Augie March needs some love

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
i don't know why i can't get your link to work, SkeeK.

you can also see it here.

this is such an amazing song.

if love is a bolt from the blue
then what is a bolt but a glorified screw?

and for one crowded hour you were the only one in the room...
but one crowded hour would lead to my wreck and ruin

try saving the link as maybe? oh wait.. interference fucks things up so you can't. ah well.

brilliant, brilliant lyrics.
their new song is available on itunes in australia, but you can only buy it if you have an australian credit card.. how frustrating!

these guys are amazing .. and the criticos think so too yet somehow nobody seems to have heard of them..

re their last album strange bird:

"One of the most massive musical treats of this decade" "a top-to-bottom masterpiece"

"a Technicolor pop opus that's so stuffed with ideas and instruments that it's wont to rupture from time to time"

"Miraculous", "This is the Album of the Year."

"That it took two years to reach these shores is a travesty."
-Cokemachineglow (87%)

"Mesmerizing", "Fourteen tracks of pastoral beauty, labyrinthine arrangements, and breathtaking prose"

"Startling in its goodness", "A landmark album"
-Rolling Stone

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