Anna Nicole Smith Has Died

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from what i know methadone is to help one ween off heroin, unfortunately like a narcotic it also becomes addictive..and can be abused

but yeah, that bottle seems a little large to have been dispensed to a patient.. but i dont know
elevation2u said:
from what i know methadone is to help one ween off heroin, unfortunately like a narcotic it also becomes addictive..and can be abused

but yeah, that bottle seems a little large to have been dispensed to a patient.. but i dont know

Yes, that is what methadone is for I believe. As well as a painkiller for those in chronic pain where nothing else works anymore. I have a family member who had worn the patch for a bit. Made the person loopy and sounding blobbed out
(I meant methadone previously, but too lazy to type it out)
elevation2u said:
from what i know methadone is to help one ween off heroin, unfortunately like a narcotic it also becomes addictive..and can be abused

but yeah, that bottle seems a little large to have been dispensed to a patient.. but i dont know

Someone told me that apparently when methadone is taken with antidepressants it produces a high supposedly better then I suppose that explains her sons toxicology with two types of ADs and hers possibly.... :huh:
On "Extra" last night there was an ex-bodygard (who played the part of the chef on Anna Nicole's reality show) who says he had a 2-year affair w/her and says--guess what?--HE MAY BE THE FATHER!!!

It's the potential money, isn't it?:|
I know there is potentially a huge amount of money attached to baby Dannielynn, but it seems odd that these men would claim to be her father if they didn't believe it was at least possible. I mean anyone can say they fathered the child, but it's something that's easy enough to prove or disprove once DNA tests are done. Knowing that, why would you even make such a statement if you weren't convinced there was some validity to it ?
This whole situation, from her son dying to this crazy custody battle, is just so sad. No wonder she was such a mess. I hope she finds peace wherever she is.
At this point in time, I would imagine that any man could come forward and claim to be Anna's baby's father. The poor woman sure did get around. Next up is the sprinkler guy. Seems there was a sprinkler head in the backyard that always kept leaking and making a big mess. That's it, the sprinkler guy is the baby's father.
This entire thing just keeps getting worse.
Regina Filangie said:
it seems odd that these men would claim to be her father if they didn't believe it was at least possible. I mean anyone can say they fathered the child, but it's something that's easy enough to prove or disprove once DNA tests are done. Knowing that, why would you even make such a statement if you weren't convinced there was some validity to it ?

Sick need for attention and 15 minutes of "fame"

Birkhead sure looks like the father to me, compared to the baby's face I saw on ET. His story seems believable too. What a shame things turned out the way they did.

Now I understand why they need her DNA even though everyone knows she's the mother- some are afraid they'll be a baby switch- a different baby being handed over for the DNA sample, so they want to make sure it's the right baby as well as finding the right Daddy. What a sad, sorry mess.
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Here's an idea: Somebody should do a poll on who is Anna's baby's father.
A- Howard K Stern
B- Birkhead
C-Zsa Zsa's 8th (bleep!)
D- The Pool Man
E- The Landscaper
F- The Cable Guy
G- The Pharmacist
H- her own son
J- not me
Howard's sister claimed on ET that Howard hadn't received any money from Anna Nicole since around 1996 and that he was working for her on contingency based upon the possible outcome of the Marshall case. She also said their parents support him financially-Anna was his only client. A lawyer with one client? :slant:
Mark my words, that guy Stern has something to do with both ANS and her sons death.

Its all in his body language and his inability to look into the camera when he speaks.

Remember Scott Peterson, i knew right away because of the same tale-tell signs.
Time will tell, but id bet on it.
MrsSpringsteen said:
Howard's sister claimed on ET that Howard hadn't received any money from Anna Nicole since around 1996 and that he was working for her on contingency based upon the possible outcome of the Marshall case. She also said their parents support him financially-Anna was his only client. A lawyer with one client? :slant:

Oh my, so that does appear he's been in it for the money all along. I heard an interview with her cousin who said he wouldn't allow any family members to speak to her, not even after Daniel died, and changed their phone number constantly to avoid them. The cousin said he was 'evil' and he had scared her in the past. I think the family believes he is a bad guy too.

My take on this is that he hooked onto a very fragile, unstable woman who maybe wasn't quite right in the head after all her drugs and booze, and took advantage of her, turning her against her family and anyone else who was against him (like Larry Birkhead) His ultimate goal was probably Marshall's money. He may well have done Daniel in since he was, as we now know, the sole heir to her money and whatever else came her way. By claiming to be the father of the new baby, and by staying in the Bahamas where the name on the birth certificate is legally binding regardless of if he's the bio father, he can keep Dannielynn and all the money. I hope he doesn't get away with it. There could possibly be some way it could be proven that she put him on the birth certificate while she was not of sound mind, and was manipulated.

The way he had her doing all those personal interviews after Daniel died, and when she wasn't in her right mind mentally or physically is a tragedy. He used her, and one way or the other, directly or indirectly, he killed her.
From my understanding, ANS has been at odds with her mother long before Howard K Stern came into her life. I'm not sold on the idea that he is a killer yet. How much power could he have over her? Certainly her self-destructive behavior began before she hired him as her attorney and continued without prompting from anyone.

It'll be interesting if/when they report what was in her tox screen. I saw last night that someone burglarized the home she was living in in the Bahamas. I wonder when that stuff will start showing up.
WildHoneyAlways said:
I saw last night that someone burglarized the home she was living in in the Bahamas. I wonder when that stuff will start showing up.

It wasn't really a burglar, it was the son of the real owner of the house. He admitted to getting a locksmith to break in, then change all the locks. He claimed he took the things out to protect them because he feared the house would be looted once word of her death spread (it was unoccupied) I'm sure the things will be kept safe for Dannielyn. Howard K., I'm not so sure!
There is some very scary stuff (if true of course) on tmz today. A nanny claims in an affidavit that Anna had her underfeed the baby because she wanted her to look sexy. And some drug stuff too.

The whole situation is so very sad
U2Kitten said:

It wasn't really a burglar, it was the son of the real owner of the house. He admitted to getting a locksmith to break in, then change all the locks. He claimed he took the things out to protect them because he feared the house would be looted once word of her death spread (it was unoccupied) I'm sure the things will be kept safe for Dannielyn. Howard K., I'm not so sure!

I hadn't seen that. Hopefully the owner will keep to his word and not sell the stuff to the tabloids. :slant:
I don't really think Howard "killed" her or her son. Did he have a hand in controlling her life? Yes.

And who would prescribe methodone or anything to a pregnant woman, especially one that is 8 months pregnant? :der:

I don't know why ANS was estranged from her mother. Never heard any logical explanation for that. Did the mother abandon Anna? Beat her? :shrug:

If ANS had a very high fever, she should have been taken to the ER, no questions asked. Didn't one of the reports say she feared the media frenzy had she gone in? She might still be alive :(

And rumors of underfeeding the baby? I don't think anyone involved with this should have that child! I'm hoping that Larry B. is proven to be the father and that he will take care of this child in the end. And if it is proven he is the father... wonder what will happen to Mr. Stern, and if he won't take his own life. So so sad, the whole situation. :(
Lila64 said:

If ANS had a very high fever, she should have been taken to the ER, no questions asked. Didn't one of the reports say she feared the media frenzy had she gone in? She might still be alive :(

Seriously. I can't remember the last time I heard of an adult who had a 105 degree fever who wasn't in the hospital.

I think in the end, her death was probably a prescription drug interaction or an accidental overdose. If she was taking medicine for her illness/fever plus God knows what else she was taking, it could very easily have done it. It's dangerous to mix prescription drugs or even sometimes over the counter stuff.

Kind of OT, but one of the things they warn senior citizens about (seniors are sometimes on many different types of medication) is drug interaction dangers. It's recommended that someone who is on several medications take those medications to a pharmacist or one doctor so that they can review them and see if there is a danger from one drug interacting adversely with another.
And to think Howard went out riding on the new boat while she lay asleep in bed with that high fever:| If it were someone I cared about, I wouldn't leave them at a time like that.

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