HELP! Converting PAL tapes to NTSC?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Oct 22, 2001
I have about 3 videos tapes of U2 concerts from Europe but they are on the PAL system and I like all Americans use NTSC. My two options are to some how get them converted to NTSC or buy a multi-system VCR. A Camera shop near where I live said they would convert the tapes to NTSC but at a cost of 60 dollars a tape and it would take two weeks. The other option is to buy a 400 dollar multi-system VCR made by Sam Sung that I found at a video shop nearby.
So my question to anyone here is, do you know of a cheaper alternative to these two options? I mistakenly believe you could get tapes converted for 5 to 10 dollars. Is that possible anywhere?
Well, I know that the cost of convertsing them is high, but perhap $60 seems a bit steap. Shop around, but unfortunately those are your only options. Sorry.
I used to have a friend that worked at the University here in one of the computer labs and they had all the technology to do that. Once upon a time it was handy... but now she lives in Toronto.
The shop here does the first tape for $20, and then its like 20 for each hour after that (or something). I called a video store and asked for references to some who could do the job.

If you find no other cheaper alternatives, you could ship them here, and I could get it done for you. E-mail me if you want to try that.

"Love is a verb..."
Hey thanks Angel! Where do you live? Are you in the USA? If so what State? I'm in Pennsylvania near Harrisburg the capital. Just wondering if I'll have to ship it to you or if the place you know if is not to far from me. Again thanks a lot and you can definitely have copies of all the shows! They are:

Germany November 1981 October Tour Pro Shot
Germany August 1983 War Tour Pro Shot
Syracuse University Carrier Dome October 1987 Joshua Tree Tour Pro Shot
If you can, try to find an Indian/Asian store that does these kinds of things for cheap. I got a tape from Acrob@t over the summer, and we took it to the store we go to often and they only took $10 to convert it. It's worth a shot.

Change is the only constant
I'm in FL...if you want to do this, please email me. I would love copies of those shows, and right now, I have a PAL tape of early U2 stuff I need to convert (and 2 VCRs hooked up to make copies), so maybe we could get a discount for multiple tapes? Who knows....let me know!

"Love is a verb..."
Thats great Foxxern, but where is this Indian Asian store that did this. I'm in cental Pennsylvania and would like to know where these places you talk about are in case they are not to far away.
I think getting a conversion done cheaply is still the best option. But I did take a look at the U2 Bootleg Webring and found there to be at least 18 sites with Video boots, and some at Entire Pro Shot shows which are rare and what I search for. But there on Pal and they usually don't sell and their list are so large that I have nothing to trade. But if I did, then buying the VCR becomes a strong possibility.
Right now, finding a cheap place to convert I think is the best option so please tell me where these places are Foxxern and Angell just in case I'm close enough to take it there myself.
Please, if any has other idea's or cheap alternatives please list it here. I'm going to take a little time before I actually make a choice. Thanks again!

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