Has anyone seen or heard of a movie called Made?!?!?! HELP ME

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Oct 31, 2001
maze of your imagination, where the streets have n
I have to go review it for a newspaper tomorrow night but i can't find any information on it so i was wondering if anyone here has seen it/ heard of it and could tell me what it's about??

I saw it!

I went to the New York screening of the movie and Jon Favreau was there.

I honestly think it was the second worst movie I have ever seen (with The Limey coming in at #1).

It is a rip off of his only "real" movie Swingers, and Puff Daddy's role is laughable.

I hope you enjoy it, but I truly hated it and wanted to walk out in the middle (past Jon.)

I may sound angry, but it pisses me off when someone like Jon gets to make a crappy movie like this riding off the laurels of Swingers, when there are so many other people out there with better ideas.

Let me know what you think of it...
Well as a big fan of Swingers, I enjoyed Made. It's good, but not nearly as good as Swingers. Another Jon Favreau/Vince Vaughn collaboration--it's not a Swingers rip-off, just a comedy with a touch of sopranos...

I've been walking Central Park
Singing after dark
People think I'm crazy
Originally posted by ouizy:

I may sound angry, but it pisses me off when someone like Jon gets to make a crappy movie like this riding off the laurels of Swingers, when there are so many other people out there with better ideas.

lol... I kind of agree with you. Favreau hasn't done anything since Swingers and I have a feeling that he called in a favor to Vaughn and that's why this movie got 'made' heh heh.

I rented Made and it didn't do much for me, although I thought there were some funny moments.

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