Bono and Ali - Edun Launch party

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Is that Lindsey Lohan in the picture??/
That Bono, such a flirt!

I want Susie's tan! She's such a natural beauty, the earthy-boho look really suits her well.
Bono and Ali look so happy to be together. They must not have seen each other for awhile. Its hard to believe that they've been married 24 years. When the are together they look young and in love.
Babydoll said:

That is Lindsay, she posed for ONE campaign T shirts. Why Bono chose her is beyond me....:shrug:

:eyebrow: yeah why was she chosen? she didn't even come to the launch party in NYC even though it was well publisized that she was in town that night. And i'm sure to everyone shock and surprise, she was partying? :ohmy:

no way!

These pix are great. Ali and Bono look so good together and I'm in awe of what huge paws the man has!! :drool: :drool: And, you know, Ali looks in great shape...4 kids later and she still looks like that! I am soooooo jealous...ack..hee hee...
I love all of these pictures! I love the way Bono hangs on to Ali :cute: They really are so adorable together :) Ali looks absolutely beautiful, as does Susie. Bono's being wonderfully goofy (I get the feeling he'd had a touch to drink at the party :lol: ) and Adam looks great.
2orangecats said:
Bono's still doing the arm thing!
I noticed I was doing it when I walked my son to the bus stop yesterday - I think it's contagious!

I can top that: someone (completely unknowledgable about the behaviour of the Bonosapian) actually pointed out to me today that I was holding my left arm kinda funny. I assured her my arm was ok, but had to point out that I must have been subconciously influenced by *somebody*. :shifty:
OK now I'm being serious, how does the man do it? How does he function being at a million places constantly? I'm exhausted following his whereabouts via computer :crack:
It's amazing that he has the stamina to travel so much. I wonder what his body clock is like when he's in one place for more than a solid week.....does he go stir crazy? Does his body shut down and want to sleep....or is he like the Eveready bunny and he just keeps on going and going and going???
kellyahern said:

Looks like Bono wasn't the only one getting a bit ripped last night.:laugh:

Great pics, though.

Thanks so much for posting them.

Very good to see Bono enjoying himself so much again. :hug:
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