Dunno about you guys but I'm boycotting the new Star Wars Trilogy DVD

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 20, 2000
southern california
And instead I am going to buy bootleg copies of the originals that were remastered from the laserdisc releases instead just because I trust bootleggers more than I trust Lucas.

I say this now but watch me buy the new set anyway just because I have these completist attittude obsession.
i dont like it anyway
i might as well just support this guy then
There are some things I do and don't like about the special editions, but I think utlimately, they are his movies, and to do with them what he likes. I really don't care if Greedo shoots first, Han's always been and still is my favorite character, and maybe I like him better as a gray sheep than a muderous black sheep. I dunno. That said, I'm very happy to not have the vaseline under snowspeeders and transparencies popping up everywhere. I will warn anyone purchasing these; Hayden Christensen's image has replaced the original Anakin's ghost at the end of Jedi, but apparently Lucas explains all this on the commentary.
david said:
And instead I am going to buy bootleg copies of the originals that were remastered from the laserdisc releases instead just because I trust bootleggers more than I trust Lucas.

I say this now but watch me buy the new set anyway just because I have these completist attittude obsession.

I must be really out of the loop 'cause I have no idea what the problem is here... Care to explain?

And Martha...I also have the original VHS ones. Matter of fact I have no DVDs at all.
Im also a member of the Old Farts With Videos club.

Unfortunately my VCR died so I have started collecting DVDs. Im not up to Star Wars yet though. So far only Princess Bride, Brasil, and some U2 ones :sigh:
beli said:
Im also a member of the Old Farts With Videos club.

I'm a member of the OFWVC. I like it!

I'm getting memberships in a lot of cranky this and old farts that clubs though....
At least Indiana Jones trilogy worked nicely, that was money well spent. My only complaint is the absence of commentary tracks but the remastered films themselves, it was done right.
I have the original versions and the Special Editions on video. I don't think I'll buy the DVD's, as much as I'd like to see them clean and crisp. I need to buy the Indiana Jones ones--I have my original boxed set from the 80's and they're still working! That's the one advantage video has, it does last forever. I lent my DVD of Pirates of the Caribbean out once and it came back dirty and scratched.

It weirds me out that these new DVD ones are different even from the Special Edition....

Ironically, young Anakin really *should* be the ghost standing there, but it messes with my memories and that annoys me. And it doesn't fit with an old Obi-Wan, why not morph Ewan McGregor in there. :|
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david said:
And instead I am going to buy bootleg copies of the originals that were remastered from the laserdisc releases instead just because I trust bootleggers more than I trust Lucas.

I say this now but watch me buy the new set anyway just because I have these completist attittude obsession.

Why do you trust bootleggers more...am I missing something?
Techie2000 said:
I already have the DVD on pre-order from Amazon. I'm feeling kind of iffy about having the Anakin ghost replaced though.

Same, my boyfriend told me about this the other day and I just gave him the what the fuck look at HMV
U2democrat said:
i'll definitely get them.....my first childhood crushes on mark hamill and harrison ford will reign forever.

I still have a crush on Harrison Ford :wink:

I will probably end up buying the dvd set at some point but I want to bet Live Aid first :yes:

Christmas is coming :hmm:
That's the one advantage video has, it does last forever. I lent my DVD of Pirates of the Caribbean out once and it came back dirty and scratched.

Hate to break it to you but your wrong. Video tapes degrade over repeated viewing and are effected by the magnetic field. No information stored on video tapes will survive over 200 years and well before then it will be very badly degraded. DVD's on the other hand are not effected and dont suffer data rot like the early laser disks. DVD's are the way of the future, jump aboard I say :wink: .
A_Wanderer said:

Hate to break it to you but your wrong. Video tapes degrade over repeated viewing and are effected by the magnetic field. No information stored on video tapes will survive over 200 years and well before then it will be very badly degraded. DVD's on the other hand are not effected and dont suffer data rot like the early laser disks. DVD's are the way of the future, jump aboard I say :wink: .

I know all that.

My point was that my videotapes from the 80's (watched hundreds of times) are still going and a DVD I lent out once is damaged.

Are they the best quality? No. But I like the fact that I don't miss an entire Jack Sparrow scene because someone couldn't be bothered to hold it by the edges!

DVD's may not rot over time, but they certainly don't hold up to alot of wear and tear.
My plan is to rent them and have a copy made. I will purchase them again when all 6 movies are put together in a DVD box set with even more additional footage and deleted scenes, which will happen. Lucas will think of as many ways possible to take your money!! LOL ;)
I'm a fan of the original movies (but not so much of the two "prequels"), and it just seems a little weird, to me, that Lucas is tampering with movies that are already considered classics. I understand why he'd want to have Greedo shoot first instead of Han, but I wonder why he didn't think of this back in the '70s when he was making Star Wars? It seems to me that Han Solo was intended, back when Star Wars was made, to be a rascally mercenary when we first meet him. So it is entirely in character for him to shoot first. You kind of see Han progressively growing into a person who cares about the people he has met and their cause. By making Greedo the one who shoots first, Lucas prevents Han's character development from having as much impact. So I don't think it's a change for the better. As for replacing the original Anakin's ghost with Hayden Christensen's image, I just find that unnecessary, and sort of...intrusive? I want to see the original movies as separate from the prequels!
You know david I have heard so many people say exactly what you're saying. My brother and his friends are big Star Wars enthuiasts from back in the day (we had all the toys!) but can't stand what Lucas has done to the films. He could at least make 2 versiosn, original and, uh, doctored. Some of the stuff he's done is so stupid! So they put the new guy's head on old Anakin's body? But it was old bald Anakin on the death star who became the ghost, not the young guy! He's ruining the good of the old stuff with the crappy new stuff. IMO parts 1 and 2 (the most recent movies) spoil the legend and the later stories and should never have been made. I try to ignore them and pretend they didn't happen. I'm just glad he spared us the last trilogy, that would really have spoiled the coolness of Jedi.
I would like to see a Jedi Knight movie, with Kyle Katarn in it. That would be ideal because it wouldn't be messing with the trilogy. Also one set in the Old Republic could be pretty cool.
I didn't know the films were altered. :mad: I don't understand why anything needed to be done to them. I can understand a few things here and there to improve the quality of something like sound but not add or replace things. That just seems wrong. I guess that sort of answers my question on whether or not I need them on dvd since I have them on VHS....put those were altered a bit too I think. I do have a bootleg copy of Empire from 1980. My dad worked in a movie theater back then and ended up with a copy. It's horrid quality!
The reason they are being altered is because Lucas's vision is for all 6 to flow together and be tied together. Apparantly he explains why he changed Anakin's ghost at the end of Jedi in the documentary that comes with the new set. One improvement he made that is actually good IMO is replacing the Emperor hologram from Empire. He has replaced it with the actual Emperor that is in Jedi with the same voice. That was a good move because they dont match in the originals. I guess I'm one of the few that actually likes the enhancements in the special edition versions, with the exception of the Han Solo/Greedo scene, that was bad. Otherwise I think they improve the films overall.
I know nothing about what's going on with the movies other than this thread. I didn't even know they were coming out on dvd until I saw something on VH1 the other day. I'm definitely going to rent them before I make up my mind on whether I need to own them or not. I just hope there's not too much of a change from the originals or I don't think I'll want them.

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