Anybody here want to give me their thoughts on the POD XT Live?

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The Pod XT line is inredible. You can get 95% of the Edge's tones out of them. The other 5% is attributed to the one off stuff like Korg A3, Doppleganger, Shimmer, etc. You can honestly get a great Vox AC30 sound out of them, better than the reissue ones in my opnion. If you are planning on using other effects and want to go MIDI, then I would suggest going with the Pro version. If the XT Live is all you would need, then go for it. It has everything there, including tap and controller functions (stomp, mod, delay, reverb). They are great for going direct into a system. If you're going to use with an amp, you want an amp that doesn't color your tone. So using a Pod XT with a vintage Vox AC30 wouldn't sound good b/c the amp tone is already there with the Pod. There are a couple of options here.

Some of the cheap solid state amps are good amazingly enough b/c they just act as a powered speaker. Like all the Crate stuff, those amps sound like crap b/c they sounds so dry, but work great in this situation b/c all the tone comes from the Pod XT.

Another option is to just get a powered speaker, but this can be more expensive. JBL makes one that is like $500, but the sound is unbelievable b/c it is so hifi. He actually uses this really well when he plays DI, b/c then he used the JBL and another monitor with just his guitar.

Another option is getting a good tube amp that doesn't color tone. There are kind of hard to find though b/c that's the whole point of a tube amp. Amazingly enough, HIWATT's are good options, but are very expensive ($2000). Using a tube amp really takes out any digital sound that the pod has. The Vox Valvetronix series with an effects loop is another idea. Instead of going from Pod to input, go Pod to effects return. This way it bypasses the preamp. Also with the Valvetronix, you would have backup effects in case anything happened.

Lastly, check out Atomic Amps. The amp is designed to work with the amp modelers like the Pod stuff. It's just a tube amp with no preamp, so it gives warm tone with out any color. Aren't very expensive either ($450).
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Hey, I´m so interested in the pod xt live, What abaut to play at home? speakers? headphones?
Thanks for the post! That's pretty interesting info OffAxis... Dang! Mebbe I should have bought a Vox Valvetronix 100 watt as opposed to the 50 watt. Didn't realize how huge/ heavy the 50 watt was going to be.


I've read that a tube amp would bring about tube warmth to the POD XT so I was considering a Fender Deville 2X12. So would you recommend not going for the Fender? Everything you've said I've heard bits and pieces of but its cool to get in a more concise and organized manner.
im interested in the XT live as well, ive got the Vox AD30VT - so no effects return which is a shame...didnt think of that.

I guess I could always use a fairly clean amp model on it, like the fender tweed - or just scrub the AC30 tone from the XT live, and use the AC30 preset on the amp?
If there's a choice between the Pod XT and the Vox Tonelabs SE which would it be?

And anyone seen the new amplitube? (


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I have the XT Live and love it. I can get a ton of the Edge's tones out of it- if you're not a huge U2 tonefreak you won't notice a difference.

Those that live and breath the Edge's sound will notice the differences.

Either way the XT Live will make you want to play and will encourage you to play around and expirement with sounds- and isn't that what playing is all about?
I just picked up pro XT and, so far, I am very happy with it. I'm not using any of the amp sims, just using the effects along with a A3, shimmer, and delay into my AC30. Also got one of the expansion packs. Has a few good add-ons.

Best part is hooking into my Mac via USB and editing sounds. It so much easier than using the tiny edit window on the XT. You can also change your signal chain. Other good feature is the effects can choose to run in series or parallel...way cool!
The more I hear about this thing, the more I wish I could win the lottery.
The chances of winning the lottery is astronomical. You'd be better off saving the money needed to buy tickets. As a student you could always get yourself a job though. I got me some good gear when I was still making decent money.
The big question is...Can u get the "Streets" delay from a POD XT? If so ill run down to the shops now
the_ledge88 said:
The big question is...Can u get the "Streets" delay from a POD XT? If so ill run down to the shops now

You can get something close to the WTSHNN delay. They have a sample on their website- but their settings are awful.

I got my settings from my brother who has the XT Pro- his settings are much better.

You can't get the shimmer that you'd get out of dedicated effects- but the delay ain't bad.
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