For Anyone W/ Windows XP or ME -In Case You Haven't Heard..

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Gina Marie

Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jul 11, 2001
Bruce's land of hope and dreams
Windows Vulnerable to Hack Attacks
(AP) - Microsoft's newest version of Windows, billed as the most secure ever, contains several serious flaws that allow hackers to steal or destroy a victim's data files across the Internet or implant rogue computer software. The company released a free fix Thursday. A Microsoft official acknowledged that the risk to consumers was unprecedented because the glitches allow hackers to seize control of all Windows XP operating system software without requiring a computer user to do anything except connect to the Internet.

You can download the security patch here

Most secure ever?
Thanks for the info!


you can try the best you can
you can try the best you can
the best you can is good enough
Thank you so much! I would never have known about this. Yeah, the safest ever!

One love, one life...
Give peace a chance!
Don't let the bastards grind you down!

Create Light
Create Unity
Create Joy
They're very control-freakish, are Microsoft. Apparently if you don't register this new version with them within x number of days, Bill Gates will personally come round to your house and put a dead kitten in your back pocket (and shave off both your eyebrows whilst dating your current boy- or girl-friend).

Seriously though, they cannot hope to stamp out pirate copying of their software. As with any software, copies 'pirated' from friends or family members' original CDs, are the only way some folk are ever going to be able to use this technology.
Originally posted by Kieran McConville:
They're very control-freakish, are Microsoft. Apparently if you don't register this new version with them within x number of days, Bill Gates will personally come round to your house and put a dead kitten in your back pocket (and shave off both your eyebrows whilst dating your current boy- or girl-friend).
That actually happened to me.

I'm happy with how stable it is, but damn does that OS yap a lot! Always informing me of things I'm not interested in... and not just once!
Originally posted by Klodomir:
Originally posted by Kieran McConville:
They're very control-freakish, are Microsoft. Apparently if you don't register this new version with them within x number of days, Bill Gates will personally come round to your house and put a dead kitten in your back pocket (and shave off both your eyebrows whilst dating your current boy- or girl-friend).
That actually happened to me.

I'm happy with how stable it is, but damn does that OS yap a lot! Always informing me of things I'm not interested in... and not just once!

It's a scandal in my humble uneducated opinion. I've heard the new version is indeed very stable, but if so: WHY THE HELL WERE THE PRECEDING FIVE OR SIX VERSIONS NOT STABLE? I mean, for most of us, you can't NOT use Windows.

All I know is that the 98 version (whatever it's called) crashes almost daily on me. Bill better watch out that I don't put a dead kitten in HIS back pocket.

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