happy birthday Sula!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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you are what you is
Jul 5, 2000
and you still don't look a day older than 24 :D

have a great day!!

I'll be drinking one to celebrate the occasion :up:

Bethany, I hope you have a great, Malian (sp?) styled birthday. Wow, a quarter of a century! :up: It may be a silver celebration, but you are even better than gold to us, with all the good things you are doing to make this world a better place. :hug:
Have fun and I hope many wonderful birthdays will follow.

*will also drink tonight to celebrate you birthday :dance: :drool:*
thanks everyone!

I am going to celebrate by going out with friends and my dear bf at one of our favorite restaurants tonite.

I can't believe I am a quarter of a century old! :eek: lol
happy birthday sula! :happy: :hug:

best wishes to you sula....new U2 album soon. Lots of great:dance: music to look forward to....happy birthday
:wave: all you nice people

I had a very nice birthday. Did a lot of work and running around town on errands, but then in the afternoon I had some time to myself, so I made brownies. My parents called to wish me a happy birthday. Then my boyfriend showed up with a cake that said "Bonne Anniversaire Bethany!" awww. :cute: We went out to the restaurant where I sometimes help cook/create new ideas. The staff is like family for me and they will do anything I ask. Up to and including putting U2 on the soundsystem while we had supper. :D Most of my Peace Corps friends from Bamako were there as well as others. We handed out cake and brownies to some adorable kids that were sitting in the table near us. All in all, a very nice day.
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