Bill O'Reilly for President.....

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Jul 18, 2001
Tel-Aviv, Israel
Although I am not an American citizen, and therefore not eligible to vote, I am officially starting my OFP campaign (O'Reilly For President).

I don't know anyone else who is as honest and committed to the truth as Bill O'Reilly. I am an addict of the "Factor" and after seeing his segment on Neil Cavuto's show tonight I am more convinced than ever that O'Reilly would be one of the best presidents EVER - both in terms of hard-hitting policies and personal integrity.

O'Reilly ROCKS!!!!
AchtungBono said:

I don't know anyone else who is as honest and committed to the truth as Bill O'Reilly.

:lmao: Funniest post of the month.

Bill is an arrogant ass who will go out of his way to censor those who disagree with him.
I've sat here for five minutes trying to think of something to say about Bill O'Reilly that won't get me banned from here. Can't do it.
AchtungBono said:
Although I am not an American citizen, and therefore not eligible to vote, I am officially starting my OFP campaign (O'Reilly For President).

O'Reilly ROCKS!!!!


I respect your right
to your opinion

O'Reilly is quite popular here in America

I suspect your approval of him is influence by his strong support for the Israeli Government and hatred for Hamas and the like

and also his strong support for the Iraq War

I can't imagine what you go through living in Israel,
but I hope you stay safe
The guy who posted this also believes Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman in the JFK assaination - he's totally entitled to his opinion...but really.
A funny thing

that zacruder tape and audio

most likely does not give a real depiction of what happened

just like everyone would have argued that
Armstrong said" One small step for man...."

when he believed he said "One small step for A man....."

now we have audio experts that support his belief, without it being heard on the tape

I am not sure what happened,

but if it was a 1 in 1000 chance that it could have been a single shooter

because we can not duplicate it
does not mean it is not possible
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You're entitled to your opinion, AB, and I can't imagine what life is like in Israel, with fanatical nutjobs waiting to blow up buses because they are convinced it will get them 70 virgins each in Paradise. Stay safe! I *am* a U.S. citizen and I'd never vote for O'Reilly.
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verte76 said:
You're entitled to your opinion, AB, and I can't imagine what life is like in Israel, with fanatical nutjobs waiting to blow up buses because they are convinced it will get them 70 virgins each in Paradise. Stay safe! I *am* a U.S. citizen and I'd never vote for O'Reilly.

this is a very nice post. we are all entitled to our opinions.

thank you, verte.

Re: Re: Bill O'Reilly for President.....

of course we're all entitled to our opinions.
etc etc

however I think this:

BonoVoxSupastar said:

Bill is an arrogant ass who will go out of his way to censor those who disagree with him.

is widely acknowledged as fact. even by his "supporters." I could be wrong...
He's part of "news as entertainment". Deliberately polarising. Deliberately over the top opinionated. Deliberately arrogant etc. It's entertaining (I hate the guy, disagree with him on virtually everything, yet find myself watching probably too often), and thats the point. Remember to view him from that angle. He strikes me as the kind of guy who waits for the camera to switch off, heads to a bar with a couple of friends and laughs at it all, as do many of these over the top opinionated talking heads. They find their niche/angle/persona and run with it.
I agree Earnie but that in a way makes me hate him more. I used to watch him for entertainment value but lately I try to avoid him, as I just end up yelling at the TV about how he must have no conscience and such. Also my dad told me I shouldn't watch him unless I want high blood pressure by age 20. :up:
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If by "honest" you mean "pompous", by "commited to the truth" you mean "hellbent on getting everyone to believe that his viewpoint is the only valid one", and by "ROCKS" you mean "is a self-aggrandizing dick", then I wholeheartedly agree with you! :rockon: :yes:
I really liked his interview with Bono at the last Republican Convention. Bono handled it very well, although at times he looked like he wanted to leap across the desk and clock O'Reilly.
I'm convinced there is not a more manipulative, dishonest and insidious person on the planet than Bill O'Reilly.
AchtungBono said:
I don't know anyone else who is as honest and committed to the truth as Bill O'Reilly. I am an addict of the "Factor" and after seeing his segment on Neil Cavuto's show tonight I am more convinced than ever that O'Reilly would be one of the best presidents EVER - both in terms of hard-hitting policies and personal integrity.

I watch "The O'Reilly Factor" fairly frequently, mainly because it's on TV a lot of the time when I'm working out at the gym, and I'm not someone who insists on turning the channel.

However, I think his show is a tabloid joke--a kind of "Inside Edition" redux (and, yes, he was the host of that too, back in the day). I remember one time how he complained about how sensational television was, focusing on sex and violence, but I chuckled, because more often than not, he's got some story about some obscure....for lack of a better term..."sex scandal." Yesterday, for instance, one of his stories was about a man trying to get custody of his kids, because his wife lived in a sex cult. Was that really the most pressing and important issue in America today? No, but it was certainly the most sensationalistic, subtlely driving home the point that "libruls" are nothing but amoral, sexual degenerates. Talk about pandering to your audience.

You certainly are entitled to your opinion, and I'm not about to equate O'Reilly with the "Great Satan" like Keith Olbermann might, but, frankly, I don't see what's so special about him, other than the fact that his hysterical angry blather is right-wing, rather than left-wing.

since we're talking about Fox newsreaders, is it weird that i actually kind of like Tony Snow? i don't agree with him, but i bet he's fun to have a drink with.
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