All Apologies is the ONLY Nirvana song I really love

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More 5G Than Man
Aug 31, 2004

GFY Smells Like Teen Spirit, Come As You Are, Rape Me, etc.

But I really am quite partial towards All Apologies. I just think it's fantastic. The unplugged version gets all the attention, but the In Utero version is really quite an interesting construction. It's a fantastic combination of hypnotic rhythm, piercing noise, and attractive melody. And that violin! Oh, boy. Just listen to the song build. It's friggin catharsis. And the lyrics aren't complete gibberish for once. Nice.

Nirvana was and is a totally overrated band. This is impossible to argue. But I just wanted to point out that not everything they did completely sucked.
But VH1 said Smells Like Teen Spirit is the greatest song in the universe :sad:

I tried getting into them... but the only song that I really really like that they played is not even theirs (Man Who Sold the World)... I don't think they suck but I'd never say " I feel like listening to Nirvana today"
Personally, I tend to think they're overexposed rather than overrated. Not one of my big favourites, but I love quite a lot of their songs. As for Smells Like Teen Spirit, I don't know if it's the greatest, but I remember it hitting me like a ton of bricks the first time I heard it around 2000 (yes, I've had a very sheltered musical adolescence).
LemonMelon said:

Nirvana was and is a totally overrated band. This is impossible to argue. But I just wanted to point out that not everything they did completely sucked.

My sentiments exactly :up:

All Apologies is great...everything on the Unplugged album was just excellent for me. Love it.
All Apologies is a bore compared to every track off Nevermind

Drain You, Teen Spirit, Lithiu, Lounge Act :drool:
like many artists who die early, cobain never got a chance to put out a stinker, thus is held in a much higher esteem than he probably should be.

i, too, find them highly over-rated... but i, too, love all apologies.

:hi5: to this thread.
Lithium is probably my favorite Nirvana song. I also really liked Heart-Shaped Box and All Apologies. I don't own any Nirvana albums, nor do I really feel the need to. I always preferred Pearl Jam's work from the early grunge era (I say this like it was centuries ago...)
Fuck All Apologies or every single pussy shit they've done since Bleach. Bleach is the essential record, folks. Negative Creep, Big Cheese, School... all classics.

OK, it ain't that pussy (it is compared to Bleach alright) and I like All Apologies.
BonoIsMyMuse said:
I always preferred Pearl Jam's work from the early grunge era (I say this like it was centuries ago...)

Yeah, I agree. Nirvana never released an album as good as Ten, IMO.
I only like "The Man Who Sold The World " from their suposedly "amazing" unplugged... and it's not even theirs... is a David Bowie song... so there you have it

but, well... MTV and VH1 say that Smell Like Teen Spirit is the best song ever written, performed, by an artist, by a dead guy, best rock, pop, hip hop, metal, nu-metal, prog, polka, opera, and instrumental song EVER... I guess I'M wrong, right? :shifty:
Yeah, Heart-Shaped Box is pretty good. Actually, I like a lot of In Utero, but the only song that really sticks out as something special to me is All Apologies, unfortunately. And Nevermind feels really bland to's just not raw enough.
Smells Like Teen Spirit is a perfect song, I can understand it being considered the greatest song ever. It's better than any song I've heard that has been written this decade, that's for sure.
intedomine said:
Smells Like Teen Spirit is a perfect song, I can understand it being considered the greatest song ever. It's better than any song I've heard that has been written this decade, that's for sure.

see... the problem here is that we don't clearly see this as irony...

maybe this guy ( :tsk: ) or this one ( :| ) could've help you...

When "Smells Like Teen Spirit" first came out...way back in 1991 it truly shook the music industry. I remember when I first heard it and knew right there and then that it was going to be one of those songs that shook the world of Rock n' Roll. Sure enough it did. Nothings been the same since. Even though U2 have better songs than Nirvana (and Nirvana better songs than U2) unfortunately U2 can never claim an earth shaking moment (song) like that. Sorry.
I can't believe there aren't more Nirvana supporters here to argue.

Anyway, I do agree with LM that the studio version of All Apologies is far, far superior to the one on Unplugged. And it bothers me that you tend to hear the latter on the radio. Whatever.

It's a great farewell song from a short-lived but seminal band. It's really difficult to live up to the reputation and the burden of being called a spokesman for anything. It's part of what drove Kurt to suicide. Bottom line is, Nevermind is a great collection of tunes shot through with a lot of cynical energy.

In Utero is a perfect reaction to what happened to the band in terms of instant stardom, a total Fuck You to anyone who expected or was hoping for a sequel/clone of the hit album (that one of its songs is called "Radio-Friendly Unit Shifter" is telling), and yet there are still great melodies despite the abrasiveness.

We don't know what would have come from the band in the future, but its unfair to call them overrated when they were practically just getting started. Jimi Hendrix only put out three studio albums as well, but he was lucky enough to be living in a time before MTV and total media saturation, and was able to grow and expand over the course of his short recording career before he died.

I'm a huge Pearl Jam fan, and feel that they're totally underrated, but it's not necessary for me to strike down the importance of Nirvana, and Kurt's gift for lyrics and tunes, which was considerable.
LemonMelon said:
Nirvana was and is a totally overrated band. This is impossible to argue. But I just wanted to point out that not everything they did completely sucked.

...says the guy who was born in 1992! :wink:

You'd have had to be there to understand how Smells Like Teen Spirit destroyed hair metal cheese! Nevermind rocks! I still love it.
^ :yes: lazurus
Well said and echo's my thoughts exactly.

I remember the first time I heard Teen Spirit on the radio and totally gravitated to it because it kicked the shit out of the cheesy hair metal bands that were getting airplay at the time.

Nowadays, poppy punk bands are a dime a dozen and that seemingly makes Nirvana seem overrated.
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