Another getting to know you thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


The Fly
Sep 10, 2001
Norwich England
i havent been here for long and i would like to get to know you all a bit better.You have already posted your names,now i wanna know if and where you work,if you are single married ect (i know i am demanding)lol

anyway i dont work i stay at home with my two boys and im married.

plus who is your fave u2 member and why ??
Welcome! I'm kind of new here myself... Everybody in here is really nice.

I'm an asociate scientist, and I'm not married.

My fav U2 member........EDGE!!!
I'm going to college. I also work at the college in the computer labs.

I'm engaged to another Interferencer (drgnwolf1969).

I love Bono cuz...well...he's Bono!

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
Well, I'm new too, so this is nice.

I'm a communications officer for a Community Foundation that grants about $1.5 million a year to great nonprofit programs.

As for the U2 member... it's neck and neck between Bono and Edge. I'll get back to you after I see them LIVE next week!!!!
I am married, but no kids (am too much of a kid myself). My husband bears a resemblance to one of the members of U2.

I work as a fundraiser for a hospital, and used to be Director of Development at an opera company. Peaceblossom, we should chat!
Much as careers are handy, I WISH I COULD STAY HOME. Am very jealous of Poptart2001!!!!!!

Fave U2 member: Edge (with Larry and Bono battling it out for 2nd. )
Wow! We should definately chat, Mrs. Edge. I'm just out of college (first real job) and sometimes feel that I'm just keeping my head above water... I'm sure there's a lot you could teach me!
My name is Jessica (go figure).

I work as the public relations coordinator for a non-profit medical association.

I am single.

My favorite member of U2 is Bono. Why Bono, you ask? Well, have you looked at the man. It is plainly obvious why I am obsessed .... erm ... I mean ... *blush* ... why I appreciate his artistry so much.


"Rock and roll doggie"

"I'm very secure with the fact that I'm not black. I'm white, pink and rosy. But I've got soul."

?We make music you can have sex to.?

?Never trust a man who tells you it's from the heart, never trust a man smoking a cigar, never trust a cowboy or a man who wears shades.?
Okay, It's All About Katie right here.....

Work- Don't have a job yet, but I may start one at a hospital, which is good training if I wanna go into med school

Single?- Unsure, I have a dilemma on my hands (see my "Need Your Advice" post)

School- I go to a charter high school that's part of this international school system.... it's college prep

Family- Mom, Dad, 2 younger sisters & 2 younger brothers......

Fan Since- My conception (lol), but seriously ever since I was little.....

Fave member- Larry.... he's just the best & I happen to be the child of a Larry lover as well....

~ Katie ~
Dreamin' out loud.....

"A conga, my very own conga!" ~ Larry

Email me!
'k, I'll play.

Name is April.

23 years old.

I work at a marketing company as an administrator. Oh, the joy I derive from my work everyday (I secretly want to be a writer or a U2 roadie when I grow up, lol).

U2 fan for 14 years.

Favorite, do we really have to ask that?!

Fan named Matt (as a fellow fan prepares to take a picture of him with Larry): "You know Larry, I'm a drummer in a band too."

Larry (looks at fan and shrugs, smiling pleasantly toward the camera): "Well, Matt, we all have our problems."


I just turned 24, I'm single, and I work at a coporate law firm in NYC as a legal assistant (booooooring!). I'm currently applying to law school, and will probably start next fall (if i get in). but part of me really just wants to run off to europe and study art history instead!!

my favorite member is adam- he's just so cool and too *damn* sexy!
i've been a fan since i was 14 years old and saw the Zoo TV tour in Philly- I went out the very next day and bought all of their albums.

I am 24..

I work at home for the Pocket PC software company my boyfriend and I started. I also do freelance promotional work for musicians.

I live with my boyfriend of 3 years.
We have two precious precious cats, Splick & Jarvis (who is in luv with Sicy)

I am going to ..... LAS VEGAS in 2 weeks! WHOOOOHOOOO

~~~All I got is a red guitar, some Boards and my youth.~~~
Edgie is my favorite, and Bono has the silver

i work in a plant nursery. ...em, yea, that's about it.


"A man dreams one day to fly
A man takes a rocket ship to the skies
He lives on a star that's dying in the night
And follows in the trail, the scatter of the light"
My name is Anna.

I'm Italian and I will be 22 years old next 21 November.

I'm a student, I study foreign languages at the University and I speak 4 languages: Italian (of course), English, French and German.

Bono is my favourite U2 member...I love leather clothing and my favourite U2 song is 'One'.

I'm single for choose...not mine
Hello this is MONA!
Em...I am in love with Bono. My friend Erin wrote on my shoe today: Bon-OH! loves Gay Larry loves Scary Edge loves Adam WHO? I love Bono
Everyone knows this...if not, they should.

I do not work! Do I have TIME? HA! I am, however, cast manager/producer/many random parts/babysitter/trash collector/personal secretary in the school play. OMG it's so much work. THAT is my job. Getting into college would be good too...

ANYWAY I love Bono

Ramble on,
Sing my song

Hey there,

I'm 20 years old, I'm a university student (art history and cinema is what I study). I have a part time job that I will quit once school is over next year. Nothing really interesting.

I have been single for about 2 years now, because finding an interesting, funny, good hearted and cute guy in Montreal seems to be impossible in my case. I am getting rather lonely, but thank God I have a great family and cool friends who love me. Also I'm so busy that I don't think I would have time for a boyfriend. lol

I love all the U2 guys; but I would have to say that Bono really does it for me. Why? Oh there's a multitude of reasons: His big heart, his passion for whatever he does, his sexiness....

Adam is a close second: Like Ally said, he's just soo cool and sexy. I really dig his glasses too. YUM !

Well as you can see nothing really exciting. Just boring old me.
I am one of the newest members to this club. My name is Iris and I am 26. I am a retirement services consultant. Have been a U2 fan since I was about 6 or 7 yrs. old. I am currently single.

Oh yeah, Larry is my fav.


[This message has been edited by MissVelvetDress (edited 11-01-2001).]
hey Naya- it seems like we have a lot in common! art history, adam, an inability to find a cool guy... LOL! anyway, i read your story about the montreal show, and i think i know why you *really* like bono- does it have anything to do w/ him licking his fingers???
LOL! don't worry, i'm just kidding!
Unfortunately, I'm not very exciting- I'm a student, and I'm single. My favorite U2 member is the Edge, but the other guys are very close behind.
Janine here..

19 years of age
University science student
Want to be a doctor (hrumph! we'll see!)
Have a Bio test tomorrow
No job, no time (dance takes up a large portion of the day)

Single (ADVICE NEEDED--I think a good guy friend of mine likes me..but I don't like him more than just a friend. I've been trying to play naive and dumb for a while, but eventaully I'm going to have to confront this...what should I do? He's a great guy, I don't want to lose him as a friend (that's already happened)) *SIGH*

Fav. band member--Bono (can't even give a reason..just because)...but Larry is a VERY close second

[This message has been edited by The_Sweetest_Thing (edited 11-01-2001).]
Originally posted by The_Sweetest_Thing:

(ADVICE NEEDED--I think a good guy friend of mine likes me..but I don't like him more than just a friend
don't make your decision till you see him in leather.

hehe what am I talking about? I don't even have a man either!

Julie, the Bagboy is a crackhead still

*stalks boys at church of all places*

Ramble on,
Sing my song

Originally posted by *Ally*:
hey Naya- it seems like we have a lot in common! art history, adam, an inability to find a cool guy... LOL! anyway, i read your story about the montreal show, and i think i know why you *really* like bono- does it have anything to do w/ him licking his fingers???
LOL! don't worry, i'm just kidding!

LOL Ally! Yeah the finger licking helps !
A friend of my mom who was in the seats saw him licking his finger during Beautiful Day ! I was like : "That's what he did immediatly after holding my fingers !!" I'm a nut.

I really liked your review of the NY shows. Are you going to any more shows?

I have gone to Europe once...when I was 2 years old.
I really wish that one day I will be able to go and see and visit all the places and paintings I am studying right now. Though I guess the Metropolitean Museum of Fine Arts in NY would be a great way to start.
Yay! I love this thread. My name is Caileen.

I'm a pre-med student at the U of W.

I'm 19.

I just broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years on September 9.

I have a mom, a dad, a little sister who is 17, a cat, and a dog! Classic.

I work at a little espresso cafe, and volunteer at a hospital.


My fave member....hmmm....ALL OF THEM!

*Men should not be forced to wear pants if its not cold* ~Adam

*Larry's always been noticed cause he's the pretty one*

"Do you have a final message for the crowd today, something they can take home with if this wasn't enough?"
Larry: "Something they can take home with them?...I'm not taking off my clothes."--MuchMusic tv show, May 2001

[This message has been edited by bluesky (edited 11-01-2001).]
I'm going to the university, this is my last semester *i hope*, and i don't have a job right now

and my fave U2 member is Bono, the reason... well, i can't say it better than Bonochick

Originally posted by Bonochick:

I love Bono cuz...well...he's Bono!

Originally posted by The_Sweetest_Thing:
Janine here..

19 years of age
University science student
Want to be a doctor (hrumph! we'll see!)
Have a Bio test tomorrow
No job, no time (dance takes up a large portion of the day)

Are you me??

We sound so alike. Yeah...I want to be a doctor too...but don't really want to be in school for another 12 years...!!
My name is Kathleen

I'm 25

I'm a nurse

My favorite member changes daily...
Although it's usually Bono or Edge

"Edge, it's you she's you!...I know him! He's in my band!" Bono - Zoo Boston, 1992
- Kathleen -
Ok, I'll finally do this-

My name is Molly, and I'm 19.
I don't have a job b/c I'm a lazy-ass and a student at U of A.
(but next semester I'll have one! Promise!)

I'm a single gal (I don't prefer the company of drunken frat boys, surprisingly enough

Fave member? EDGE of course! B/c he's sooo cute and he plays guitar like there's no tomorra' many reasons...
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