Album rating in a nice way.. NLOTH Added

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It put R&H second after AB for me, which surprised me,

but If you think about, it God Part 2 / AIWIY , bloody good songs

(would it have brought the average down if it had included ALL the tracks??)
Are you guys interested in an update to the program including the new album? It is possible that I remember how I coded this back when :hmm:

Would be fun to see how the new album ranks against the others.

One thing I would like is if someone with Windows 7, would be so kind to download and install the program to see if it works there. I assume it works in Vista since I have heard nothing to the contrary. I myself use XP and it works fine there as well.

U2rate is available at U2rate - Main Page
Wow, what a really great tool. That's nice of somebody to actually sit down and put the time into making something like this. Great little nifty piece of software.


When I look at my ratings it really surprises me because I've always had high regards for Zooropa, I suppose there isn't enough songs to put it higher - but that being said, why is rattle and hum so high? lol hmm (that really does surprise me). But as you can see a lot of them are pretty close.
About Rattle and Hum. It was hard to know what to do with it in regards to rating and which songs to include. Since it is a major album it had to be included. It is a mess though, because of the live tracks from earlier albums. I decided to go for the original studio recordings, so that it can be "properly" rated against other original U2 albums.

I think it is a better solution than rating all the tracks.

Thanks for the nice comment :wave:
Just made a facebook group for those that like rating U2 albums.

It's called "U2rate". Comon in people :hug:
I have almost finished putting in the option to rate the new album.
Some small tweaks and other editing will be done as well.
I will probably launch it around the release of the new album.
Will be exciting to see how it does against the other albums and how it compares over time.
ok.....................bizzarre, but nice program.................... :wink:

mine is this:

10.00 The Joshua Tree
9.75 Achtung Baby
9.67 Rattle And Hum
9.20 Unforgettable Fire
9.18 Boy
9.09 How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
9.00 October
8.92 Pop
8.64 All That You Can't Leave Behind
8.60 War

You are a generous "grader". Most of my albums fall in the 6 score category, with my highest ranked receiving a lower score than your lowest ranked! Maybe I'm just a picky b*stard. :sexywink:
I downloaded it, but nothing happened. Isn't there supposed to be something to click on or something? What do I do now?


It is a setup file that is executable. All you need to do is to find where you downloaded it, and run it. Btw it doesn't work on mac systems.
Implementation of NLOTH into U2rate is now fully functional. I am considering adding some small extra features but can't think of any that really adds to the experience.

I'll put it out after som bug testing. After all.. boots are ready to be rated already :)
Yeah sorry..

I don't know how to program for mac.
This prog is made in visual basic which is a microsoft product for windows.


Just try doing it again.

Go to: U2rate - Download Page
Right click on version 1.1 and choose "save link as..."
Now choose where to put it on you harddrive.
Putting it on the desktop makes it easy to find afterwards.
When you find it just run it and it gives you setup instructions.
It amazes me how many that dump the bomb.
Is it really that bad? I think it is on average better than the earlier albums up to jt. I have to post my ratings soon :)
Here is my initial reaction to the 30 sec clips, rated in U2rate with NLOTH beta version. This version is not up on the site yet..

Here goes..

AB - 9,75
Zooropa 9,5
TJT - 9,27
UF - 8,40
October - 8,27
War - 8,20
Pop - 8,08
Boy - 7,91
R&H - 7,67
ATYCLB - 3,82
HTDAAB - 3,64

Not quite accurate in the middle - but the top and bottom are :)
U2rate now with NLOTH


Yes I'm back with an update to the free U2rate program.
You can now rate NLOTH and compare it to the 11 other albums.
How will it do? :hmm:

You can download it at: U2rate

Give it a go and do post a screen of the album rating if you want.

I promise to post mine sometime soon.

If you have already installed version 1.1, and want to use those ratings in 2.0, just copy the .txt files into the 2.0 install directory, and you are good to go with only having to rate NLOTH.

If you have any questions just leave it here and I'll attend to it :)

Have fun! :wave:

8.45 - Joshua Tree
7.92 - Achtung Baby!
7.36 - No Line... :D
7.20 - Unforgettable Fire
6.91 - All That...
6.64 - Boy
6.60 - Zooropa
6.27 - How to Dismantle...
6.22 - Rattle and Hum
6.20 - War
5.83 - Pop
5.64 - October
8.33 - AB
8.18 - NLOTH
7.91 - JT
7.45 - HTDAAB
7.33 - R&H
7.1 - Zooropa
7.08 - Pop
7.00 - ATYCLB
6.9 - War
6.82 - Boy
6.7 - UF
5.81 - October

Note that pre-JT albums are pretty low because my familiarity with them most is the singles, the songs that were on the best of 1980-1990 and the songs they've played on tour since Rattle & Hum.

I'm surprised how high Zooropa is... I'm rating everything by the album version so thats why JT is a little lower (don't like album Exit or Bullet), and why Pop is lower.

So I guess I kinda know where I stand with HTDAAB, its my 4th favourite, didn't really have an opinion of it previously.

If I scale these results into star ratings would probably look like this...

***** - AB
***** - NLOTH
****1/2 - JT
****1/2 - HTDAAB
**** - Rattle & Hum
**** - Zooropa
**** - Pop
**** - ATYCLB
**** - War
***1/2 - Boy
***1/2 - UF
*** - October
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