Adrift-Chapter Sixteen

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Nov 3, 2008
Hello, readers. I'm in a merry mood today! I just scored lawn seats to see Jack Johnson in concert for 35 a piece! Going to see one of my favorite men with my two favorite men (Boyfriend and brother) in August!

So, due to my good mood, it's easier to write so here is the next chapter just for, my readers! Thank you so much for keeping up with this story! :hug::hug::hug:x300000!

Disclaimer: I own my Jack Johnson tickets! Fictional otherwise!

Chapter Sixteen

“Paul, Paul wake up.” Jessica whispered, shaking the sleeping rock star.

Bono grunted, squinting his eyes at the young girl in the room who was annoyingly shoving at him. What in the bloody hell was she thinking?

“Jess, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, babe. I just want to show you something.”

“Right now?” He turned his alarm clock around, widening his eyes at the time. “It’s five-thirty in the morning! It’s still dark out!”

“Pllllleeease?” She batted her eyelashes, jetting out her bottom lips.

Bono chuckled, shaking his head with disbelief. “Oh, alright. But you better put that lip back before I yank it off.”

“Ooo, will you use your teeth?”

“Damn, you’re cheeky.”

She giggled, helping him to his feet. “Dress warmly.” She added before leaving the room.

WHAT?! Oh, no! No way was he going outside in three feet of snow at five in the morning! Who was he kidding? Of course he was. He would do anything for this girl, no matter how insane. Sifting through his clothes, Bono dressed into three pairs of socks, a pair of jeans, three shirts, two sweatshirts and a leather jacket. Tugging his gloves on, he met Jess in the hallway, her mouth holding back a fit of giggles.

“What?” Bono asked, his face blushing.

“You look like…I don’t even know what. You’re not in Alaska!”

“It’s cold out there!” He jabbed his finger to a nearby window.

Jess crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “Good, God, Paul, you grew up in Dublin! Shouldn’t you be used to the winter? Come on, silly.”

Tip-toeing down the stairs, Jess lead them to the back sliding door, opening and shutting it as quietly as she could. Once they were out in the winter air, they walked hand in hand through the back yard, towards the woods.

“If I didn’t know any better,” Bono said. “I would think that you’re either going to murder me or rape me.”

“If I murder you I wouldn’t be able to rape you more than once.”

“What?!” His eyes practically popped out of their sockets.

Her shoulders shook with humor. “Calm down, Captain. I’m only messing with you. Besides, if I wanted to rape you, I wouldn’t drag you out here. It’s too cold.”


They laughed and as much as Bono did not want to be in ankle-deep snow, he distracted himself, keeping his eyes on the girl in front of him, dragging him this way and that through the maze of trees and over stumps, the dead twigs snapping beneath their feet, echoing throughout the woods.

She looked good, he thought, modeled in blue jeans, a leather jacket and knee high black boots. Her long, raven curls bounced, dancing about her whenever she moved. From the cold, her cheeks turned a lovely shade of red, her every breath escaping her lips in a fog.

Bono loved everything about her. He loved the way she sang in the shower, how she combed her hair and warmed up even the coldest nights. Never had he met a woman who could make him feel young again. With her, he discovered his ambitious qualities, feeling capable of anything. She actually listened, LISTENED, to his ideas, dreams and hopes. Never did she laugh at his thoughts, never did she call him a fool. To her, the world had no limits. The horizon had no line.

Was it so wrong, he asked himself, to take advantage of a girl, so young and naive? It is said that love, true loves, happens once in a lifetime. What if this was it? What if they were meant to be together? What if she was meant to be his strength? A waste. Yes. It would be a waste to let her go because of age.

Brown eyes looked back at him and what love those brown eyes shinned. Millions of girls have gazed up at the lengths of him, eyes of all shapes, colors. Lustful eyes., Yet none have never gazed like those brown eyes. Never have a pair of eyes burned a hole right to his soul, searching him like a puzzle that needed to be fit together. Her eyes revealed everything with just one glance. She held a strong, unbreakable commitment with those dark iris’s.

Hypnotized by his thoughts, Bono barely realized that Jess had stopped walking, ending their journey at the top of a large hill. Treetops swayed in the horizon and a river snaked it’s way through the landscape, running peacefully.

Resting his chin on Jess’s shoulder, Bono wrapped his arms around her fragile waist, pulling her back to his chest. He inhaled her coconut scented hair, placing small kisses on her neck.

Jess snuggled against him. “I couldn’t let you leave Ohio without seeing it’s sunrise. And you will never see such a sunrise ever again. Only in Ohio will you see the pinks, yellows, and reds reflect off the snow on the treetops like glitter. It’s breathtaking.”

Jessica’s profile was lit with the morning light, the hues radiating off her pale skin like a prism. Although Bono admired her artistic view, the real beauty was in his arms. “I will never remember the sunrise.” He told her. “But I will always remember the way the colors light up your face.”

Butterfly kisses tickled my nose and, fluttering my eyes open, the most magnificent view came to view: electric blue eyes, Irish lips, pale, freckled shoulders. Bono and I had fallen asleep on the bed-like porch swing, naked still, covered only by a thin, white sheet. Nuzzling my face into his chest, Bono’s scent of ocean, sweat and cologne made me dizzy. I added the perfume to my mental-shoebox of memories and kissed the hollow of his neck. Underneath me, Bono’s skin was smooth and warm, our legs in a tangled mess.

“Good morning, beautiful.” He whispered, kissing my ear.

“It’s still dark out, Captain.” I remarked, yawning. “Go back to sleep.”

“No, you have to watch the sunrise with me.”

“We’ve watched the sunrise already. Don’t you remember? The first night I got here.”

“Yes, I do remember. But it’s different now.”

Humoring him, I asked. “It is, is it?”

“Yes,” He went on. “I’ve always been told that the world looks different when you’re in love. I want to see if it’s true. I want to watch the sunrise in your eyes.”

Through lashes, I gazed up at the man next to me and smiled. “You’re in love now? What about six years ago? What‘s changed?”

“Everything. You’ve changed, I’ve changed. The world changed. My feelings changed. I prevented myself from loving you. You scared me. You were too young. Now I’m not afraid. Now…now I don’t know what I would do without you. You’ve changed me in such ways I’ve never known possible. With you in my arms, I feel free. Nothing can hurt me, nothing can make me unhappy. You held onto me for six years. I don’t think any other girl would have done that.”

“I let you go.”

“No you didn’t. We wouldn’t be here right now if you would have. You’re my gift, girl. You’re my proof of heaven on earth.”

Hot tears rolled down my face. “I’m only human, Paul.”

“Not to me,” He mouthed a small smile, taking my chin in his fingers. “You’re my guardian angel. You’re my reason to breathe again. I love you.”

“and I love you, Hewson.”

Meeting for a thundering kiss and losing all control of thought, we made love for a third time, truly witnessing the sunrise for the first time in our lives.

Having fallen asleep on the swing again, we awoke in early afternoon, the sunbeams hot on our faces. Wrapped in sheets, we headed inside to shower. Applying my makeup, Bono made suggestions on how to fill the rest of our day and we decided to go into town to shop. It was a great day to spend on the beach and, apparently, everyone else thought the same. The private beach was loaded with people and families who set up tents, BBQ's, picnics and parties. Town sounded like a much better alternative.

After tying on my converse, Bono sneaked up from behind, folding his arms around my waist, kissing my hair and the dip between my neck and shoulders. Leaning into him, I closed my eyes and smiled before twisting around to face him, to kiss him for the millionth time. I couldn't get enough of those kisses...

"We're never going to get anywhere with you doing that," I teased, biting and sucking his bottom lip.

He chuckled. "You're being just as bad as me, girl."

"You started it. You're tempting me..."

Bono cocked an eyebrow. "And tempting you is a bad thing?"

"Temptation is a sin."

"Ah, and what a beautiful sin it is."

Growling in my ear, Bono bit and molested my lips with his teeth and tongue. Damn him! Damn him and his face and his body and his luscious taste!

"Paul," I whined between kisses. "You have got to stop! Keep this up and you're never going to leave this room!"

"Mmm, is that a promise?" He smirked.

...shit. I really put myself in a pickle here. Who was I kidding? I WANTED to keep him in this room until one sunrise to the next to the next to the next. There wasn't one part of him that didn't turn me on. Even his faults threw me into a romantic frenzy.

"If you don't want to go into town just let me know," I said in a half-kidding/half-serious tone.

Backing away, Bono gifted me one of his famous, crooked smiles. "Silly, girl. I would wear you out. Come on, let's go."

"I think I would wear you out, old man!"

"Aw, now that was a cheap shot."

Laughing, I placed a peck on his perfect lips. "I'm just teasing. You know that."

"Prove it."

"Would you stop! Either we're leaving or we're not."

Under his breath he snickered, took my hand and I followed him to the car. Driving into the busy streets of Eze-sur-mer, we parked at a near-by toll and joined the thousands of shoppers and tourists. Exploring the multiple shops, purchasing little knick-knacks. Bono eyed a dark purple, thin strapped, short dress and held it up to me, pushing up an eyebrow.

"Ohhhh, no. No way!" I shoved the dress away. "Did you happen to see the price tag on that beast!"

"Yes I did," He said simply. "But I like the color. It fits you. You're hair and skin would match the purple perfectly."

"If you buy me a purple dress then I'm going to buy you a purple shirt!"

He shrugged, "Ok. Sounds like a deal."

I slapped my forehead. Me and my stupid, big mouth. The woman bagged the dress and we proceeded with our journey. Eventually we stumbled across a store that sold clothing for men. After ten minutes of searching, I spotted the perfect, grape purple, button up, collared shirt. Expecting Bono to complain, he surprised me by taking the shirt up to the cashier stand personally.

"I always stick to my promises," He winked, adding the bag to our collection of goodies.

Offering to carry some of the baggage, Bono refused in a gentleman fashion, claiming it was his "duty" as a man to cater to his lady. Flattering, yes. Still, I was not accustomed to being treated with such luxury.

And my, oh, my how he did spoil me! Going against my refusal, as if what I said went through one ear and out the other, the rock star bought me shoes, pricey, rare, French perfumes, art supplies, new diamond earrings to match my dress. He enriched me with clothes, a huge bouquet of flowers of the sweetest mix of aromas. Out of all the gifts, my favorite was a wind-chime made of crystal and silver.

Although he lavished me, I made sure to return the favor. Whenever he wasn't looking, I bought him a new watch, a bottle of Romanee Conti red wine, a beautiful, black onyx rosary and new cologne. We bought matching sunglasses with red shades, laughing at ourselves for trying to out-do the other.

"We spent way too much today," He said to me, practically dragging from the weight of the bags.


"Let's put all this stuff in the trunk and find a place to eat."

After a mouth-pleasing dinner at the Auberge du Troubadour restaurant, we headed back to the house and shared a glass of wine on the shore, watching the sun sink to make room for the harmonizing twilight and nighttime to follow.

It was a clear night, the moon full and stars punching through the blanket of darkness like fireflies. Smoking a cigarette, Bono annoyingly begged for one but I denied him, reminding him that he was cheating enough with the glass of wine. Nodding and groaning, he leaned back into the sand, one arm propping him up, the side of his face in his hand. Even in the moonlight, his bright blue eyes sparkled like sapphires.

Smiling lovingly at him, I leaned down to kiss him, lying down next to his warm body. With my head on his arm, I caressed his face while his fingers combed through my loose hair, our eyes searching each others face through the moonlight.

Bono was the first to speak. "My, how you've grown, Jessica."

"Have I? What's different?"

"You filled out more. You lost your teenage posture. You're more confident now, more professional and defiantly more independent. Your hair is longer. And your eyes." His voice sounded faraway. "Your eyes used to be dark. Now they're almost amber. Like honey."

"Huh. I never noticed that before."

"Well you look at yourself everyday. I haven't seen you in six years. You turned into the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and will ever see."

"Yeah, says the rock star engaged to the model." Rolling my eyes, I ruined the serene moment.

Bono chucked me under the chin and ran his fingertips over my mouth. "Don't be like that. I know this sounds horribly selfish, but the only reason I started dating her was to forget you. When that didn't work, I asked her to marry me. And that only made the pain worse. I felt like I was betraying you...betraying us and everything that we stood for."

I nodded. "You're right, that is selfish. Did you ever stop to consider her feelings, Paul? She obviously loves you if she said yes."

"She said yes because it would bring her fame. I'm not dumb, Jessica. I'm a fool, yes, but not dumb. What better way to gain popularity then to marry a rock star? She doesn't love me. She's been in London for over a month and she only called one time: the night after the Brooklyn concert. And she didn't even sound mad about the whole thing. She didn't threaten to end the relationship. You, on the other hand, would have ripped me a new arse."

Confused, I asked. "She wasn't even slightly jealous?"

"Sure, she was jealous. Just not enough to raise hell."

"Maybe she trusts you, then. You're going about this the wrong way."

A look of disbelief sketched his face. "You're something else, you know that? Here we are, making love like newly weds, lounging in the sand by the ocean at night, and you're sticking up for the other woman."

"I have to stick up for her because I'm the other woman."

"You came first."

This man was unbelievable! "And you say I'm something else? Sweetheart, we can't keep doing this. It's not right. We're hiding. We're keep spinning this web of deception and sooner or later that web is going to trap us. I love you. Believe me. But I don't know how much longer I can keep up this charade."

"Darling, I've said it before and I will say it again, just give the word and I will end all ties with Olivia. You want to know how unimportant my relationship is with her? She doesn't even know that I have this house in France!"

"You're kidding right?"

He shook his head. "Nope. Only you and my mates know. Jessica, my enchanting girl," Bono sang, tracing my face with the tip of his nose. "I will do anything for you. Anything. I would die for love. I would die for you. I would give up my fame, my money, just to spend the rest of my life in your amber eyes. Don't give up on me like I gave up on you. I was so weak. And now I'm weak again at the very thought of you. To say that I want you would be a lie. The truth is...I need you."

"You don't need me," I said with tears in my eyes.

"Yes, I do, love. Because of you I'm writing again. I wake up with melodies playing in my head. I'm not the same man I used to be. Just like I know, deep down, that you're not the same girl you used to be. Admit it, you feel alive right now."

Bono kissed me with such affection that it brought tingles to my legs, numbing my feet. A wave crashed on the shore, the water raining over our entwined bodies. Out of all the kisses Bono and I have shared over the last week, there was something almost unreal about this particular connection. We weren't just two people anymore. Not only were we one physically, we were one soul. Through and through. With one, simple gesture, it was as though we were saying all the things we've been wanting to say to one another for the last six years.

"Paul," I heard myself giving in to his mercy. "I do feel alive. I feel...loved."

"Show me how much you love me," Bono pleaded. "I haven't felt love in so long."

"I'll show you enough love to last a lifetime."

With that said, he lifted me into his arms, carrying me to the house and into the bedroom. Tonight we would share a love that could make even the highest heavens envious.

Whoo. Sorry this chapter took so long. I almost had it finished last night and then what do you know, microsoft word took a dump on me and deleted everything. TWICE! Stupid technology...

Anyways, thank you for reading! Leave me some love? :D:hug:
:hug::hug::hug: X 1000000 - theres some love for ya! :)
I also love you for writing this chapter! Its sooooo sweeet :cute:

“Pllllleeease?” She batted her eyelashes, jetting out her bottom lips.

Bono chuckled, shaking his head with disbelief. “Oh, alright. But you better put that lip back before I yank it off.”

“Ooo, will you use your teeth?”

“Damn, you’re cheeky.”
that = :combust: :up: :giggle:

awesome as usual! I cant get enough of this story! and congrats on the tickets! :hyper:
Awww they're so cute together ;D! Keep up the good work, I love it!
:drool: :cute: :heart: :heart:

As usual, I'm swooning!! :giggle: I love waking up to a new chapter!

I love this story more each chapter :hug: :hug:
I've really been waiting for this one!
Another great chapter, as always!! :applaud:
Could someone pleeeeeaaaase tell me what happened when Bono went to the doctor in chap 15??? :D :shifty:
:hyper: Another chapter...yay!! I love this story. I hope Jess says the word and Bono ends his engagement with Olivia. Jess...just say it! Say it! :lol: I'm glad he's ok now. If you want to make the next chapter a naughty version, I'm ok with that. If not, I'm fine with that too.:lol:
I've really been waiting for this one!
Another great chapter, as always!! :applaud:
Could someone pleeeeeaaaase tell me what happened when Bono went to the doctor in chap 15??? :D :shifty:

Didn't I send it to you? :huh: Or are you talking about in real life? lol. If I didn't send you the chapter, let me know and I will send it. If you want to know what happened to Bono and his cancer scare it's in U2 by U2 if you look in the index, I think it's under "B" and eventually you'll find "Bono cancer scare" or something like that. :hmm: it's been awhile. lol
Loved this chapter! I just can't wait to see if Olivia shows up! I can imagine that she's a real bitch! haha. Also, just loving how quick your writing your chapters!!! Its awesome that you can do that, lord knows I'd have the hardest time if i ever tried!

And congrats on the tickets! I live in Chicago, and I'm trying to justify buying a three day pass for Lollapalooza since the act list just came out the other night! I'm leaning towards going though!
Loved this chapter! I just can't wait to see if Olivia shows up! I can imagine that she's a real bitch! haha. Also, just loving how quick your writing your chapters!!! Its awesome that you can do that, lord knows I'd have the hardest time if i ever tried!

And congrats on the tickets! I live in Chicago, and I'm trying to justify buying a three day pass for Lollapalooza since the act list just came out the other night! I'm leaning towards going though!

Oh, you should totally do it! I love going to concerts! I mean, my JJ tix are on the lawn, which sucks because it's like waaaaaayyy back there but I'm there for the music, you know? And for 35 a piece, I'm happy just to hear him live with my own ears. So you should deff. go to Lollapalooza!

Hmm, i think a naughty one could be great! :whistle:

Hm...I'll think on that. :hmm::wink:
Didn't I send it to you? :huh: Or are you talking about in real life? lol. If I didn't send you the chapter, let me know and I will send it. If you want to know what happened to Bono and his cancer scare it's in U2 by U2 if you look in the index, I think it's under "B" and eventually you'll find "Bono cancer scare" or something like that. :hmm: it's been awhile. lol

Nope, I was talking about your fic :lol:
The thing is that I don't like reading that kind of chaps anymore (nothing against you, it's just me :reject::hug:)
So I wanted someone to please tell me what happened with Bono's health :sad:
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