Excellent Review of the New Book on Bono

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jan 28, 2004

I just came across this most amazing review of the new book on Bono by Bono and his friend Michka Assayas.

I loved it. Hope you like it.



Bono baptism: New book creates convert, fosters respect

Last updated: April 24th, 2005 08:23 AM

“Celebrity is ridiculous.” Bono says. “It’s silly, but it’s a kind of currency, and you have to spend it wisely.”

Yea and verily, oh brothers and sisters, I come before you today a changed and humbled man, saved from eternal pop culture damnation. I have seen the light – and it turns out to be spotlight shining down from cathedrals, er, arenas all across America.
For it is time I make my testimony. Time to accept Bono as my personal savior.

I resisted the truth for years. I had always thought Bono, the lead singer of U2 (which opens a two-night stand at Seattle’s KeyArena tonight), was the epitome of the self-absorbed, egotistical, messianic and pretentious rock star who dabbles like a dilettante in global affairs merely as another way to puff up his sense of self-importance.

From the start, I liked the music. But not the musician. Those wraparound sunglasses. Those Christ-like onstage poses. The giant video-screen close-ups. Those pressing-the-flesh photo ops with everyone from Nelson Mandela to George W. Bush. Those music videos with fans literally genuflecting. All that turned me off. Bono seemed to be trying just too hard.

I blamed U2’s hard-core fans as much as I blamed Bono. On Tuesday, I bet there were a few Bono worshippers who were truly surprised when the white smoke wafted from the Vatican chimney and it wasn’t Bono who appeared on the balcony dressed in white.

Snarkiness, not affected earnestness, is what I want from my rock stars. That, and cranking out tunes with catchy riffs and some nice harmonies. Sometimes, I just wanted to scream, “Just shut up and play ‘Bullet the Blue Sky,’ will ya?” We expect a certain amount of indulgence in our rock stars, but Bono was pushing things.

I was not alone in my Bono bashing. The brilliantly satirical newspaper, The Onion, once ran a list of “eight things Bono’s been up to.” No. 1: “Tirelessly dedicating self to ending Third World debt, no matter how many magazine covers he must appear on in process.”

All that has changed now. I am a Bono convert. Seriously. I respect his humanitarianism. I accept his preening and self-righteousness. I even can overlook the too-cool shades.

Credit – or blame? – should go to a new book I picked up the other day, “Bono: In Conversation with Michka Assayas” ($23.95, Riverhead Books). I almost didn’t make it past the cover jacket, which shows a close-up of Bono in one of those savior-like poses, fist raised in righteousness, visage a study in sacredness.

But I went ahead and opened the book and started reading. It’s a 323-page Q&A between Assayas, a French journalist, and Bono. And I’ll be damned if Bono didn’t come off more self-aware than self-absorbed. He has perspective on his life and his place in the world, seems sincerely fortunate to have the platform he has and recognizes he sometimes can be off-putting.

Maybe he’s always been like this, and I just hadn’t noticed. Admittedly, I hadn’t immersed myself into the gospel of Bono before reading this book.

What helped change my mind was Bono’s candor. Asked whether he thinks it’s a sad commentary on society that it takes a rock star to get politicians thinking about hunger in Africa, Bono said: “You know, celebrity is ridiculous. It’s silly, but it’s a kind of currency, and you have to spend it wisely. And I’ve learnt that much. …

“I see the embarrassment, excruciating at times, of ‘Rich rock star works on behalf of the poorest and most vulnerable.’ I mean, it’s a very embarrassing photograph. Yet, you can’t deny who you are. And if I gave all my money away, I’d just be a bigger star. (Laughs). Right? … I can use this ridiculous thing called celebrity to the advantage of these issues. That’s the only qualification I need. I’m there, I have the loud-hailer, and I’m gonna use it.”

Assayas, Bono’s interviewer, is a close friend, but that did not stop him from grilling the rock star. At one point, he asked Bono if “the money you have might lead you to develop very unrealistic views about the world. Don’t you tend to forget about the problems that an ordinary person has to face in an ordinary life?”

Bono presents a cogent argument: “But which reality am I not in touch with? You’re working on behalf of a billion people who live on less than a dollar a day. Isn’t it more important that I’m more in touch with their needs than the normal Western life you describe?”

The guy makes a lot of sense. He could be using his celebrity to buy more islands in Fiji or something. He truly seems to want to do good. And I respect that.

No longer will I take Bono’s name in vain.

Sam McManis: 253-274-7380

sam.mcmanis@the newstribune.com. :wink:
Nice!!! I NEED this book... I think I may hold off on buying it til I go to Chicago... Nice plane/airport reading material

I don't think I'll be able to hold off on buying this. I really can't afford it, but every review I read makes me want it more and more.

Thanks for posting this, Jamila!
Miroslava said:
Nice!!! I NEED this book... I think I may hold off on buying it til I go to Chicago... Nice plane/airport reading material


Hah! You had the same idea I had. I bought this book yesterday for $24 and I will read it while I'm on the plane going to Chicago :D

BTW Jamila, thanks for posting that review. That was great. :)
You're welcome, everyone.

And I hope to meet you, U2Girl1978 and Miroslava, plus miss becky and stars (and anyone else that I forgot to mention) that will be in Chicago in two weeks.

I will be in Chicago (my hometown) all week that U2 will be there, so it would really be nice to meet my fellow PLEBAns.

We can "appreciate" the B-man together. :combust:
I'll only be there on the 7th. My flight leaves too early on Sunday to make it to the party. :( So really, the only chance I have to meet everyone is in the GA line itself.

How about you? What days will you be there?
Well I'm trying like hell to get tickets for the 7th..but I will be arriving in Chicago on the morning of the 7th and I am seeing them for the first time on the 9th...I also have the 10th and 12th. Woohoo!!
Jules is already lucky. She's rooming with me! :wink:

Anyways, seriously....I got this book yesterday and I could not put it down! It is such an incredible jewel of a book.

True, Bono may bluff and gab alot but when you get down to the bone, every single one of this man's words are calculated, honest, and very deep.

You girls simply must get this book. I found myself saying aloud, more than once, "He is just simply amazing." I don't know how it could have been possible but my admiration for him has climbed to even greater heights. The world will never have another Bono and "Bono In Conversation" is such a strong testament & record to what has shaped and influenced this man.

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I picked this book up last night and couldn't put it down! It really is probably the best insight we will ever have into the man. He seems to be very open and honest in the book.

The stuff about his relationship with his dad and his mothers death had me crying. I was told by a not very nice doctor when I was 15 that my mother was dying. And my dad wasn't even there to soften the blow. He was alot like Bob Hewson. I have a feeling him and my dad would have been great mates. It did make me laugh a bit though when I read the part about how he felt that people who go thru tragedy often take those things in their lives and make it into art. Hmmmm I guess maybe thats why I became an artist. LOL

I'd definetly recommend this book to any U2 fan.
Russty Cat said:
The stuff about his relationship with his dad and his mothers death had me crying. I was told by a not very nice doctor when I was 15 that my mother was dying. And my dad wasn't even there to soften the blow. He was alot like Bob Hewson. I have a feeling him and my dad would have been great mates.

:hug: Russty Cat :hug:

Yeah, I saw the book at Borders yesterday, though unfortunatley I didn't have enough cash to buy it, I read the first few chapters... excellent, excellent read, very engaging. I feel like I know Bono, even though I don't. Y'know? It's very insightful and amusing and touching all at once. And that was certainly a great review.

So, how 'bout them Chicago shows?! :D I'll be there, May 7th... I don't have GA tix but I plan on getting there early with my best friend Alec to see if we can catch the band during soundcheck. Hopefully I'll see some of you there...I can't bloody wait! :hyper:
Just ordered it too :hyper:

I will TRY to not read it before Chicago, but I guess we'll see :D
I got it today--haven't put it down! It's sooo good, I'm already about halfway through. But I don't want to finish it so soon! It's really cool how open Bono is, it almost makes you feel like you know him or are there talking to him. Great book so far!
I got it at Borders the other day, even though I really should have used the money on my bills :whistle: and I'm really enjoying it so far.

Robin :)
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Miroslava said:
Just ordered it too :hyper:

I will TRY to not read it before Chicago, but I guess we'll see :D

Well...eh....IF you cave in....you could always let me borrow it in the GA line!
:heart: AtomicBono :hug: Thanks sweetie. :D

I finished the book this afternoon and I was a bit sad it was over. I may have to read it again. hehe
Oh, I am not bringing the book to the GA line... no car for me, so I will be packing light with items that will be consumed or tossed before going into the show... :wink:

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