Happy birthday, ABEL!

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Blue Crack Supplier
Jun 19, 2001
Lizzie, hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag. :kiss:

And with your wedding anniversary too.
I hope you have a great day, with lots of cake, pressies and meteors. :giggle:
And many wonderful years with your hubby.

Have fun! :dance:
Happy Birthday!
man I cant believe I missed it

does silly string reach all the way overseas? I expect a pelting for being late.

Lizzie, hope you had a wonderful 1st year together, in a new wonderful place.

Oh happy happy day to you and happy anniversary too.

And after you pelt me with the string you can shoot the pudding on over too. :reject:
Happy Birthday, Lizzie! Wow, wasn't it only a little over a year ago that we were running around Dallas together? Time flies....hope you're having a wonderful Bday and Anniversary. :heart:
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