Getting over break-ups

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War Child
Jun 19, 2010
East Coast biyatch!
About a week ago, my then boyfriend basically dumped me and said he didn't love me in the same way anymore. He still wants us to be friends. We went out for 4 months. He's 15, I'm 16.

It really hit me hard and I couldn't handle it. I couldn't stop crying. We just had such a good relationship up until two weeks before it ended when he started acting different. Then it just ended so abruptly. It's still hurting me deep within. It sounds stupid, but I pictured myself being with him forever. :slant: This was also my longest, most serious relationship thus far, and the first one where I wasn't the person who ended the relationship.

The thing that hurts the most is the memories. Almost everything I see or hear somehow makes me think of him and our good times. Every song I hear that was popular during our relationship, or just any song in general that was connected to us, instantly makes me think of him. :sad: Also, almost every good memory I've made in the past 4 months or so is somehow related to him in one way or another.

It started out with him liking me, and me not returning the affection. Then, we both liked each other, and we went out. Now, the roles have changed - I still love him, but he doesn't love me back anymore. He's so amazing, sweet, and funny. He's..perfect. I can definitely still be friends with him, but I still wish things could just go back to the way they were. He says I didn't do anything wrong, and that he can't explain why he's stopped liking me all of a sudden. I wish he would just like me back, like in the beginning, but then there's the very likely possibility that the same thing would happen all over again. That's what's the most depressing - that it will never be the same, and that we can never have what we had in the past without it ending the same way as it did the first time. :sad:

How did you all get over your first loves? How did you numb the pain? Any stories? I'm desperate, and wanting ice cream very badly! :scream:
Ahhh young love. I remember being there. It hurts. It will hurt for awhile. But you are young and you will be dating many guys in the years to come. Take some time for yourself right now. :)
Oh, man. I could have written exactly what you wrote about my first love/first breakout when I was about your age.

I know it's hard, but you have to let go. Don't do what I did and hang onto the "let's be friends" thing in hopes that he will start loving you again - it just prolongs the agony. You may have to cut him out of your life cold turkey (at least for a while, until you are over the pain).

What I did to numb myself was watch comedies (not romantic comedies - I couldn't take any lovey-doveyness - just funny, non-romantic stuff) and play video games.
Eat ice cream, eat chocolate, cry on the floor if you feel the need to, but let those moments be brief, and then spend the rest of the time taking care of yourself. Getting enough sleep, eating healthily, hydrating well, etc. will all stabilize and boost your mood. Too much indulgence will make you feel sluggish and lead to mood swings. Get out, get some sun, be active, and sign up for a new class. I'm sure you've heard all that before, but it really does the trick. :yes: And yes, sometimes you have to drag yourself out and go through the motions, but you'll move on faster if you get out and live.

As for the "let's be friends" thing, be very careful with that. I've successfuly stayed friends with one of my ex's. The rest I either cut loose or learned that hard way that it ain't worth it. ;) There are better things out there for you, but you have to let go first. Trust that!
Thanks :hug: But I'm going through a rough patch again. Just seeing him in school yesterday made my heart twist. :sad: Getting up in the morning is terribly hard. Sometimes I'll see him in the hallway and for a split second I'll think we're still going out, but then I'll remember everything. :sad:

Yesterday, over text, I succumbed to my desperate state and did the worst, I begged him for a second chance and threw my sorrows upon. Although it didn't seem to phase him, I still feel like an idiot and I regret it so much. I don't know what to do. :sad: Plus prom is coming up in about a month, he already bought his ticket back when we were going out, and I want him to still come with me as a friend, but I don't know how hard that would be for me or if I would lessen my prom experience. :huh: Uggghhhhh, life.
Cry it out.

Then go to college and have all those great experiences so you can look back and not give a shit.

Things that at 15 or 16 seem impossibly huge look very small in the rearview mirror when you're 20 or 22. The best way to get over someone else being a douche is to invest in yourself. Go study some math, go volunteer somewhere, or go start a project or blog or something.
How did you all get over your first loves? How did you numb the pain? Any stories? I'm desperate, and wanting ice cream very badly! :scream:

Eat lots of ice cream and add some chocolate as well! There's stuff in chocolate that's healthy to women and makes us happy.
Invite your best friends for a sleepover, so you don't have to be alone, and stay up all night watching sad movies and talk about heartbreaks. Don't be afraid to cry!

Breakups are always hard in the beginning. You're still young and I can imagine for him (he's 15) that it is hard to be committed to someone at that age. Boys that age aren't just as mature as girls, mark my words!

^lol. :wink:

Thanks guys. :hug: I'm doing better, I guess. The only thing is that the memories just keep replaying over and over again in my mind. :slant: I can't stop thinking about all of our great times, and how back then it was so much better than it is now. I want to just forget about him but i can't. It's too hard. He left too big of an impact on my life for me to just forget about him. :slant:

And meanwhile, he's doing fine..not hurting at all or anything..:angry: It makes me mad..I mean, he was the one that liked me in the beginning for months. And now, all those feeling are gone? It's so frustrating. :angry::sad:
Yeah, it is. I hate to sound callous and uncaring, but this is probably going to happen to you again somewhere along the way as you grow and mature. Just remember that we've all been there, and that we know what you are going through and care a lot! :hug:
Well this is kinda cute:wink: I was on here when i was about 14/15 (I'm 20 now) and I told all my "boy" issies on here... And when i look back i go "what was i thinking". Now you have way better spelling then me and seem a lot more mature then i was:lol: But in the end I got over all the boys, all the hurt and the junk. So cry it out, go for a walk, blast the "I'll go crazy if i don't go crazy tonight" (mine was "tryin to throw your arms around the world") and eat junk food. It's ok :hug:
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