Erhm...when a little Bono and a little Edgie...

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Nov 5, 2001
Attention! Slash fic below!

So, after a long time of writing, forgetting about it, finding it, throwing it away, and forgetting about it: Here's a little piece of shite you can laugh about. It was supposed (maybe it still is :lol: ) to be a :bono:/:edge: slash fic. I liked it a lot when I wrote it, but I haven't read it for months. :shrug: Maybe you like it. :D (I don't think so)

And a little guess of me: I think there will be 2 replies to this thread - at most! :yes: :shrug:

Part 1: Edge's POV

A vein is clearly visible at the side of his neck and its pulse puts me under its spell. This little string of skin that rises and falls all the time and that neck that fits around it so smoothly.....wouldn't it taste brilliant in my mouth? And isn't this a singular hair peeking out of his collar?
Apparently while sleeping he pulls his head a bit back and I can see the hypnotising rhythm far better than before.
Unconsciously I approach a bit and my tongue slowly wanders over my lips. Leaning over inhaling his scent or yanking my finger into the shirt and feeling the hair under it for myself......the thought itself makes me feel a hardness between my legs.
Then my eyes slowly wander up and I wish immediately that they hadn't. His eyes aren't closed as they were one minute ago and actually he also doesn't look sleepy at all. A wry smile plays around his lips and persuades his eyes to join them. My eyes must have taken the size of saucers and I look away embarrassed.
The window. Yes, this is a good idea. In the clouds there can't be any pulsating veins or piercing looks. Or hair teasing you with their presence.....
But I know he is watching me. I sense it. I take a deep breath and look back, right into the face I watched some minutes ago in such a shameless way. The amusement still lurks in his muscles, but there is also something different I've never seen before.
Okay, now that I face him it doesn't matter anymore if he will turn smiling knowingly - this would be the worst - or simply turn and tell the whole plane what I did - as worse.
Thud-thud-thud....The pounding in my ears is so loud that I'm afraid he could hear it. Hurriedly I get up and mumble a quiet "'Cuse me..." that I can't hear through my pounding ears. I pass him desperately trying not to brush his thigh or any other part of his body sitting so comfortable in his seat and head to the toilet. I shut the door behind me and lock it watching the man staring back at me from the small mirror on the wall. Red faced, trembling the person looks back.
'Great. All so fucking great! I just watched Bono's neck and he woke up staring back.' With my head leaning against the wall of the opposite site of the mirror I think about what to do next. Well, going back to him and confessing to him why I stared at him wouldn't be the best idea. As well as staying in this toilet till I retire. Okay. Two solutions - none of them works. What now?
I turn on the water and sprinkle my face with the cool liquid. That feels better. My head isn't that full anymore, but nevertheless I have no idea what to do. But.....what was that heavy a crime to watch a sleeping man? I know him long enough to know that he also watches me sleeping some times....What did he think when he watched me?.....
But his skin looked so sweet....And his stubbles touched his collar so invitingly.....And his lips....certainly they taste like pure honey.....
Fuck! Maybe I am into much more trouble then I expected at first. A rational thinking man would certainly put these beginning of thoughts into the category of 'fantasies rising under the withdrawal of love from the other sex'.......And what would rational thinking men advice in this moment? 'Hold on, we're working on a solution'...or 'Hey, I just put the symptoms under a name; don't force me to get you out of your problems'....Helpfully like every time.........I shake my head unwillingly - when I also start talking to myself, then I crack up completely......
One last look into the mirror and although I don't look much better then when I left him I make my way back to my seat. I see Bono nodding at me with a bright smile on his lips and force my look on my seat. Almost having passed him completely I touch his right knee with my thigh and try to avoid that wave of whatsoever flooding through my body.
With a silent sigh I sink back into my seat and turn my head towards the window for not wanting to seem as if I wanted to avoid Bono's look though I think it is obvious nevertheless, because after some seconds I feel his hand squeezing my right shoulder and twitch at his warmth.
'What now? Please go away.....'
" was it?"
'What? How was what?' Man, don't purr like this into my ear.......
"I don't understand." I mumble still staring through the window.
"Well, watching me sleeping?" His hot mouth is only centimetres away from my right ear, but the thought of him being so near drives me crazy.
"I don't know what you mean. I didn't watch you. I was thinking" Wonderful. Not even I believe this lie. Does he?
"Okay, then: How was the thought of you concerning me sleeping? Come on: You can tell me...." He chuckles and his wet lips brush slightly against my earlobe.
I turn and face him, only a small distance between my nose and his. Those blue eyes...Strangely but I never really realized the intensity of his eyes; but on the other hand I was never that close to his face like now, at least in no sober state...
"Look, Bono. I was just thinking and you were sitting in the seat beneath me.....beside....I mean beside me!" Shit! Shit! Not beneath me! Oh God! His eyes smile amused at me. "Ummm....what was it......." I look helplessly out of the window and back into his eyes. "And I didn't watch you doing anything. So go back on your own seat and don't fucking touch me all the time!" Okay, the last part was a bit loud - okay, it was very loud since Bono takes his hand away very quickly.
"Alright. Alright. Don't get so pissed off! It was just a joke!" Pouting he turns in his seat and I just see his back and his strands falling on his shoulders. A wonderful big and comfortably looking back and this ebony hair....After some seconds I realize my gaze and come back to reality.
'I didn't wanted that. Please don't be angry. I didn't....' I lean forwards to whisper an apology into his ear and in this moment he turns again and crushes into my face. He looks startled at me. Even nearer then he was some seconds ago our noses touch and I feel blood coming up and turning my face from a shallow white to the uncomfortable red I hate so much. Blushing I turn carefully in my seat.
With the pounding of my heart in my ears I watch the clouds pass and shush the thought of Bono watching me away.


After some hours and many forced looks away from him and his body, I lie on my bed in some hotel room in some city somewhere in Europe. Not only that I had to think on him all the time, I also have to share my room with him. In former times we shared the hotel room all the time, but in former times I never realized his blue eyes....
I'm shocked by thoughts suddenly appearing in my head of what worse could have happened in the plane: What if I would have examined his whole length with him being awake and watching me?!? Or what if I would have lost my balance when heading to the toilet and landing in his lap?!?! Or what if I would have leant over and kissed him.......Kissed?!?!?!
This wasn't a normal thought. And it doesn't fit in my mind. Kissing him? Kissing another man? But certainly his lips would have been soft.....
The door crushes open. Jumping off the bed, I hurriedly go on unpacking my suitcase. Bono. It's Bono. And he stands there watching me. Well, why not? Now it's his turn.......
I start sweating and fear him sensing my emotions. 'God, he is no fucking dog to sense if I'm afraid!'
But somehow I don't feel his eyes on me. He looks somewhere else. He clears his throat. Maybe he wants me to leave him alone...
Taking my bath utilities and going to the bathroom I risk a look at him. He stands in the middle of the room, irresolute looking around and eventually throwing himself on the bed. On my bed. Can't he see that there's my suitcase beside the bed?! But the way he lies there....
Having put the toilet bag in the bathroom, I come back and heave the suitcase from my formerly bed to the other one. No need to argue with him. It would end with me staring at him anyway....
Quickly I look up again and watch him. He lies on the bed with folded arms and open eyes. His rip cage slowly rises and sinks. He's so.......mmmmmh.......
He's still angry with me. It's okay for me. I mean he has the right for it, hasn't he? Well, actually not, but......
He moves and I look away. Taking my jacket from the couch on the other side of the room I walk to the door.
"Well, I'm off. Till....then."
Out! Yes! No blue eyes! No rip cages! Not even angry men!
Happily I walk to the lobby and out of the hotel. Sightseeing will be a good idea. But.......I come to an halt. Where to go - alone? I decide to go simply in the downtown of this city - whatever city this might be - and watch a bit the stores. With no real interest in the shops and the people around me, I look at my watch. 3 pm. When I would go to a pub and drink something the time would pass faster and Bono would surely go out partying soon.
Having found a nice looking bar I go in and order a beer. Side information: I'm in Germany. The people can't understand what I want to drink. Doesn't matter. In the end I don't really taste what I gulp anyway.
My thoughts wander away. Bono's so.....The way he sat there in his seat....or lay on the bed.....How long have I thought about Bono in this way? I think ever since......
Glass is empty. Another one. And his ebony hair and those strands of his resting on his shoulders whenever he lies his head back. The way he laughs when thinking his jokes would be great though they aren't in the slightest way. The way he simply stands somewhere and watches other people hurrying past him. But he's never in a hurry. He always has all the time of the world.
But I think I thought about Bono like this all the time. When I saw him in Larry's house for the first time without so many people around him like in school.......walking into the room and starting to pretend he could play the guitar.......I smile - I don't think only because of the thoughts, but also because of the beer. That beer is extremely strong. Bono's arms are also very strong.... I can't believe that I actually connect beer with Bono......
There aren't too many men I'd like to touch me - actually I don't want any men to touch me except....him....I know him so long and he feels stronger than a brother, but not yet like a lover...maybe because we never had sex....I shake my head trying to think proper again and not about such stupid explanations----imaginations?-----fantasies?? The good thing on beer's always that you can act like a complete idiot after enough of it.....
I look at my watch. 5 pm. A bit puzzled about how fast the time had passed I pay - the bartender doesn't really want to take Irish pounds, but I don't have anything else to pay with - and walk slowly back to the hotel. It takes me another half an hour to find the hotel. When I found the bar there were so many people around, but now I can't remember having ever been here.


It's already dark and there are some clouds leaving the circle of light around the lonely moon. There's my hotel. And this has to be my room. The windows are dark as well and I'm relieved to see that Bono's out.
After getting the key from the reception, I make my way to my room. The alcohol in my veins.......Bono's veins are so amazingly - especially the one on left side of his neck.......makes me a bit dizzy, but not far as dizzy as Irish beer would have made me.
I open my room door and unlock the door again from the inside. Yawning I walk into the bed room, put the suitcase away, kick my shoes off and throw me onto the bed.
Back on the bed my thoughts go on spinning around him. Darkness surrounds me and I imagine Bono being here with me. Maybe even here in bed with me. Just kissing. It is a weird thought for me to think about kissing my best friend, but it makes me smile.
Was there a noise? I think I've heard somebody in the bathroom.......But Bono's out and this is my room, so nobody can be here. Probably just imagination.....
I smile. His tongue in my mouth. His hands cradling my face and his thighs straddling my hips. Yes, this would be right.
I hum quietly and the bathroom door suddenly flies open. Shocked at the sudden light of the bath room in my face, I sit up and protect my eyes with my arm.
"Oh, didn't knew you were back, love. How was the trip?"
It's Bono. And it seems as if he had forgotten what had happened earlier this day. Well, that's Bono - forgetting very fast....
It's Bono. And he's only wearing a towel.
"Erhm....y-yyy-yes. I mean...ummm...yes, the trip was fine......though it wasn't a trip. I was drinking some beer and then came back...."
It's Bono and his hair is wet and his chest hair is wet as well. As well as the line of hair that leads south and is covered by his towel. His entire skin glitters of water drops and the fact that he drops of me while walking to his - my former - bed, doesn't seem to bother him.
"Well, the same that I did. Some strong stuff in the mini bar." Pointing behind his bed, I see a small bunch of empty bottles lying on the floor. "You could have told me that you go out drinking. I could have joined you and we could have got drunk together." He laughs. The laughter comes from somewhere deep in his chest and I have the urge to jump at him and search for the source of the laughter.....
Oh, I also have to laugh, right? If not, it would be a stupid joke of you and I don't want you to feel as if it was stupid.
I lay back.
Bono dries himself a bit, then leans back on his bed, switches the light out and the TV on. Blue and white flashes colour his face and I can't resist watching it in the corners of my eyes. So beautiful.....His muscles stiffening and going limb all the time - maybe he thinks about something - and his eyes slowly wander across the screen.
He turns the TV out again. "Only German films. Uninteresting crap..."
And gets up.
And walks over to my bed.
And sits beside me.
And kisses me.
I gasp for surprise. Wondering and also frightened I only feel his lips move across mine. This must be a joke. No, this must be a dream. Right. Probably I'm still in the bar dreaming about Bono. Okay if this is a dream, nothing will happen and I can wake up when I want.
My hands come up and tangle in his hair; wet and damp at the same time. His tongue slides over my lips, wanting to part them. Softly my tongue meets with his when Bono suddenly draws back asking me to open my mouth....I push up harder against his tongue and feel him smile against me. My tongue seeks entrance in his mouth and I feel his warmth spreading into me. This skilled muscle......I dreamt about this and now it simply happens. This just have to be a dream. God, please don't let me wake up.........
He tastes like ten different sorts of alcohol mixed together and poured into his glorious mouth.....
His mouth leaves mine and kisses his way down to my throat. His hands have found their way under my shirt and my jacket and brush across my belly, making me shudder. Not being able to stop I start moaning quietly.
"Why Bono?"
Was this me? Why do I ask this?!?! Why do exactly I ask this?!?!? First thinking, then asking. Jesus...
"Mmmh....I don't know.......why not?..........No one here.........and I need it now.........Furthermore you were the one staring at me all the let's do it now......mmmh...."
Good explanation. Never knew I shared my room with a nymphomaniac, but this makes everything so much easier. I don't have to just dream about him. Now I'm sure, this isn't a dream....God, don't let him stop.........
I feel him climbing onto the bed and his legs finding equal places at the sides of mine. I wonder how his towel still keeps in place, but the thought drifts away....My hands are at his back, squeezing.
Slowly a voice in the backside of my head rises telling me to stop this, to get away from him and this - whatever this might be.....But I don't listen to the voice.........I want this and the little rational thinking voice can't change anything........When I slept with Aislinn the voice also wanted me to stop it and get away from her, but in the end I never regretted it.....
He helps me taking off my jacket and throws it to the floor. His lips find back to mine and his tongue teases me again while his hands rummage across my shirt. With every movement of his hands I feel saver and enjoy this all even more. His mouth slides down at the side of my throat and closes through fabric around a hard nipple. I hiss in pain but also in pleasure and obviously he likes the sound of me from beneath him.
Bono acts so slowly as if he had all the time of the world. Actually he has all the time of the world.....but.......
His hands make my shirt join the jacket on the floor. His soft fingers dance across my skin combing through chest hair. His fingers are so much softer than mine, almost womanly......
"That feels so good.........don't you think so, love?.......So good........" Quietly mumbling and moaning he works his way down my throat to my chest and my belly. Sucking and biting nipples and skin, his hands wander down even further and start opening my zipper. I'm aware of the bulge in my crotch and shift uncomfortably. I don't know if I want this.....he's my best friend......and not even a woman.........this will never work......
But Bono doesn't realize - or at least doesn't show me that he realizes - my shift and goes on.
Okay, I'll only play along a little bit further. I think he knows what he's doing....
I lift my hips and he can take my trousers off. The darkness that surrounds us makes this all more mysterious and I realize that I am fully at his mercy. His kisses and touches come and go as he pleases.........
And the last garment is away. The underwear lands somewhere on the floor and I feel Bono coming up again, throwing his towel away. Something silky and warm and nevertheless hard touches my thigh and I twitch.
"Oh, Edgie is this the nice way? Don't have to shudder - you have done this to me......" And his lips close once again on mine. This time he kisses rougher and his hands grab my head in an almost violent way holding it in place. His hips descend and at first I hiss of pain into his mouth, but after a while the feeling of his erection rubbing on mine, is good. More than good.
I moan louder and also feel him slowly thrusting into me. His teeth scrap at my shoulder and bite me. My nails dig into him in turn. I'm proud in a way of being marked by him and marking him in turn.....
I get harder and feel the urge to thrust as well, but it would be no good; there's no simply way to go....
Through moans I try to form a sentence. "I......God..........what now?.......mmmh............That won't bring us anywhere......." Okay, it wasn't a real sentence, but a good try.
After some seconds I feel Bono forcing his mouth away from my shoulder and getting up a bit on one of his elbows.
"You could turn on your stomach..........if you like to.......or make a better suggestion....." His voice sounds wincing and a bit painful. The pleasure and the urge for release clearly audible.
Why not doing what he says when not having a better idea what to do with a man, that is - by the way - your best friend? With some effort I get on my elbows and turn till I lie flat on my stomach.
"Put a pillow under your hips, love."
I do as I am told and Bono reaches from behind me into the drawer between our two beds and takes out something. That bastard! He planned this all! But why being angry with him? I want this now as much as he.
I feel him shifting a bit on top of me and then I hear the sound of lube and the darkness keeps the secret when he is coated. He breathes. And his breaths are the only noises I hear for a while. His breaths and small sighs and moans of him. A quiet thud tells me that the tube is on the floor and now I can feel him again shifting on me.
"I don't know....I don't hope that this will hurt, but I'm afraid it will...." His body searches for a comfortable position on my back.
"No won't it now....." His left leg slips off me, brushing mine and gives him more balance.
"I really don't want to hurt will be good for you, I often have you done this before?" He licks my ear and his pelvis starts building up a slow rhythm.
I gulp. "N-never..."I expect him to stop that wonderful rhythm and leave me right now, but instead of it his thrusts get a little bit faster.
"Oh, then I will do it extra good for will is fantastic." Unbelievable, but the thought of me being a virgin in this point, seems to arouse him even more.
His erection slowly seeks for entrance and at the beginning it works really good. The first wetness of the lube makes me contract around him and he groans longingly. I hear his moans and gasps behind my ear and my hands clench into the sheet.
But then there is no way. He can't get further. I feel his thrusts coming faster and harder and I want to please him, but I don't know how. His moans get urgent. A feel pain coming up, but I don't care as long as I could only give him what he wants.....The pain increases and I stifle the wining sounds in my throat. Suddenly my head is hot and the pain is also in this part of my body. Bono knows what he does and if this is the right way then it is okay for me to suffer for him.
Then he is through. I feel him sliding into me easily now. His moans now steady and full, I relax and give into that new feeling. My head clears all at once and the feeling is overwhelming. His nails clench in my shoulder blades the way my nail dig into the pillow and I take the rhythm and support him the best I can.
I feel me and him starting to sweat as his hands slide of my back now and then, only to come up and dig their nails deeper into my flesh.
He slides further into me and every movement makes me aware that he really is inside me stimulating nerves I never knew even existed. I start joining him into moans and this sounds we make will always be in my head from now on.
One of his hands come slides down reaching under me, rubbing and tugging still carefully at my dick....
His weight on top of me reminds me on the countless times I have seen him after a party lying completely drunken half on Gavin or Adam and I have to chuckle at the thought - now I finally knew why. Bono's moans stop for a second, then go on.
" that funny?..........Isn't it good for you?" He presses out.
"Everything's fine.........just had to.....think on something......It is good....." I involuntarily arch my back and he appreciates that with a louder groan.
"Okay, then....could you think on it later?........It irritates me to hear you laughing......when I'm fucking you........." We both chuckle and suddenly I feel the beginnings of those liquid sparkles spilling into me. I gulp and moan louder repeating senseless words all the time, but mostly the name of the man on top of me. The thrusts are too fast to follow anymore and our hips crush together very often.
Then I feel it. The fire is completely released. I arch my back. I scream is name. I hear him screaming out my name and ending it with a long and deep exhalation. He collapses. My muscles go limb and my head crushes on the mattress. His head bounces forwards as well and I feel his wet hair at my neck.
I realize that my eyes were closed the whole time and I see colourful stars rising in front if my eye lids. Blue, yellow, green, red,........but maybe just all black. I breath heavily and try to get air into my lungs, but I can't. Bono's still lying on top of me and I can still feel him inside me.
The comfortable warmth surrounding me, makes me sleepy and the dizziness of the alcohol seems to come back again.
Then I feel him moving on me. He gets on his hands and pulls out. The feeling of not being one anymore makes me gasp and I start shivering. He lies down beside me and pulls the blanket over both of us. I snuggle closer to him and the only things I hear are words I can't make any sense of in the moment. "You're so perfectly tight, love......perfectly tight......."


I awake to a strange caress at my most sensitive part of my body and feel me thrusting hard into the bed.
This was a fantastic dream.....Everything seemed so real......
Strangely my bottom feels sort of numb and I realize that this all wasn't a dream when my hands go down and comb immediately through Bono's wet hair. My back is arched and I can't stop the row of moans and gasps flooding out of my mouth as he plays me.
His tongue draws weird symbols on the underside of my erection and the ticklish sensation makes me scream. Somehow his tongue and his fingers all found places were they could tease me best. I feel his stubbles rub against my thigh and bend one knee. Bono groans in a thankful way and manages to shove even more of me into his mouth.
Then I come for the second time this night. My back arches even more and my lover's name crosses my lips loud enough for even Dublin to hear it.
With his personal tranquillity Bono waits between my legs till I'm ready and saves the evidence of my pleasure in his mouth. When he kisses me, his mouth tastes salty and metallic and it feels so good being held by him. Panting I slide closer to him and fondle the soft hair at his thigh.
"You know, Edge....I wanted to say that I will never forget this night and I'm glad that you did this for me...." He places a light kiss on my hair.
'Do you think I will ever forget this night? It was the best I will ever have...And it wasn't all just for you....'
I rise my head and look him into his eyes. "Well, I don't know what you are thinking, but.....what about showing you what I learnt over the years?" I kiss him onto his mouth and our tongues meet in a wonderful embrace.
"Feel free to teach me, love..." The words mumbled into my mouth go down in the kiss while he rolls on his back, but the word 'love' switches something in me and I echo the word.
"Love..." This single syllable is thrown from my mouth to his and back again like a neutron in an electric environment. My mouth leaves his still mumbling this electrifying word and slides over his throat.
"Is this what you were taught? Or will it get more interesting in the end?" He laughs quietly, but it brings me back to reality and I remember what I wanted to show him.
Shakily and not really wanting to abandon his hot skin I get to my feet and stagger to my suitcase. Though I'm happy that my eyes have become friends with the darkness and that I can see relatively good now, I'm still sad that the mysteriousness has gone. Blue schemes have taken the place of the blackness.....
I open my suitcase and rummage through the cloths not really finding anything that would fit for my plan. Disappointed I almost want to go back to Bono and think about something new, but then I stumble over his suitcase lying next to mine. I have to think on the scarf Bono always takes with him on tour - maybe some sort of lucky charm - and start searching for it. Fortunately this garment is exactly what I was looking for and I find it immediately.
Grinning I go back to the bed.
"Hey, what are you planning? I don't like this evil grin in your face." He protests in a slow way and I start kissing him instead of an answer, letting the scarf fall on the bed behind me.
While my mouth and my tongue are occupied with his, I lead my hands down his length and rub him carefully.
He starts groaning and pulls his neck longingly in my direction. I see a vein. The vein. And my mouth goes down sucking it hard. It really tastes brilliant in my mouth.
The point where jaw and neck meets is apparently a very sensitive point for Bono and I coax enormous sounds of his lips only by letting my tongue brush over it.
And then I feel his erection between my legs. Smiling I desert his skin and crouch between his parted legs. His head shoots up and his eyes darkened with desire make me almost take him into my arms again.
"What are you doing Edge?........I want to know it......." This poor baby. How helpless it is in my mercy.
"I won't do anything uncomfortable for you. I promise......Just trust me.....Please......And now lie back, love......"
His head falls back and his hands twitch nervously. Satisfied I take the scarf and try to tie his erection carefully to his balls, but when the garment touches his throbbing skin he winces and cries out. His skin is so sweaty and warm and when my fingers stay longer than necessary on one and the same place I feel his pores tighten around them immediately. He moans deeply. Ending it with a loose knot, I admire my masterpiece for a second and crawl up to his face. His eyes are closed and his bottom lip trembles. Actually one should take a photo of this....So vulnerable....And yet so sexy........
I start kissing him again. His shuddering form beneath me grows and his lips searches for mine. His hands are on my back squeezing softly but then scratching their way violently under my already rare skin. Then our lips close for the xth time this night. His tongue that frantically pushes into my mouth as if begging even with this muscle for release is accompanied by groans and urgent moans.
I feel my own erection torturing me, but I try to avoid the painful feeling between my legs. This is his turn and not mine. When he enjoys it then I'm satisfied......
The feeling of his chest hair tickling my chest is wonderful and I push nearer to him. Apparently he desires more near of me when his right leg slings around my waist, pressing our bodies hard together. I cry out harshly. The try to avoid the thought on my own erection was one of the most stupid ideas I ever had, but I simply have to hold on longer. I would only waste all his pleasure......
He thrusts into my groin and I really try my best for not letting him realize my need. And somehow it works. It works really good. The shifts of me on top of his body seem to turn him on even more and his moans and cries get more urgent with every passing second.
"God.......Edge, I can't........make me come.............the bastard..........make me come...........pleeeeease....."
I grin slowly. "I know this feeling love.....but hold on........I know you can do it....."
And I kiss him hard on his mouth. His tongue darts forward and I press against it. His erection beneath me is almost already too hard and I start doubting when to go back and give him his release. But not now - it is too early......My cock rubs at Bono's bent knee, at least a bit release....
My senses are stimulated to the most and everything, every of his movements is registered in my brain. His hard thrusts into me. His moans and groans deafening my ears. His nails digging so deeply into my back. His leg pressing my body tightly on his own.
"Please...........ohhh.........Edge.........come on...........this isn't funny anymore.........I need to.......come..............take the scarf off........" His whining voice and his cries let my heart crack. But in spite of bringing my entire attention to his mouth, I nevertheless realize his hands leaving my back and wandering down my body to his hard cock. Okay, before he gets release himself, I will do it for him.
I crawl down and carefully loosen the scarf from his erection. Pre-come appears at its head and I take him into my mouth ready to take everything from him. He arches his back and with his fists clenched around the sheet cries my name into the night as he comes.
But I'm there saving everything. My tongue caressing the ideal point between head and shaft coaxes him to give it all. After every withdraw and newly going down I taste more of the hot salty liquid.
His screams slowly fade away.
His skin is much harder felt with my tongue than with my fingertips. Rubbing over sensitive veins and arteries make him spill out even the last drop of the precious gift and when I look up I see his hands covering his face. My need is gone when I feel his washed over orgasm flooding into the air.
The sudden silence is heavy and the fact that I'm not expecting it makes it sound twice as louder. The ringing of nothingness is louder than the screams of my beloved, but I enjoy it nevertheless. Then I hear the fast breaths of Bono and I make my way out of his protecting legs and up to his face. He shivers. I can't get his hands away from his face.
"Shush......hey Bono.........shush......." He uncovers his face and looks up at me with wet and somehow disguised eyes. As soon as I lie beside him he cuddles at my body. I hope he isn't angry with me. And I hope even more that it pleased him the way it had always pleased me in former times.
He pants and I hold him. I hold him.
"Hey.......This is a goddamn chilling trick you learnt, Edge....." He's still breathless. And he kisses me. No, he isn't angry with me.
"Did you like it?" I give him a wet kiss on his throat.
"God, yes I did......Thank you."
I can't remember who pulled the blanket over us, but I still remember our two bodies giving shelter to the other and sharing the comfortable warmth. And I remember the backside of one of his hands stroking over my chest until sleep overwhelmed me.
Maybe you read the stories parallel - that's how they were written; I forgot to say that earlier.

Part 2: Bono's POV

I sense his eyes on me and it feels good. He stares at me. Not like Larry or Paul would stare at me....He stares more like Ali when we had her parents' house for our own in former times.....And it feels so good......
I pull my head a bit back and hope to give him a better view on whatever he watches. I think it works because he approaches.
Carefully I open one eye and when I see him still fascinated by something I open both completely. He's very close. I can distinguish every little string of these things in his pupil; certainly Edge would know their name....His eyes look at something, but I don't know what. Something at my neck.
Then his eyes wander up and meet with mine. Now I can?t stop the smile coming up on my lips. I'm so sorry, but the smile also overtakes my eyes. I don't want him to feel embarrassed. But I do nevertheless as the extreme redness in his face shows. His wonderful greenish gray eyes look at me shocked and he turns.
I see his neck muscles stiffening nervously. How fantastic hot he looks in this pose. I want to climb on his lap, kiss him and tell him not to feel ashamed, but it would only make him blush more. The same as I did when I once came into his room back at his parents' house and he was standing there completely naked. He looked so hot......But he put his jeans on far too quickly as if not to show his embarrassment.....Tsktsktsk.....As if I would have never seen a man naked - except myself that is...
Now he turns again. His sapphire jewels look at me terrified.
'Aww....Edgie......Why are you so uptight?.......I would never be angry with you only because of that......'
But he doesn't understand my mimic and the whsipered "'Cuse me" is almost not audible. He rushes past my knee and straight to the toilet shutting the door tightly behind him.
'Edge....Do you really think I'm that stupid not to realize your try to avoid touching my form? However, your try was really good...'
I sigh and stretch comfortably. He amazes me every time anew. Every time I look at him he doesn't understand the looks as what they are in reality: Looks at his body; looks at his pure and vulnerable flesh. And what does he think? That I'm making fun of him and he goes to Adam for a serious question about his outfit. Ah......He's so cute. And I think finally his hunger for something new awoke.
The small valley where he sat slowly vanishes and his seat is still comfortable warm to my touch.
I look out of the window. This cloud passing seems to me like Edge's earlobe with an ear ring in it. I smile. Somehow every cloud reminds me on Edge since he once in school tried so hard to explain to me the way clouds are created. My try to convince him that it was the Almighty's work, didn't seem to satisfy him very much.
Ah, he's back. He walks a bit hesitating. When his eyes eventually lock with mine he looks away again. How could anybody not love him? I see that his face is wet. The same procedure I told him before his first date.....
He passes me, but this time he brushes me thigh and I realize the sudden stiffening of his whole body. I don't know why he stiffened, but I liked the feeling. Smiling again.
His body presses into his seat again and his face turns away looking out of the window. I wonder if he thinks the same that I did, but I don't think so since his mind is more interested in making terms and relations. Well, what can you do? He is a genius...
Then it is me to do the first step. I lean over and place my hand on his right shoulder. It is so angular and warm.....My mouth comes near his ear.
" was it?", I blow softly into his ear. Good question, let's see if he says the truth.
"I don't understand." God, he's so cute when he's afraid and also when he's lying.
"Well, watching me sleeping?" I eye his ear and his hat covering his head. I could easily lick the ear, but it would only scare the shit out of him and cause him to beat me up.
"I don't know what you mean. I didn't watch you. I was thinking" Wow, damn good lie. Could have been one of mine....
"Okay, then: How was the thought of you concerning me sleeping? Come on: You can tell me...." I chuckle slightly and I can't hold my lips away from him anymore. Only once; only one little brush......Oh, how good it feels.
He turns trying to look straight into my eyes...
"Look, Bono. I was just thinking and you were sitting in the seat beneath me.....beside....I mean beside me!" The slip of his tongue amuses me, but I try to make the smile go away. "Ummm....what was it......." A helpless look out of the window and back into my eyes. "And I didn't watch you doing anything. So go back on your own seat and don't fucking touch me all the time!"
'Edge, slow down....It was just my hand, nothing more. Your little furious adorable.....But okay, if you want to...See? My hand is away - and my body will leave your distance as me pout......Ali loves seeing me squirm under the withdrawal of her presence.....'
"Alright. Alright. Don't get so pissed off! It was just a joke!" Ha! Let me count the seconds when you touch me and say you're sorry.....
Hmpf....come on.....Where are you Edge? Do I even have to do this on my own?
God....okay, if you don't come.....
I turn and crush into his face. 'How long have you been that near? I didn't even feel you......'
Our noses still touch and I look into his shocked eyes. He already starts blushing again. I think he should go to the doctor once in a while - these blush attacks might be erotic to watch, but I bet that every doctor would give you some medicament against it.....
After a while of staring at me he turns in his seat, covering the obvious shame in his heart like me, when I would have been caught by one of my many looks at his body. 'You see? I'm a real useful person to hang around with - you can learn very much of me......'
His back looks really comfortable and I imagine once again how it would fit to my body. He beneath me and learning from me what other people taught me already years ago......Mmmh......But he would never go along with my games......I think.......Maybe one day he will........with enough alcohol if necessary.....Oh yeah.......
I search for a comfortable position for my head and lean into the seat. With closed eyes I feel the plane rattle on and Edge shifting in his seat.


Where the fuck is he?!? I'm searching for him already for one hour and he's nowhere around! He avoids me all day and then he just sneaks away without even an apology to the others. How I hate it!
I stop walking. What was it that I wanted to find him for...? I guess.......Talking with him about the plane incident.....But on the other hand he wouldn't have talked with me about it anyway; he's way too shy for coming up to me and telling me that....well.....telling me what he thought while watching my neck.......
Okay, the only place where he possibly can be without leaving the hotel would be our room....While walking towards it, my new plan after throwing the old one of talking with him out of the window is making him drunken tonight. Tomorrow won't be a show and until the next one he will be sober again....and hopefully richer of at least one experience......
The door accidentally crushes open at a too hard kick of my boot and there he's lying. Was lying. He hurriedly gets up pretending to unpack his suitcase.
I close the door and stop in the middle of the room. What shall I do now? Actually this question hasn't really occurred to me for ages, but now I'm helpless. I look out of the window and just see some clouds.....clouds.....
I could start talking about the weather......A look out of the corners of my eye show me that his face is red again and this wouldn't be a good start for a conversation about a 'meteorological phenomenon' as he would say now.....
I clear my throat. I don't like making him drunken anymore; either he does it without force or I let it be. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable.
'Okay, Edge. Your turn. Make up a conversation about whatever pleases you right now....'
But instead of a talk Edge takes something and goes to the bathroom. He's gone. What is there in his suitcase this time? Some shirts, a pair of jeans, some boring......
I throw myself on his bed trying to provoke an argument, but when he comes back the only thing he does is to pull the suitcase to his new - my former - bed. I'm at the backside of the room now, but for that I have the mini bar in my reach. I stare at the ceiling.
'Speak with me...Edge......Please, speak with me....'
I move a bit and he walks through the room - yeah, Edge, come to me! - takes his jacket and goes to the door.
"Well, I'm off. Till....then." He mumbles and immediately slides out.
SHIT! What a crap!! When you come back I will talk with you no matter what happens! This was officially the very first and last time I let you do the first step!
I sit up again. Great. What now? I get up and look out of the window. There you're walking. Walking away from me. You don't even turn once.
I go back angrily and sit down at the rim of the bed. There isn't much to do in this room as I see with a short glimpse. A cupboard. A mini bar. An old telly.
I lean over to the mini bar, observing what there is that is worth a try. Some scotch, gin, Guiness......
I take some small bottles without knowing which, kick my shoes off and lay on the bed on back. I unscrew one bottle and start pouring it down.
I stop shortly and get up again. Opening my suitcase, I search for a special tube that I know has to be somewhere in there and eventually find it. I don't know if I will really get Edge to this point tonight, but if I do so, then I will prepared. I put the tube of lube into the drawer between our beds and go on drinking.
I have no problem with him not really realizing me....I mean, I have a beautiful girlfriend that is willing to do everything I want from her.......and I shouldn't be sorry about this little shy piece of.....I can't believe that I think that....
The bottle is empty - well, there wasn't much more in it than in a thimble. The empty one lands on the floor, the next one is already half way down....
What could I do to get his attention? In former times it worked all so much better. One glance of me into the direction of my prey and the person was in my arms......It had worked so good to throw my head back and let my hair rest on my shoulders......or to take a long and delicious drag of a cigarette........or to put on extra thick drag of after shave.........and even putting on one of Ali's fragrances had led me to success once....But he doesn't even realize me!
I look to the side and the bunch of empty bottles on the floor shocks me a bit. Though only a bit, I still feel awkward not to be able to remember when I drank them all.
I turn away from the bottles and face Edge's bed. Tonight he will lay there. And he will snore his sweet melody like every night. And I will be laying in my bed dreaming either of Ali, Edge, Ali or Edge...........I guess of Ali.......but maybe of Edge.......


A knock on the door sends a shiver down my spine. I sit up and quickly look at the watch before heading to the door. Almost 5 pm. I think I napped over my thoughts. And the look into the mirror besides the door only confirms that. I stop and comb a bit through my hair, wiping the sleep of my eyes. I can't let Edge in in such a state. The knock again.
"Hold on! I'll be there!" Why didn't he take a key with him? Or got one by the reception?
I open and my happy smile fades when I see a blonde fro.
"Ummm......Sorry, that it's only me.....but I wanted to ask you to go to some clubs. Want to join me?"
I grunt. "No. Thank you for asking, but I don't feel very well, you know?" I didn't even had to lie! But the alcohol of the thimbles knocks around in my head....
"I understand. Go lay down a bit - this will be the best......And take a shower before you do that: You look terrible, man." Making a total mess out of my hairdo I tried to make look good quickly, he gives me an amicable smile and leaves towards the elevator. "Good night, Bono! Call Ali if you can't stand it anymore. She will know what to do. Don't you think so?"
"We'll see. I don't think it will get worse. I was on tour already for some time. I will stand it, but thank you for the advice. Enjoy yourself, Adam and good night!" I called too loud and an up coming headache reminds me on not doing it again.
I slowly close the door. He's right. Not in calling Ali, but in talking a shower. I look horrifying. Blood shot eyes and grey shallow skin......
Going into the bathroom I'm looking forward in taking a long bath with warmth surrounding every part of my body - but there isn't a bath tub.....only a small shower in the corner of the room.....
Having no other chance I turn on the shower and let the hot water pour into the small cabin while I undress myself. I throw my cloths into the washbasin and let the water wash over me. Hehe, Edge doesn't like it when I make a mess out of the bathroom - a nice way to make him furious........I moan silently and enjoy the feeling of the liquid putting me in such a relaxed mood. The drops drumming on my shoulder and my head make my skin numb and it feels a bit like a foreigner's hand touching me, coaxing me to give it all to him - or her. I catch some water in my mouth and gulp the hot. Reaching out, taking some shampoo into my palms, I wash my hair slowly savouring the feeling of hands combing through it and at last soap my body. Soapy hands make my body more slender and remind me on the countless times I surprised Ali while showering......I let my hands wander across my belly, my rip cage, my chest and lean against a wall......My right hand crawls down to my cock, closing around it, starting to pump slowly. I moan louder, holding on to the wall, but when I realize completely what I'm doing I stop it regretful....I don't have to jerk off that cheap when I maybe fuck someone else later.......The water seems to clear my mind and my thoughts a bit, it seems as if it washed out the desire for Edge......But as soon as all the foam is gone I just feel better, but still want him........The rising headache is gone. One last time I let my hands stroke over my body imagining somebody holding me, pressing me towards her/him, then I shut the water off and get out of the shower.
While I'm drying myself I hear the door being unlocked and afterwards locked again. A yawn shows me that it is Edge who came in. I hear his foot steps getting quiet towards the bed room. I smile into the mirror and I love how I look. Black, damp strands surrounding my face. A naughty smile on my lips. And stubbles just being not long enough to shave them already. I caress my chin shortly and put a dry towel around my hips, making sure that it will stay there for a while.
I take a deep breath and reminding me all the time that this time I will take the initiative if necessary I just want to kick the door open when I hear a faint humming from somewhere outside. I smile.
'Edge, Edge, Edge.....if you are only a bit like me, you are laying on bed with naughty thoughts in mind thinking about some girl...'
Eventually I kick the door open. There he's laying and yet sitting with an arm holding protective over his eyes shielding the light of the bath room.
"Oh, didn't knew you were back, love. How was the trip?" Now we will see if you can get along with such a nice snore melody tonight.
"Erhm....y-yyy-yes. I mean...ummm...yes, the trip was fine......though it wasn't a trip. I was drinking some beer and then came back...." Amused I watch him staring at my wet hair. Now at my chest hair - go on darling, I like your looks. And now - I can't believe it - he really stares at my package! Edge, I think I want to know who planted these thoughts in your head - I didn't since I still have enough respect to wait until the person doesn't look in my direction before I examine him in such a shameless way....'Yes, Edge. I drop on you. Don't you like the feeling of wetness on your cloths?'
"Well, the same that I did. Some strong stuff in the mini bar." Pointing behind my bed and showing him the fruits of my spare time, he looks with not real interest to the bunch of empty bottles. "You could have told me that you go out drinking. I could have joined you and we could have got drunk together."
I laugh without real reason and after a short hesitation he joins me. I know myself that he joke wasn't brilliant, Edge.....
He lays back again, resting his slender body on the bed and I dry myself. I hope he looks at me.
'Edge, watch this. You see this trail of water sliding down my back? You could help me drying.......Yes really......No? Okay, your time will come soon, my dear.....'
I sit down on my bed, switch the light out that I turned on when seeing what light did to him and then I switch the TV on instead.
'Hey, Edge, you know you can come over every can have me right here....'
Though my eyes are on the screen I couldn't really tell what the film is about. How much time does this stupid guy need to get his butt on my bed and do something with me?
Okay, this is enough. Now you're going to get it.....
Turning the TV out again I walk over to his bed and when he watches me a bit frightened, I sit down immediately and press a kiss on his lips.
He doesn't do anything except gasping once. Not even a careful move with his lips. I go on brushing over his lips.
'My kiss won't start the game. This is your turn. When you give me the permission, I will do the rest...'
Finally his hands come up and comb through my hair. I smile. Now the devil inside him fighting with the angel won....
Still with his mouth closed, my tongue brushes over his lips trying to get inside...."Edge, your mouth for me.....hmmm?"
A second later I feel his tongue shifting into me. Smiling I press against it coaxing him even more out of his mouth until he is fully in mine......he seems to have drunken some beer.......
'Yes, Edge...right.....go on........if this was the permission - I won't last much longer.....'
I leave his mouth and follow an artery down his throat and at the same time my hands start searching their way under his jacket and his shirt and brushing lightly over his chest hair and the hair on his belly.
'It feels so good......You're so great, love......and you already start moaning......already in this state? out what you will do in some half an hours.....'
"Why Bono?"
Exactly he asks this question? He was the one making me aware of him again after all those years of not being noticed by him and loosening the interest on him.....Without his looks on the plane I certainly wouldn't have started to want him again.......
"Mmmh....I don't know.......why not?..........No one here.........and I need it now.........Furthermore you were the one staring at me all the let's do it now......mmmh...."
When this won't persuade him, I will go........He just has to say that he doesn't want it and I won't disturb him anymore....
But he doesn't show the slightest sign of not wanting this and so I climb to him onto his bed. My knees are at the sides of his hips. And his hands are on my back....
'How that feeling arouses me......reminds me on Ali...........and it feels so good.........'
I help him a bit taking off his jacket and then throw it behind me. My lips lock again with his and our tongues meet immediately this time. My hands start rummaging across his shirt and dance over rips, soft skin and hard nipples. Carefully my teeth close around a nipple and suck it through his shirt. Oh yeah, he seems to like it - but who wouldn't?
'Ah, going into offensive, right? Your nails on my back feel really good where they are.....dig in deeper......'
Slowly I take his shirt off. His bare soft, hairy.......and so different from Ali' it reminds me on the old days when we started U2.............
"That feels so good.........don't you think so, love?.......So good........"
I work my way down his throat and start again biting his nipples and sucking them afterwards as in regret.....Sliding my tongue around his belly button and leading my hands down to his zipper make him shift a bit. I can feel his cock growing under my hands and smile once again.
The zipper is open and my tongue slides again over and into his navel sucking it. He lifts his hips and the trousers are away as well as his briefs that follow shortly after. Throwing my towel into the vague direction of Edge's cloths I crawl up to meet his tongue again. My hard cock brushes his thigh and he twitches.
"Oh, Edgie is this the nice way? Don't have to shudder - you have done this to me......"
My lips close once again on his. I'm sorry if this is too rough for you Edge, but I like it better this way. I grab his head and bring it close to my mouth. He moans all the way through and his tongue pushes hard against my own.
Then my pelvis descends on his. At first it hurts, but the pain vanishes after the first second and his hard cock rubs on mine. I notice me start thrusting into him. My teeth bite into his shoulder - an instinct Edge once explained to me as 'the urge of males to bite their partners in sex to make sure that the sexual intercourse won't be disturbed'. Rational Reg....
When I want to stop me thrusting, so that Edge doesn't feel uncomfortable he already chokes words out of his mouth.
"I......God..........what now?.......mmmh............That won't bring us anywhere......."
How I love this rational thinking man - especially now......
I pull my mouth away from his shoulder and get up on one of my elbows. "You could turn on your stomach..........if you like to.......or make a better suggestion....." I'm surprised about my voice. Somehow the words leaving my mouth feel hoarse....
With relief I see him probing him up and turning on his stomach. He really does everything I tell him - this is cool......
"Put a pillow under your hips, love." Don't ask why, love. It will be better for you, Edge....believe me again.......I don't hope so, but if I'm as rough as other people then the pillow will soothe the pain a bit.
While he's still busy at bringing the pillow under his pelvis I take the lube out if the drawer. I could kiss me for the brilliant idea of putting it there earlier....
I open the tube and start coating me carefully. The tight feeling around my dick makes me moan though I would rather stay quite. The feeling of making the only sound right now doesn't feel so good to me.
When I'm ready I throw the tube away and search for a good position on his back.
"I don't know....I don't hope that this will hurt, but I'm afraid it will...." Believe me: If I could, I would avoid the pain. But do it for me, suffer for me, my love....
"No won't it now....." I feel his body nervously twitch, but it is okay. I'm also nervous....
"I really don't want to hurt will be good for you, I often have you done this before?" I lead my tongue around the little ridges in his ear and eventually enter it tasting the honey like interior. I start thrusting slowly and this time he won't feel uncomfortable.
"N-never..." Oh really, my sweet virgin? If you only would have told me in former times......I would have showed you this all much, much earlier....
I thrust faster into him. "Oh, then I will do it extra good for will is fantastic."
My cock starts its journey between his legs and I moan loudly when I enter him. He feels so warm. And somehow even wet......When I enter him a bit more, he contracts around me and the feeling coaxes a deep groan out of my throat. It should be forbidden under law to possess such an entrance.......
I slide further into him and steadily rock back and forth, but then happens what I expected already; I can't get further. But I know that I can get further, I simply have to.....I try to run the natural resistance his body is building up with harder thrusts.
"You okay, Edge?.......Edge?.....Does it hurt?......" But he doesn't answer. God, I hope so much that the pain isn't too much for him.
The barrier in him still exists and with one last and extremely hard thrust I break through it. The feeling is great. Being in Edge is great.......
My hands dig deeper into his shoulder blades when I realize that I start sweating. Through half closed eyes I see bloody weals covering his back already and I shut my eyes tightly - I don't want to see it now, I can't change anything anyway and the wounds will be away soon. I brush my lips slightly over his damaged skin and he starts moaning louder at once.
Subconsciously I notice his pelvis starting to thrust at well.
I reach under his body searching shortly for his extremely hard cock and start rubbing it slowly at first, but then Edge starts chuckling. I can't get it why he has to chuckle right now!
" that funny?..........Isn't it good for you?" I press out.
"Everything's fine.........just had to.....think on something......It is good....." I notice him arching his back and I thank him with a deep moan; he knows what a man wants.....somehow........
"Okay, then....could you think on it later?........It irritates me to hear you laughing......when I'm fucking you........." We both chuckle and suddenly Edge's moans start getting louder, more urgent. He groans word I can't understand. He's almost there. In some seconds he will be at the summit of pleasure........
I stroke and rub him faster and then he arches his back and I can't hold it back anymore. I feel come spilling out of me and into him. And I scream his name in turn.
My orgasm washes over me leaving weak limbs and aching muscles in turn. I rest my forehead on Edge's back and inhale his scent of only recently having had an orgasm.
I'm still inside him and enjoy the feeling. Edge's moving beneath my body.
'Soon love......I'll be away're so really feels like the first time even for me....'
I nibble shortly at his ear then get on my hands and carefully pull my limp cock out of his entrance. I neither want to destroy the incredible sensation for him nor for me with pain.
I'm out and immediately Edge starts shivering.
'Poor sweetheart........wait I will be there warming you up.........'
I lie down beside him on the bed and pull the blanket over both of our bodies. He snuggles closer to me and nestles his head under my chin.
"You're so perfectly tight, love......perfectly tight......." Holding him close to my chest and watching over him, I slowly drift away.


I don't know how much time has passed, but it can't be long. Nobody of us has really moved since I passed out. His head is still under my chin. His arm and one leg lies half over me. And the feeling of his body brushing on mine with every breath he takes, rises new lust in my body.
I want him. And I want him now. I pull my head a bit back and put lightly kisses on his mouth. He grunts shortly, but doesn't respond more. A bit disappointed I roll away from under his grip and crouch between his legs and let my hands rub over his body. His hair tickles my palms, but he still doesn't wake up.
I decide to wake him in another way, a much softer and higher way for him. Then we will see what he does with me. Only because he never was fucked by another man doesn't mean he is a real virgin - Aislinn would prove this wrong easily.
My hands brush over his cock in a light way and eventually Edge starts moaning a bit. Though still sleeping he starts thrusting weakly into my hand. With a smile I bend and my tongue comes in contact with him. He's so soft and silky.........My lips suck small pieces of his skin into my mouth and my teeth start scrubbing over his dick as well. I can't believe that he is still sleeping......He thrusts harder into the bed when I take him into my mouth for the first time. I pull my mouth away again and leave him completely. My tongue plays a bit with the head and slides down his full length. He is already hard. And a small watery drop slowly appears at the head.
Now I take him whole into my mouth not caring if he still sleeps or not. I need it so badly and he will wake up soon enough......My tongue rubs the underside of his cock and I feel his hands tangle into my hair. Arching his back he pulls roughly at my hair, but I won't give into his begging. He must be woke up finally.......
He screams at my withdrawals and moans at my caressings. My fingers start kneading his balls in a way that I hope pleases him and then he bends one knee. Still wondering if he did it with purpose or just out of effect I groan and can get him into my mouth completely now. My lips touch his balls still kneaded by my fingers.
Then I feel him spilling into me. He screams incredibly loud and I want to quiet his scream with my hand - this is far too loud and I don't know anymore who had the room beside ours. I hope it wasn't Larry.......
But then he stops screaming and I can take everything from him. His come tastes amazing and I swallow it enjoyingly. If he only knew how good he is......I'm a bit angry with myself that I hadn't done this years ago.......The thrill of making out - and furthermore with somebody from the same sex - in a house that is your own is far bigger than doing it in some hotel room miles away from your father's reach.....
I suck on last time at him, then crawl up to him and press his body against mine. With a soft kiss with my tongue into his mouth, his breaths start getting normal again. He caresses my thigh and I remember why I awoke him. He should do something about my need.....
"You know, Edge....I wanted to say that I will never forget this night and I'm glad that you did this for me...." I kiss him lightly on his hair.
He rises his head and looks into my eyes. "Well, I don't know what you are thinking, but.....what about showing you what I learnt over the years?"
This thought is really good and he starts kissing me.
"Feel free to teach me, love..." I mumble into his mouth. His hand at my thigh squeezes and I stifle a soft moan in my throat. I am on my back and he is on top of me.
"Love." He likes this word. I repeat it and so it goes a while. His mouth abandons mine and goes down to my throat kissing an invisible trace. I feel my cock stiffening even more, but he doesn't start anything apart from kissing me slowly.
"Is this what you were taught? Or will it get more interesting in the end?" I end the question with a small laugh and hope that he will start soon to do anything......I need it now.....Only by putting his knee between my legs I would be so much pleased for the beginning.....
Seeming as if not wanting to, he leaves me and staggers somewhere in the room. Has he also prepared the room? I smile. He's naked and stands in the middle of the room - just like some years ago. If I would have told him back then that I would fuck him later, he would have called a lunatic asylum....
His spine and his rips are clearly visible in the gloomy light. He's so thin....maybe I should do something against it.....Feeding him something.....
He crawls away from his suitcase and now searches in mine for something. What does he think I am? A wandering cabinet of sex toys? God, he's so cute.....
He finds something in it and now comes back grinning.
"Hey, what are you planning? I don't like this evil grin in your face." Protesting a bit he pins me down and starts kissing me once again. His hands are at the sides of my body rubbing me and I can't hold the moans back anymore.......It feels so good. His strong strokes at my length and he kneeling over me........When I push my neck longingly into the direction of his mouth, his lips go down and suck hard at the left side of my're so.....He has discovered my most vulnerable part of my upper half and kisses and blows over the point where jaw meets neck. Immediately I feel myself stiffening and going more erect......and he still teases me with the tip of his tongue.....
Then he leaves my neck and crawls between my legs being akimbo. Hurriedly I look up and watch him.
"What are you doing Edge?........I want to know it......."
"I won't do anything uncomfortable for you. I promise......Just trust me.....Please......And now lie back, love......"
I force my head to fall back and try to make my nervous muscles calm down and I think I got it when suddenly something soft brushes over my cock. I cry out, but nevertheless don't follow the urge to touch Edge or at last to look what he's doing. The soft thing teases me in an unbelievable feels, I don't scarf! I almost want to push him away from me, but don't move......I hope he knows what he does......
Then I feel him coming up again......I open my eyes and wonder how long I pressed them shut tightly. But then those soft lips seem to suck the thought out of my head and my hands shoot to his back kneading and teasing him. Our mouths meet again and I push frantically into his clasp fighting a silent war with his tongue. But the war isn't that silent as I thought at first. Is it me or Edge? Somebody moans all the time and I think it is me. I don't know. The noises drown after some seconds again and I just feel his body on mine.
He presses his whole body closer to mine and out of effect I sling a leg around his hips making the contact even more intense. Somebody cries out. Again me? I would like to know who is so loud all night, but I think it's me anyway..........oh...........God.........
I feel Edge's body and hard cock shifting on me and his weight seems to switch something in me. I thrust hard into the bed and the air and realize that the feeling in my cock neither increases nor decreases....God......Edge.....
"......I can't........make me come.............the bastard..........make me come...........pleeeeease....." I hate me begging for something, but in this moment it doesn't matter if I beg Edge or demand it from him.
"I know this feeling love.....but hold on........I know you can do it....." That bastard........I thrust helplessly into nothingness and his mouth presses on mine again.
I really try to....and God knows how much I try to............but after a while I can't stand it anymore and direct my hands to me cock and try to get this thing away from me.
He moves down and settles between my legs. I hope that he won't make me just wait more and longer and I don't know how long I can stay like this........It hurts......and then I feel his mouth going down and swallowing me.............I cry his name into the room and the try to cover my mouth with my hands is too much effort. Losing the power my hands rest heavily onto my face. Then it is over. The pain and the pleasure are both gone. And I lie there trembling.
Where's Edge? Why doesn't he come to hold me? When I want starting to whimper and maybe getting him in this way to touch me, I hear his voice.
"Shush......hey Bono.........shush......." I look up and my hands fall to the side of my head....there he is.........he was there all the time......
He lies down and I cuddle on him, letting him hold me and rock me carefully.
After a while I look up and into his eyes again. "Hey.......This is a goddamn chilling trick you learnt, Edge....." I say weakly and my mouth comes to his and places a light kiss on his parted lips.
"Did you like it?" His tongue slides over my throat.
"God, yes I did......Thank you."
I hear him sighing once, twice and when I open my eyes again he had pulled the warm blanket over my body.......he is such an angel..........Stroking lightly over his chest I listen a bit to his regular breaths, snuggle closer and fall asleep.

So, that's it. Who had the guts to read that awful fic to the end? :eek: Nobody. :yes:

Thank you for your attention - or maybe non-attention, who knows. :)
FallingStar said:

While I'm drying myself I hear the door being unlocked and afterwards locked again. A yawn shows me that it is Edge who came in. I hear his foot steps getting quiet towards the bed room. I smile into the mirror and I love how I look. Black, damp strands surrounding my face. A naughty smile on my lips. And stubbles just being not long enough to shave them already. I caress my chin shortly and put a dry towel around my hips, making sure that it will stay there for a while.

So, that's it. Who had the guts to read that awful fic to the end? :eek: Nobody. :yes:

Thank you for your attention - or maybe non-attention, who knows. :) [/B]

I liked that part the best. :mac:

Overall, I think think your story needs a little work, but the plot was there.... and i liked it. maybe you should post it on the u2slash livejournal and get a beta reader to edit it or something.

Good job and keep writing!

When I wrote that thing I didn't care what I wrote and before I posted it I read through it shortly, found mistakes and typos, i know :rolleyes:, but I didn't change it cos I thought it was of no use any way doing all the work when no one reads it. After posting it I changed it in my original file, well...

:huh: Stupid thing.
They scared me at first too. Now I have a Zip disk full of them. There are some really good slash writers out there!

FallingStar- you're on my zip disk now too! ;)
Wow. :ohmy: What an honour.

I wanted to read that story again some days ago, but I remember how embarrassing it was and stopped it...

And now that. :tongue:

U2girl91289 : That wasn't mean, it's what you think, it isn't mean. :)
I read it the other day, all I gotta say is :ohmy:

I used to have a site in my favorites page of other U2 stories but that's on my old computer and it's in a box now. I don't remember the name of the site. anyone know what I'm talking about?
Gickies Gageeze said:
awesome story! my favorite! lots of lubing, i imagine, was required? thats my kinda story! :up:


I've read in your journal how you feel about the Fan Fiction section here. You don't like it. No need to reply with smart ass comments. Please leave this forum alone for the people who do enjoy it.

In light of reading your journal and seeing how you feel about this forum, I just don't think that you replying with remarks that are obviously sarcastic and/or smart ass are necessary.

Some people are very passionate about their writing and are proud of their work. Like I said...I'm not personally a fan of slash either. But people are allowed to post their slash writings. If you were being honest in your journal with how you feel about the slash, it's probably best to just avoid those stories.
again, if people are allowed to freely go about posting porno stories about people i (believe it or not) admire, then i have the same right to say what so many others are afraid to.
I just addressed the freedom of speech item in another thread you replied to.

Please end this, Gickies. It's tiresome. You've made your opinion known.
:rolleyes: Gickies, I never expected that thing to be brilliant. Actually I don't like it anymore at all.

But do you really think I would have cared about your comment if I did like it? :scratch:
cujo said:
Hey Bonochick... I have your stapler!!!

That's the last straw!!!!!!! :lmao:

Oh, jeez...*wipes tears from eyes* That's great...I swear, it never gets old. :D

*cough* Okay, um...maybe we should get this thread back on track to it's original topic...

*sneaks in one last laugh* :laugh:
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