bush to lead investigation into ... himself?

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This soldier has the right idea. Of course the local and state authorities screwed up too, but the President slapping "Brownie" on the back and saying good job makes me want to :censored: puke.

An Irate Soldier’s Open Letter Regarding George W. Bush

[Ed Note - I am advised that the author of this essay may be facing court martial for writing this item. I have removed the name and rank so as not to incriminate the author.]

09/05/05 "ICH" -- -- If you’re not pissed off, you’re not paying attention.

George Bush is going to go down in history as the President Who Destroyed America.

Oh sure, there were problems before he ever took office. Every nation has problems. But in the year 2000, the USA was at a fairly high point. The economy was growing. Science was moving forward. International relations were fairly good. The future looked bright. And then, an election was rigged, and a "President" who was never properly elected took office.

We all know how all the different stories about inappropriate election practices during the 2004 election. The cheating. The manipulation of the polls. The fact that people from largely Democrat demographics were prevented from voting. If you don’t know about all this stuff... then you weren’t paying attention. We also know that the 2000 elections were bullshit. But it’s too late for that. We got the chimpanzee in the Oval Office, and we’ve got to deal with him. Too bad the War-Monger president, who doesn’t even know HOW to run a war in the first place, also doesn’t know how to run a country. The disaster on September 11th, 2001 was handled very well... not by Bush, but by Rudy, the esteemed former mayor of NYC. The only reaction from Bush to the whole fiasco: LET’S GO TO WAR! But... that’s in the past. What about now?

Our country is already hurting financially because of the actions of our "president", or inactions, as the case might be. Our international relations are shot to hell - EVERYBODY hates us. The education system is hurting. Our entire economy is likely to fall into recession, if not an actual depression to rival the crash of the 1920s. The average citizen can’t even afford gasoline - but if we’d invested in cars that used non-petroleum fuel sources (a technology we’ve had for a couple of decades but never developed) we wouldn’t have this problem in the first place! (Hmm, does anyone else detect a connection between the oil companies, the government who funds research, and the car companies?)

The progress of the scientific community is being thwarted by Chimp-Boy’s religious convictions. Bush was too busy "stopping the fags from destroying our nation" to bother running the nation. I wonder how much money went into his "Protect Marriage" campaign. How much money and resources have been spent on a war overseas, when our own infrastructure needs desperate help? DID YOU KNOW that Bush wanted to implement a universal health-care system in Iraq, funded by our own tax dollars, when we don’t even have universal health care here? I don’t have health coverage, but MY MONEY is going to help give medical care to some Iraqi. THIS IS BULLSHIT!

Now, not all of these things fall solely on the shoulders of George W. Bush. It’s his entire pathetic administration, but he’s the man with the final say. He’s the guy who was given all sorts of extra powers of authority by the Patriot Act. He’s the idiot leading the pack. I’m sorry, "leading" was the wrong word. Leadership is a quality he doesn’t have.

Let’s look at the situation we have right now. Our National Guard is overseas when we need them at home. Yes, they’re calling them back home now, but they should have been here in the first place. People are dying, in America, of dehydration, hunger, and disease, because we took too long to respond to an emergency. The US Army can drop a bomb with pinpoint precision overseas within an hour of receiving the mission, and they’re telling me it took our leaders THREE FUCKING DAYS to drop food and water on our own soil?

MORE BULLSHIT! American citizens are dying, on American soil. Oh sure, the "president" went to visit the poor victims, and he hugged women and girls for the camera, and shook people’s hands... what a wonderful photo opportunity it must have been. But when he climbed aboard his helicopter to fly to the disaster area, did he even bother to think of loading a couple of extra crates of water, and maybe some food, for the victims? I’m sure there was space. And it may not have helped everybody, but to the family that would have received those supplies, it could mean the difference between life and death.

Compassionate-conservativism, my fucking ass.

This whole disaster-relief operation is a textbook example of "too little, too late." It’s a textbook example of SHITTY LEADERSHIP. All the way from the bottom up. For the first 24 hours, the mayor of New Orleans told people he had it under control, and they didn’t need help. Two days later, he’s screaming and swearing at people for not coming sooner. What? Did he think the National Guard just shows up on its own? You have to ask! We, the soldiers of the Reserves and Guard, don’t sit in our unit headquarters, watching CNN, and say, "Oh look!

A disaster! Let’s go!" WE CAN’T. We have to have orders. We need authorization. And we need to be requested. And then, what about the governor of Louisiana? Have we even heard anything from her? She should have realized that the mayor of New Orleans wasn’t seeing the situation clearly, and acted. But no. And then there’s the "president." WHAT THE FUCK? There has been a failure in EVERY level of our civilian chain of command. And then there’s FEMA. Don’t even get me started.

They’re running a logistical nightmare. Yes, communications are down, but they knew that would happen! They were supposed to have been planning for this for years! The people of that organization are paid dearly, specifically to be ready in case of an emergency. And then, the emergency happens, and it all falls to hell. The Army can go in, and within 24 hours, we could have had food and water and medical facilities on the ground, IF we had been requested... but we weren’t, until it was too late, and people were already dead and dying of preventable causes.

50,000 people were stranded in a convention center, and FEMA didn’t know ANYTHING about them until four days after the storm. They would have known all about it if they’d just turned on the television, because apparently CNN has better information than the people who are supposed to handle the disaster. This is pitiful, and inexcusable.

Opportunities have been wasted, resources have been poorly used. Every vehicle going into that region, whether traveling by land, air, or sea, should be carrying food, water, clothing, medicine, and other supplies in, and carrying people out. It doesn’t matter if they can only fit a little bit on a helicopter. If a helicopter is going to pick up medical evacuees, they have room in their cargo hold to carry supplies in, before picking up the patient. Who the fuck was running the logistics here, and did we check to make sure they’d at least graduated kindergarten before hiring them?

Things only started to work when the Army took over (thank God for General Honore), and I’m sure they’re going to need much more help before it’s over. I’m a qualified officer in the Army Engineer Corps. SEND ME, DAMN IT! I’m sitting here, making LJ entries, when I should be helping to save lives! I’m going insane, wanting to do something!

To finish off, I’d like to address Mr. George W. Chimpanzee Bush, the President Who Destroyed America:


Your citizens are dying, and I personally hold you responsible for their lives. As the president, you are a public servant, NOT a king. Your job is to serve the people of the United States of America and to uphold the Constitution, not to preach your Biblical beliefs and to play golf. I’m sorry the hurricane disrupted your vacation. It must be awful for you, but I assure you, it’s far worse for the victims.

Today, you addressed the nation, and admitted that you made some mistakes - that everyone involved in the relief effort made some mistakes. That’s not good enough. Apologies won’t bring back the people who died needlessly. As the highest authority in the land, you can’t afford those sorts of mistakes. "Oops!" is not an answer. You were supposed to do something, but you didn’t until it was too late for many of them, and more are going to die. Their blood is on your hands. There are still people living in filth, sleeping in the streets, crowded into crumbling buildings, stranded on rooftops, dehydrated, sick, dying, and desperate for just a bottle of water and a bit of food.

These are American citizens - your highest priority... but you are incapable of understanding their suffering because you’ve been so sheltered all your life, you can’t even comprehend the sensations of true hunger, thirst, or desperation. You’ve never had to worry about your next meal, or of having a roof over your head. And when you left New Orleans, after hugging a few people while surrounded by cameras, and you flew back to Washington, DC in the comfort of your helicopter, WHAT DID YOU HAVE FOR DINNER? I’ll bet it was delicious, wasn’t it?

Oh, and by the way, how much money are you going to donate to the victims of the hurricane, Mr. Bush? How much money is going to come out of your personal bank account? You’re independantly wealthy, and could live comfortably on JUST the pension from your presidency for the rest of your life. Children are giving their lunch money. What are you going to give? How much do you really love America?

The American people don’t want your lies, excuses, and apologies anymore. How many mistakes can you make before you stop making them? How many more people have to die for your stupidity? Should we just wait for the next major disaster to strike, just in case you do better next time? We don’t want a "next time", Mr. Bush. We don’t want your promises of a better tomorrow. We want your resignation.
nb -- your CEO example doesn't hold water. Yeah, if something goes wrong in a corporation, the CEO has to investigate. BUT what happens when the CEO may be at fault? What happens if the people below the CEO were hired by said CEO and therefore he doesn't want their wrong doing exposed by having to discipline them? Worldcom, for example. Bernie Ebbers, the CEO, is going to jail for forging books. Do you think he investigated himself? No! The NY Attorney General's office prosecuted him and proved he was guilty.

When you are president of the US and a branch under your jurisdiction screws up this bad, it is in your best interest, regardless of political affiliation, to have an OUTSIDE commission investigate to ward off any sense that you are not being fair.

That being said, Franklin D. Roosevelt had several commissions created within weeks of the Pearl Harbor attacks to investigate what went wrong. It took Bush TWO YEARS to formalize a commission to investigate the worst terrorist attack in this country's history. As much as an outside commission needs to investigate what went wrong that led to such death and incompetence in the South, I'm not holding my breath on this one.
"Doubtless certain of my readers will again leap to the tired claim that I "hate Bush". Sorry, but a quick read of my blog will not support that conversation-killing thesis. I don't hate Bush. I simply wish to hold him responsible to do his job. Do I deny that there is an entitlement mentality? Of course not. But it is not an expression of entitlement mentality to expect the state to ensure domestic tranquility and provide for the common defense. It is not an entitlement mentality to expect to be safe from rape in emergency facilitiies provided by the state. It's not an entitlement mentality to think you shouldn't have to watch your baby die of hydration because the Feds couldn't figure out how to airlift water to helpless thirsty people for five frickin' days and, in their world-historical and criminal incompetence, actually turned offers of water away.
The Rush Limbaughs of the world will have ample opportunity to blame poor people for foolishly expecting the state to do what the Founders thought it should do: ensure domestic tranquility and provide for the common defense... Bush does have a spin machine. And it's already swinging into high gear to sayi loudly, "Don't look at Bush! Look! Incompetent state and local guys! Look! Stupid poor people! Look! Thugs!"
So long as Bush remains the King of Massive Government Spending Coupled with the Promise of "Homeland Security", guys like Limbaugh are going to have a colossally difficult time shifting the blame for this debacle away from Bush. That's not "Bush hatred". That's cold logic."

sharky said:
nb -- your CEO example doesn't hold water. Yeah, if something goes wrong in a corporation, the CEO has to investigate. BUT what happens when the CEO may be at fault? What happens if the people below the CEO were hired by said CEO and therefore he doesn't want their wrong doing exposed by having to discipline them? Worldcom, for example. Bernie Ebbers, the CEO, is going to jail for forging books. Do you think he investigated himself? No! The NY Attorney General's office prosecuted him and proved he was guilty.

emphasis added

Sorry, the example is accurate.

If Bush himself interfered with the recovery efforts, fire up the investigation and go for it. But if a subordinate agency botched the job (as the evidence suggests), it would be Bush's job to investigate.

I guess this all depends on if we start with the assumption that Bush is at fault.
nb -- I find it interesting that you underlined that question and not the next one. "What happens if the people below the CEO were hired by said CEO and therefore he doesn't want their wrong doing exposed by having to discipline them?"

Whether Bush was at fault or not, he should give the investigation over to someone else because there is the potential for cover-up, partisanship or hiding wrong-doing here. He was the one that hired the FEMA guy, he was the one that decided to cut FEMA's budget and put it under the jurisdiction of Homeland Security. He was the one that hired the Homeland Security director. Whether he was partially at fault or not, he needs to do what is right and have an outside commission investigate so that the final conclusions do not look like they have been tampered by him.

Frankly, in a case like this, if something went this bad in business, the Board of Directors, which represents the shareholders, of said company would have asked for the CEO's resignation at this point in a crisis or at least a leave of absence while an investigation took place. They would appoint outside investigators. They would make sure they did whatever they could to keep the stock price of the company from being hurt too badly.

With the president, the Board of Directors is Congress, who represent the American people, and the stock price is his approval rating. If he wants to get it out of the 30% area, he needs to have Congress appoint a commission to investigate. If he doesn't care about the approval rating, he doesn't care what the American people think of him despite the fact that he is supposed to represent us and that is plain wrong.

We call it checks and balances for a reason in this country.
sharky said:
nb -- I find it interesting that you underlined that question and not the next one. "What happens if the people below the CEO were hired by said CEO and therefore he doesn't want their wrong doing exposed by having to discipline them?"

Bush has already said there will be an investigation. So the point is moot.
NB- Let's put aside the question of whether or not it is appropriate for Bush to investigate himself and his own administration for the time being.

Do you trust that he would do a thorough and truthful job, even as he and his administration are already beginning cover-up operations, like no longer allowing photography of the dead? Now that the Army is running the show, as CIC he runs the show.
nbcrusader said:

emphasis added

Sorry, the example is accurate.

If Bush himself interfered with the recovery efforts, fire up the investigation and go for it. But if a subordinate agency botched the job (as the evidence suggests), it would be Bush's job to investigate.

I guess this all depends on if we start with the assumption that Bush is at fault.

who appoints the head of FEMA?

to whom is FEMA ultimately accountable to?
nbcrusader said:

Bush has already said there will be an investigation. So the point is moot.

yes, but he should not "oversee" it.

it should be bipartisan, like the 9-11 commission.
MrBrau1 said:

But isn't that the goal of the investigation? To determine who's at fault?

I agree, however, I imagine it'll be much like the 9/11 commision in that its focus will not be on determining who's at fault (an accountability issue)- rather how can we overhaul govt. to make sure we are adequately prepared for furture disasters...
to scarletwine:

without quoting the whole article you posted... :applaud:

That was a f:censored:g brilliant letter. Too bad this soldier may be in trouble for stating his opinion. So much for freedom of speech. Perhaps that's only allowed if you are in the Bush administration, and can 'spin' the truth any way you want.

Latest on investigations...

In a letter to the Senate's Homeland Security Committee chairwoman, Reid, the Senate Democratic leader, pressed for a wide-ranging investigation and answers to several questions, including: "How much time did the president spend dealing with this emerging crisis while he was on vacation? Did the fact that he was outside of Washington, D.C., have any effect on the federal government's response?"

At a news conference, Pelosi, D-Calif., said Bush's choice for head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency had "absolutely no credentials."

She related that she had urged Bush at the White House on Tuesday to fire Michael Brown.

"He said 'Why would I do that?'" Pelosi said.

'"I said because of all that went wrong, of all that didn't go right last week.' And he said 'What didn't go right?'"

"Oblivious, in denial, dangerous," she added.

At the White House, press secretary Scott McClellan said the administration was acting quickly on an emergency supplemental measure for Katrina efforts because a $10.5 billion down payment approved last week "is being spent more quickly than we even anticipated."

I'm sure Halliburton's cleanup contract doesn't come cheap!
I'm sure Halliburton's cleanup contract doesn't come cheap! [/B][/QUOTE]


I have never seen anything like this Preseident and his screwed up Administration. The images last week on my TV were so upsetting to me and of course the next item in the news were more innocent Iraqi's and US Troops being killed. What has happened here? I agree with the sentiment with not looking back, that the future is now and all that. But when an Administration has pretty much gotten EVERYTHING WRONG. From the Fairy Tale WMD's to the Huge connection of Saddam and Bin Laden right through to the Scientific Field about Stem Cell Research. I guess this "President" cares a whole lot more about stem cells then he does about our US Troops.

I must be the antithesis to all Conservatives - because you know what, I actually was one of them. But this guy has changed me so profoundly. He will be remembered in history as the President who ruined this Nation.

Bush is someone definitely to be scared of.
i wonder if this tidbit will make it into W's investigation?

Our Heroic President

Firefighters say they want to brave the heat, the debris-littered roads, the poisonous cottonmouth snakes and fire ants and travel into pockets of Louisiana where many people have yet to receive emergency aid.

But as specific orders began arriving to the firefighters in Atlanta, a team of 50 Monday morning quickly was ushered onto a flight headed for Louisiana. The crew's first assignment: to stand beside President Bush as he tours devastated areas."
deep said:
i wonder if this tidbit will make it into W's investigation?

Our Problem-Solver at work, rolling up his sleeves
Bill Maher suggested that the Alabama National Guard should call up Bush for duty.

and he's got to actually show up this time.
It is obvious Dan Rather

created this whole situation

to make the President look bad.

Where is Dan Rather?

Why is no one investigating him.

I blame the liberal media

attacking a man of faith

who has brought

"honor and dignity"

back to the whitehouse.

Don't forget he WAS ELECTED in a landslide bigger THAN anything KATRINA or any other act of God could wash away.
I just posted this in another thread..

At a news conference, Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Bush's choice for head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency had "absolutely no credentials."

She related that she urged Bush at the White House on Tuesday to fire Brown.

"He said 'Why would I do that?'" Pelosi said.

"'I said because of all that went wrong, of all that didn't go right last week.' And he said 'What didn't go right?'"
MrsSpringsteen said:
I just posted this in another thread..

At a news conference, Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Bush's choice for head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency had "absolutely no credentials."

She related that she urged Bush at the White House on Tuesday to fire Brown.

"He said 'Why would I do that?'" Pelosi said.

"'I said because of all that went wrong, of all that didn't go right last week.' And he said 'What didn't go right?'"

I hope Pelosi is lying, or misquoting the conversation, or something. I really, really do. All partisianship aside. Because, if she isn't, if that's what he really said, I give up :| .

Of course, respect for the dead would include making sure they are properly counted...

This sits incredibly uneasy with me. You can already see the difference between foreign press and domestic press. The pictures coming out of foreign newspapers are far more gruesome than the ones shown to the American public.

"At a news conference, Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Bush's choice for head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency had "absolutely no credentials."

She related that she urged Bush at the White House on Tuesday to fire Brown."


But what would happen if there were an Arabian horse disaster?


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