Frustrated and dont know what to do....

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Sep 23, 2004
Hello U2 family.

So I am in the Peace Corps and having a hard time right now. I am living in a big city in Eastern Europe, I planned on being in a small town so I am bummed. Life is not interesting being in a big city here, its just very difficult. If I knew I was going to be in a city, I would have stayed home in the US. My main job is teaching English but my students are already advanced speakers so I dont feel that needed either. I would go home but I have made a committment in serving here plus I dont have any sort of job lined up. My main problem is I problem is that I dont know if its worth sticking it out just not to be labled a "quitter" and for a couple incentives that returned volunteers get at the completion of service.

Basically I feel that I could be doing the same thing at home, living an easier life, and feeling more effective and productive.

Any thoughts would be of great help. Thanks.
I don't know a lot about how the Peace Corps works, but is it possible to request a reassignment? I would assume the people at the Peace Corps wants its volunteers to be happy and have a good experience -- they might be able to place you somewhere where your talents can best be used.
Yeah you should talk to someone in charge and tell them how you feel. It sounds like you really want to stay with the Peace Corps. Sure there is somewhere that needs a teacher. Hope everything works out for the best for you :).
I have talked with other volunteers and getting a site change is only an option if you run into safety and security issues- which isnt the case...
Perhaps you can help in some other areas (surely there are other volunteers in the city?), or come up with some ideas/activities for your students?

If possible, I would talk to other volunteers in the area to see what kind of experiences they are having.

Do you mind if I ask what city you are in?
Sounds ike you're feeling overwhelmed and maybe a little homesick which is understandable.

Give it some time before passing judgement on your location. An experience like volunteering is normally going to be unpredictable and slightly chaotic for at least the initial days or weeks. Even an assigmnment where you might "prefer" may turn out to be less than great or not what you expected.

Stick with it and there's no telling what you're going to find! It's all what you make of it.

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