Favorite Live DVD?

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War Child
Dec 27, 2004
I am currently on a binge of all of their live DVDs. Why are they such angels?? It so settles my heart.

Especially Edge singing his little heart out. I'm such an Edge girl. And Bono holding the mic for him.

This group tho.
I'm quite partial to the Boston Elevation DVD. I cant' help myself, I'm just really nostalgically attached to it, seeings as I watched the crap out of it when I was 14 and first getting into the band.
I watched that last night!!! Such a great.

Hey I first got into the band at 14 as well, during the same era lol
I have never seen slane because my stepmom is petty, and I've only seen popmart once. Should watch both.
I have never seen slane because my stepmom is petty, and I've only seen popmart once. Should watch both.

Well dang! Watch it! I love it. Again - Staring at the sun is grand live. Bono and Edge also have a silly beachball joke. They're pretty much home for Slane, so it's great.
They recorded one or two of the South American JT shows, so I would be shocked if one doesn't come out eventually.
Is Paris a release you can buy or something? It's weird how much I don't remember it...
Of the official releases?

Under a Blood Red Sky is as good as the rest combined.
Popmart Mexico....... simply because it had the incredible versions of Please and Mysterious Ways. Those 2 were worth the price of admission / DVD price. Also to see the enthusiasm of Mexican crowd is electrifying. And all the band members were on top of their game.
Was there an IE video I'm forgetting?

Paris, + 2-3(?) video rehearsals where somebody managed to capture the broadcast somehow.


It's a great set, def an improvement on the 360 vid.

Oh come on.

Not one dud song, an absolute fiery performance, in one hell of a setting. It's everything I could ask of the band. 11 O'clock Tick Tock is practically why I'm on this godforsaken site.

I'll pay Rattle and Hum as truly exceptional too, Bad being one of the other two songs responsible for my presence here (Gone being the third).

It's a great set, def an improvement on the 360 vid.
Yeah, the cover isn't even familiar to me, I must not have known it existed. I definitely want a copy, that your has so much to see, hopefully they captured it well.
My favorite used to be Zoo TV Sydney, but I think Slane has some special X factor that pushes that performance to another level. It's definitely got the most passion, and also features my favorite recorded performance of One.
I do really love the Paris IE DVD.

I need to watch 360 again, but I remember being disappointed with it because

a) Breathe relegated to bonus track;
b) wayyyy too dark;
c) not enough Claw action.
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