Blarg....I'm sick...

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War Child
Aug 18, 2000
Burbank, CA
I started to feel a bit "off" at the end of last week. Then, on Monday night, my chest started to ache. On Tuesday afternoon I suddely felt exhausted. On Wensday morning I couldn't walk.

I went to bed around 7:30 last night, and drifted in and out of consciousness for the remainder of the night. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, and I had horrible nightmares about the Interference forums and the World Economic Fourm, over and over and over again. When I tried to walk over to the bathroom, I found I was pretty much incapable of doing so. For lack of energy, balance and the overall ability to control my limbs. Just getting up out of bed made me feel several times more exhausted than running 1.5 miles in PE class back in High School. And it took all that was left of my energy and willpower to actually stumble over there. It is amazing that I didn't crash to the floor. It took me roughly two hours to get out of bed the next time. Two hours.

I went to get a drink at 1:24am and 6:49........when I walked out of my room at 6:49 the house was silent. My Mom's car was still in the driveway, and I had no idea wether or not my Dad was home. I grabbed some more Ginger Ale and went back to bed, my Dad came in a few minutes later and asked me if I was going to bring out the garbage cans. It was an impossibility, and he recognized that right away.

I spent the remainder of the day sleeping or trying to sleep. Took some Tylenol, had some more weird dreams (but finally non-Interference-related ones). Woke up around 10:40-something, took a shower, and collapsed back into bed where I remained until around 7:15pm.


*runs back to bed*
*hugs* i'm glad you're feeling better now though...even though you're still sick.

you bury your treasure where it can't be found, but your love is like a secret that's been passed around...
Not terribly afraid of the doctor (though I am a bit hesitant), it's just that last year I was faced with deciding if I wanted to have car insurance or medical insurance.

I chose the former.

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