Alcohol Abuse

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Funny thread. Has it ever even been stated that he was an actual alcoholic? Or just that he gave up boozing? There’s a big difference. Someone living a fast, jet setting, high profile life who, when hitting their 30s and having run aground a couple of times decides that it’s time to give up the penchant for seeing sunrise from the wrong side, for the good of his health and career, is very different to someone with a daily issue/addiction. I of course might be completely mistaken, but I don’t think I’ve ever read anywhere that he was an actual alcoholic, just that he went at it too hard and decided to give that side of his life up.

This is very true. There's a thin line between being an alcoholic and a problem drinker. And I don't know if Adam has ever come out and said either way, nor do I care... but if I were to guess I would say Adam's a alcoholic due to the fact that to our knowledge he's still completely dry after all this time. Most problem drinkers will return to a point where they can enjoy a glass of wine with dinner after they have dealt with the issues and gotten to a healthy place. And to our knowledge it's been since 93? But like I said before this is all speculation.

how does that work? :huh:

How much work have you done with alcoholics and how can you speculate and label someone as a "recovering alcoholic" for the rest of their lives if they have had previous substance abuse issues?

I used to go to an AA group set up for those that are living with a loved one who's an alcoholic... I also have worked with recovering alcoholics in a mentoring program. One of the first things they are taught is that this disease is for a lifetime, otherwise many will return to whatever their vice is once they get to a place of thinking they are cured.

Like I said, I'm not saying Adam is an alcoholic. I don't know...
This is very true. There's a thin line between being an alcoholic and a problem drinker. And I don't know if Adam has ever come out and said either way, nor do I care... but if I were to guess I would say Adam's a alcoholic due to the fact that to our knowledge he's still completely dry after all this time. Most problem drinkers will return to a point where they can enjoy a glass of wine with dinner after they have dealt with the issues and gotten to a healthy place. And to our knowledge it's been since 93? But like I said before this is all speculation.

I used to go to an AA group set up for those that are living with a loved one who's an alcoholic... I also have worked with recovering alcoholics in a mentoring program. One of the first things they are taught is that this disease is for a lifetime, otherwise many will return to whatever their vice is once they get to a place of thinking they are cured.

Like I said, I'm not saying Adam is an alcoholic. I don't know...

Exactly, that's completely true. I have an uncle who is a recovering alcoholic, and has been dry for fifteen years. He still goes to his AA group almost daily. They're recovering alcoholics for the rest of their lives. One of the most common issues with people that suffer this disease is that they think they are cured, and that now they can control alcohol consumptions. This of course, only leads them back to square one.
I find this bit interesting, saw it on the band "JAMES" website awhile back, its when they played Dublin a few years back. They were thinking about a show they did years ago in Dublin late 80's/early 90's...Good ole' Adam always loved the Champagne!
-----------------------Dublin Olympia Theatre
17th April 2007
Lovely old theatre, played here before a long time ago. Adam Clayton got rat-arsed on our champagne and had to be helped into a taxi and taken home.

Anyway, sound check goes well. Outside the venue Tim and I (mostly Tim) get mobbed by foreign fans. They’ve come from far and wide: New Zealand, Mexico, Alaska, Holland, Germany. All ridiculously happy to be there.
Gig a bit of a struggle, difficult sound onstage, but crowd love it and go bananas. Irish promoter gives us eight bottles of champagne, consequently get drunk and stay up late - doh!
My opinion, which is no more valid than anyone elses, is that he started as social drinker but was flirting with outright alcoholism by the early 1990s.

Also, Adam is Scottish, you idiots.
AA is... Bullshit.

For people who can't accept ownership for their lives. Call it a disease. It's easier than growing up and you get to hang out with a bunch of other losers just like you.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Leukemia is a disease. :)
AA is... Bullshit.

For people who can't accept ownership for their lives. Call it a disease.

You are truly uninformed!!!:| You obviously have never met anyone who is an addict, and the majority of AA is not religious based. Penn and Teller are funny sometimes but they are also very uninformed many times.
from my work with a variety of substance abusers in various stages of their life, they would be very offended to hear they are labelled and judged by others as having a disease and cant ever recover. i guess recovery and support models are different here.
AA is... Bullshit.

For people who can't accept ownership for their lives. Call it a disease. It's easier than growing up and you get to hang out with a bunch of other losers just like you.

Leukemia is a disease. :)
imo to compare leukemia to substance addiction isn't fair. there's lots of diseases out there, and they're all different. comparing one to the other is unfair. i've never known any alcoholics personally, yet having known people with other substance addictions, it's definitely a disease. to dismiss those as wimps or anything other than a sufferer is a low blow. if it were as simple as putting down the bottle, there'd be a lot less alcoholics and recovering alcoholics in the world.
If alcoholism isn't a disease then 99% of college boys would be alcoholics. Some people can quit and some can't. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain similar to OCD. It just takes training of the mind to put it aside.
Substance abuse can be easily transferred to anything, not just drugs and alcohol. There are people addicted to all sorts of things. Even Robert Palmer was addicted to love. :wink:

Anyway that's why it is said that once people are alcoholics they are forever alcoholics. They will always have an "addictive personality."

Oh and Adam is NOT English. I just asked.

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