Bono in St Tropez - 25.06.06

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katiebu21 said:


Sorry, but I can't help thinking that you've gone too far with these statements. There's no reason for Pam Anderson to be trashed so badly on this message board. You don't have to like her but have some tact please.

Well, this is not a Pam Anderson board after all and there is no denying she's bringing it all on herself is there?
First enlargements, then, reduction. We'd have believed she had come to her senses but then she had to bring the big ones back :yikes:
Why I wonder? Maybe she felt she didn't attrackt quite the same amount of attention as before. And it's not just Pam, but I would call anyone looking like that slutty, sorry if that comes of as offending.
I'm not tiny either but I don't comport myself like that :shrug:
Advah said:
After reading some posts: I can't say I'm a Pam fan, far from it. But I don't think trashing her because of her appearance is being more clever than those who admire her because of it.

I have to admit that I don’t know much about her, apart from the things I’ve seen on TV (her appearances in J.Leno’s night show, Baywatch, …), but I thought she was clever than she apparently looks.
I’m really shocked because of that picture and I’m not judging her for her appearance, but for the way she chooses to dress (there was even a time when people had to dress properly in the presence of royalty) . I actually have generous natural breast and I wouldn’t let people thing less of me because of that (although funny things happen all the time, similar to the one youvedonewhat’s told).
U2 Beginner said:
Now, I don't wanna sound stupid or anything, but does anyone know how long Bono will be in France for?

Probably through August.
Hopefully long enough so that I might see him or them. I will be there the first two weeks in August!!
just got news, my sister will fly back to holland halfway our holidays because her uni has introduction days.... and wuich airport will she fly from???



:hyper: so I might be able to get to Eze then.... chances getting bigger :drool:
katiebu21 said:

Sorry, but I can't help thinking that you've gone too far with these statements. There's no reason for Pam Anderson to be trashed so badly on this message board. You don't have to like her but have some tact please.

I'm catching up after being out of town for a week. I hate to "beat a dead horse", but I just have to say this: there apparently is no "tact" associated with that woman at all! :eyebrow:
i remember having seen a pic her of bono's back in St.Tropez in that beach, wher eu could see his bum in those jeans:drool:
could anyone post it again please?
you mean this one?


:whistle: nice CK's!
no lol galeon girl, it was on in st tropez this year with the same clothes as he's wearing in the first pictures posted in this thread i think he was with hands on the back pockets in his jeans
mee2 said:
no lol galeon girl, it was on in st tropez this year with the same clothes as he's wearing in the first pictures posted in this thread i think he was with hands on the back pockets in his jeans

:hmm: can you be a little more specific? is it the same day? what hair, what color of shades.. people he was with...

it's not in the set I have from the first link...

oh wait, you mean this one? :scratch:

yes galeon girl, it was the same holidays as this upper pic u've posted, but that's not the pic i was looking for, he wasntin the yatch/boat, he was in the sand, same holidays, but with no one by his side, he was looking to the sun or to the sky and he was like "in front of us" as we're looking at the pic!
thanks anyway for ur help
mee2 said:
yes galeon girl, it was the same holidays as this upper pic u've posted, but that's not the pic i was looking for, he wasntin the yatch/boat, he was in the sand, same holidays, but with no one by his side, he was looking to the sun or to the sky and he was like "in front of us" as we're looking at the pic!
thanks anyway for ur help

It's probably one of the pictures Kelly posted on page 4 of this thread.
Bono Mot said:
:hyper: Thank you Kelly! (Hey, is he sporting a yellow bracelet?)

Hehe- I didn't notice the yellow bracelet! Mmh, is it a Livestrong one? I have a yellow and a white one on my right arm *g*

And of course- thanks Kelly!
kafrun said:
Thankyou, Kelly :hyper:

He's looking well :yes: But has he ditched the wrap-around shades? :eyebrow:

I like the shades he's wearing in the pics with Halliday way better than the wraparounds. :up:
Mmm he looks soo good! I swear every new pic we get of him is better than the last:drool:
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