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Blue Crack Addict
Oct 31, 2001
Norwich, England

Asexual and proud!
A growing number of so-called asexuals insist that their indifference toward sex isn't a pathology, but an "orientation" like being gay. But some experts say that instead of comforting themselves with a label, "amoebas" should seek help.

Is asexuality a valid sexual orientation, or do most people who identify as asexual suffer from sexual aversion disorder, hypoactive sexual desire disorder, or another psychological or physical disorder that could be curable/treatable? Is it unhealthy for people to define themselves as asexual?
I think it´s unhealthy (edit: in the sense of being the best fitness training available), but probably healthy if you´re a priest :scratch:
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This is interesting. Who's to say that someone who isn't interested in sex is "abnormal" or whatever? No two people are alike. Western society is obsessed with sex, people who aren't interested are considered "abnormal" or whatever. But are they really? Isn't there more to life besides sex? As a single adult myself I'm sort of sensitive to this stuff. I like my single life.
I don´t think it´s abnormal, it´s as normal as anything, but it ain´t healthy...
Some people just aren't interested, I guess. I would say that as long as it's not causing them frustration or distress, and as long as they have some kind of social life or support system...why would it be a problem? :shrug:
pax said:
Some people just aren't interested, I guess. I would say that as long as it's not causing them frustration or distress, and as long as they have some kind of social life or support system...why would it be a problem? :shrug:

I don´t know; don´t you think it could also get a problem if someone asexual falls in love with someone who´s very active?
I must confess I envy such people. Sex is messy with messy consequences, tiresome and utterly nerve-wracking, plus the whole STD-mania out there has pretty much killed whatever pleasure there ever was. At least for me, anyway.

Sex is an important part of life. I don't envy "asexual" people particularly, but each to their own.

Morrissey had a song about taking a 'vow of chastity' some years ago (and not for religious reasons, in his case).

Well, rumour has it he hasn't stuck to that particular vow. :wink:
financeguy said:
Sex is an important part of life. I don't envy "asexual" people particularly, but each to their own.

Morrissey had a song about taking a 'vow of chastity' some years ago (and not for religious reasons, in his case).

Well, rumour has it he hasn't stuck to that particular vow. :wink:

Asexuality isn't synonymous with celibacy, though.
Asexuality is perfectly natural, IMO, and is further proof that sexuality in the human race is fluid anywhere from gay, straight, bisexual and asexual.

True asexuals do pursue love relationships. They just want nothing to do with sex in that relationship. They would find sex between men or women to be "icky."

Now those who fantasize about sex and "pleasure themselves" over thoughts of a man or a woman, but do not want sex, is not considered a true asexual. These people do probably have some psychological issues to work out.

Let me get this right... do these people CHOOSE to be this way or are born and grow into people not interested...
i mean are they virgins and have never had sex or sexual pleasure, even with themselves?
If the latter is the case, then how would they know they would'nt like sex, making love or sexual release?
Thank God i am not 'asexual', id go fucking nuts...
but then again if i was, would i care?
a_sugar_rush said:
Let me get this right... do these people CHOOSE to be this way or are born and grow into people not interested...

True asexuals are born that way and never once have a single sexual desire for either a man or a woman. They will never have sexual desire for their entire life.

I mean are they virgins and have never had sex or sexual pleasure, even with themselves?

True asexuals will remain virgins probably. Women might fake a heterosexual relationship, because they feel they need to be in one to fit in, but I'm sure it is hard for men to fake a sexuality.

If the latter is the case, then how would they know they would'nt like sex, making love or sexual release?

People fantasize about sex before they actually have it. Teenagers do it all the time. How do you know that you wouldn't like a same-sex sexual act if you've never had it. :wink:

Thank God i am not 'asexual', id go fucking nuts...
but then again if i was, would i care? :banghead:

No, you wouldn't care at all.

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According to the FAQ of that site, I must be asexual. I have no desire to have a sexual relationship with anyone, and when I see a beautiful woman, the thought of having sex with her doesn't enter my mind.

I do rarely wish I had a wife, but my motivation for that is that I would like a companion. It is my realization that I would only want a wife for companionship and not physical intimacy that keeps me from pursuing anyone; I know it wouldn't be fair to her.
80sU2isBest said:
According to the FAQ of that site, I must be asexual. I have no desire to have a sexual relationship with anyone, and when I see a beautiful woman, the thought of having sex with her doesn't enter my mind.

I do rarely wish I had a wife, but my motivation for that is that I would like a companion. It is my realization that I would only want a wife for companionship and not physical intimacy that keeps me from pursuing anyone; I know it wouldn't be fair to her.

Well, I have seen asexual "personal ads" online, so there are other people out there with your exact interests in the world.

It's all a matter of seeking out the right person.

I appreciate that, but back in the 90s, I had a very strange experience with the whole "blind date" phenomena - enough to make me never want to do that again.

I'm really okay with not having anyone, I hardly ever even think about. Every once in a long while, however, it gets me. But it's nothing more serious than a minor case of gas.
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I find the use of the word asexual to be interesting... in that it has not always been a valid term (biologically speaking) to describe those who innately abstain from sex. Of course, this is due to the lack of understanding and study with regards to sexual orienation on the part of the scientific community (in the past). Traditionally, those without desire for sexual activity would be more accurately referred to as nonsexuals, in order to avoid the connotation of a self-propagating fecund. Asexual would more aptly categorize those with a lack of genitalia, not necessarily those with a lack of desire.

Since sexual orientation is now being understood to a greater extent as a biologically driven expression, the word asexual can be used with less confusion... if a biological determinant is theorized as the cause for the identity of "sexless", they can be known as asexual.

Yes. Semantics is fun.
This, whcih I have edited, written by someone at the fore-mentioned asexual site, could have been written by me - it so accurately describes my feelings in the past. It doesn't bother me as much anymore, but at one time, I felt exactly like the author.

"...Not being tied down, I have been able to jump at some opportunities for which my sexual acquaintances envied me. I have been able to change careers and continent of residence on short notice without having to consult anyone. If I get a wild desire to drive a hundred miles in the middle of the night for a sandwich, off I go. Whatever. I enjoy, and have always enjoyed, a lot more freedom and creativity in how I manage my life than any of my sexual acquaintances. Being alone, to me, is a walk in the park.

Being insignificant is another matter altogether. I have not been the most significant person in someone else’s life since I was 17. Various people for various amounts of time and various reasons have been the most significant people in my life, but I have not fulfilled that role for another person for almost 40 years. Yes, there are people who love me, who care what happens to me, on whom I can call in an emergency. But there is no one to whom I matter more than anyone else.

No matter how much I matter, someone else always matters more. No matter how much I mean to someone, someone else means more to them than I do. No matter how significant I am to others, others are more significant than I am. Socially, professionally, personally. I am never first to anyone.

Lonely? I can do lonely standing on my head. Lonely is a Sunday-school picnic. Lonely is a walk in the park. Always being less significant, less important, always mattering less than someone else, in every relationship and circumstance in life? That gets old after a few decades.
Seriously sounds good to me right about now.
The kids are grown and im still young, id love to not have to answer to anyone.
Ive been weighing the pro's and con's of a single life again, it appeals to me grander every waking moment.
As far as the sex side, ive done without for many lengthy periods, in both of my marriages.
To me its getting to be more work then enjoyment because mainly i have always been the giver, its my own fault but has gotton tiresome.
I know this is a little off subject, but the 'lonely' type posts got me goin'

Is 'gotton' even a word? :scratch:
80sU2isBest said:

No matter how much I matter, someone else always matters more. No matter how much I mean to someone, someone else means more to them than I do. No matter how significant I am to others, others are more significant than I am. Socially, professionally, personally. I am never first to anyone.

this sounds exactly

like something one of my gay friends said to me once
deep said:

this sounds exactly

like something one of my gay friends said to me once

I believe that. The desire to feel important, like a "special someone"is very common.
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Maggie1 said:
I find the whole concept strange but to each his own.
The thing is that if you go to the web site and read the forum messages, you'll find that many of them feel that people who do have sexual feelings are strange.
80sU2isBest said:
The thing is that if you go to the web site and read the forum messages, you'll find that many of them feel that people who do have sexual feelings are strange.

but they are not normal
deep said:
but they are not normal

In the strictest definition, no, they are not "normal."

But asexuality is as "natural" as homosexuality or heterosexuality. Just as same-sex acts have been reported in the animal kingdom, asexuality has also been observed in animals who should feel sexual desire. Instead, they refuse to have sex with either gender.


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