Bono's recipes

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I thought I read somewhere that he can make eggs? Maybe it was an Ali quote but I could just be making that up...

Has anyone ever tried a Black Velvet? I like Guinness and I like champagne but the two together don't sound all that appetizing.

Also, isn't there something similar called a Black and Tan (Guinness and Harp)?
I had Black was gross. However, I don't like beer and don't really like champagne and we probably had cheap champage. But I REALLY don't like foam/froth of any kind and when you mix the two you get a lot of foam on the top :barf:
dsmith2904 said:
Ali said once that the only thing Bono knows how to make is some kind of pork dish. I think Adam is the only one in the group with any real culinary skills.

Yes I remember Ali said so and then she decide her family to stop eating pork :wink: !

Due to the fact I can't cook :)sad: ), I will have to ask Adam if he can make me some lesson :)wink: )
I remember reading somewhere a long while ago that Edge had actually taken culinary courses somewhere... I think in the mid-80's...
We all know he knows how to make a good salad dressing...:wink:
Gaah! That sounds horrible. Geez. It's a wonder the man is still standing if he drinks that kind of thing. Ali ought to sit on him and detox him, or something.:p
U2dork said:
I remember reading somewhere a long while ago that Edge had actually taken culinary courses somewhere... I think in the mid-80's...
We all know he knows how to make a good salad dressing...:wink:
*w/ the edges pic* whahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha!

edges looking young there :laugh:
Ah black velvit, had a few of them couple years back when my parents went away for a weekend,we made them ourselves and i dont remember a thing..apparantly there was table dancing involved and at one point i ran around the street with a white sheet singing sunday bloody sunday.

havnt drank in my house sinse, so normaly in pubs i just has guiness alone.
anybody know how much a black velvit would cost and do many pubs serve them or do they have to be swanky bars?
dsmith2904 said:
Ali said once that the only thing Bono knows how to make is some kind of pork dish. I think Adam is the only one in the group with any real culinary skills.

Adam cooking:drool: :drool:
bratty_cat said:

Has anyone ever tried a Black Velvet? I like Guinness and I like champagne but the two together don't sound all that appetizing.

Also, isn't there something similar called a Black and Tan (Guinness and Harp)?

I have heard of both Black Velvet and a Black and Tan but haven't tried either. I've had Guiness and although it's not at the top of my list of favorite adult libations, I cannot fathom a mixture of the thick dark ale with bubbly champagne, it kind of makes me :yuck: But then I'll try anything once.....and I do like the bubbly, a ood one no cheap ones of course :giggle:
Scarlet Lady said:
anybody know how much a black velvit would cost and do many pubs serve them or do they have to be swanky bars?
I've never had Black Velvet, but I don't think it'd be a real high-class sorta drink. Just an inkling.
Bono recipe:

2 cups sheer hubris.
1 cup sugar
3 cups dork
5 teaspoons chilli pepper
2 cups salt
1 leather outfit
Infinite number of shades in varying colors
A heap of compassion and love.
5' 7 " baking mold

THere you go. C'es ci Bono.
Nate Dogg said:
he cooks.

looks like all of U2 cooks...


sorry it's so small, but that is totally U2.

Edge looks pretty good in that tanktop...
A Black Velvet is good. Of course it depends on how good the guinness is.

If it's good then :drool:

If it's guinness from a bottle in the U.S then maybe not so much
AtomicBono said:

looks like all of U2 cooks...


sorry it's so small, but that is totally U2.

Edge looks pretty good in that tanktop...

Bono looks :D
Is it just me, or does Bono look like the Keebler elf?
Mai goodness. What is /wrong/ with that man? *cackles*
I agree Atomic Bono...Edge looks hot in that t-shirt.....
Devlin you have been cracking me up all day (Kebbler Elf):lmao:
I have tried Black and Tan before, I remember it being rather filling. I've never tried a Black Velvet, but I can see how it would foam up, kind of like a Coke Float. I'm not so sure I would like that reaction in my beer beverage.

oh and :lol: @ World Peas!

What about "Squash Debt" Casserole?

I had to throw some cheese in this thread.

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