bully dream thread.... post your dreams...

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dreamt last night a mother perhaps master blues wife tried to gas big james
but little did they know that jesus was on james side and those involved
would be bound up...
just throwing this dream out there so you know what they are throwing at me
the idiots
had an awesome dream
i was sleeping to headphones
on my head and woke up from
a nightmare only to find out
motorhead was blaring
through my head phones
and i had an extreme headache
from the versatility of the sounds
heart was pounding so hard
that i passed out and next thing
i was leaving my body with an
angel and he said a couple of
words and next thing you know
i was alive in a different place
oh it was so awesome i had no
more nightmares or sounds
and there was this green and
blue aura around me that protected
me and i could count large numbers
and my instinct and intuition was
heightened and the angel would
identify everyone i was meeting
good or bad so i could avoid them
and i had a weapon in my hand and
it was a white stallion with a
golden bridle and it did tricks
then the angel said dont take
it out of your rocks i didnt fully
understand until i saw large
platforms then he said dont worry
you dont have to drink again
and i felt great comfort...
then i woke up sad bc i was still
in bed lol
strange dream regarding my daughter
not really needing a mention but i keep
the information in my box...!!:heart:

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