Does anybody here knit?

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA

So my neighbor and my mom kind of taught me how to knit and I decided to start with something easy. Scarves! Yeah my first one was a fiasco, somehow every time I'd knit a row it added an extra stitch, so it ended up looking like a skirt or something :lol:

So I started over and got some help from my neighbor and so I'm doing a black one with a tight knit and a gray one with a larger knit. So far so good except for a few mistakes. Now I will just have to figure out how to end them when I'm finished :der:





I am liking the gray one better and I think I could have even gone thinner.

So er... anyone else have some knitting pics/stories to share? Most likely not but it couldnt hurt to try :lol:
oh knitting was my thang! sometimes it was the only thing that helped me pay attention in class (when i didn't have to take notes). i even used to knit when i managed a video game store. but that was more for the customer's reactions. i was tired of people judging me (the juxtapositon of me being there was odd for them, they assumed i knew nothing of games because of my sex.) i remember this one time this guy came in and asked "why are you knitting?" and i said "because i'm a woman working at a game store." and he laughed.

i always forget how to start...and how to end. and like you, somehow i managed to add an extra stitch or forget one, so i'd have weird holes everywhere.

i sucked at it, but it was very theraputic.
i like knitting, even if i'm not very good at it, it's very relaxing. my granny and mum taught me when i was younger and then when i got a bit older my parents bought me my own bag for wool and needles.

i'm left-handed and an experienced knitter can always tell straight away so i have no doubt i make really rare looking things. i tried to do a sock once with three needles but because of the extra needle and the left-handed factor i just made a huge knot. it's probably still lying in holland, wonder if i could get a picture of that for you. it's a shambles. :drool:
I knit, kind of, I enjoy it, but all I know how to make are scarves! I have lots of scarves. Mind you I don’t wear any of my masterpieces; I couldn’t even pawn them off on my grandmother. It’s relaxing nonetheless.

I’ve even had knitting night with some friends a few times.

:nerd: I know.
Sicy I am jealous!! I have been wanting to learn for years now-I just really need to go take a class!! Good for you!!
I love knitting, it's a great thing to keep my hands busy while watching tv, on the train, whatever.

Here's a hint, when you're ready to cast off (end your scarf) go to They have tons of free videos on that site that will show you exactly how to do all kinds of knitterly things, and you can watch over and over until you get it right.

I like your scarves, Sicy! I just finished a pair of red/black/white striped socks that I like to refer to as my Vertisocks. Such is the depth of my nerdiness. :nerd:
No puedo tejer, pero my grandmother used to and a lost of my family and friends still have her blankets. It's funny to go to someone's house and see one her blankets on their bed. I still have mine. :D
love2bmama said:
Here's a hint, when you're ready to cast off (end your scarf) go to They have tons of free videos on that site that will show you exactly how to do all kinds of knitterly things, and you can watch over and over until you get it right.

Awesome, thanks! A video is just what I need lol.

I just finished a pair of red/black/white striped socks that I like to refer to as my Vertisocks. Such is the depth of my nerdiness. :nerd:

I would have no idea how to make socks. :slant:
I know how to knit a little... I say a little coz I'm left-handed and it's real hard for us to do it. I had to learn for my textiles class. My teacher spent 3 hours with me trying to make it work! :lol:
Sicy said:

So my neighbor and my mom kind of taught me how to knit and I decided to start with something easy. Scarves! Yeah my first one was a fiasco, somehow every time I'd knit a row it added an extra stitch, so it ended up looking like a skirt or something :lol:

So I started over and got some help from my neighbor and so I'm doing a black one with a tight knit and a gray one with a larger knit. So far so good except for a few mistakes. Now I will just have to figure out how to end them when I'm finished :der:





I am liking the gray one better and I think I could have even gone thinner.

So er... anyone else have some knitting pics/stories to share? Most likely not but it couldnt hurt to try :lol:

:up: That's awesome work, Sicy. I guess it's not a very macho thing, but I've been fascinated by knitting from the time I was a kid watching my grandmother go at it for hours. She'd make blankets and socks for the whole family. It looked effortless to me from a distance, but when I tried it, I quickly realized the opposite, and gave up :wink:

Apparently knitting is getting pretty big as a hobby these days for younger people...that's what I hear.
Sicy said:

This one actually looks good for a beginner :cool:

I knitted some scarfs (the easiest thing :lol:) a while ago, but I gave them all away as presents so I don't have pics of them with me now, but they look good. Honestly! :p

I haven't touched the needles for a while now, I'm just too impatient to knit. Excited to start one, but never going to finish it :lol:
I used to knit when I was a kid. Now, I like crocheting a lot better. It always turns out looking nicer for me.
Bono's Betty said:

:yes: I used to, ages ago.

I got a beginners kit with everything included, its a tiny little snowflake pattern. However the instructions make no sense to me, :crazy: How well do you know how to do it?
I had a friend show me how she did her crocheting, it looked pretty easy.

I got my first set of knitting needles this weekend. I might play with them a bit before my class begins. I had to get a kit since that was what was required for the class, and there's a book I can go along with, which is cool.
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