Bush Sr. mention of U2?

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Oct 22, 2004
In a perpetual state of confusion
Just wanting to know what year it was George Bush Sr. made a speech criticising his fellow candidate Bill Clinton (i think) about talking foreign policy with U2, when he says he'll talk w/the real experts and Clinton can talk to Boy George?:huh:

Does anyone know when it was and the details surrounding it? it's to be used as an example in my rhetoric paper. Thanx!
1992 presidential campaign, probably late summer, fall.

(paraphrased, chastizing Clinton for his relationship with celebs)

"You know, understand I have nothing against U2, they tried to call me at the White House at one of their shows, but when it comes to matters of foreign policy I will consult with John Major and Bill Clinton can consult Boy George"

that is paraphrased, it was on the U2 Fox Tv special back in '92.
And of course George Sr. bungled that whole line.
I think it was more to the effect of:
trying to be more accurate

"the rock grop, errrr rock group, U2, now understand I don't have anything against U2, as a matter of fact they tried to call me at the White House at one of their concerts (shows). But when it comes to matters of foreign policy, I will cont... er ..consult with BOris Yeltsin and JOhn Major and Bill Clinton can consult with BOy George"

I thought it was funny, if yu can track down that video, you could get the direct quote, but that's pretty darn close.
I remember he stuffs up the line by calling U2 a "rock grop". I can pull out the DVD and type up the exact quote if you want it.
Here's a mention on the @U2 site in the This Day In U2 History section:
September 26, 1992: Bush mentions U2 and Clinton on campaign trail

U.S. President George Bush delivers the now-famous "Bill Clinton was seeking foreign-policy advice from the rock grop -- rock group U2" speech at a campaign stop in Bowling Green, Ohio.

And in the book At The End Of The World, there is the full speech:
Governor Clinton doesn't think foreign policy is important, but he's trying to catch up. You may have seen this in the news - he was in Hollywood seeking foreign policy advice from the rock grop - rock group U2. I have nothing against U2. You may not know this, but they try to call me every night during the concert! But the next time we face a foreign policy crisis, I will work with John Major and Boris Yeltsin, and Bill Clinton can consult Boy George!


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well now we know who won, the guy with rock star friends, not the one with the dumbass son.:wink:

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