B&C Best of 2017 - Discussion Thread

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ONE love, blood, life
May 21, 2005
Yet another year is coming to an end. Tell us about your favorite albums (and songs, artists, concerts, etc).

Is Sleep Well Beast destined to give The National yet another B&C AOTY Trophy? Can Damn give it a run for its money? Or is B&C darling LCD Soundsystem the biggest threat? Will SOE be the first U2 album to miss the B&C top 10?

I feel that picking a top-10 this year will be very difficult. There are a bunch of excellent albums that are quite similar in quality, but with nobody necessarily above the pack. I'm pretty confident that my top-10 will share a number of artists with my 2007 top-10 - this has been a good year for indie kids from the aughts.

A lot of really good stuff, perhaps more so than usual, but not a lot of truly great stuff. I'm pretty confident in the list I will be submitting and there's still a month to go.
Top three:

Sleep Well Beast

Everything after that is a free-for-all.
This year's critically acclaimed album that I failed to connect with was A Crow Looked at Me. And that is entirely my fault, I think. It's such a incredibly sad album that I find it difficult to muster the courage to go back to it.

My top 4:


American Dream

Sleep Well Beast


After that it’s not as clear to me at the moment.

Add Melodrama and you have my top 5.
Most of the year had gone by before I realized Thievery Corporation had a new record out. If you're a fan and haven't checked out The Temple of I & I, it's worth a listen.

Another worthwhile record people might want to hear before the year ends is Content by Joywave. It's thematically cohesive and captures that contradictory numb but emotive vibe many of us relate to in the digital age.
Worst of 2017: Trump becoming POTUS

Best of 2017: Probably either Illinois hiring Brad Underwood, the debut of Yoan Moncada, or maybe the new season of TWIN PEAKS
I'd like to echo the sentiments that there have been plenty of good albums this year, albums that I really enjoy and get passionate about, but not a whole lot clamouring for all-time greatness. It's not unusual that I haven't given a 5-star rating to a 2017 album on RYM - I usually only bump something to five stars after it has lasted with me for a couple of years - but I've had little reason to give out 4.5 stars, despite handing out plenty of 3.5 or 4-star ratings.

I love Deafcult's album Auras, but I really expected that by now something else would've come along to dethrone it. But it's still in very strong contention to be my number one.

The other album in strong contention for number one is Blood Command's Cult Drugs. If you like that Brutus album, get this one. Now. It's even more wild, ranges across a broader sonic palette, and doesn't have a stupid song about a baby seal. It's visceral and clever and brilliant.

Here are some other albums I'd like to highlight that haven't been mentioned much or at all around these parts. At least some of them will end up in my top ten, and I think they all deserve a nod at this early stage:

Bullet Height: No Atonement (Pure Reason Revolution are back... kinda. Jon Courtney does his thing, and parts of it sound so much like the second and third PRR albums that it makes me emotional such a perfect band are no more.)
Citizen: As You Please (great grunge-influenced emo; I don't think the Brand New comparisons are as strong as some reviewers claim, but hey if you need something that sounds kinda like them but doesn't feature Jesse Lacey, here you go!)
The Holy Circle: s/t (I get vibes kind of like Haelos here, but more straightforward dream pop in execution)
Hundredth: Rare (metalcore band goes shoegaze with top results)
The Orbweavers: Deep Leads (absolutely beautiful folk that traces stories of history and the Australian landscape)
Pale Honey: Devotion (plain catchy indie rock)
Palehorse/Palerider: Burial Songs ("doomgaze" has not become a thing despite the work of Jesu or The Angelic Process, but this album proves it should be a thing)
Panda Riot: Infinity Maps (come on, they're a shoegaze band called Panda Riot, of course this is good)
Save Ends: A Book About Bad Luck (one of my favourite bands of the last few years, punk energy and emo passion - though, actually, start with their 2013 debut, Warm Hearts Cold Hands)

And of course I'm going to keep banging on about the great music coming out of New Zealand by the likes of Fazerdaze, Yumi Zouma, Mermaidens, Miniatures, Nadia Reid, etc. I reckon some of you will like Aldous Harding a fair bit more than I do, too.

Lastly: the new Ride is even better than the new Slowdive, and that's saying something given the Slowdive album is a shoegaze classic in its own right.
Jesus and Mary Chain's Damage & Joy didn't reinvent the wheel or add to their sonic palette (if anything, it's a regression from Munki), but damn if it didn't deliver the old JAMC vibes.

Former Replacements bassist Tommy Stinson revived his 1993 one-off band Bash & Pop for Anything Can Happen, a rousing album of Stones/Faces-style rock & roll, way better than anyone would expect it to be.

Another 90s band, but one that didn't have a long hiatus but is still plugging along at a very high standard with regular releases is Saint Etienne, their album Home Counties was really damned good.

Phoenix's Ti Amo shouldn't be forgotten either, a welcome course-correction after the underwhelming Bankrupt.

Arguably the most consistent band in modern rock, Spoon stretched out their sound a bit with Hot Thoughts, which is still getting a lot of play on my phone.

Guided By Voices probably put out like five albums this year, but the one I'm coming back to the most is the 32-track August By Cake. Obviously there's some filler but there's a lot of great tracks as well.

Lana Del Rey's Lust For Life is one of the year's best pop albums, certainly a step up from Honeymoon.

A welcome reunion album from Broken Social Scene was very satisfying, and worthy of standing aside the previous three.

And of course, the old B&C favorite Los Campesinos!, who put out yet another great album with Sick Scenes.
Arguably the most consistent band in modern rock, Spoon stretched out their sound a bit with Hot Thoughts, which is still getting a lot of play on my phone.

A welcome reunion album from Broken Social Scene was very satisfying, and worthy of standing aside the previous three.

And of course, the old B&C favorite Los Campesinos!, who put out yet another great album with Sick Scenes.

These will all likely make my top-10. I can't believe I had forgotten about Sick Scenes, it was released so early in the year...
A link for Spotify users and stats nerds:



This is great.

I apparently only skipped 69 songs. Not sure quite how it measures skips, then! Though I suppose the artists with songs I'm more likely to skip are those I've known for years whose music I play via iPod, and in many cases I listen to custom playlists.

Anyway, here's my stats:


Big lulz at "nu gaze" as a genre.

Fun to compare that to last.fm, which also counts my iPod. In that case my top five artists are:

Save Ends
Wolf Alice
Pinback (who I barely play on Spotify)

And top five songs are:

Slowdive - Sugar for the Pill
Young Ejecta - Build a Fire
Save Ends - Heavy Hearts
Save Ends - Song of Susannah
Jimmy Eat World - (Splash) Turn Twist

This actually makes me suspect the Spotify data is somewhat inaccurate. I've only ever listened to that Young Ejecta song on Spotify, yet it's not in my top five according to them. One of Save Ends songs that is in there, I Fall Asleep, comes 14th out of their songs on last.fm. Some of those ahead of it would be boosted by iPod plays (I don't have I Fell Asleep on my iPod), but not Time and Tarnish (1 more play), Smudge (10 more plays), or Heavy Hearts (32 more plays!).
Number 1 Angel is easily my most played this year, but I haven't listened to a ton.

LCD, Lorde, Kendrick, Bjork, Thundercat probably round out the year so far
Are we allowed to list EPs in our final list? I've never done that before, but Kamasi Washington's EP is a top 10 release for this year without a doubt.
Fleet Foxes — The Crack-Up: You lament that everyone else still “hasn’t got around to hearing it yet.”

Love it.
I'd say St. Vincent's LP is the only release where I immediately had to bow down and say "that's a classic"...it's inventive, it's groundbreaking and it's consistently strong all the way through.

I guess Fleet Foxes would have to be right behind it, if only because it was the most expansive album of the year and really went BIG. You've got to reward someone trying to make an epic.

Lots of the favorites from the year for many people are a cut below their best work. LCD Soundsystem, The National, Slowdive, Father John Misty, Kendrick, etc. That's not to say they didn't put out some very good albums though.

Cassette culture and labels provided about half of my annual favorites in years past, but I just haven't had the time or energy to keep up with that (or as much for 2017 music, even). So it kind of makes things limiting when I'm just listening to the same recommendations as everybody else. Not that I want to have a bunch of unique titles cluttering my lists, but because I'm just not as into hip hop and Solange and vocal distortions (like the last Bon Iver record) that a lot of modern listenters go gaga for...so my tastes at the top-end have drifted far away from the Pitchfork crowd (and its endless imitators) over the years.
Worst of 2017: Trump becoming POTUS

Best of 2017: Probably either Illinois hiring Brad Underwood, the debut of Yoan Moncada, or maybe the new season of TWIN PEAKS

Twin Peaks was easily the art event of the year that's accessible to all (as in, being a movie/tv show/album). It was the best show ever made from its pilot through the revealing of Laura's murderer and came back later with even more to say on a grander scale than before.

I've also got to love how the less adventurous television critics, including those too lazy to go back and re-watch the original series, are going to be flipping out that it's topping the most television lists. You enjoying this less than others because you thought you could remember what happened in some series you watched 15 or more years ago and/or didn't get the statements trying to be made, well, that's on you.
I suppose I'll toss a top 10 list in here eventually, but, let me say that I finally got around to Weather Diaries by Ride and while I would not place it above Slowdive, I am really liking it a lot.
Are we allowed to list EPs in our final list? I've never done that before, but Kamasi Washington's EP is a top 10 release for this year without a doubt.

We haven't in the past. In some years I've put EPs in brackets between albums, in the position where they would have slotted in had they been eligible.

I suppose I'll toss a top 10 list in here eventually, but, let me say that I finally got around to Weather Diaries by Ride and while I would not place it above Slowdive, I am really liking it a lot.


Lannoy Point has legit entered my top five Ride songs.

And don't sleep on their new non-album single, Pulsar. It's great too.
Just sticking with my favorite songs of the year for now. Click the titles for YouTube links (some have to be Spotify links because of copyright).

1. Kendrick Lamar ft. U2 - XXX
2. Calvin Harris ft. Frank Ocean & Migos - Slide
3. Jay Som - Everybody Works
4. Ariel Pink - Another Weekend
5. The National - Nobody Else Will Be There
6. Kamasi Washington - Truth
7. LCD Soundsystem - Call the Police
8. Gorillaz - Andromeda
9. Frank Ocean - Chanel
10. The Horrors - Something to Remember Me By
11. St Vincent - Pills
12. (Sandy) Alex G - Sportstar
13. Mount Eerie - Real Death
14. Tyler, The Creator - 911/Mr. Lonely
15. Drake - Passionfruit
16. Slowdive - Slomo
17. Your Old Droog - G.K.A.C.
18. The War on Drugs - Thinking of a Place
19. Charli XCX - Boys
20. Ryan Adams - Prisoner
21. Beach Fossils - Sugar
22. Daniel Caesar - Get You
23. Jesca Hoop - Pegasi
24. Future Islands - Ran
25. Kesha ft. Eagles of Death Metal - Let Em Talk
26. Mac DeMarco - My Old Man
27. Sampha - Timmy's Prayer
28. Vince Staples - Big Fish
29. Priests - JJ
30. Mount Kimbie ft. King Krule - Blue Train Lines
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I haven't given enough thought to my top albums list, let alone one of top songs, but mine will certainly look a lot different. Some contenders for an eventual songs list:

Blood Command: Initiation Tape #1
Citizen: Control
Cloud Control: Rainbow City
Cloud Nothings: Things Are Right With You
Deafcult: Rubix
Fazerdaze: Last to Sleep
Kaleida: Coco
Major Leagues: Good Love
Marnie: Alphabet Block
Mermaidens: Perfect Body
Mew: Candy Pieces All Smeared Out
The Orbweavers: The Dry
Ride: Lannoy Point
Save Ends: Mr C's Amazing Trip
Slowdive: Star Roving
Wolf Alice: Heavenward
Young Ejecta: Build a Fire (probably my number one)

Maybe I won't be lazy and provide some links when I make a final list.
There's been so many for me still to hear or replay, it's going to be hard.

This year's critically acclaimed album that I failed to connect with was A Crow Looked at Me. And that is entirely my fault, I think. It's such a incredibly sad album that I find it difficult to muster the courage to go back to it.

It's simple for me: it's barely music. It's spoken word/poetry, and would be better off as either a collection of short stories or spoken word. It's extremely affecting, and perhaps the saddest thing ever committed to tape, but it's barely music.

And of course, the old B&C favorite Los Campesinos!, who put out yet another great album with Sick Scenes.

Glad to see someone mention this. Will definitely be up there for me.
Nearly everything that will make my list has been mentioned here, but a glaring and head-scratching omission is Gang of Youths. I get the impression that no one has listened to it because it was me who talked about it (cobbler is shit lolz) but you're really, really missing out if you don't give it a go. Only American Dream or Sleep Well Beast will top it for my AOTY.
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