"Buttons??? We don't need no stinkin BUTTONS!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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and damn well succeeded!
but it really is a mystery.. how come there are clips of 1987 gigs online, and not ONE of this one??? Life AINT FAIR!!!!!!
BonoFox1 said:

Unbuttoned Larry and bonus points for "sexy-disheveled hair!:D:up:

omg Larry!
BonoFox1 said:

OK this one was in the Misc thread but I think it belongs here!:love:

there are the mighty dangerous rip off buttons again :wink:
the shades are dark, but the eyebrows above it tell you he's in a funny mood... :drool: that little hint of moob tho...
Galeongirl said:

there are the mighty dangerous rip off buttons again :wink:
the shades are dark, but the eyebrows above it tell you he's in a funny mood... :drool: that little hint of moob tho...

I love to get a little peak in there, If I was ever standing next to him I would be so obvious, I am a pathetic Bono fan......I will :sad: now because I can't take anymore.....
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