like a desert at night... she could hear him drumming softly downstairs. The irony of having a tempter husband she could never touch was not lost on her.*
Bona: *Touching her stomach* Goodnight Joshua. *There was a tiny kick in reply*
*Hours later, a black haired temptress emerged from the room straightening her red dress and smiling at Bono. He looked away. It occured to him that all these temptresses that filed in and out of Macphisto's rooms began to look more and more like Bluephisto everyday. He knocked, Macphisto's voice was harsh from the other side of the door.*
Macphisto: I thought I told you to get out!
Bono: I need to explain.
Macphisto: I don't need your explanation.*Bono heard the clink of a bottle against a glass* Do whatever you want. I don't care.
Bono: Just open the door, please. Macphisto, at least be civil.
*The door was opened by an angry looking Macphisto, wearing a black velvet smoking jacket. He refused to look at Bono and stood at the stone fireplace drinking with his back to the angel*
Macphisto: If you're so bent on explaining yourself, do it.
Bono: Why did you push me around last night?
Macphisto: I had a headache.
Bono: I think you're lying.
Macphisto: What was your first clue?
Bono: You were really angry last night and I want to know why.
Macphisto: I thought you came here to explain, not to interrogate me.
Bono: *Stepping closer* Why were you angry?
Macphisto: *sarcastically* I was tired, I had stubbed my toe, I didn't like your shirt, I had a bad childhood, the dollar is weak, my shoes need polishing, take whichever reason you enjoy the most and leave me alone. *He lights a cigar and blows a puff of smoke out, the smoke hangs around his head before drifting upwards* Or perhaps I just felt like pushing someone around.
Bono: Look. I'll level with you... I was out with Bluey last-
Macphisto: *Turning around quickly and walking away* I don't want to hear this.
Bono: No it's not what you think!
Macphisto: *He keeps walking towards the door*Let me guess, you think you "love" her. Good for you. Good luck. GET OUT.
Bono: *Yelling to stop him* SHE ALMOST DIED! She choked on her own blood and stopped breathing, I had to resussitate her, and I carried her to her car after she started to breathe again. I would have told you if you had asked me. That's why I smelled like her perfume, that's why her lipstick was on my face. *Bono stood with his hands on his hips and muttered* It was The Fly's birthday party.
*Macphisto stood as still as the stone of the walls for a moment, a black sillouette in the doorframe. The only movement was the smoke curling up from his cigar. As Bono stared he saw that his eyes were closed and the demon swallowed hard before speaking.*
Macphisto: Remind me to send him a gift...Bono, I already told you. I no longer care, don't bother me with such inconsequencial details. I'm a busy man.
*The doorbell rang, breaking the tension in the room* That's Bona. Let her in.
*Bono sighed and brushed past Macphisto who still hadn't moved to get the door. He greeted Bona warmly, hugging her.*
Bono: Bona, we missed you last night.
Bona: That's nice to know. *She seemed to hang on to him a little longer than usual today. He smiled.*
Bono: Macphisto's upstairs.
Bona: Oh, thanks... I'll talk to you later.
Bono: Yeah...*He let out a long breath after she was gone...he was impossibly attracted to her, even more than the last time she saw him.*
*Bona entered the dark room. The only light was from the smouldering fireplace.*
Bona: Mackie?
Macphisto: Darling. *She narrowed her eyes. He was sitting on a black satin couch drinking brandy. She could sense his bad mood from the door as she closed it.*
Bona: *Making her way to the couch* How are you?
Macphisto: I am fine. Just fine. And you? *He looked towards the fireplace* What did you do last night?
Bona: I was just at home... why?
Macphisto: Nothing. Nothing. *She examined his tense handsome face...something was troubling him. It hit her, he must have heard about Bluephisto from Bono*
Bona: I think she's okay... Larry phoned this morning and she's up and-
Macphisto: *Cutting her off bitterly* Why can't anyone stop talking about that!?
Bona: Sorry.
Macphisto: I don't see the big deal. You all know she's dying... so when she really starts to lose, why do you all act so... surprised? *He drank from his glass and laughed sourly* Humans...Angels...you're all so unrealistic. You expect your fairy tale endings don't you? Well, let me tell you something...*He exhaled bitter smoke* We made those endings up to distract all of you ... the enduring myth of "happily ever after" is really the most useful tool The Father ever invented. *He smiled at his own clever speech and turned to Bona* You're looking well.
Bona: *Suddenly uncomfortable* Thank you...so are you.
Macphisto: *He smiled....Of course this is what was missing from his flings with all the other tempresses...Bona. How could things be like they were before if he wasn't with her? If he could just have her, surely this hollow feeling would stop. What he didn't know, was that he had always been this hollow before Bluephisto, but he hadn't known it because he had never been full. He slid closer to her smiling.*
Macphisto: Thank you darling, you're too kind...*Bona was astonished, in all these months he had not shown any interest in her and all of a sudden he was turning on the charm? He started as he whispered in her ear, his lips brushing the skin just above her earrings* I've missed you darling... we used to have so much fun. *He could feel her weakening a little and he ran a finger over her collarbone.* It's such a pity that you're not attracted to me anymore.
Bona: Mackie...*She closed her eyes and sighed, his touch felt wonderful after weeks of being neglected. He ran his finger down her chest ... and stopped as he became newly aware of the swell of her belly. She was a mother. He had always found the human birthing process to be repugnant, all that love and nuturing just put him off... damn baby. Perhaps after it was born, but certainly not now. He pulled away smoothly, Bona opened her eyes, half grateful, half insulted. He stood and walked to the bar, pouring himself another drink.*
Macphisto: So, how does it feel to be somebody's mother?
Bona: *Bewildered* Fine... I suppose. Is something wrong Mackie? You're behaving oddly today. *He turns elegantly to face her again, drink in hand*
Macphisto: I feel perfectly normal. *Bona begins to talk about Larry and the baby and Macphisto suddenly finds her company almost as tedious as Bono's. He interrupts her smoothly.* Yes darling, very interesting...but I am feeling very tired suddenly and I believe Bono wanted to see you. Yes, he wanted to tell you something. Perhaps you should go find him.
Bona: Oh...yes. I suppose so. *She was dissapointed but not surprised... she wondered if he had always been this self absorbed and she had never noticed.*Well, I'll be on my way. Goodbye Mackie.
Macphisto: He hugs her briefly* Goodbye darling, say hello to Larry for me will you?
Bona: Goodbye.
*He shuts the door after her, and realizes that it was a mistake. At least before he could concentrate on trying to look interested, now he was just... bored. He wandered to the fireplace again and looked at his brandy in the flame light... and against his will his thoughts drifted.*
Macphisto: *Thinking to himself* She almost died...she'll be gone soon then, and this will all be over, as it was before. Won't it? I wonder how much time she has left...*A movement caught his eye and he turned. A temptress in a silver dress stood in the corner. She smiled, sauntered closer to him, she slid her white arms around him and began to kiss his neck. He ran his hands through her long black hair and sighed as she worked her way down his body, unbuttoning his shirt and pants, she turned her head and he gasped...from that angle she looked just like...her. He kissed her neck hungrily, trying to ignore that she tasted like smoke and pushed her against the door...*

*Bona found Bono in the cold black library, reading alone. He smiled when she came in and stood up to hug her.*
Bono: Bona, how are you?
Bona: I've been better...Mackie said you wanted to tell me something.
Bono: I do?
Bona: Do you?
Bono: Ummmm, no... not really. He must be confused, or something. So...why have you been better? What's wrong?
Bona: *Relieved someone finally asked* Larry won't touch me. Since the rape he's become so distant...I know it's hard for him but, I just feel so... unloveable.
Bono: Impossible.
Bona: Thanks... it's just, I'm really vulnerable right now with the baby and all and I just... really need some kind of support and he can't help me. I feel terrible for him but ... am I untouchable Bono? Is there something wrong with me?
*Bono's lips were on hers with shocking urgency, and to her own surprise, Bona kissed him back hungrily. She ran a hand along his neck, releasing his long brown hair from the ponytail, it drifted forward, tickling her face. She began to unbutton his vest and stopped, pulling away and breathing hard.*
Bona: Oh God. Bono... I can't ...Larry.
Bono: I'm so sorry. *He looked down, his face hidden by his hair* Oh...I didn't mean to...
Bona: I should go, I'm...uh...I should go.
*He walked her down to the door, as they walked past the lounge where she left Macphisto they could hear the door creaking back and forth. They both blushed, aroused by the sound of sex. She grabbed her coat and put it on hastily.*
Bona: Bye Bono...I have to go home.
Bono: I'm so sorry
Bona: It's okay, I was kissing you back, I was... well I have to go.
*She walked to her car quickly, wiping tears from her eyes and Bono shut the door, leaning against it, shaking.*

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 12-29-2001).]
*Inside their chambers, the webmistresses were deep in perfume, champagne and freshly scrubbed and sinfully wonderfully smelling skin. When Fishy had finally arrived back to Olive and Opal, her vacation with Adam decidely over now that she and Adam had reconciled, the temptresses had resolved the only way to celebrate their reunion, and put off their further frustrations with Mackie?s project, was to indulge themselves in a night on the prowl. It was exactly the medicine they needed to put the last six months of work behind them and once again seal their friendships, not to mention reconfirm their incredible talent at being temptresses. Fishy had assured Olive and Opal that although she adored Adam, she still had ages of practice at being a temptress, and enjoyed like any of them worship and excitement.*
*Olivephisto pursed her blood red lips at her reflection in the mirror.* Irresistable, darling. *she winked at herself, screwing back on the lipstick cover.* Opal! Did you find your dress darling?
*Opal stuck her head around the corner into the large plush dressing room with three enormous vanities, one of which Olive sat in front of* Yes, Olive! It was waiting for me at Chanel, just like I ordered. Would you zip me up please? *Opal entered and walked to Olive, dressed in a long shimmering red gown which clung to her every curve in an utterly fascinating way. Each side of the gown had long slits up her gorgeous legs, and the back of her dress dipped precariously low, making it appear she had no top on at all from the back. The straps were eyelash thin, and if you blinked you might think she were wearing nothing at all. *
Olive: Opal! My you look stunning! *she giggled as she adjusted the tiny zipper on the side of Opal?s dress* I daresay not a creature will know what hit them tonight!
Opal: Darling I cannot wait! It is about time we had a night out! Wreck havoc, drink wine, meet mysterious creatures and have Hell-shattering sex! This is what we were created for!
*Olive tossed back her long locks and laughed, her eyes gleaming at every image Opal put in her head* There, Opal, you are set.
Opal: Thank you, dearest. And may I add that you look ravishing yourself, Olive.
Olive: I do, don?t I, Opal? *She looked at herself in the mirror again, which almost hurt her to do! Decadance and extravagance knew no boundary in her wardrobe: she had procured a devastatingly gorgeous outfit composed of a long and sultry black skirt which wrapped its eager band around her perfect waist, and she wore a very tight black napkin top which had entirely no back, and bragged her abundant bust. The black material was interwoven with fine silver strands of silk, making her shine mysteriously as she moved. * Sometimes, I even turn myself on!
*Opal and Olive both laughed, when suddenly Olive clasps her hands together*
Olive: I know what we?re missing!
Opal: *eyes widening* How could I have forgotten? *The temptresses walk with elegance, belying their dangerously high heels, to an enormous jewelry box. Opal opens it with care, a rich smile upon her face. Olive eagerly reaches in and pulls out her favorite white box.*
Opal: Not those, darling!
Olive: Whaaaat? You know how I love my diamonds! *She opened the box and picked up its contents: a blinding diamond necklace, each diamond weighing over three carats each, and more diamonds hanging in waterfalls of the necklace. She slipped on the enormous matching earrings and heavy bracelet* There! What are you wearing tonight, Opal? The onyx would look gorgeous ?
Opal: Don?t be silly, Olive. I?m wearing the only jewels that could stand the heat of this outfit: my fire opals! *She held out her own blinding necklace, a chain of tiny fire opals which supported an enormous 10 carat fire opal that sparkled and danced like nothing on heaven or earth. They admired the jewels, posing in front of the mirror as the lights danced with them. Olive strolled back to the jewelry box, removing Fishy?s favorite blue and pink sapphire necklace.*
Olive: Fishy, darling, come out here and get bedazzled with us! It is almost the hunting hour dear, and we do not want to be late!
Fishy: *calling from her bedroom* Now Olive you know the night will not start until we arrive! Anyway I?m nearly ready, don?t fret! *Olive and Opal packed their purses as they enjoyed another drink of Dom Perrione. *
Fishy: So, what do you think? *She had entered the dressing room, and stood with a drink in one hand, a smoking cigarette in the other. She had on a exquisitely short black dress that was low on top and pinched at her tiny waist enticingly. Over her dress she wore a floor length jacket, with long black sleeves*
Olive: Oh really now, Fishy, you promised us!
Fishy: What? What?s wrong, Olive?
Olive: The sleeves, darling. Take the jacket off.
Opal: We know you?re smitten with a silly angel, Fishy, but you cannot fight your nature! Take off that jacket and reveal skin, darling.
Fishy: *backing up a step. She had worn this particularly short dress to try and distract Opal and Olive from the fact she had decided to cover up with a jacket. She tried to laugh* But, darlings, this jacket is the finest-
*Olive stepped forward in a flurry, taking her champagne glass and then slipping the jacket down and off her shoulders. Olive interrupted Fishy?s protesting*
Olive: No, Fishy. We are having a wonderful night, and you are going to look like the temptress you are. We know how irresistible we all are together, and want you to enjoy ? Fishy! Your arms! *she grasped Fishy?s still disfigured arms in horror.*
Opal: He had the audacity to do this to you but not the dignity to heal you?
Fishy: *trying not to grimace at the pain that shot from unsuspecting Olive?s fingers which dug into her sores* Well, an angel cannot heal a wound he has inflicted out of malice. It is no bother, darlings. I will just have to wait for the wounds to heal naturally. *She smiled sweetly at them, biting the inside of her lip to keep the tears of pain from flowing. Olive and Opal stared for a minute at her bruises, still raw and red. Slowly Olive?s grip eased, and Fishy smiled again.*
Fishy: Are my jewels ready, darling? Really, we cannot keep the creatures of the night waiting!
Opal: Here darling, at least wear these, not that awful coat! *She hands Fishy a pair of long lacy black gloves which added extra seduction to her ensemble*
Fishy: Thanks, Opal! These are great! Wow, how many bottles have you two drunk already? *Olive and Opal looked around, noticing for the first time that nearly every counter space was covered with empty champagne bottles. They also realized that they both felt rather feathery and bubbly.*
Olive: Whew. My fingers are tingling. *she grinned mischievously* And you know what that means!!!
*Opal and Fishy grin at her, as they exchange quick air kisses and head out to firey hell and the awaiting night*
Webmistresses: It?s parttty time!!

[This message has been edited by oliveu2cm (edited 12-29-2001).]
*Edge stopped the car just outside the house and looked back at Adam, just returned from his vacation, and Larry who reclined in the back seat.*
Edge: I hope he goes for this... He really needs it.
Adam: Wow. I can't imagine him depressed, I just can't.
Larry: Well, his wife is dying, how the hell would you feel Adam? Bottom line, yeah I think this might help him out a lot if he'd agree to it.
Adam: It'd be nice to get back up there.
Edge: Yeah... So *He looked at the house* Shall we?
*The three men climbed out of the car and walked up the long staircase to The Fly's front door and rang the doorbell. A dog could be heard barking and shortly, a voice.*
The Fly: Elvis, stop scratching the shit out of the door! Move... Come on puppy, move over. *The door opened, The Fly stood there in his shades, leather pants and black t-shirt and smiled* HEEEY! ADAM!!!! *He leaned out and embraced the angel roughly laughing* How the Hell are you?
Adam: Good, good.
The Fly: *Stepping inside* Hell, get your asses in here guys, the fucking dog's gonna run away again. *A tiny golden puppy hovered near the door mischeviously and The Fly scootched him back in the house with one bare foot.* Last time he did that I had to run for five fucking blocks before I found the little bastard in a trash can...Man, I haven't run since 1994! *He laughed* We didn't talk to each other for a while after that...Anyway, yeah! *He sauntered, gesturing for them to follow, into a surprisingly clean kitchen... obviously Bluey's influence* Just a sec. Grab a seat I'll be right back. *He pounded upstairs and opened a door, they could hear his contstantly loud voice faintly...The Fly's volume knob was broken off at eleven.* Baby? baaaaayyybeeeeeee! Hey sexy, you feelin' better? Good... Guess who's here? Noo...no... ADAM!!! Yeah baby! He's in the kitchen with Edge and Larry. Okay... Hmm, you're looking good today. Heh, heh, Yeah...c'mere baby! Heeeey, let's get rid of the losers downstairs and break in the new couch ...again!...Hmmm? *He laughed and Adam and Edge blushed while Larry rolled his eyes* Okay, okay....later? Alright! We're just downstairs baby, 'kay? *He returned, smiling.* Hey, Bluey'll be down soon...*He took a leap and sat on his counter* So, what brings y'all here?
Edge: Well, we wanted to talk to you about something that I think you might enjoy.
The Fly: *Very Excited* Oh Yeah! I was just thinking that we haven't done any drunken bowling in a while!!!!
Larry: Ummm, not quite. It's business.
The Fly: *Making a face* Business?
Bluephisto: Hi everyone. *Everyone turned to see her standing in the stairwell wearing a simple pink dress that could easily be a nightgown or a sundress. She looked so pale that the sunlight on her skin seemed to light her up from the inside. Adam stood up and ran over to hug her, she giggled as he spun her around*
The Fly: *Joking* Hey now...watch yourself Mr. Clayton... I'll let my bad ass guard dog loose on you. *In the corner Elvis whimpered and pawed at a large cottonball*.
Adam: Hey Bluey... how have you been?
Bluephisto: I'm feeling pretty good today! Wow, we have so much to catch up on! *She looked at the guys sitting in the kitchen* Can I steal him?
Adam: Am I stealable? My answer is already yes to the... the thing.
Larry: Yeah go ahead, we'll win him over.
Bluephisto: Thank you Lar, I promise to return him in one piece. *They walked down an orange hall to the living room*
The Fly: What does THAT mean? Woman! Don't make me turn the hose on you!
*Bluephisto snickered at her husband and she and Adam dissapeared. The Fly sat on the counter, staring after his wife kicking his legs back and forth playfully.*
Larry: Fly?
The Fly: She looks good today doesn't she?
Larry: *Clearing his throat.* Fly... about the proposal.
The Fly: *proudly* She asked me!
Edge: No Fly...*He stood up and walked into The Fly's field of vision, speaking to him like he was a hyperactive seven year old* Fly...listen. Remember what we were talking about, like a year ago?
The Fly: *Thinking* Hmmm.... Oh! Right, we were talking about who would win in a fight between Regis Philbin and Alex Trebek...so has that been set up or something? Because I want ringside for that baby! Yeah...my money is totally on Trebek cause he's all mad and shit that Philbin took his lightning.
Edge: You mean stole his thunder.
Larry: Whatever, NO. That is NOT what we were talking about.
The Fly: Yeah it was. We were all sitting in a pub and I remember putting five bucks on Trebek right there.
Edge: *Sigh* Okay...the other thing. What was the other thing we were talking about?
The Fly: Other thing?
Larry: Goddamn it. You can remember the game show host boxing match conversation but not the fan poll?
The Fly: Uh, no. What the Hell is a fan poll?
Edge: We decided to let the fans vote on U2.com on what tour they wanted to see again the most remember?
The Fly: Still not ringin' any bells.
Larry: Well, anyway ... the vote is over and they all want to see ZOO TV again. It won by about 80% of the vote, not kidding.
The Fly: Sweet. That's pretty cool, it was a kick ass tour... well, the first hour or so of the show anyway...
Edge: Anyway. We were thinking that we still have all the sets and everything, and we kind of promised them a while back that whatever show they voted for we would put on for one night only and give the money to charity. *Incredulous* You don't remember talking about any of this?
The Fly: I musta been asleep behind the shades. I do that when you get all boring ... *He stops and thinks* So what yer saying is, we're gonna do it again?
Larry: Yeah. Pretty much.
Edge: We just need to make sure you're on board with it.
The Fly: *Jumping off the counter* Are you KIDDING ME!? HELL YES!!! Man, that rocked, I mean that was the tour... totally bad ass. Sign me up.
Larry: Really? Great!!
The Fly: *He pauses and looks down the hall* Okay...hold on for a sec. When is this happening?
Larry: We have something booked in Dublin in a couple of weeks.
The Fly: That's pretty quick.
Larry: Well if you had been paying attention you'd notice that this has been coming up for a year or so.
The Fly: Uh huh...listen. I dunno... I mean, she's been sick and I don't want to start working on a tour right now...
Edge: It's not a tour. It's one show and that's all.
The Fly: Just one?
Edge: Just one and just in Dublin.
The Fly: Well, what about rehersing? I mean am I gonna be gone everyday like a job?
Larry: If you want we can do most of the rehersal in your studio right *He points at the door to The Fly's chaotic studio* there. Just a couple dress rehersals in afternoons and that's it.
Edge: Fly... it would do you good to have something to do, something fun. Bluey's always telling you to get out and have some fun. This way you get to relax with some music, kick back, and still stay at home most of the time.
Larry: How's it sound?
The Fly: *After a pause he claps his hands together and smiles* Fine. You sold me on it. If Bluey's okay with it, I'm okay with it.
Bluephisto: I'm all for it. *She has entered the kitchen behind her husband and she walks to the cabinet taking two glasses*
The Fly: Seriously? Baby? You're okay with it all?
Bluephisto: Yes. Adam told me all about it. You need to get out and have some fun which you never do... and I'd like a chance to see you in action.
The Fly: *Smiling and stutting over to her, taking her in his arms*Baby, you see me in action every night.
Bluephisto: *Blushing* Fly... *He kisses her on the lips quickly and laughs*
The Fly: Am I buggin you?
Bluephisto: Yes. Now move and let me get some juice. *The Fly reluctantly lets go and Bluey leaves with two glasses of juice*
Larry: Great... well that's one down...
Edge: Yeah, now what?
The Fly: What are we talking about?
Larry: The other half of the show.
The Fly: Ohhhhhh. Right. *Silence fills the kitchen* You haven't asked him?
Larry: No. We asked you first.
THe Fly: You're a real sweetie Lar.
Larry: *Sneers* So...how should we do this?
Edge: Let's phone him.
Larry: What, like just...phone him? Bona says he's really touchy these days.
The Fly: So... business as usual then?
Edge: *As ever, cool and logical* Yes, one of us should just phone him. It's much less threatening than an outright person to person confrontation, but demands a more immediate response than a letter.
The Fly: *Looking at Edge* Did you have a dictionary for breakfast or something?
Larry: Okay...but who? *They all look around the table at each other*
Edge: I think we can safely rule out The Fly.
The Fly: *Offended* Why? What did I do?
Larry: Besides marry the woman he loved?
The Fly: *Taking three beer from the fridge and passing them around, his wedding ring clinking against the bottle* Hey, the jury is still out on that whole love thing.
Edge: No, Larry's right. You would just call and start telling fart jokes.
The Fly: Not right off the bat... Fine, not me. What about Larry?
Larry: Hmmm. I dunno. We were never really buddies... What about Adam?
Edge: I'll do it. We need someone completely neutral to speak to him. Someone who can make it just about the show.
Larry: Yeah.. good idea.
Edge: Can I use your phone for this Fly?
The Fly: Only if you tell at least one fart joke. *The Edge shook his head and picked up the phone*
Edge: What's the number?
The Fly: Here, I'll dial and tell one fart joke and you talk...
Larry: Just dial.
*The Fly dials the number and steps back. The phone rings in The Edge's ear at an almost deafening volume*
Edge: Why is your phone so damn loud?
The Fly: *Proudly* I tweaked it...Oh the mic is super sensitive too, it'll pick up almost any noise in the house...It's like "SUPER PHONE!!!"
Edge: *Motioning for The Fly to shut up* Hello? Bono? Hi! Long time no see! How are you? Good, good. Is Macphisto at home? Okay. *He waits for a second and The Fly stands perfectly still trying to think of a way not to make any noise ... Larry has already mouthed a warning to him not to move because his pants creak.*
Edge: Hello? It's me, Edge. Yes. How are you? Oh... I see. Well, ummm ... I have to talk to you about some business. Yes. Well... *Just then Bluephisto and Adam walked in the room totally unaware of who was on the phone*
Bluephisto: Why is everyone so- *The Fly's eyes opened wide and he lunged for his wife, kissing her passionately to stop her speech. She smiled and kissed him back.*
Edge: Hmmm? What was what? I don't know... Anyway, do you recall about a year ago we all agreed that...
Adam: *Mouthing to Larry Silently* Who's on the phone?
Larry: *Mouthing to Adam Silently* Macphisto.
*Adam's eyebrows shot up and he nodded, looking at Bluephisto and The Fly kissing. He held her tightly and his mouth covered hers. He was trying hard not to move and creak, but she was pulling him down to her*
Edge: *Continuing the conversation* Well as it turns out, Zoo Tv was the most popular tour and we are looking at restaging it just in Dublin for one night only. Now the Mirrorball Man has expressed his interest but you are far, far more popular *He looked at The Fly and Bluephisto now making out in the kitchen right beside the phone and cringed...if he only knew*with the fans, as I'm sure you know. *Just then, Bluephisto ran a hand down his back and the vocal Fly could hold it in no longer*
The Fly: *Moaning and laughing* Mmmmmm, ohhhh baaaaaby, yeeeah... *Larry swatted the now highly aroused Fly on the back of the head with his hand.* Oww, what the fuck? *Adam's eyes opened wide and he pushed Bluephisto and The Fly's heads back together into a kiss.*
Edge: Hmmmm? What? OH NO NO NO! *He laughed nervously* I'm just...watching a movie, and that was a loud part. Yes. *He looked at Adam and Larry desperately and Larry suddenly ran across the kitchen making the sound of a firetruck*
Larry: WooooWoooooooooooWooooooooooWoooooooo!
Adam: *Disguising his voice, trying to repeat what the Fly said* Mmmmmy baby's going to die in the fire, Yeah!!!!
*Bluephisto, confused, tried to break the kiss to see what was going on but The Fly pushed her against the wall gently and deepened the kiss. She moaned softly and Adam yelled in a high woman's voice to cover the moan*
Edge: *trying not to laugh* Yes it's a very strange movie...I'll turn it down. It's something about a fire and a baby...yes. Sorry about that. *Larry, in a rare moment of humour these days ran across the kitchen and made the firetruck noise again* Anyway, I was wondering, well everyone really is wondering if you would like to do the performance with us? Yeah...*He looks at The Fly, absorbed in Bluephisto* he would be involved, but I promise you won't even SEE each other. *There is a long silence over the phone and no one moves except for the kissing couple beside the phone. The Fly has untucked his shirt and his face is flushed and smiling.* Really? You're sure? Oh, wonderful. Thank you. No rehersals? All right, if that's the way you want to work that's fine with us...great. Yeah. I'll phone you again later to confirm the set list. Ummm, a couple of weeks ... yeah. Okay. Okay. Nice talking to you, I hope you feel better soon. Okay, sure. Maybe I will. Okay. Okay, bye. *As soon as the phone was hung up, The Edge sighed deeply, relieved and Adam and Larry fell over laughing.*
Larry: My baby is dying?????? Oh my GOD Adam!
Adam: Well you were a fire truck!!! Wooo wooo woo!
Edge: You are both loony and YOU *Edge turned to The Fly, but he was gone. He had already carried his wife up to the bedroom. Edge blushed.* Well lads, I think that's our cue to go. *The men stand up and let themselves out of the house.*
Adam: Forget the car, we have a firetruck!
Larry: Shut up.
*Upstairs The Fly and Bluephisto are wrapped in each other, kissing and smiling and making love on the floor... they didn't even make it all the way to the bed.*

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 12-30-2001).]
Author's note: This is Bluephisto and Adam's conversation while the guys were talking in the kitchen. Thx.
*Bluephisto leads Adam down the orange hallway and through a door into the living room which is spaceous and airy with two walls of window looking out onto the sea. Elvis trots in immediately and follows Bluephisto around the room*
Bluephisto: Well, you've been here before you don't need me to say "this is the living room". *She sat on a black leather couch and Adam sat beside her. She drew her thin legs up in front of her and clasped her pale arms around her knees. Adam couldn't help but stare.*
Bluephisto: You're staring.
Adam: Well, I mean... I'd forgotten your hair was shorter.
Bluephisto: Adam just say it.
Adam: You look...
Bluephisto: Sick. *The dog curled up on her feet and she petted it with one hand* I look sick because I am sick. It's okay Adam... I've had a lot of time to think about it.
Adam: Sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up.
Bluephisto: Adam, you know you don't need to apologize like that. Here, take your jacket off, let your wings out... I always hated being all bound up like that.
Adam: I'd been travelling that way for so long I had almost forgotten...*He removed his coat to reveal his golden wings. The puppy barked at him and snuggled closer to Bluephisto. She laughed.*
Bluephisto: Elvis! It's just an angel. Good lord... He is so jumpy.
Adam: He is certainly attatched to you.
Bluephisto: Yes he is, Fly thinks he likes me more than he likes him, but I keep explaining to him that the puppy won't ask for his autograph no matter how much he likes him.*she scratches him behind the ear*
Adam: How is married life treating you?
Bluephisto: Wonderful. He is such a sweet man, but you know that. *She smiles and looks out at the sea* He's been so ... supportive. I really don't know where I would be without him. *Adam senses her thoughts bending back to Macphisto for a second and she sighs* Have you been back to the mansion yet?
Adam: Only for a while. I just stopped in and paid a visit to Bono and ...
Bluephisto: *Chiding him but still looking away* Adam, I'm a grown woman, you can say his name for Heaven's sake. I won't collapse or anything you know... *Softer and with forced nonchalance* So, how is he doing these days?
Adam: He's ...*He thinks back to the coldness in the demon's previously glittering eyes and his drastically redone house, devoid of any of the warmth or charm it possessed before. Adam wishes he could lie to her and say that he was doing just fine and was back to his old self, which was ironically, exactly what Macphisto had insisted was the case when Adam saw him earlier today. He, however, had forbade the use of Bluephisto's name.* He's doing as well as can be expected.
Bluephisto: Meaning what exactly?
Adam: That he's still in the process of ... mending.
Bluephisto: Oh. I see. *Adam read thoughts flashing through her mind, almost the same thoughts that flashed through Macphisto's troubled psyche when Adam even suggested he might see her later*Does he ask about me? I wonder if he thinks of me at all anymore. He must hate me. This is silly, I shouldn't even been thinking this.
Adam: *Changing the topic* Anyway, we came down here to ask The Fly if he wanted to do a concert for charity with us in a couple of weeks.
Bluephisto: *Brightening* Oh! That's perfect! Adam, you have no idea how much he needs to get out of the house! I'm so glad! He just hangs around here with me all day, I can't imagine how bored he must be. *She clears her throat.* I'm thirsty, do you want anything from the kitchen?
Adam:*Standing with her*Whatever you're having is fine *He hugged her again, and he couldn't help reading her body a little out of concern as he did so. She returned the hug and left the room, the dog following her. Adam sat on the couch, shocked... surely there must be some mistake. He couldn't believe what he had sensed, and he wondered if she knew. He sat like that for a couple of minutes and she returned with two glases of red juice and a dog.*
Bluephisto: Here, cranberry juice, I'm addicted to it. *She handed him a glass and sat on the couch just as she was. The puppy leapt up and rested over her ankles again.*
Adam: Thank you. *He sensed she was cold and he wrapped a blanket from the back of the sofa around her shoulders*
Bluephisto: Thanks. I almost forgot that you don't need me to say what I need. *She smiled but his face remained serious* So...how was your trip with Fishy?
Adam: Bluey, am I crazy? Or are there three of us in the room?
Bluephisto: Well you, me, the dog...three.
Adam: You know what I mean Bluey.
Bluephisto: *Her face dropped* Yes, I do.
Adam: You're pregnant. I felt her when I hugged you.
Bluephisto: *Her face darkening* Oh Adam... *She closes her eyes and leans forward, resting her face on her knees* I didn't need to know that. *She had a daughter now, not just a baby.*
Adam: You haven't told him have you?
Bluephisto: Of course not!
Adam: Why not?
Bluephisto: Because of the other medical anomaly you must have sensed when you hugged me...*he looked down* I don't have much time left, do I?
Adam: No. I don't know how long, Bluey. I'm not as good at all that as you were.
Bluephisto: *Smiling softly* Thanks, but you are a very good angel Adam, very good. *She sighed and stroked the contented dog's fur that lay on her ankles* Adam, I'm okay with it. Really, I am. I've had a long, long life. I just wish that I could stay around long enough to have my... daughter. *She stared at her drink and her eyes filled up with tears* My daughter, wow. *Some of the tears fell into her glass* But that's not possible, is it?
Adam: No. It's not. *She wiped her tears away with her hand* How do you feel?
Bluephisto: It's hard to tell. I can't be sure what symptoms are pregnancy related, and what are just because I'm sick... Mostly I'm tired and dizzy and in pain.
Adam: I'm so sorry Bluey. *He leaned across the couch and hugged her again, squashing the poor puppy. Yes, he could feel her there, a small but undeniable presence. He smiled at the new life inside his best friend.* Bluey. I promise that I will work as hard as the time you have left will allow me to try and come up with a way to help. There has to be something we can do about this...
Bluephisto: Why do you say that?
Adam: There always is isn't there? We just have to find it.
*They held each other like that for a long time before finally agreeing to go back to the kitchen and see what the men were doing. Adam helped his friend off the couch, her previously strong body now wasted away to a fragile wisp...He vowed to find a way to avert this disaster.*
Bluephisto: Adam.
Adam: Yes?
Bluephisto: Don't tell him, don't tell anyone. Okay?
Adam: I promise, I will not tell anyone.
*They left for the kitchen*
*The webmistresses were out on the town in New Orleans' Burbon street. It was hot and busy down there, with a lot to see and even more to do. They blended in perfectly with their surroundings, save the fact that everywhere they went men and women eyed them with cautious fascination. Exactly the way the temptresses liked it*
Opal: Brimstone & Fire *reading a sign above the bar* sounds like our kind of place, doesn't it girls?
Fishy: Let's do it!
*The bar was appropriately smoky and dark, but it was packed and noisy. They made their way to a bar and ordered drinks.*
Olive: ridiculous human ways. I really don't know why I can't just make my own drink!
Fishy: Oh Olive dear, now relax darling. It'll come soon enough.
Olive: Oh you know how I hate to wait darling. *while holding a crumbled bill in her hand for the bartender, she noticed three hot men across the room*p
Olive: Opal, look darling. Aren't they precious?
Opal: *practically yawning* Olive, darling, are they even out of diapers? How many times have I told you to stay away from the babies?
Olive: But they're so much more inventive my dear!
Fishy: Here, girls, take your drinks now! Let?s go play some pool, shall we?
Opal: Fishy, why do you insist on playing that ruffian game? You know poker appeals to my sense much more
Fishy: Well I enjoy pool, Opal. No man ever thinks he can beat me, and I win extravagant amounts of money.
*As the women stood there, sipping their drinks and talking, they felt every male eye in the room on them. No matter if the man was with another woman or not, they would involuntarily turn and stare, slack jawed, at the beautiful temptresses. All three felt the eyes upon them, and turned the charm up another notch*
Olive: *walking past a man dressed up in navy uniform* What?s your name, sailor? *she smiled devilishly at him, grabbing his tie and letting it run through her fingers until it dropped from her grasp, and she turned her attention onto another innocent man, the reject watching her forlornly.*
Fishy: Olive, darling, do be kind! Poor babies! *she brushed her long finger under the chin of a man who stared at her with puppy eyes* they cannot control themselves
Olive: Which is the whole point, my darling?! *she looked down at her empty glass* Honestly, is that all gone already?
Opal: *grabbing Fishy?s hand* Look, they?re having a parade out there! *she smiled with mischief* Let?s go, come on! *Fishy grabbed Olive?s hand, who tried to protest about needing another drink, when suddenly a dashingly handsome man presented her with his own drink. Olive smiled beguilingly in thanks, laughing as Fishy and Opal pulled her into the crowded street*
Fishy: Woohoo!! I want some beads! *without even showing any skin for them, men on the floats that were passing by tossed some towards her. She laughed, hands above her head as they cascaded down around her. Brilliantly decorated floats passed them, loud music and noise makers exploding around them. The temptresses loved it- the noise, the crowds, the excitement and complete release of control. They danced around with whomever was close- the lucky chosen ones were aroused and smitten instantly by them. Olive and Opal caused quite a stir when they grasped hands and danced together; hollers and whistles rung out from balconies blocks away. *
Fishy: Oooh! Look girls, I think we?ve found our float?*Fishy giggled excitedly, she couldn?t help but be swept away in the grandeur of New Orleans. She pointed to a float that was approaching them, and instantly felt Olive and Opal?s interests ignite*
Olive: Come on, we?re going up there. *she manipulated her way right up against the makeshift blockade, where she gave puppy eyes to the policemen who were there to restrain the crowd. They smiled and nodded breathlessly at her, and she quickly put one hand on the top of the fence and hopped over. Fishy and Opal soon followed, leaving the crowd a bit puzzled. Before anyone could blink, they were lifted eagerly onto their chosen float*
Gorgeous nearly naked man: Hello, ladies! Welcome to Zero Gravity.
Opal: *Running her fingernail down his chest, leaving a river of an imprint in his tight skin* Hello to you?..

*Opal, Olive and Fishy soon found drinks in their hands and men at their feet as they floated down the parade route. Olive was having a fabulous time, licking up all the praise and lust she received, wiggling for the crowd and kissing each man through and through. Fishy was laded down with beads, which she tossed to the eager crowd or used to wrap around the hands of the men who chased her. She laughed and drank, although always keeping an eye on her sisters- it was nice to be able to look after them for once, rather than the other way around! The men quickly learned to keep her away from the champagne glasses that were set up in a waterfall after she accidentally knocked over their ice sculpture of a naked mermaid. Opal meanwhile had climbed to the top tier of the float, sitting at her throne with the delicious men rubbing her all the right ways. She waved to the people hanging off the balconies of the buildings as they drove by, her air kisses hitting them between the eyes. Any man she spoke to on the float was beside himself; she was an expert, and thirsty for adulation.*
*They reached the end of a parade route, and were persuaded by a group of the men to join them at a nearby bar. They agreed, walking down the busy street. Olive glanced down an alley as they passed it by, spotting a slightly open door. A man stood outside it, leaning against the building and smoking. Olive stopped instantly*
Olive: Oh darlings? I seem to have forgotten I was planning on meeting someone.
Opal: You were?
Olive: *looking at her and Fishy* Yes. So sorry darlings, perhaps we can catch up with you later?
Gorgeous desperate man: We do not mind waiting?
Fishy: Now dear, we do have something we need to attend to and it might take a while. Go on ahead, we?ll meet up with you again.
*The temptresses watched as the men reluctantly headed off, then Opal and Fishy turned to Olive*
Opal: Is something wrong, Olive?
Olive: *staring down the alley* That man? I want him. *she shrugged bluntly, her eyes never moving from the smoking man.*
Opal: Well you know I am always up for adventure. Perhaps he has friends. *The Phistos strolled down the dark alleyway, their heels clicking like marbles on glass. The man turned to go inside, and Olive reached out her arm and rested her hand on his shoulder. He turned slowly to look at her.*
Man: hello? *he was not immediately taken with her, which made Olive adjust herself slightly. She wasn?t used to not being instantly adorded*
Olive: Hello, darling. We couldn?t help but notice you were looking rather sullen. *the man stared at her. She laughed to ease her unusual nervousness* Perhaps you would enjoy some company?
Man: Well, *he looked over at Fishy and Opal, who eyed him like hawks* I am in the middle of something-
Opal: Oh, we?d love to join you! *She stepped up the stairs, entering the building. The man watched her. Fishy quickly followed, smiling at him. Olive watched him.*
Man: Ladies first, I suppose.
Olive: Why, thank you.
Man: My name is Ben.
Olive: nice to meet you, Ben. *she turned his name over in her mouth like butter. He felt it and blushed. Pleased with finally evoking a reaction from him, she gently held his hand in hers* My name is Olive.
Ben: Are you sure you want to do this?
Olive: *raising an eyebrow* I?ve never been more sure, darling. Please, lead the way to your party.
*Fishy and Opal had already walked ahead, and stopped in the entrance way to a large room. There was a table set with coffee and stale donuts along one side. Twenty chairs were set up in a circle in the middle of a room. Olive stopped directly behind Opal and Fishy.*
Olive: *whispering* What kind of fucking party is this?
Ben: Come, take a seat.
Fishy: A seat?
Opal: This is going to be interesting?.
*They sat down next to each other, Ben smiling happily at Olive all of a sudden. She felt a little annoyed, although the alcohol that was running through her body numbed her frustrations. He was devastatingly handsome. A woman stood opposite of her, and started to speak*
Woman: Oh, it seems we have some new people! Ben, you?ve brought some friends? *her raised eyebrow behind her smile did not go unnoticed by the temptresses* Well, then, Ben, why don?t you begin?
Ben: *taking a deep breath* Well, my name is Ben Affleck, and I am an alcoholic.

[This message has been edited by oliveu2cm (edited 12-31-2001).]
*Fishy, Opal and Olive sat in shock. What was this place? Olive leaned to Opal and whispered*
Olive: What is an alcoholic?
Opal: A kind of drink?
Fishy: But he said he was one...
*The woman in charge interrupted them*
Leader: Excuse me, ladies... do you have a question?
Opal: *Waving one bejeweled hand as she asked* What is an "alcoholic" exactly?
Ben: *Into the mic* I'm so glad you asked because I was thinking that myself...*He grows thoughtful* What being an alcoholic means to me is that I fill my needs with alcohol. I have my wires crossed. I solve my emotional problems with a bottle. *The temptresses looked at each other, puzzled*
Opal: But... that's what you DO. That's what everyone does!
Ben: *reading far more into her question than in there. He is impressed with her insight* That's true...what is your name?
Opal: Opal *She bats her eyes at him* My name is Opal honey, but you can call me whatever you want. *All heads turn to look at the owner of the satin voice, a murmur passes through the crowd. Ben continues.*
Ben: Well .... Opal...Yes everyone seems to have an addiction of some sort, but I think that with the help of everyone in this room I can achieve my goal.
Fishy: What is that? Exactly?
Ben: To stop drinking. Period. *the temptresses gasp and Olive spits out a mouthfull of whisky she has been swigging from the flask she hid in her cleavage.*
Opal: STOP DRINKING!!!?????? Father Below!!!
Olive: Are you insane? Why would you ever want to stop!?
Ben: Because I'm tired of it all, I'm tired of waking up in a pool of my own vomit, I'm tired of pretending to be sober, *Fishy listens intently, melting* I'm tired of lying to myself about how many I've had... Most of all, I'm tired of trying to find peace where I know I can't. I want to be *His eyes fill with tears* good for once in my life, I want to be ... clean.
*Poor Fishy ... too moved by Ben's speech cannot hold herself back anymore. She leaps to her feet and brushes brown hair from her face as she disrupts the room with her exclamation,*
Fishy: I WANT TO BE GOOD TOO!!! *Opal and Olive gasp as Fishy runs awkwardly to the front of the room, tripping over chairs, alcoholics and planters alike.*
Olive: Here we go again.
Opal: I told you, she's too open to suggestion!
Fishy: Oh, sorry, sorry, excuse me... I'll pay for that later! Okay...*She shoves Ben out of the way and makes a desperate, rambling, tearful confession at the mic* I want to be good too! I haven't been good in a long time and my life is HELL!
Leader: Maybe you should introduce yourself to the group first and admit you're an alcoholic, like Ben did. *Fishy nods slowly and speaks the words that no demon has ever spoken before...*
Fishy: Hi...my name is Fishy *The group responds cheerfully, "Hi Fishy!" She continues* And I'm an ...alcoholic. *Opal and Olive slap their foreheads against their hands and share the flask of whiskey in dismay as Fishy rambled to the receptive audience*
Fishy: Well, I just started seeing this man who is an angel and ever since I have I've wanted to be better for him! I've been drinking for thousands of years and I never stop. Hearing Ben made me think that maybe I've been using drinks as a soothing way to avoid facing the fact that I'm such a demon. *The group murmurs in sympathy and Olive starts on a second flask...* No I really am! I just feel so unworthy sometimes.
Leader: That's great Fishy. We all feel like our "demons" take hold of us sometimes. But be careful not to put anyone on a pedistal by calling them an angel, okay? *Fishy just furrowed her brow* Why don't you tell us about your childhood?
Fishy: Oh I had no childhood really.
Leader: Oh .. I see. You took too much responsibility on too quickly. You poor dear!
Fishy: Yes *breaking into tears* I really am a poor dear! *Fishy hugs the group leader. Opal can't take anymore and stands up.*
Opal: Fishy, get your ass down from there!
*The group gasps* Oh shut up.
Fishy: Opal... I don't think you're being very supportive.
Opal: Cut the crap Fishy. Of course you drink!! Look at where we work...HELL!
Leader: Now... Opal, you may feel like your work is unpleasant but why don't you give your friend here a chance to share her...
Olive: I've had enough of this! *She stands and a flask drops to the ground which she abandons... she has more where those came from.* This is the worst party I've ever been to!
Fishy: But Olive.. I want to be good.
Opal: No you don't! *She takes Fishy by the arm and leads her out* Come on, let's go find a grown up party with liquor! *She turns back to the group letting the words drip from her lips like honey* That's right... sweet, calming, numbing liquor!!! You know you all need it! What's the harm? Here! *She takes a flask from her cleavage and tosses it to Ben* Have one on me darling! Literally... on me...
Leader: You ladies will have to leave! I can't believe you brought alcohol to this place of healing!
Olive: *Making Fishy drink, which brings her to her Phistish senses. Fishy is a sloppy drinker and streams of whiskey spill to the ground around her shoes, everyone's eyes widen at the forbidden scent.* Come on now Fishy *She removes the flask from the temptress' red lips and walks with Fishy and Opal out of the room* Let's go find some fun, and leave these mortals be. *Opal winks at Ben over her shoulder and blows him a kiss, he stands with his mouth open, holding the flask of whisky which smelled oddly like brimstone. Once in the hallway Opal and Olive round on Fishy.*
Olive: What were you THINKING?
Opal: You're not on bloody OPRAH!!!
Fishy: I don't know... I just felt like I had to stand up and confess. I'm better now *She drank from the flask* much better.
Olive: Okay... fine. Let's go find a party with some real men. *They wander down the hall peering into doors when Fishy gasps*
Fishy: GIRLS!!! Look at all the men in THERE!!
Opal: My God! The room is full of them, how luscious!
Olive: *hiking her skirt up* Ladies, let's go get ourselves some... dessert, shall we? *The temptresses primp and preen and then make their grand enterance. All the men's eyes are instantly on them, glued to their sensuous forms... but oddly enough, the temptresses sense no actual physical attraction. No desire. They all pause for a second.*
Olive: Is it just me or.....?
*They all look down at a sign by the door that reads "Support Group for Impotence 7: 00pm, all are welcome. The group leader looks at them as puzzled as all the men in the room*
Leader: Can we help you ladies?
Opal: Not bloody likely!!!
*She, Fishy and Olive turn on their stiletto heels and leave the building disgusted and vowing NEVER to seek pleasure out of Hell on a Tuesday night again!! In the support group a man stands and shouts jubulantly*
Man: I'VE BEEN HEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!
*All the men in the room join him in cheers of relief, cured by the trio of temptresses.*
Opal: Why does it feel like we?re in the middle of the movie ?Fight Club??
Olive: *laughs* Where?s Tyler Durden?
*The three temptresses continue down Bourbon Street, leaving a string of
drooling men in their wake*

Opal: *stops dead in her tracks* Oh my god!
Fishy & Olive: What?!
Opal: We?re in New Orleans! There?s someone I need to pay a visit. Come on!
*Opal grabs Olive and Fishy and drags them to the garden district of the

Opal: I hope he?s home.
Olive: *looking around*Who?s house is this? It?s fabulously dark and
*The door opens and there stands a man clad in black pants and t-shirt, black
chin length hair, with a golden retriever dog standing behind him, his mouth wide
open at the site of the three Phistos on his door step.*

Opal: Trent darling, how good to see you!
Trent Reznor: *smiling a rare smile* OpalPhisto...well it?s been a long time.
*Trent grabs Opal into a big hug, letting his hands roam more than is
customary in a casual greeting*

Fishy: *clearing her throat* Hello. I?m MacFishto and this is OlivePhisto.
Trent: *reluctantly letting go of Opal, extends his hand to the two other Phistos
as his mind wanders to what a night with three gorgeous temptresses could
Pleasure to meet you.
Olive: *smiling and turning on the charm*Isn?t it though? Opal never told us
the two of you knew each other.
Trent: *laughing* Oh yeah, we go way back. At least a thousand years or
Opal: *wrapping her arms around Trent* I?m so very proud of him. One of
my best trainees. Your hair hides your horns nicely dear. *running her hand
through his hair, caressing one of his horns*
All the silly humans would never
guess you?re a Phisto.
*Trent unable to resist Opal?s teasing pulls her to him, kissing her, and
forgetting about the other two people in the room. Fishy and Olive exchange

Olive: *rolling her eyes* If you wanted us to go you could just say so.
Opal: *pulling herself away from Trent* You don?t mind do you? Just for a
bit? It?s been... a long time, you know. Trent and I have some...um....catching up
to do.
*The temptresses exchange knowing glances and laugh*
Fishy: Of course darling. Do come find us when you?re...um...done.
Olive: It was lovely meeting you Trent. *Olive gives Trent air kisses, as
does Fishy, while Opal sends an evil ?back off? type look at Olive*
Have fun!
*Fishy and Olive walk out of Trent?s mansion, back into the city, once again
turning heads of all the men who wanted them and the women who wanted to be
*Macphisto hung up the phone gently and paused, letting out a long stream of smoke from between his lips. She was there, with The Fly who had virtually moaned right into the phone, but whether he really had reason to do so or was just doing it to torture him, he could not tell. He knew it was her from the unmistakable jolt that ripped through him at the sound of her voice ... a sound he had not heard in almost a year. Bono knocked on the door and came in. Macphisto sat behind his desk smoking in his familliar gold suit. Bono watched the white smoke curl around his dark, dull eyes. He could not see the blue at all for the shadows that hung there.*
Bono: Did you talk to Edge?
Macphisto: Yes. *He turned away in his chair to retirieve a glass of brandy of the edge of the desk. Bono noticed only now that he wore a sapphire ring around his smallest finger, he recognized it as Bluephisto's brilliant engagement ring.*
Bono: *He had already talked to Adam about the upcoming concert, and as Macphisto's self appointed guardian was curious to see if he had accepted the offer* Did he have anything interesting to say?
Macphisto: *Looking at the angel standing before the desk through shadows that obcured his eyes from view as surely as sunglasses could* I suppose ... I've agreed to perform at a concert in a few weeks time. *He turned away refilling his glass with the crystal decanter on the dark stone desk, he set down the glass with the sound of a gunshot.*
Bono: Really?
Macphisto: You're surprised?
Bono: Well, I just mean that ... you know who will do the first half of the show, don't you?
Macphisto: The same person who has always done it I suppose... I didn't ask. *Macphisto walked to the nearest window, watching drops of rain pelt down against the richly colored glass, making little jewels of red and gold that slid away as soon as they connected, riches lost to gravity.*
Bono: You're sure that ... it will be alright? That you'll be ready?
Macphisto: *Missing his point on purpose* Bono, I'm a professional. I can handle it.
Bono: Alright. If you're sure ...*Months ago, Macphisto would have taken the oppertunity to extrapolate on his onstage prowess and to mock The Fly but as of late, he had lost all his humor. His humor was his saving grace, as far as Bono was concerned, Mac's ability to laugh and to make people laugh with him is what separated him from other demons. Lately, all he had that bore any resemblence to humor was a cruel, bitter wit. Bono tried to give him something to work with...*
Bono: I think I'm going to go say my prayers now...
Macphisto: *Dully, still looking at the rain*... Oh.
*Bono turned and left the room, shutting the door gently behind him*
Macphisto: *Thinking to himself*Why in the world did I say yes? I could hear them right there... what stopped her from speaking *He thought of her stopped sentance and seconds later the Fly's blissfull moan...* Oh. Right. *He sat on a sofa in the dark, feeling very old* I can do this show ... I don't care if he kissed her, or even married her. Damn him and damn her. Fine. I'll do the bloody show and show them, both of them ... *He put his head in his hands and sighed* I'm thinking like one of THEM again ... I can't care. I'm a demon, it's just not possible, this pain is just something I THINK I should feel... There is no such thing as "love". *The sapphire reflected like a raindrop in the dim light as he ran his hands through his jet black hair* No such thing.

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 01-02-2002).]
*Fishy and Olive head off down the street, Olive pulling another flask of whiskey from her cleavage*
Fishy: Damn girl, how many do you have down there?
Olive: Oh be quiet and drink this. I can't believe you back there *she starts laughing, and has to stop walking she is in so much hysteria* Hi my name is Fishy *she sputters out* and I'm an... alcopsychotic*
Fishy: *giggling* it's alco-holic *which makes Olive laugh even harder* Olive, dear.. you are making a mess with that whiskey!
Olive: *straightens up and downs the rest of the drink, tossing the flask into a drain* You know what bugs me, Fishy? *They start walking again toward the bright lights and big city*
Fishy: pantyhose?
Olive: You know I don't wear those dreadful things, Fishy. No, what bugs me is Opal, right now, with Trent fucking Reznor!
Fishy: Why does that bug you?
Olive: Because, Fishy, *she grabs Fishy's arms* I am a temptress too damnit! and I want to tempt! I want to take a man's body and exploit it for all of my unearthly pleasures! I want to be SATISFIED!
*stunned silence suddenly rings in their ears, and Olive and Fishy slowwwlly look around. They had wandered right outside of a very active bar, where many creatures strolled about, and each one of them had stopped and stared at the two phistos. Olive, never one to pass up the opportunity at
reveling in the limelight, begins to smile demurely at each man that catches her lucky eye. She hung onto Fishy's arm, and they very elegantly entered the bar together*

*Ten minutes later Olive and Fishy were holding court in the corner of the bar, perched on tall bar chairs and laughing devilishly*
Fishy: Oh! curses! *She had swiveled her chair and in doing so knocked her entire drink- a Sex On The Beach- to the floor in a dazzling mess of ice and peach shnapps. Three men jumped to their feet and rushed to the bar to replenish her drink, while two others bent down to clear away the mess*
Olive: *winking at Fishy as all the men jumped to her aid* My you are receiving many offers tonight, Fishy.
Fishy: *blushing, then joking back with Olive.* After all this time away, I've still got it.
Olive: *suddenly clutching Fishy's arm* Fishy! Is that who I think it is?
Fishy: Oh dear. Yes, Olive darling, I believe it is! Do you want me to go distract him? I can go stir up a craze on the dance floor, if you'd like.
Olive: Too late *whispering as she shook back her hair* He's already seen us! But who is he with... Fishy.. he looks like your type!
*Before Fishy could remind Olive that Adam was her "type", two devastatingly handsome men approached their table. As Olive and Fishy watched them, Olive's expression one of a vulture who hasn't eaten in years, but is a bit digusted at the feast in front of her, their other admirers slowly
cleared out. Olive sighed*
I always had such a weakness for the baby faces. Never mind the fact he's Irish. *she sighed again melodramatically*
Fishy: Apparently you also have a strength at attracting them- look how he's looking at you! I'm surprised he's not trying to tear your heart out.
Olive: *through her smile* Silly girl, he's already learned that I don't have one....
*The man whom Olive recognized took her hand. She raised her eyebrows, bemused, and he bent down to kiss it, his eyes on hers*
Olive: Hello, Josh.
Josh Hartnett: Hello, Olive.

Olive: Fancing meeting you here. Chasing me again? *she laughed, and before he could respond, she gestured to Fishy* Surely you remember Fishy, darling. Where are your manners?
*Josh looked at Fishy and leaned in to her. She was a bit flustered and smiled from him to Olive and back to Josh. Josh, his eyes flicking to Olive's, kissed her on her cheek. Fishy giggled in surprises, and slipped off her barstool*
Fishy: Oh! So sorry, darling!
Josh: Not at all.*catching her in his strong arms and helping her back into her chair.* Fishy, have you met my friend Markus?
Fishy: I don't believe so. *She smiled sweetly at him, then blushed realizing Markus was licking his lips as he looked at her.He took her hand and rubbed it gently. Fishy, embarrased, gestured to Olive* Markus, this is Olive.
*But Olive and Josh had moved off to the side of the table, leaving Fishy and Markus along. Fishy grumbled to herself, watching as Olive and Josh eyed each other. Those two were such troublemakers! Neither one of them were happy around each other, yet they always ended up together. Opal said it was because Olive secretly had no self respect, but Olive always insisted it was because Josh was a good fuck.*
Olive: her hand on Josh's shoulder already, leaned around him to Fishy* Fishy, darling...
Fishy: Go, go.. *she sighed, annoyed* So much for a girls night out.
Olive: *walking up to Fishy, she kissed her cheek* Thank you darling. Don't fret, I'll be back soon and we can continue to tear up the town. Be sure and tell Opal where I am when she returns. Markus, be a good boy now and fetch Fishy another drink. She wants a martini. *whispering to Fishy as Josh hung onto her hand like a child* don't do anything I wouldn't do.... *She turned and walked out of the bar with Josh.*
Fishy: *under her breath* Fuck! *swearing felt so good she did again, and then again. Her stupid friends. They want her back, then they run off with the first asshole they find. She sighed, reminding herself they were full blooded temptresses. And it wasn't their fault she fell in love with an angel. And that was another thing, why didn't they respect her and Adam's relationship? Fishy looked up as Markus approached, and quickly stood up, taking the drink from him. She didn't like the look in his eyes.* Thank you, darling, but unfortunately I must be going.
Markus: Where?
Fishy: I- *where?! Quick, what would Opal or Olive say?* Don't bother your pretty self with that, darling. Thanks for the drink. *She turned sharply, banging into a couple that was dancing, and shoved her way around them. She was halfway out the door when she felt a hand grab her arm. She jerked her arm away roughly, but the hand tightened its grasp.*

[This message has been edited by oliveu2cm (edited 01-02-2002).]
*Larry missed his drumstick and it clattered to the floor*
Larry: Ahh, feck. *He had been killing the time wasted at the rehersal at the Fly's house by tossing the stick in the air and trying to spin it three times before catching it* When the Hell is he getting back here?
Adam: He's just upstairs, he can't be gone long.
Larry: He's been running up there all day!
Edge: *Looking around* Whoever painted this room should be shot. *The room in question was a screaming orange with bright purple tiger stripes which clashed with the lime green carpet*
Adam: He must have picked everything out with his shades on! *It was an unusually sunny day and light steamed in the windows cranking the already garish colors to a near neon intensity. The men squinted and turned as the door opened and The Fly sauntered in, a cigarette dangling from his lips*
The Fly: Alright, let's do this thing...
Larry: We've been waiting for almost ten minutes.
The Fly: *Tensely* Yeah. Sorry. Anyway ... what are we doing?
Edge: Being rendered legally blind by your paint job.
The Fly: *A little proudly through his cigarette* Thanks, I did it all by myself. heh. Martha Stewart can kiss my ass!
Larry: Okay ... Angel of Harlem. *Without any further warning the drummer began the song impatiently and the others scrambled to join in*
The Fly: *Singing* Blue light on the avenue, God knows they got to you. Empty glass the lady sings, eyes swollen like a bee sting, blinded, you lost your - *He stopped and his brow furrowed. He mumbled "sorry" into the mic and tore out of the room. Adam took the bass off and followed him.*
Larry: In the middle of a fucking SONG?
Edge: Lar... just cool it. We're lucky he's up to this at all.
*The rockstar ran up the white stairs two at a time and burst into his bedroom. Adam was right on his heels and saw The Fly run to the bed where Bluephisto sat coughing. Even in the warm light of the bedroom lamps, she looked pale. The Fly kneeled beside her on the bed, shades off, rubbing her back as she finished coughing.*
The Fly: Bluey...honey, breathe, baby, breathe. *She straightened up and looked at him calmly, black hair brushing her bare shoulders*
Bluephisto: I'm okay.
The Fly: You sure?
Bluephisto: Yes, It was just a little cough. *He held her very close, burying his face in her smooth dark hair. She smiled at Adam over his shoulder, which made her look instantly healthier*
Adam: Hi Bluey.
Bluephisto: Hey Adam *She turned back to her husband who had not let go of her.* Fly, honey, you're crushing me. *The Fly laughed softly, his wavy hair tickling her neck. She felt his desperate embrace loosen a little but the weight of his head on her shoulder remained. He had been acting so odd today, checking on her every five minutes and now he seemed like he might break down and cry...It was so unlike him to let her see his ragged edges.*
The Fly: Sorry baby, I just don't know my own strength. Are you sure you're okay? *The Fly was beginning to think he wasn't. He hadn't been sleeping and he was rehersing during the day and on top of everything, Bluey had a strange dream while he watched her sleep last night.*
Bluephisto: I'm fine sweetheart... fine. Go back to rehersal! *She smiled and tried to cheer him up* Besides, I have my other big strong man to take care of me when you're away... *To her surprise, he pulled away and scowled, his blue eyes full of hurt.* The dog sweetie, I was talking about the dog... *She patted the now large dog that lay across her legs* Elvis...he keeps a close eye on me. *The Fly sighed and covered his slightly freckled face with his large, thick hands.* Honey, are you okay?
The Fly: *Leaning foreward to kiss her* Yeah I'm fine. Just tired I guess ... Okay, back you work *He crawled off the bed, patting the ever-present and constantly growing dog's large head* If you need anything, baby, just call...
Bluephisto: I will *Adam closed the door behind he and The Fly, who leaned against the wall and put his large black shades over bloodshot blue eyes. Adam was concerned*
Adam: Fly...what's going on? *The Fly walked into the guest room and gestured for the angel to follow. As soon as the door was closed, words tumbled from the rock star's mouth like water over a broken dam*
Fly: What's going on!? Larry's been giving me a hard time for days, or one! I can't do anything right around him. I don't know if I can remember all the guitar parts in time for the concert, and then there is that little matter of my wife dying! *He threw himself on the bed, exhausted in every way. * FUCK! Adam, I don't know what to DO!I feel like I can't take my eyes off of her for five fucking minutes or I'm going to turn around and find her... Christ, I'm too scared that I'm going to wake up next to her dead in the morning to sleep. I don't know what I'm DOING!!! All I can do is hold her hand while she coughs up blood and bits of lung...FUCK. *He ran his hands down his jacket, fumbling with the zipper with trembling fingers. Adam waited. sensing that there was more to come* And on top of everything...on top of it all *He took a deep breath* I was lying there with her last night, and she was sleeping you know? And I could tell that she was dreaming because she was kind of half talking and then all of a sudden she said it. HIS fucking name.
Adam: Macphisto?
The Fly: Yeah. *He tugged at his sleeves in disgust* She kind of snuggled up to me and put her head on my chest and smiled and called me "Mackie". *He chuckled hopelessly* If I wasn't at the end of my fucking rope, that might even have been funny but now... *He sneered and stood pacing angrily* That was no fucking NIGHTMARE she was having about him, I can tell you THAT!! *He turned away looking out the window*
Adam: I think you need some help Fly.
The Fly: What, like a shrink?
Adam: No I mean around the house so you can sleep?
The Fly: Like a maid?
Adam: I was thinking more like an angel. Listen, I'll stay here and I can keep an eye on how she's doing for you so that you can relax and get some sleep. As long as I remain aware of her, I could sense if anything was not normal instantly from anywhere in the house. If you want me to that is... *Adam was almost knocked over by The Fly's enthusiastic hug. He laughed a little, hugging his tired friend back.* You're welcome... *To his surprise, The Fly had nothing more to say, he was just too exhausted* Come on ... I know how you can reherse and concentrate at the same time, you'll focus much better this way.
*Ten minutes later, all the equipment was moved up to The Fly's bedroom and the band played a rehersal concert for a delighted Bluephisto and a suspicious Elvis, both curled up in the best seat in the house... the bed.*

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 01-03-2002).]
Authors note. This goes before Bluey's part about the rehearsals.
previously: *She turned sharply, banging into a couple that was dancing, and shoved her way around them. She was halfway out the door when she felt a hand grab her arm. She jerked her arm away roughly, but the hand tightened its grasp.*

*As Fishy tried to jerk her arm away again, she bumped into one of the tables she was near, knocking over the table and drinks that had been set on them.*
Fishy: Oh no! I'm so sorry. *She was no longer being held by anyone, and she bent down to help the man picking the table back up.*
Adam: I'm sorry I scared you. I didn't mean to grab you that hard.
Fishy: *surprised* Adam!? What are you doing here? *Still feeling slightly uneasy about what had happened at the cottage, she thought Adam might still doubt her. She wondered if he was following her, or spying on her.*
Adam: *Sensing Fishy's uneasiness* I sensed that you're friends abandoned you so I figured I'd stop by to say hello. I didn't want you to be lonely, and I was scared some gorgeous man might try to snatch you away from me. *smiles* Come on let's get out of here. *Adam led Fishy out of the crowded bar and into the streets of the city.*
Fishy: *looking at Adam, undisguised* You're wings! Aren't you afraid someone will see you?
Adam: *laughs* New Orleans is the one place I can go undisguised, people can see my wings, and no one gives it second thought. See over there *pointing at a group of people at a bar across the street*?fake wings. They're wannabes.
Fishy: *laughing* True, true, I forgot. Anything goes in New Orleans. *Fishy suddenly heard her name through the masses of people in the street. Adam and Fishy turned towards the sound and saw Olive walking towards them with Opal behind her. Opal was slightly distracted by some men who had come to talk to her as they walked.*
Adam: Since you're friends are back, I should go. I have to get to a rehearsal at the Fly's anyway. *Adam pulls Fishy to him for a quick kiss goodbye, and disappears.*
Fishy: *startled* Yeah?bye.
Olive: *pushing people out of her way, finally reaching Fishy* There you are. I found Opal and we went back to the bar. People were talking about a girl with horns on her head knocked a table over, and we figured it was you. You weren't hurt were you?
Fishy: No, no I'm ok. Adam was there, he startled me. That's all.
Olive: Why was Adam here? Does he still not trust you?
Fishy: He does. He just stopped by to say hi.
Opal: Oh hi Fishy. Sorry, I was distracted darling.
Olive: Alright girls. Now that we've all been?*smirk* attended to?we can continue our girls night out, creating mischief and tempting men all over the place!
Opal: Let's go!

[This message has been edited by opaltranquility (edited 01-03-2002).]
MOONPHISTO: *yawn* *stretch* Bono? What's going on? What am i doing here?

BONO: MAC! She's awake!

MOONPHISTO: what are you all excited about? i could have been asleep for more than... what, a few hours maybe?

MACPHISTO: *looks to Bono* It's been a little longer than that, dear.


BONO: it's a long story....

ScottPhisto's Shampoo Girl

"Let me introduce you to the scientist in the family. The man who gets sexual pleasure out of the collection of data. The Edge!" ~Bono (Boston)

*Macphisto had no idea what he was in store for when he accepted the Edge's phonecall... *
Macphisto: *After hearing Bono knock and tell him he had a call from The Edge, he sat behind his desk cradling a snifter of brandy luxuriously in one hand and the phone in the other.* Hello?...Oh yes, Edge. How does the evening find you?...*He surveyed he opulent office around him, it's newness glittering in the semi-gloom.* I'm enjoying the dark...*He swirled his brandy around casually, wondering on another level if he had a suit somewhere that color* Hmm, I hadn't given it a moment's thought to be honest...Yes, let's just stick to what works shall - *He stopped, the silence on the other end of the line was shattered by The Fly's unmistakable voice shouting a string of obscentities drowning out even the sound of the phone hitting the counter and sliding into the gap. Macphisto grimaced, glad he wouldn't have to work directly with that moron. Suddenly he choked on his brandy and his face turned white under his makeup. It was her, Bluey. He sat the glass down on the stone desk and leaned foreward, suddenly very awake. Just the sound of her voice sent a sudden wave of heat shooting over his entire body. She sounded very upset and against his will, his heart began to pound in his chest at the thought of her ... They were fighting about something. He heard The Fly shout at her and just on impulse he stood up, angry*... how dare that imbicile raise his voice to her!* But he sat again, stunned when he absorbed the content of his speech, he blinked several times in surprise and tried very hard not to make any noise at all*... She still thinks about me? My name was on her lips in her sleep when she touched him?* For the first time in months, he began to smile as he didn't hear her actually deny to the Fly that she still loved him. His single jolt of happiness, this shot of hope that hit him clear across the face was short lived, however. He sank back into his chair as he heard her comfort her beloved husband*...Oh.* His smile dropped away and his lips became a bitter line as she said she didn't want to be with him, and that if she wanted to, she would be with him now.* Oh. Nevermind. What was I thinking?*He closed his eyes and cradled his head in the palm of one hand as her words slaughtered his stillborn hope*Right...she's HIS. She said so just now ...*Macphisto listened quietly, forcing himself to endure the rest of their saccharine conversation, their vows of "love" for each other as a punishment for ever believing she could feel anything for... his eyes widened and closed tightly. The Fly was telling Bluey that they should make up... on the kitchen counter. Macphisto shook his head, his jaw clenching. *That jackass wouldn't dream of ... Oh, Father Below...*He heard the sickening sounds of The Fly undressing and telling her to lay down under him. He had to cover the phone with one hand to make sure he didn't embarrass himself by shouting into the phone for The Fly to get away from her. And yet, he made himself listen to the sounds of their love just to make sure he understood never to expect anything like that to happen to him. He clutched the phone as a man would grasp a burning coal that he cannot release.* He is... I can't listen to this anymore...*He couldn't help it, against all The Father's advice, he began to cry. It was just too much to listen to him moaning her name...He hung up with shaking hands and wept, his shoulders shaking beneath the gold jacket. He wept until the sun came up, wallowing in self pity and brandy in equal parts ... the hard exterior that The Father had trained him to build so carefully was now in ruins around him. Finally he raised his head from the desk and looked around at the room in shambles around him. As he did so, he was hit by a realization, an epiphany that stopped him in his tracks.*Why shouldn't she be with him? Have I ever tried to win her back? Have I once told her what this is doing to me? *He stood and smoothed his gold suit with his tear soaked hands as he walked slowly towards the doors*For all she knows, I could honestly care less if she sleeps with him on the kitchen counter... I've given her no reason to return, no reason to believe I still *He stopped his thoughts, not quite ready to cross that bridge yet*... I've just let her go without any sort of fight! And here I've been wallowing in self pity while they play house ... *His pace quickened as he decended the stairs and grabbed a set of keys from a cabinet. He ran out the door, gold coat fluttering behind him and Bono yelled after him from the room where he talked with MoonPhisto,*
Bono: Mac!! Where are you going?
Macphisto: Out. *He dissapeared into the expansive stone garage, determined*

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 01-03-2002).]

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 01-03-2002).]
BONO: DAMN! *looks back to Moonphisto*
MOONPHISTO: *still in a daze of confusion* *holds hand to forehead* Go on, after him. You can tell me everything later. Besides, i think i need some time to wake up and let my head clear before handling anything too heavy right now.
BONO: *obviously eager to run after MacPhisto* You're sure you're alright? you don't need anything?
MOONPHISTO: no, no. i'm just going to talk a walk and i'll see you later on. now, hurry up and get out of here before you completely lose him!
*Bono dashes out the door in the direction MacPhisto ran off in, as MoonPhisto carefully rises to her feet.*
MOONPHISTO: wow. it feels like forever since i last stood up. i wonder what's going on. and just how long have i been asleep? *MoonPhisto wanders down the stairs and out the front door to wander the gardens*
* Fishy blinked. Why did Adam leave so soon? She didn?t sense he was watching her, but she coulnd?t be sure. There sure was a lot to get used to when your boyfriend was an angel. Olive and Opal were up ahead, bragging to each other about their exploits. *
Opal: -very pleased to see me. I love the way Trent thanks me!
Olive: Well Josh is still bad for my health, but I?ll smoke his peace pipe anytime he wants! * Olive and Opal giggle hysterically, both very inebriated. Fishy hustled to catch up with them, careful of the holes in the concrete that threatened to eat her heels and take her down *
Fishy: Olive! Dear, I thought the Father had forbade you to see Josh.
Olive: Oh hush Fishy. All those ridiculous rules. Oh, look darlings, check out those pieces of meat.
* Olive and Opal sauntered up to their prey, practically drooling. They both were sipping from flasks, somehow able to continue walking with their hips swaying and eyes steady. Fishy followed them and couldn?t help be bemused by how men turned and stared when they sensed the temptresses? sex appeal*
Opal: Hello, darling? * Opal ran her hand along the thick shoulders of the nearest man * Want a drink?
Man: * a bit flustered by her, but his expression a little too serious for a man being attacked by a phisto * No, thank you. Miss, you really shouldn?t have that out-
Olive: Oh darlings! * Olive purred at them, interrupting Opal?s man. She headed around the table to another man with a short crew cut and tight jacket.* Wouldn?t you just join us in a drink? Honestly, I am achy all over and it would be my pleasure?.
Man 2: I?m going to have to ask you to-
*Olive and Opal, fueled by conspiracy and a challenge, promptly swung around in front of the men and straddled them. The men?s mouths hung open, their eyes agape. Olive and Opal began whispering into the men?s ears. Olive?s was the first to push her off of him*
Olive: *grabbing at his belt* But darling, really * she pouted at him* Do you realize who I am? *her eyes narrowing* Do you realize how lucky you are?
Fishy: I don?t think he knows, Olive!
* Olive turned to Fishy, playing* Me either, Fishy! Darling, let?s show him who we are! *She proceeded to step up onto the abandoned chair, then up onto the round table. She reached for Fishy, who happily joined her, but not without knocking over the chair she used as a step stool. Opal twisted in the lap of the man and laughed with the other two as she tried to unbotton his shirt. Fishy and Olive began to dance, although there was no music. A small crowd began to form. They danced on the tables, drunk and giddy, showing leg and a lot more where that came from.*
Man #2: Okay, ladies, you?re going to have to get down from there-
Olive: make me, big boy.
* The man approached the table and Olive leaned forward, and he had no choice but to catch her. She slid her body down his until her feet touched the ground. She tried kissing his neck but he shoved her away. Her fingers grasped something metal at his waist.*
Olive: Oh! Darling, how horrid to carry a gun in N'Or?eans *she slurred, pulling the gun from its holster. The man immediately grabbed at Olive?s hand, who spun around, thinking it was a game. He swiftly had her arms pinned behind her back, the gun back in his hands*
Olive: Darling, all you had to do was ask, really. *She twisted around, but her hands were tightly seized* HEY! *she screamed, in pain* Let me go!
*Fishy and Opal were on the man in a flash, and there was a bit of a flurry as people craned to see what three gorgeous women were doing attacking policemen. The Temptresses, despite their ages of training, were too drunk and weak to resist the cops. Opal?s cop soon had her arms seized and were slapping cuffs on her wrists.*
Opal: Really darling- I had no idea you were into this sort of thing! *The man grumbled, trying to cover up his blushing cheeks. Meanwhile the other policemen had Olive tight in his grasp. He grabbed for Fishy, who swung around, tears escaping her eyes as he tried to twist her arm. As she swung her free arm, it came back around and clocked him in the face. The man staggered and roared, enraged. *
Olive: I would advise against this, mister.
Man #2: Yeah, call a lawyer to do some advising missy. You?re gonna need one.
Olive *gasping* Because I danced?! You didn?t like my dancing?! Fishy- he didn?t like my dancing!
Fishy *her heart racing- she couldn't beleive she just punched an officer!* I suppose not, Olive dearest. *she tried a more rational approach with the policeman, who sure enough was dragging the two phistos behind Opal up the street * Sir, please. I'm truly sorry, I did not mean to touch you! And my friends were drinking just a little much tonight. They don?t know what they were doing.
Olive *shocked * Yes we did! We were seducing them!
Opal: I can?t fucking believe we?re being arrested for being sexy!! *she keeled over laughing at the ironies *
Fishy: Sir, is drinking truly a crime in new Orleans?
Man 2: Combine that with public nudity, harassing a police officer, grabbing a police officer?s gun, and assaulting a cop, you have some serious charges there young lady.
Olive: Public NUDITY? I?m fully clothed! Do you want to see nude? Excuse me, I'll SHOW you nude!
*The men were leading the women down an alleyway, the noise of the crowd surrounding them on the opposite streets. Despite Olive and Opal?s twisting and flailings and Fishy?s manipulative words, nothing was working. They were going to be thrown in jail*
Opal: Fuck, Olive. The Father?s gonna fucking kill us for this!
Olive: *starting to panic, tugging on the cop?s arm* Come on, let me go asshole!
*Suddenly from around a corner a large, dark figure emerged, yelling at the ensemble* ENOUGH!
Man 1: What the- *But before he could finish, he was knocked off his feet, the second cop right behind him. They landed with a thud on the pavement. The temptresses didn?t move a muscle. The Father stood before them, infuriated.
Satan: Excuse me, officers. But I believe you had my mistresses. *The men did not answer; they were completely shocked and scared out of their minds*
Satan: Olive. Opal. Fishy. *he glared at each one of them* Are you quite through?
*The webmisstresses grabbed each other through cuffed hands, and they nodded out of tune with one another. Fishy was trembling as Olive bit her own lip trying not to cry, and Opal stood with teeth clenched, chin up.*
Satan: *striding up to them, glaring into their faces* Hope it was worth it, darlings. Hope it was fucking worth it. *And with a crack of his fingers, they were backing Hell*

[This message has been edited by oliveu2cm (edited 01-03-2002).]
*The rehearsal continued long into the night and the move upstairs was definitely an improvement. The band played song after song, the music flowing like wine. The Fly was in great spirits and was really hamming it up for his lovely wife...*
The Fly: *As she applauded, he spoke into the mic* Thank You! *He smirked while he strapped his guitar on* Not the first time I've receieved applause in this room. *Edge blushed. Larry rolled his eyes*
Larry: Liar. *Bluephisto threw a small pillow at the beaming rockstar*
The Fly: How many times do I have to tell ya baby? MONEY not PILLOWS!!! *The Fly turned to the musicians* What next guys? Hey! I'll take requests from the audience... Baby, what do you want to hear?
Bluephisto: A nice slow one.
The Fly: *Smirking even wider and blushing a little* Again, not the first time I've heard that in this room! HEEEEY! OWWWWW *Adam slapped the back of his head with a book*
Adam: Watch it Romeo... that's my best friend. *Adam started the bass line to "With Or Without You" and Bluephisto smiled, but Edge made the "cut" motion silencing the music*
Edge: He's not even doing that song, Macphisto's always done that ...*His voice trailed off and he looked down* song...*He looked at the silent group, embarassed* Maybe we should work on a sure thing.
Larry: *Getting up* Maybe we should talk about this downstairs.
Edge: I could use a break right about now. *The three musicians left quickly for the kitchen, but their voices could be heard from the hallway*
Larry: Good one Edge.
Edge: Sorry, it just slipped out.
*The Fly climbed into bed with Bluey. He sat beside her and slid a warm arm around her, she looked thoughtfull*
Bluephisto: I didn't know that *She chose her words carefully* you weren't the only act on the bill.
The Fly: You didn't? *He remembered that she had never seen the whole show* Oh yeah, sorry baby. I thought you knew.
Bluephisto: No. *She paused* You know, the guys don't have to be so careful around me... I'm not just going to break down crying if I hear his name you know!
The Fly: *Not looking at her* Ahh, they probably don't want to remind you of someone you can't stand, that's all. We'll just leave as soon as my set is done. We'll be gone long before-
Bluephisto: *Gently* That's okay ... It really doesn't bother me. We can stay for the whole show if you want. *The Fly tensed*
The Fly: Yeah... Well maybe I don't want to.
Bluephisto: Okay, it doesn't matter to me... stay, go, whichever.
The Fly: *He finally snaps from the exhaustion and worry* Sounds to me like yow want to stay to me!! *He stormed out and ran down to the kitchen fuming and swearing under his breath*

*The three musicians spen their break in the quiet kitchen talking the set list over. Edge grabbed a napkin and drew a blue line down the middle, labelling one half "The Fly" and the other half "Macphisto"*
Edge: Well... I just don't know what to program and rehearse and with all the screens and all, we need to know tonight.
Adam: Tonight?
Edge: ASAP.
Larry: We also should finalize the first half tonight... tommorow at the latest.
Edge: Should I phone? *He looked at the black phone on the wall*
Adam : From here? Didn't we learn our lesson last time?
Larry: Fly is upstairs with his wife... in bed.
Adam: You're right.
Edge: Good point, we're safe. He picked up the phone and Adam dialled the number* Hi Bono.. yeah...how are you? Good. Is Mac there? Thanks. *He waited* Hi, it's just me Edge again...I'm good how are you? Oh...that's...good. I'm sitting here with Larry and Adam and we were wondering if you had a set list in mind? Okay just a sec ...Do you just want to do what you've always done? Sounds good...*Suddenly The Fly burst into the kitchen, enraged. Before anyone could move to silence him he started to swear at the top of his lungs. Macphisto stopped talking at the sound of his rival's voice*
The Fly: God-Fucking-Damn-IT! *Edge turned and the phone chord snapped back, making the phone slide back across the counter and off of the back of it. The reciever was now wedged between the wall and the counter, pointing upwards. Edge's eyes widened and he tried to pull it out but the space was too narrow for his arm* After all I've fucking DONE! *Bluephisto came down the stairs quickly, her face puzzled. She clutched a large blue sweater around her shoulders over short a pale pink dress. Adam made desperate "shh" motions, trying to silence the fly without letting his wife know who was now listening over the phone. The Fly just turned away, furious.*
Bluephisto: What are you DOING? Why are you so jealous all of a sudden?
The Fly: Oh for FUCK'S sake! *He shouts at her*You were moaning his name in your sleep last night.
Bluephisto: What?
The Fly: Yeah! I was lying there, trying to make sure you didn't die before morning and you draped yourself all over me! You kissed my chest and ran your hands all over my skin and then you called me MACPHISTO!!!! HOW THE FUCK SHOULD I FEEL ABOUT THAT??? *There was a gasp from the phone that no one heard over the shouting*
Bluephisto: I...I what? *Adam rushed between the fighting couple*
Adam: You should talk somewhere else! *Edge was still trying to reach the phone, scratching his arm in the process*
Bluephisto: *Ignoring Adam* Honey...I... I'm so sorry.I don't remember doing that, but it means nothing!
The Fly: *Slamming his fist down on the counter* No! I'll tell you what it means! It means you just married me to get back at that asshole! It means that I'm just convienient for you and that you've probably been thinking about him the whole fucking TIME! *With new horror* That's why you always close your eyes during-
Adam: *Desperately shouting over the jealous husband* BOTH of you PLEASE just..
The Fly: You're thinking of HIM!!!
Bluephisto: NO! No darling, no!
The Fly: Don't call me that!
Bluephisto:Fly, listen to me...please. No, look at me! I married you because I love you! I love YOU! If I wanted to be with him, I would but I'm not. I'm here with you. *Larry dropped his head on the table in horror*
The Fly: *Softer* Then why do I still feel like I'm fighting with him for you? Fuck. He doesn't even need to be here and he still gives me a run for my money.
Bluephisto: You're not. There is no fighting over me. You have me. I'm yours.
The Fly: Really? *Adam, Edge and Larry have given up, they just stand there looking at the floor painfully aware the phone isn't dead yet* You don't love him anymore?
Bluephisto: *After a slight pause* You have nothing to worry about...nothing.
The Fly: *Much softer* Baby...I'm so sorry. I'm just so tired.
Bluephisto: It's okay, it's okay ...
The Fly: *He kissed her softly and smirked at the aghast musicians, waving them out of the house* Okay guys let's call it a night, my wife and I have some making up to do. Hit the road.
Larry: *Quietly, not knowing if he should blurt it out or just walk away, Adam walked out just shaking his head. It's better Bluey doesn't know, she was not in good health to begin with*Fly...ummm....*The Fly just shoved them all out playfully, closing the door behind them* Get oooooout! Edge, stop trying to get back in, OUT! *He laughed and closed the door, locking it. he returned to his beautiful wife in the kitchen, grinning*
The Fly: *Seductively*Baby, you look good tonight. *He kissed her on the neck*How are you feeling?
Bluephisto: I feel okay... why? *He leaned her gently against the counter that hid the still live phone*
The Fly: I was thinking *He kissed her neck* since the guys are gone *He kissed her ear* We could make up...*He pressed against her*
Bluephisto: *She laughed* In the kitchen!?
The Fly: Why not baby? Come on, right here on the counter...
Bluephisto: I don't know, what about all the dishes? *The Fly swept all the black dishes off the counter. They made a tremendous racket as they hit the floor and shattered*
The Fly: Problem solved. Come on, up you go baby...*He lifted her onto the counter and she gasped* What? Is it cold up there? I'll warm you up real quick sweetheart. *He unzipped his jacket and jumped on the counter with her, his leather pants creaking* Come on, lay down...yeah.
Bluephisto: You're crazy! *She looked around* What about the windows, anyone could be watching?
The Fly: *By now, charmingly impatient* No one's watching *His jacket made a slapping sound as it hit the floor and his belt clicked as he undid it and threw it across the room*
Bluephisto: How do you know? I just feel like someone's watching...
The Fly: *Laughing and unzipping his pants* Fine, let em watch! *He knew that no one could be around, his security was too solid. He was not worried... he had no other thought in mind besides the woman beside him* Kind of kinky, don't you think? Here, this'll convince you..*He kissed her lips, and her resistance melted as she sighed* Honey, you know I love that dress but it has to come off... lemme help you with that. *The Fly lay on top of her, undressing her and kissing her at the same time. She laid back against the counter, her head against the wall, just above the gap and as her husband moaned her name she thought she heard someone crying and a phone hanging up...and going dead.*
Bluephisto: Did you hear that? *She turned and easily fished the phone out of the gap with her now thin arm* What was it doing down there?
The Fly: *Tossing the phone aside* Don't know, don't care. *He kissed her deeply and she relaxed back onto the counter*

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 01-03-2002).]
*Larry sat on the edge of the bed, watching Bona sleep. He'd been drumming for the past three hours and normally he'd be tired by now but he rarely ever slept anymore. Bona said it was because of the devil form taking hold, but he wasn't sure if it was that or the nightmares. Normally he'd crawl into bed beside her, wrap his arms around her but lately even the thought of holding her reminded him of the rape. He sighed as he watched her, so peaceful as she slept and yet just as troubled as he was. He knew it was putting her under a load of stress and it wasn't fair. Larry reached out and managed to run a finger across her cheek. He lifted the finger to his face and realized the moisture he was brushing onto his cheek was the remains of tears. Bona'd been crying more and more lately and it broke Larry's heart. Just yesterday she'd told him that she was SURE she was losing him. He'd give anything to stop this... to stop the nightmares and the flashbacks and to stop the fact that every time he looked at her lately he had to remind himself that this was his WIFE, not his rapist. Her swelling pregnant belly helped, but... it wasn't fair. Not to her, not to Joshua, not to himself, not to any of them. The rest of U2 had been quite impressed with Larry's skill behind the drumkit lately, but since he didn't sleep anymore he'd had more time to practice. They were, however, getting sick of the 3AM phonecalls, Larry eager to share a bit of musical inspiration. He'd gotten Edge to come down to the studio at 2AM last Sunday, but the guitarist was NOT pleased. Larry was appalled at the extent to which his rape was affecting everyone. He wondered how much worse this was going to get and as a current of possibilities flooded his mind, he blinked away tears. Would he get to watch his son grow up? He lay a hand on Bona's belly, and she shifted a little in her sleep, whispering Larry's name. Underneath where his hand lay on her belly, there was a tiny kick. Larry smiled and Joshua kicked again.*
Larry: Hi, Joshua.
Joshua: Hi Daddy. You don't sleep anymore.
Larry: I guess I don't need to.
Josh: You've been distant lately, Daddy.
Larry: I know, Josh. I'm sorry...
Josh: Did something bad happen to you?
Larry: Yes, Joshua. It did...
Josh: Are you going to be okay?
Larry: I hope so.
Joshua: I'll make you better, Daddy.
Larry: Thank you, Josh.
*Larry froze at the sensation of a hand over his. Bona looked up at him.*
Bona: Larry...
Larry: Hi, love.
Bona: The kicking woke me up. Are you alright? You look like you've been crying.
Larry: It's not fair.
Bona: What's not fair?
Larry: That I can't--
Bona: It's not your fault, Lars.
Larry: I know but I should be here for you.
Bona: You are, baby. You are.
Larry: Not as much as I should be.
Bona: Talk to me, Larry.
Larry: I wish I could.
Bona: Larry, I'm your WIFE. You know you can tell me anything. Don't be ashamed.
Larry: Bona, he made himself look like YOU. Do you know how hard that is?
Bona: Yes.
*A pause, then Larry brushes another tear away from her face.*
Larry: You know I'd give anything to make it stop, Bona.
*She looks at him*
Larry: I love you so much.... I'd give anything to make it--
Bona: So would I. Am I losing you?
Larry: Never.
*Slowly, almost reluctantly, Larry leans down closer to her and brushes his lips across hers. She gasps, then sighs as his mouth comes down onto hers again, harder. For the first time in weeks, he kisses her-- hard and with intensity. For the first time in weeks, Bona wraps her arms around her husband and clings to him. Tears come lightly from both as their kiss escalates and Bona works with Larry's shirt. As she's running her hands over his smooth chest, he breaks the kiss and pulls away quickly, standing up.*
Bona: I'm sorry, Larry.
Larry: It's not your fault... *He runs a hand over his horns.* Damn, I wish this would stop.
Bona: Me too. *She lays back down again* I'm married to one of the sexiest tempter devils in Hell and I can't touch him.
*Larry smiles and it sends chills up Bona's spine.*
Larry: The irony.
*Bona rolls over and closes her eyes, holding back tears.*
Larry: But he loves you more than anything in this world.
Bona: I love you, Larry.
*Larry leaves the room and Bona quietly cries herself to sleep.*

*A week later, Bona eases herself down onto the living room couch and starts flipping channels. Her back was killing her lately, not to mention her feet... She exhaled and a familiar bass line caught her ear. She flipped back a channel and smiled with recognition at the video. "With or Without You" flashed across the screen and between seeing images of her husband up on the screen, she started to cry. The song made so much sense now... she was starting to see less and less of the Larry Mullen she married lately. Then seeing Bono brought another realization. She loved Larry more than anything, but she also still loved Bono. She watched him and caught a glimpse of his expansive golden wings and more tears fell. She remembered how silky soft his wings were... how gentle he was. Larry's face again and a reminder that the love of her life was slipping away. A knock at the door caught her attention and she eased off the couch and slowly brought her 8 month pregnant figure over to the door to answer it. She was half surprised to see Bono on the other side.*
Bona: Hi, Bono.
Bono: Hi. *He moves to hug her*
Bona: I was just watching you.
*He smiles as he recognizes the ending bars of With or Without You.*
Bono: How are you feeling?
Bona: Fine.
Bono: Fine? Really?
Bona: Yes.
Bono: Then why are you crying?
Bona: My feet hurt, my back hurts, my head hurts, my--
Bono: Heart hurts?
*Bona paused*
Bono: It's okay. I sensed it last week when you came to visit Mac.
*Bona sat down and Bono sat in the seat next to her, rubbing her feet.*
Bona: So what brings you here?
Bono: You. Your pain.
Bona: How's Mackie?
Bono: He's on his fourth girl today. It's so loud, I can't escape it anymore.
Bona: He's usually so discreet!
Bono: Not anymore... How's Larry?
Bona: He managed to kiss me last week.
Bono: Really?
Bona: But he hasn't touched me since. There's nothing I can do for him. He won't talk to me.
Bono: His demon is difficult to wrestle with.
Bona: I know. I just can't stand that I can't help him.
*Bono watched her as she spoke, her curls falling lightly around her face, her eyes. She was perfectly beautiful. He took pity on knowing that she had no idea that Larry knew exactly what he was missing. Bona gave Bono a concerned look.*
Bona: Bono? Are you okay?
Bono: You know, half of Larry's battle is that he sees you exactly how I do and he can't touch you.
Bona: What do you mean he sees me exactly how you do?
Bono: Bona, I've kissed you how many times now and you haven't--
Bona: No, I mean--
Bono: I love you. I'm more attracted to you now than I ever have been. Bona... you're the most beautiful thing in creation in my eyes, and Larry's too. You're all I can think about.
Bona: Bono... wow. I--
*She was interrupted by Bono's mouth on hers. She gave in and wrapped her arms around him, running her hands through his thick hair. He sighed into her mouth and lifted her up off the chair. They were interrupted by Larry's booming voice.*
Larry: What the FUCK is going on here??
*Bono put Larry's wife down and turned around to face him.*
Bona: Lars...
Larry: Shut up.
*He walked over to the sink and gazed firmly out the window, resting his muscular arms on the counter.*
Bona: Baby, please...
Larry: *quietly* I understand.
*Bona and Bono looked at each other, then at him.*
Bono: You understand?
Larry: Yes, Bono. I do. I know you love her.
Bono: I'm so sorry.
Larry: Not that I'm blaming you.
Bono: Maybe I should go, leave you two alone.
Larry: *Firmly* Bono, STAY.
*Bono sits and Bona stands nervously.*
Larry: I'm only saying that I can't blame Bona for running to you like this.
Bona: But--
Larry: Bono, it's been weeks since I've been able to even touch her. Months since I've been able to make love to her. You know she's been feeling neglected. Maybe it shouldn't have to be that way.
*Bono and Bona were astonished at what they were hearing.*
Bona: Baby, what are you saying?
Larry: Bono, maybe you can be there for her in ways I can't be, mainly physically. I'm not telling you to go sleep with her but--
Bono: Support her?
Larry: Where I can't, yes. Now she is my WIFE, mind you but she shouldn't have to be this miserable.
Bono: She shouldn't have to go without affection for this long.
Larry: Exactly, especially since I don't know how much worse this is going to get.
Bona: Larry, I don't need you to do this, really. I have your love and that's all that matters...
Author's Note... This occurs before the Web Mistresses are arrested. Thanks.
*Macphisto tore through the tremendous garage beside the mansion which housed row upon row of mint condition vintage cars. He raked a hand through his slick black hair, chastizing himself for remaining immobilized in self pity for so long. Of course she was still with The Fly, he hadn't said two words to her since he discovered their hasty marriage! The devil fumed as he walked to a gorgeous red vehicle, keys in hand, thinking to himself that if Bluephisto had married him instead, The Fly would have camped out on the lawn and made an absolute racket until she agreed to talk to him. Perhaps it was time to interfere a little with The Fly's happy ending ... if The Fly found it hard to compete with him when he wasn't there, he'd find it nearly impossible when he was. Macphisto slid the key into the lock of the driver's door of the red car and was just about to unlock the car when a voice made him turn.*
The Father: You're not really going to do this are you?
Macphisto: *Glaring* Yes. I plan on it actually, now if you'll excuse me. *He returned to the car and opened the door but felt compelled to stop and look at the blond man in black behind him who had walked up to him and rested a hand on the door of the car*
The Father: *With surprising gentleness* Macphisto... I heard that little phone call last night, and I must say that you are a stonger man than I. *Macphisto looked at him in surprise, the Father continued sympathetically* I would have hung up much earlier, I really didn't expect you to punish yourself with that for so long. *Macphisto didn't really know how to respond to The Father Below. He just looked at him warily...*
Macphisto: Thank you, I suppose.
The Father: That was ... brutal. Even by our standards, to listen to another man having her like that,*Macphisto looked away, his jaw clenching* on a counter yet! Terrible, my boy ... terrible. You've cried all night haven't you?
Macphisto: *Lying proudly* No ... now if you'll excuse me -
The Father: *Holding the door open with one strong arm* Where do you think you're going?
Macphisto: You know where I'm going.
The Father: Macphisto, Macphisto ... your grief has eroded your manners. *He sighed and looked Macphisto in the face, shaking his head sadly* Do you really think that she's going to take you back with open arms just because you show up, eight months after the fact?
Macphisto: *Losing his temper a little* I don't know, but I've had quite enough of just sitting around and having their happiness thrown in my face again and again.
The Father: You poor boy. I wish I could make this easier for you. She doesn't love you. She loves him... That's what she's done to you again, she put this doubt in your mind hasn't she? *Macphisto stares at him silently* Let me guess, you cried all night and then you regretted wasting the time that you did? *The Father lit a cigar for himself, handing one to Macphisto who accepted it ... just being around him, Macphisto could feel himself beginning to grow colder, beginning to let his stainless logic creep into his mind.* You think that she doesn't know you don't like that she's his wife? Do you really think that she's that stupid? No. *He blew smoke out slowly* She is a smart woman, and a worthy adversary, even I'll give her that. She knows my dear boy, of course she knows you're unhappy. She just doesn't care.
Macphisto: She's not like that.
The Father: *Still very sympathetic* Look. Macphisto, there are not many times have done this, but for you I'll make an exception. I'll tell you the truth. Are you ready? *Macphisto smoked, leaning against the car, trying not to look puzzled. The Father leaned in towards him, and whispered,* She thinks about you, yes ... she may even say your name in her sleep, but do you know what you are to her? An ego boost. It's a great feeling to feel wanted, and she can count on you always wanting her and never being able to have her. But that's all she wants from you... you are serving your purpose right now. She wants you to want her, but if you walked up to her and offered her your "heart", you know what she would do. Yes, you do... *He looked Macphisto in the eye and drew his worst fear from his pale eyes* she'd hand it back. See, your heart is not what she's after. Women are heartless, especially angels. They constantly lie to themselves, saying that they want to be loved when they just want to be wanted. They tear beings like us apart, who are vulnerable to their *He spit the words out like curses* beauty, their softness, their "kindness". They tear us apart because they refuse to just get on with it and say what they really want ... to be goddesses, to be worshipped from afar... to watch us suffer for them. Right now, my dear boy, you are doing exactly what she wants you to do... suffer. *Macphisto looked at the ground, his heart growing cold at the partial truth in the Father's words which stained all his words with the bitter taste of honesty*
Macphisto: What about The Fly ... what's so different about him?
The Father: Oh, him... *The Father put an arm around Macphisto's now slumped shoulders* He's different. He's the kind of man women marry. They make us suffer because it's fun for them to watch dark, powerful men bend to their will out of a desire that they call "love". A man like The Fly will do anything for her, and she knows that. There is no challenge. Those angels, those women, those pristine goddesses... they like to break us. It's a sport to them. Making us worship them is like hunting... that's why it hurts. You're a trophy, Macphisto. I hate to tell you so, but I hate to see you embarrass yourself like this over one of those women. *Macphisto was now thouroughly discouraged and looked at the floor with dull eyes. The Father smiled wickedly out of Macphisto's sight and turned back to him with a concerned, solemn face to make an offer*
The Father: I know that it's terrible to hear the truth ... that's why I barely tolerate it in Hell, it has such an unflattering edge to it. *He tightened his arm around Macphisto's shoulders like a large snake and whispered to him confidentially again* I know that you still want to see her for some reason, not even your formidable intellect can override the spell these witches cast sometimes... So, fair enough. I shall let you see it with your own eyes and you can be the judge for yourself. Ready? *Before Macphisto could say a word or even raise his head, The Father snapped his fingers and they were standing in a kitchen...The Fly's kitchen*

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 01-04-2002).]
*The Father Below walked determinedly through hell to his office with the three temptresses following behind.*
Satan: *muttering to himself* As if I didn't have enough to worry about, with Macphisto and all, then I have to go bail you guys out.
Fishy: What about Macphisto?
Satan: Nothing. *turning to face the three women* Now?what should you're punishments be this time?you know I approve of all the corrupting you do, especially when the three of you are together. BUT?you are NOT supposed to get caught.
Opal: *defiantly* I could have handled it. You know I could have taken care of the situation just fine. But you had to jump in and "save" us. Did you need an ego boost, daddy dear?
Satan: *turning to Opal, letting his eyes roam her body, and licking his lips.* You were a bit?restricted. You know you are not allowed to use your powers to disappear in public. How exactly were you going to get yourself out of being arrested without making yourself disappear? Tell me darling.
Opal: Why waste my breath? It's over.
*Olive and Fishy stared at Opal and Satan with wide eyes. They had heard about Opal standing up against the Father before, but they'd never witnessed it.*
Satan: *smiling at Opal, nodding with approval, then turning cold again.* Wait here. I'll return with your punishment. *The Father turns and storms into his office.*
Opal: This is fucking bullshit. There's no way he's punishing us for this. WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! We were just doing what we've been trained to do.
Olive: I can't believe you stood up to him like that.
Opal: Whatever. I'll be right back?
Fishy: But he said not to go anywhere.
*Olive and Fishy watch Opal throw open the door to The Father's office, and close it behind her.*

inside the office
Satan: I knew you'd follow me. Took longer than I thought however. *swivels in his chair to face Opal* I'm very proud of you, you know. You never disappoint me.
Opal: *smiling* Well what can I say? You trained me very well.
Satan: Come here and sit down darling. *Opal saunters over towards The Father's desk, and when she gets closer to him, he pulls her onto his lap.*
Opal: *dragging a nail down his cheek* You weren't really going to punish us, now, were you darling?
Satan: How can I punish three temptresses who were just out doing their job?
Opal: We both know you can do anything you want.
Satan: True.
Opal: So I was just making sure. I didn't want you doing anything you'd?*smile* regret. *Opal quickly stood up, making her way to the door and assuming an angry look. She flung the office door open just as Satan yelled "get out!" at her. She slammed the door behind her as Olive and Fishy stood up waiting to hear what happened.*
Olive: Well
Fishy: What happened? What kind of trouble are we in?
Opal: *taking a deep breath* Don't worry. I got us out of it.
Olive: What did you do?
Opal: *pushing the two temptresses down the hall toward their office* I gave him a piece of my mind. I told him there was no way he could punish us when we were doing our job as Phistos ? corrupting the unsuspecting. I told him it was fucking bullshit, that there was no justification for him punishing us. He wanted to take our way our temptress powers.
Olive: *gasp* No! He couldn't!?
Opal: Yeah. But?I guess everything I said made him see that if he wanted to keep his reputation of being "fair" he couldn't punish us.
Fishy: Wow thanks. I don't know how you do it, yet you always do.
Opal: What can I say darlings? I try my hardest to please *smile*.

[This message has been edited by opaltranquility (edited 01-04-2002).]
*Before Macphisto could say a word or even raise his head, The Father snapped his fingers and they were standing in a kitchen...The Fly's kitchen. He turned to the Father who put his finger to his lips in a swift, silencing motion*
Macphisto: *Whispering* Where are we?
The Father: We're there, where your silly car would have taken you. *Macphisto's eyes widened and he looked around, he felt as out of place and uncomfortable in this suprisingly cozy kitchen as The Fly must have felt in his imposing mansion. A movement caught his eye and he turned elegantly, and froze. His mouth went dry and his heart began to pound viciously beneath the red tuxedo shirt. His fingers wound into the fine fabric of his shirt sleeves and his blue eyes widened. Seeing her again was like staring directly into the sun at high noon through a magnifying glass ... Bluephisto, absorbed in a stack of letters, traipsed obliviously down the stairs and dissapeared into another room without looking up, wearing only a long white men's dress shirt as a nightgown. Her hair had grown down to her shoulders again and hung in loose black waves around her pale, lovely face; for all his pride, Macphisto's knees almost buckled beneath him and he leaned softly against the counter, stunned, but he recoiled away from it quickly as he wondered if this was the counter...
The Father: *Reading his thoughts and whispering into Macphisto's chaotic mind. He looked with disgust at the counter,* You don't want to know ...*He looked back up to find Macphisto glaring at the counter in question* Don't say anything to me, she'll hear you. *Continuing to read his thoughts* No, she cannot hear me, or see me at all, only you can. I have gone to great lengths to arrange this for you my boy, but you need to see it for yourself. Pay attention to me. You'll see her soon enough.
Macphisto: *Thinking silently* Can she see me?
The Father: Yes, certainly. You came all this way to talk to her! How would it be of any use for you to be invisible!?
Macphisto:What if she will not see me, what if she sends me away? I expect it will be a shock for her to find me here in his kitchen...
The Father: *With convincing surprise* You think she'll send you away? But just five minutes ago, you were ready to charge in here and win her back with little more than your bravado and a wrinkled suit. *The Father inwardly congratulated himself on his little "pep talk" in the garage which had undermined the stylish demon's confidence which had soared dangerously high...but according to the Father's calculations, this encounter should put the nail in the coffin for him.* Macphisto, I want to make this as easy as possible for you, I know you've been through quite enough for any demon. The last thing you need is the shock of her discovering you standing here, so *He gestures with one powerful hand to Macphisto himself* I've made you appear to be someone she would expect here.
*Macphisto looked down and his jaw dropped. He was wearing a black shirt, black leather pants, and a gold wedding ring that circled his finger. He stared at it, gleaming in the sunlight.*
Macphisto: You've made me into ...
The Father: Yes. I've made you into The Fly. He, along with everyone else in the house have been temporarily frozen... For the next little while, you are *He gestures with his smoking cigar to the room Bluephisto dissapeared into* her husband. *Behind the shades, Macphisto's eyes widened and he gasped. The Father put an arm around the overwhelmed devil and guided him to the room Bluephisto had dissapeared into* Go to her now, find out for yourself if what I said is true... I know that you will never completely believe me until you do. *The Father quickly turned the wordless Macphisto around to face him, brushed the lapel of his leather jacket, and smiled warmly at the confused looking "rock star" who was still staring at the ring on his finger.* Good luck, I must admit that for your sake, I hope you prove me wrong. Just don't ever tell a soul that I said so. *He turned him sharply towards the door and gave him a small push* Go.
*Macphisto stumbled into the living room, propelled by Satan's shove. A huge television screen dominated one entire wall, and Bluephisto herself sat on a black leather couch in the middle of the room, casually sorting through letters. Macphisto stared unabashedly, shocked at how thin she had become, how obviously ill she was, but also by her stunning beauty. She was so pale that she and the white shirt on the tough black couch looked like thin, fine china. She had pulled her bare legs up under her, and her toes dangled over the edge of the couch charmingly. He wondered if she would ever know how many times he had dreamt of this moment ... in his head it was different, across a room at a party or at her funeral perhaps. Now that he was faced with her, he could not move, he could hardly think, or breathe ... he felt like he had forgotten all his lines. Suddenly she looked up at him and smiled, pushing the letters from her lap to the floor, where they tumbled like snow. As Macphisto stood there in The Fly's garb, his hands began to tremble and he hid them behind his back, thankful for the ridiculous sunglasses that covered his eyes which must be wretched with love by now. Bluephisto yawned, stretched, took the final steps to her unusually silent husband and wrapped her arms around his leather clad chest, resting her lips against his neck. She had slept very late after last night's exertions and got out of bed this morning, vowing to make sure The Fly never felt that same gnawing insecurity again. He was far too giving, too sweet, too selfless to have to know the tangled truth about her feelings for Macphisto. If she had to lie to ensure that this lovely man who had committed his entire life to her happiness would not be tormented by jealousy ... so be it.*
Bluephisto: Good morning honey...*She kissed his neck softly* I didn't hear you get up.

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