Bush expected to pick Edith Clement

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BonoVoxSupastar said:

He doesn't really need them anymore...

No, he'll need them to buy the books someone else will write under his name, to invite him to the high-paying speeches at varying right-wing venues, to pay for his large monument.
Bush Nominates Federal Appeals Court Judge John C. Roberts Jr. for Supreme Court Vacancy
Tuesday, July 19, 2005 07:46:04 PM

President Bush chose federal appeals court judge John G. Roberts Jr. on Tuesday as his first nominee for the Supreme Court, selecting a rock solid conservative whose nomination could trigger a tumultuous battle over the direction of the nation's highest court, a senior administration official said.

Bush offered the position to Roberts in a telephone call at 12:35 p.m. after a luncheon with the visiting prime minister of Australia, John Howard. He was to announce it later with a flourish in a nationally broadcast speech to the nation.

Roberts has been on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit since June 2003 after being picked for that seat by Bush.

Advocacy groups on the right say that Roberts, a 50-year-old native of Buffalo, N.Y., who attended Harvard Law School, is a bright judge with strong conservative credentials he burnished in the administrations of former Presidents Bush and Reagan. While he has been a federal judge for just a little more than two years, legal experts say that whatever experience he lacks on the bench is offset by his many years arguing cases before the Supreme Court.

Liberal groups, however, say Roberts has taken positions in cases involving free speech and religious liberty that endanger those rights. Abortion rights groups allege that Roberts is hostile to women's reproductive freedom and cite a brief he co-wrote in 1990 that suggested the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 high court decision that legalized abortion.
BonosSaint said:

No, he'll need them to buy the books someone else will write under his name, to invite him to the high-paying speeches at varying right-wing venues, to pay for his large monument.

Who the hell would want GWB to speak at their venues, I don't even think his biggest fans really enjoy listening to him speak. The book will be bought by both sides, the left will hope he actually tells the truth about something and the right will have forgotten and revised history by then. Monument or libraries only take a handful of rich investors...he has nothing to worry about.
it would have been so gorgeously surprising if he didn't pick a more hardcore rightwinger. Reading that little blurb makes me feel like, yeah, can you imagine him picking someone he didn't already pick for something, like someone he didn't feel was already in his debt, as it were?! Like a scholar he admired, someone he or his daddy hadn't already had on their guestlists? That would have been nice. But of course, someone he's already called, fairly recently in fact, and told in his good ol' boy style and midland twang, that he'd like on his team, in his court, as it were. It would have been so nice to imagine even an arch conservative who he *didn't* already appoint to something. This blurb doesn't tell us how this guy 'burnished' his credentials in dubya's daddy's administration, goodness i hope it wasn't in some politician-y way. but that wouldn't surprise me either unfortunately.
I'm glad that Bush didn't pick that other "Edith"--Edith Jones.

"The integrity of law, its religious roots, its transcendent quality are disappearing." -- a February 28, 2003, speech at Harvard University.

It's "judges" like that that I'm afraid of, and Scalia has made comments of a similarly frightening nature. The fact that Roberts seemingly does *not* have a religious fanaticism about him seems like a major step in the right direction.

But like I said in the other thread about him, I don't know enough about him yet to make a judgment.

BonoVoxSupastar said:

Who the hell would want GWB to speak at their venues, I don't even think his biggest fans really enjoy listening to him speak. The book will be bought by both sides, the left will hope he actually tells the truth about something and the right will have forgotten and revised history by then. Monument or libraries only take a handful of rich investors...he has nothing to worry about.

Sorry. I got confused with Zell Miller.

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