Can... You... Hear... Me... When... I...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


War Child
Apr 7, 2005
Montréal, QC

You're the reason I post.
You're the reason why, the postage is in me.

My grand idea is to have Bono access the forum during a live show... Sort-of like ZooTV.


Do it Bono, do it
that is actually a good idea

bono always says the internet is what our generation will most be remembered for

why not try to incorporate it into the show somehow, like zootv incorportated tv and satellites and all that crap
great idea! the internet was just about the only thing they didn't do on Zoo TV (bcos they couldn't back then obv lol)

do it i say :wink:

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