"Hello my name is________ I'm a caffine junkie"

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New Yorker
Sep 15, 2000
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
I admit it:( I'm addicted to caffine. Mountain Dew:drool: Starbuck's:drool: Coffee, coffee, coffee:drool: :drool: :drool:

Can't function in the morning without it.
Americanos call out my name every work day morning. The damn bastards taste so good. I think I could of purchased my very own coffee shop by now with all the money I spent in the past 10 years drinking this coffee.

Confession - when my wife and I were trying to conceive our second child, I doubled, sometimes tripled, my coffee intake to lower my sperm count. Conceiving was so great I wanted it to last longer than the 5 months it took to conceive our first child. Well, it backfired. Our second was conceived inside a month. I think the coffee made my sperm swim faster. Oh well.
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I love coffee, I love Dr. Pepper, I love tea...but I'm hyper sensitive to caffeine and have to limit myself to maybe 2 cups of coffee per day *sob*

Anthing more and I start to shake and have heart palpitations. And absolutely no caffeine after 5 or 6 at night! Even a glass of ice tea will keep me awake all night.

boooo! :angry:
Headache in a Suitcase said:
i'll have a 24 ounce cup of dunkin donuts coffee at 2am and be passed out within 20 minutes.

I would be up all night cleaning the kitchen floor with a toothbrush :crack: :lol:
I used to drink 12 sodas a day. That's over a gallon a day. I used to have to wake up in the middle of the night to drink a soda so I could go back to bed. I'm a former junkie. I haven't had caffeine in over a year now. That I know of. One time about 8 months ago someone gave me a mocha from Starbucks and I got about 1/2 way through it before I realized it had caffeine in it. Stupid me thought it was just hot chocolate. :der: I was so jittery and twitching all over the place I can't believe I used to always be that way for the better part of 20 years or so. You don't want me on caffeine.
I cannot survive the day without at least five cups of coffee. I actually often lose count how much coffee I have.
And for the record, decaffinated coffee tastes like piss. I am going out to the supermarket tonight JUST for good coffee.
coffee is :drool: :drool: but I drank too much of it for a while so, for the moment I'm not drinking very much coffee, even if I really want toXD ohh it tastes so good
I don't usually bother with soda or energy drinks, but I drink coffee every single day. I buy the good stuff whole bean (Sumatra :drool: ) and grind it fresh every morning, usually black. I don't go for froofy coffee drinks too often, but I like a good skim latte now and then. When I don't drink coffee for a day, I get a skull crunching headache. I made a second pot this morning, which I usually don't, and now I feel sort of :crack:

I drink a lot of tea, too, especially this time of year, but usually I stick to decaf.
Don't drink coffee here. Love the smell of it, but I don't think it agrees with my stomach. I usta have a Coke with lunch and dinner, and sometimes with a late night snack. Doesn't keep me up. But I'm trying to cut back, so I'm drinking maybe 1 Coke a day at most, and drinking Ginger Ale instead. Still has the carbonation, no caffeine, but just about the same amount of sugar (unfortunately).
i'm trying not to think how much money i spend in a given week at dunkin donuts. the only thing i ever get is coffee.
Lila64 said:
GG - Your sig is :drool:

I know, isn't it fabulous? :drool: Their brains were supposed to splatter everywhere as well, but I lost interest after the 20th frame.
IWasBored said:
i'm trying not to think how much money i spend in a given week at dunkin donuts. the only thing i ever get is coffee.

Me too, except for maybe three donuts in the whole four years I've lived a block from DD. I love their Turbo iced coffee. I get the big one with skim milk when I go on trips in the summer and it makes me :hyper: for the whole drive.

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