Calling All Crazy U2 Fans!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


ONE love, blood, life
Sep 22, 2001
new york city
Dear all,

Our writing staff is currently working on a story about the crazy things U2 fans have done out of their love for U2. I'm talking adventures to buy a CD, attend a concert, signs people have made, trips to Dublin, etc. etc. We want your details, we want your stories - we want to know what types of looks you got for your actions and what your family and friends thought!

Leave your stories here in this thread, or shoot me an email if you do not wish to post it here.

Also, and this is very important, make sure to leave your name and permission to be quoted in the story.

Thanks you guys! And can't wait to hear all about your crazy adventures!!! :wave:

Well, a crazy story related to U2....

I was 15 in 1992 and I was already a fan for 2 years.... I know I missed the LoveTown tour and all of the 80's since I was a little too young to realize that U2 was about to "change" my life forever.....

In March 1992 I had a class trip in the swiss Alps (very nice) and I didn't know what was going on with the ZOO TV tour.... when I came back from the camp, my mother showed me an article in the newspaper which said that the 12000 tickets for the U2 show in Lausanne (CH) sold out in 15 minutes and that nobody ever saw that!!! I was so down, cause I didn't have any chance to get some. My mother left my room and then came back with 2 tickets!!! She told me she ran to the shop at 7 o'clock in the moring and was in line to get tickets an hour before the store opened at 8. I was so proud of her and sooo happy at that point that I told her that next time U2 was coming for a show, I would invite her to go see them....with me. That's what I did 5 years after.... For POP Mart, U2 didn't stop in Switzerland, so, I bought 2 tickets on the internet and we went to Rotterdam by train!!!! 15 hours trip with my 51 years old mother!!!! She liked it a lot even though it wasn't the best setlist and the best show I've seen, but it was an amazing experience for her, as well as for me.

Enough talking, your turn now.....

Kisses to my mom...
In 2001, I bought 2 tickets to the Notre Dame show, the opening show of the 3rd leg, even though I was in Ohio, had no way to get there and no one to go with. I knew I'd figure something out. After talking to everyone I knew, I managed to hitch a ride on a fraternity's bus with about 40 guys I didn't know, and sell my extra ticket. Four hours there with complete strangers, the show, and immediately driving four hours back seemed like a long ride, but it was of course WORTH IT AND THEN SOME!!!! I thought that was pretty crazy but nothing could prepare me for what would happen two weeks later................

Two weeks later, still on a high from the Notre Dame show, I get a call on a Tuesday afternoon. This guy, who I didn't know and had never even heard of, tells me he has heard that I'm a huge U2 fan from a friend of a friend. He has never seen them live before and he's on hold with a guy in CA who has 2 tickets to the opening Madison Square Garden show. Some friends of friends of his are leaving tonight to drive all night in a university 15 passenger van and we could ride with them. But the guy with the tickets in CA will only sell the two together, and no one else he (guy on phone) knows is crazy enough go with him. So his seeing U2 depends on me!!!!!!! After freaking out for about 5 minutes about how I shouldn't spend that much money to drive all the way to NYC, I said what the hell. Two hours later, I met this guy with only one small bag carrying only a toothbrush, deodorant, and a camera, and we met everyone else. We left at 8 pm and drove straight through to Staten Island, getting there around 9 am on Wednesday. We wandered all throughout the city that day, seeing the wreckage of 9/11 just a month later, which was heartbreaking. I couldn't get over that 24 hours ago I had NO IDEA I'd be here in NYC today, getting to see U2 again. It seemed so surreal. Meanwhile, we didn't have our tickets from the guy in CA. The CA guy had to overnight them and needed a NYC address for them to be shipped to. The guy who called me knew, surprise, a friend of a friend who went to NYU so this other random guy was supposed to get them and we were supposed to meet him somewhere near NYU to pick them up. All we had was a cell number....we kept calling him, constantly, all day long, and couldn't get ahold of him!!! I was trying to keep my cool, but I was secretly worried that we wouldn't get them and would get shut out of going. Finally around 5 pm, WE ARE we go to NYU and start investigating trying to get info about where this guy lives. Finally at the last minute, we are able to get in touch with the NYU guy and with less than an hour before the show starts, we are running to the subway to get to Madison Square Garden!!!!!!!!! We made it of course, but cut it pretty close. The show was beyond amazing of course. Afterwards, we had to go immediately back to Staten Island.....and drive allllllllll the way back to Ohio, getting in around 1 pm Thursday.

getting a call from a stranger and leaving 2 hours later for NYC, skipping two days of class first semester freshman year, 26 hours roundtrip trying to sleep in a van with 15 people I didn't know, no change of clothes, trying to track down some random guy who had my ticket only an hour before the show, not telling my parents until months afterward......:laugh:

CRAZINESS, one of the most impulsive and "irresponsible" things I've ever done, but one of the best memories ever. I wouldn't change it for the world........ :heart: :heart: :heart:

:adam: :larry: :bono: :edge:
Well, if that's a good enough story, I would love to be quoted, so of course you have my permission.
I go to Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Indiana. On Sunday, November 21, 2004, I woke up just before 7PM, because I had gone to sleep at roughly 11AM. I woke up, and did my usual Sunday night routine of watching television, followed by extensive use of the internet. There had been rumors since the end of Saturday Night Live the night before that U2 was planning a concert in Washington Square Park, and Sunday night's reading told me that U2 was definitely going to play a concert, except the venue was Empire-Fulton Ferry State Park.

Ever since I saw Rattle and Hum and the San Francisco free concert, I had wished that U2 would do the same thing again in my home town of Chicago. Frankly, though, I didn't have a whole lot of hope. So when I saw that they'd be doing a free concert, I understandably found myself wishing very much that I could be there.

Around midnight, I had the realization that I had some money saved up for an impulse purchase. With the aid of, I found a round-trip fare to New York from Indianapolis for under two hundred dollars. After consulting several friends (all of whom advised against going), I ignored their advice and bought the ticket. I could not have been happier with my decision.

At 4:45, a Lafayette bus service picked me up on the west side of campus, and we set off on our way to the airport an hour and a half away (including a few stops) in Indianapolis. I arrived at the airport on time, with an hour to spare before my flight (I used it to have a bit of breakfast). By the way, electronic check-in is the best, if you have no baggage. Insert your credit card, and it'll print the ticket in a matter of seconds.

My flight was OK. ATA has never had the best service, but the price is right. I arrive at LaGuardia just after 9AM. I called my mother -- "guess where I am!?" -- as well as my aunt and older brother (a third older brother for anyone who's read my story about getting into U2 -- he's not a big fan, but he remembers War and Joshua Tree), looking for a place to stay. My brother's on Staten Island, and my Aunt's out on Long Island, so I decided to stay with my brother.

I took a bus from LaGuardia to the train, then took the train down into midtown. Not knowing exactly where my brother's office was (I was going to meet him for a quick lunch), I got off at 4th Street and gave him a call. His office is right next to the Trinity Church, at the very south tip of the island. It was such a beautiful day that I decided to walk there, and I met him in the Borders across the street from his office. He ran my bags up to his office (I brought my Thanksgiving Break clothes with me), and we went out for some lunch. We got pizza from one of those great little New York pizza joints, and ate it in the park outside of City Hall, right by the Brooklyn Bridge. After eating, we began the trek over the Bridge.

I've been to New York a dozen times, but I'd never walked over a bridge. The things are long, because they have to get high enough to let boats pass through under them. Walking over the Brooklyn Bridge was incredible -- great views of the city. As we walked into Brooklyn, I caught a glimpse of U2's stage, and saw a long line of people waiting to get in. I walked down the bridge, then doubled back towards the park, stopping to get a bottle of water along the way. By this time, it was about 1PM.

I got in line with a bunch of other fans, and that's where the waiting game began. I had brought by iPod with me to pass the time, but the battery had run out because I had forgotten to turn it off some hours before. I made a few phone calls, but it was the middle of the day on monday, and not many people were available. So, I contented myself with cell phone games and discussions with random fans.

I don't remember the time, but I think it was somewhere around 3PM that the line started moving, and there was a predictable rush of people. I'm taller, so I was able to breathe. The crush of people saw no sign of uncrushing, so, having nothing else to do, I decided to sing a song. "40"'s chorus of "how long" seemed appropriate, but it didn't really catch on.

Suddenly, we started moving. After a few starts and stops, the gates were thrown open, and there was a stampede towards the stage. I wound up as close as I've ever been at a U2 concert. The show, which everyone's heard about by now, was AMAZING.

After the show, I made the long trek to my brother's place on Staten Island, and I left out of LaGuardia the next day.

And that is my story of a visit to New York City on a U2 whim. It's without a doubt the craziest U2-related thing I've ever done. Sorry that it dropped off at the end, but come on, everybody's heard about it. =P

Like the poster above, this was a crazy, on the spur of the moment, had no idea I'd be in NYC and then I was there sort of thing. Hell, it's my first semester of college, too. And it is now one of my best memories. :D

Name: Gavin J. Dow
You have permission to quote me.
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Way back in 1985, I was a senior in high school. My school had a lip sync contest. # of my friends and I performed as U2. I was Larry, but by the time we got to the 2nd or 3rd song (New Year's Day from Red Rocks), I guess our Edge had got tired, because he wasn't doing anything. So, I grabbed an extra guitar and did the guitar solo for him. I went nuts, and the crowd loved it. Meanwhile, the drums just kept right on playing - I guess Larry was using a drum machine!

Name: Mike
Permission granted
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do I need to say my name is Lauren? I thought it was obvious so I didn't bother before....:)
The year was 1987. I was a junior in high school and tickets for their Tampa show were going on sale. I was determined to be the first in line. These were the days when we slept in line for tickets. I achieved my goal of being #1 in line. My mother had called my school and told them I was sick and wouldn't be able to make it in. The next day @ 8am the record store doors opened and there was a newspaper photographer in the store with a reporter. After I got the tickets they took my picture and got my basic info...16 years old, 29 hours, skipped school, blah blah.
The next day there was a close-up of me holding 4 tickets in my hand and a huge smile, all on the front-page of the People section with the headline of "Anticipated tour sells out in minutes." Naturally, I had to go back to school. The front office ladies showed me the picture and wished me luck on beating my cold. During 2nd period I was called to the dean's office. I knew I was in huge trouble. I took a deep breathe and walked inside. Mr. Schlicimeyer told me to have a seat. He leaned forward at his desk and asked "Who are you bringing?" I said "My mom and my best friend." He's still for awhile, nods his head and asks..."Could you use the fourth ticket for my wife?"
I did. Needless to say, I wasn't in trouble. We had a blast.
Ok, I shall paint the picture:
Last fall (2003) I spent a semester in London studying abroad. I had a week break, so I took off a day early and flew to scotland for a three-day tour of the country. That was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. One night (the night the time is set back an hour) a couple of the people i was on this tour with decided we should jump into the sea at the first midnight. I had had about 12 shooters (blow jobs, rusty nails etc) so this idea sounded brilliant. Anyways, a day later I got really sick...go figure eh?
I spent my remaining day and a half in Edinburgh sick as a dog. Never before had i been this sick. Being sick in a foreign city, thousands of miles away from your family and friends, in a cheap hostel is a real mind-f^ck.
After this, I started feeling better. I flew from Edinburgh to Dublin, and the minute I landed in Dublin I felt inspired. I couldn't believe I was in the city that gave birth to U2!!!
One morning I went to a internet cafe and printed the Dublin guide. Knowing very little about the city I tried walking to most of the sites - including Bono's childhood house. Starting in the Temple Bar area I walked across the River Liffey and kept following the directions. Never did it occur to me that the directions were to be followed by driving a car. After two hours walking in the rain, i stopped at a petrol station and asked for help.
"Hi, I'm one of those pesky American-U2 fans that are just complete idiots. Is there any way you can help me with finding...."
One of the attendants knew the area that I was trying to get to and told me that about a mile up the road was a bus i should take - he told me he couldn't remember the number, but the drivers should know. So, I went back out into the rain and walked. All this rain, i thought, I'm beginning to understand the meloncholly in Irish music.
Finally, I reached the stop and obviously had an anxious look on my face. With a bit of luck of the Irish this sweet, ol' red-haired Irish lady started talking to me. When I explained my situation she decided she would travel a bit out of her way to show me the street that Bono's old house is on. She was the most incredible lady I've ever met. For about a half-hour riding on this bus, jumping on that bus, she kept talking and informing me on the status of the city, the country etc. Finally I arrived at my destination. With great thanks I bid farewell to my Irish grandmother.
I took a few pics; tried imagining Bono living there; thinking of Guggi and Gavin in drag picking up Bono and Bono's dad answering the door; etc. After a minute the lady who lives in the house came out and asked if i'd like her to take my picture. I humbly apologized, but she said she didn't mind at all.
I then took a couple of bus's back to the Temple Bar area, took a shower, hit the pubs, and then saw Daniel Lanois perform. What a day!
jajajajajajajajaja Have you ever seen Pop Mart Santiago 11-02-1998 ?:laugh: I still have something from that stage... :D
I have to say at the time it was crazy and very inconsiderate to my grandfather(rip). Back near the end of 87 U2 were playing at Sun Devil Stadium for their last show in America , where they filmed part of Rattle and Hum. Tickets were being sold for 5 dollars a piece, which was an awesome deal. I decided I wanted to buy tickets that were more expensive because I wanted to get better seats. I bought 3 tickets that came to $125, that is extremely cheap in those days. But back than it wasn't but to me they were. My grandfather had an emergency triple bypass that had to be done the day I was leaving. My friends and I woke up at 3am in the morning and headed off to Arizonia to see the boys. It was one long ride and the car was at the end of gas on my gas gage. We prayed the whole time driving 12 miles until we got to a gas station in the desert. I was feeling sick to my stomach carrying the guilt of leaving my grandfather and that we drove all that way with no gas. We got to the city at 10am and it was one hour ahead than Ca. We headed to the motel and checked in. We decided to rest for a couple of hours. It was warm outside and we were near the pool. there were guys out there talking about the concert. They were talking about needing to go and work on the set. I don't know why i didn't run out to talk to them and asked questions. I was just thinking about my grandfather. We went to the concert at night and went to our seats, which were actually pretty good. The concert was amazing and it was lightly raining out. It fit the scene so well and the mood was just perfect. We could see the film camera's moving around the stage and arena. When Bono sang MLK it got extremely quiet that you could here a pin drop. All you could here was him and the music in the back ground. They ended with Merry Christmas ( Baby Please Come Home) and Bono said that they were heading back to Ireland for the holidays. It was a wonderful experience considering what was happening back home. What a way to end the year of 87. Just to let you know, my grandfther lived and lived another 12 years. God Bless Happy Holiday's:wink: :wink:
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ít's a shorty but anyways...

I was in croatia on a basketball camp this summer (2004).
The team were out in the big city (Split) closest to where we lived,
and a band started playing at the café.
After a couple o' songs we said
"Hey let's go if the next song isn't that good...."

(And yeah you can qoute me if it's necessary)
Then they played Wowy (which I didn't expect them to do)
And I just went crazy during the last "hoo--ooh--" (y'know...)
And then everybody around just stared at me...I was like...."oopsis!"
jojoline said:
The year was 1987. I was a junior in high school and tickets for their Tampa show were going on sale. I was determined to be the first in line. These were the days when we slept in line for tickets. I achieved my goal of being #1 in line. My mother had called my school and told them I was sick and wouldn't be able to make it in. The next day @ 8am the record store doors opened and there was a newspaper photographer in the store with a reporter. After I got the tickets they took my picture and got my basic info...16 years old, 29 hours, skipped school, blah blah.
The next day there was a close-up of me holding 4 tickets in my hand and a huge smile, all on the front-page of the People section with the headline of "Anticipated tour sells out in minutes." Naturally, I had to go back to school. The front office ladies showed me the picture and wished me luck on beating my cold. During 2nd period I was called to the dean's office. I knew I was in huge trouble. I took a deep breathe and walked inside. Mr. Schlicimeyer told me to have a seat. He leaned forward at his desk and asked "Who are you bringing?" I said "My mom and my best friend." He's still for awhile, nods his head and asks..."Could you use the fourth ticket for my wife?"
I did. Needless to say, I wasn't in trouble. We had a blast.

:up: that's a great story :lol:

Just curious, what junior high did you go to? :)
My journey came in 1992.Finding tickets was hard,especially in CA.I was pleading with my family to get tickets.In 1989 is when I became a hardcord U2 fan.We get in touch with a ticket guy in San Francisco.He wanted $250 for 2 tickets and anther few bucks to deliver them to San Jose,where I used to live.It ended up costing $300 total.The concert was in the middle of June in Oakland,CA just an 1 and 1?2 hours by van.Well I went with my stepdad.He got me into them so I think it's right to invite him.We traved up I-880 to the indoor coloseum arena.Unfortunatly we missed the exit and I panicked,Litterly freaking majorly.He goes and turns off the next exit and backtrack to the exit.WHEW,we made it finally.We find an excellent parking spot.almost near the entrance.We decided to chill and listen to AB before we go in.We hear various radios playing all their albums getting pumped up for the show.It's time to go in and find out seats.After entering I freaked AGAIN.I left my money in the car.I was heartbroken because I couldn't get a souvenir...WAAAH!I eventually got over it and enjoyed the concert.Getting lost and leaving my money is nothing compared to the fun I had the night and it's something i'll never forget.

I give you permission to quote me.
A tale of my first U2 show: The year was 1997. I had just graduated from the Art Institute and started a "real" job. We had used Discotheque as the theme for our class movie at graduation and I couldn't wait for the PopMart tour to begin. When the dates were announced, I was dismayed to find that Seattle was on the second leg - Dec 12... Remember how long we had to wait between Zooropa and Pop? Well another six months would have killed me...too long to wait!!!

Fortunately I had a cousin attending University at Eugene, Oregon - a "short" 6 hour drive from Seattle. She had a friend who had two tickets she couldn't use, so I immediately offered face value plus++ in order to secure them. Now the only obstacle was how to get time off work from a new job with only a week's notice and not look like a fanatic lunatic.

Somehow I convinced my boyfriend at the time to leave around 12 with me drive straight to Eugene, meet my cousin to pick up the ticket, attend the show, and drive straight back so I could work the next morning. I only needed the afternoon off!! And when my boss asked me where I was going... well, he probably thought I was a fanatic lunatic anyways...

The show was amazing and the atmosphere kinetic...I was quickly addicted to U2 shows. I tried sleeping on the way home but was too wired from the show - not to mention worried that my boyfriend would fall asleep and kill us both! He had to stop every hour to get coffee and was a bit cranky the next day - but I got to work and even had time to change before work. What a good worker am I! Could we still drive all day and night to see a show and then go to work the next day? Maybe. Someday I'd like to try... Oh, and my "boyfriend" at the time is now my husband and he has since spent many more hours online getting tickets, driving from airports and hotels to U2 concerts, waiting all day at Elevation in Vegas to get "in the heart" and will even be buying a new computer since our laptop won't work with my new U2 iPod. He's the one who can match my devotion to U2!!

Name: Candice
Permission granted
I heard the rumours about U2 in Brooklyn (poss Washington Sq. Park) . We fantasized about a trip all Sat. morning. We started out by "playing" around with tickets on expedia and the like and saw we could afford it. My husband was in CO for work and I talked to him as he was landing in Atlanta. He SAID YES!!!!! Miracle of all miracles, first and foremost. We booked everything on Saturday at 1pm from Alabama and were on a flight to NYC Sunday at 5:30. We have never been to NYC before and managed to see many sights/navigate subways/ attend Macy's parade, but by far the highlight was:

Yes...there was an acutal concert.
Checked from our hotel and found out that it was at Fulton Ferry.....
Lied about our age to get the "tickets"...apparently 35 was too old, but a 1981 birthday worked quite nicely.

Had a chance meeting with a park employee about port-a-johns that ended up with him finding us 30 min b4 gates opened. He escorted us to the field where at the time only press/crew/ and security were. We ended up front row center stage!!!!!

We started out about 90th in line, but after 5 or 6 hours were at 200th. Everyone kept 'knowing' people ahead of us.....


* Access Hollywood interview
* MTV interview
* We were in the NY Times on Tues.
* We were in the Vertigo video (I was taking a cell photo very intently)
* We were in Jammed (esp. I will follow)
* We met the coolest, nicest people ever. NYC rocks in every way possible in my book.

#1 birth of my children
#2 my marriage
#3 spontaneous NYC trip

We were there from Sun evening (11/21?) to Thurs. evening (Thanksgiving) and I spent only $630...flight/hotel included. Needless to say, we ate a lot of street pretzals & shishkabobs---except a $40 salad/margarita meal at TGI FRI. on Times Square for our Thanksgiving meal....What a rip! Great fun though....Great fun.
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I saw U2 twice in 2001 and both trips were memorable.

My first concert was in Vancouver. I bought two tickets during the presale located in the back of the arena. 2 days later, I bought two more tickets during the regular sale which were closer to the stage. I had 4 tickets but I was the only one willing to drive 19 hours to Vancouver to see U2 from Fort Nelson BC. (Fort Nelson is in northern BC and it costs a ton of money to fly anywhere so it is cheaper to drive most places.)

I was on Interference and Michael Griffiths was looking for tickets to Vancouver. I obliged and sold him 2 of my tickets and he helped me sell the third. About a week or so before the show, Michael called me to let me know that he picked up 2 GA tickets for the show. He still planned on finding buyers for my tickets (all at face value BTW). I was happy for him but I wished I could be on the floor too. Within a day or so of Michael's phone call, I was on Interference and someone started a thread " GA tickets for Van on sale now" It was started at 12:01 pm , my time was 12:02 pm. I went to Ticketmaster and BAM, picked up 2 GA tickets. Woohoo! So then I had 6 tickets!! I call Michael to explain my good fortune and planned to go to the show with him and his friend. He came through in finding buyers for my tickets and his sister got my other GA ticket. :bow:

Remarkably, we made it into the heart by waiting in line for about 7 hours and had a fantastic time. One funny thing happened in that Michael's sister went to the concert at a different time. While Michael went to get us some beer, he ran into his sister in the lineup at the concession stand. When he returned he told us he was lucky she was there because there was a 2 beer limit per person but she helped him get a third. Paul McGuinness was also in the heart during the PJ Harvey opening act.

The second concert was in Salt Lake City. I got two tickets during the regular sale in the back of the arena. Once again no one else wanted to drive with me to SLC. I got lucky again when a fellow Interferencer was selling GA tickets for SLC. I am so ashamed for not remembering his name but he was from Boise, Idaho. :scratch: Anyhoo, he had 2 tickets but I only wanted 1. He went for it and we exchanged information for the transaction. I sent him a money order and he sent the ticket. Unfortunately, express mail from the US to northern BC ain't that express. I had to leave Fort Nelson by Wednesday afternoon to make SLC by Friday. I checked the mail and called couriers everyday for my ticket but nuddin. "yikes" Just minutes before I got in my car, I called (damn, I can't remember his name, arrrgghhh) and his dad said he was at work. I'm sunk. But then his dad said "wait, he is just pulling into the driveway for lunch". I explained how the ticket did not arrive yet and unbelievably he said "my boss gave me 2 GA tickets for SLC, want one of those?" Duh,yeah.We agreed to meet in the line up at the Delta Center on Friday.

So I jumped in my car and drove until 4am to Calgary, got up at 7am and drove until 10pm to Salt Lake City. :yawn: I awoke the next morning at 6am to go see if there was lineup at the Delta Center. There were over 200 people already in line. I went to the front of the line where some folks had the great idea to give out numbers and write down everyone's names so we could have an orderly entrance to the heart. I was 265th in line. I looked through the list and found the dude who was selling me his ticket on the list but he was gone for breakfast. I told his friends who I was and where I was in the line.

I went and found my spot and met 2 brothers (Colin, an Interferencer, and Jesse) from San Diego and a girl from Seattle, Carla. We chatted and I found out that the brothers were also buying a ticket from someone for a friend. A couple of hours went by and the brothers were talking to some guy while I chatted with Carla from Seattle. A few minutes later, Colin tapped me on the shoulder and said " this guy is looking for you". WE BOUGHT OUR TICKETS FROM THE SAME GUY!!:lol:

Also, Carla brought a rose to give Bono and we ( the guys) had to hold the rose while she went to the washroom, food, etc. It looked kind of weird to see a guy holding a rose at a U2 concert but oh well. We made it into the heart and near the end of the show, Carla said she was heading for the front of the stage. Eventually, I spotted the rose high in the air. Then Bono took it with his teeth. After the show, Carla came back walking on air, I was so happy for her. :applaud:

I live in a small northern community of around 6000 people so I am kind of a freak up here. Everyone likes country music and two-step dancing, not that there is anything wrong with that. People who know me think I am insane for travelling so far for a concert. I show people my U2 ipod , same reaction. I had a U2 sticker on my car, weird looks. On the other hand, some people think it is cool that I have such a passion for U2 and music in general to commit (good word for this behaviour) so much time and energy to experience something which is important to me.

Both experiences were mindblowing and uplifting. Meeting new people and having so much luck in getting tickets with weird coincidences occurring made for a fantastic year with U2. Hopefully this upcoming tour will provide equally great new memories.

Permission granted

Peace out
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Oh BTW: Ree5669 poster before last

Name: Marie
permission granted :)

also: my family thought i was nuts, but it was a once in a lifetime thing that I HAD to do.
This isn't so much a U2 "adventure" story but an obsessive one nonetheless....

After seeing the Pride filmclip when I was 18, I dyed my hair black to be more like Bono....! :huh:

BTW, my username reflects my obsession with Bono's hair colour too!

My real name's Michelle.

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