A Question Of Courage (Sort of)

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Blue Crack Addict
Jul 19, 2006
Omaha, Nebraska “With Screwtape on Kettle Dr
If U2 asked you how you felt about thier recent work what would you say? If you're not a fan of it would you have the courage to tell them that? If you are a fan of thier recent work, would you be afraid that you might praise the band to such an extent that they would tune you out?
If they were asking my opinion I would hope they had some time and would tell them what I like and what I don't like about their recent work in detail.

I think (hope) I would have no problem pointing out what I think are flaws.

The positives outweigh the negatives as I see it, so I wouldn't be worried about offending.
I'd tell them that it was what dragged me into the world of U2.

Then i'd yell at them to play more Pop and Zooropa stuff live, suggest their next album is like The Ground Beneath Her Feet and get thrown out for being a nuisance (and for trying to buy Edges new place in Malibu for 24 cents)
Well, I would like to play out all the positives and negatives, but if I had to be brief and succinct:

"Guys, you can do much, much better than this stale mediocrity. I know that. You know that. We all know that. By the way, varied setlists are cool."
"I don't dislike what you've been doing recently, but it would be nice if you tried something different again."
I'd be honest and say they've become a band that's on fire half the time (it must spread when Edge combusts) and phones it in the rest of the time. I'd say they're covering up their music with light curtains and big statements. The 1990s are over: they can take a risk and strip all that away and we'll all still listen.
a big Thank You , can you sign my Million Dollar Hotel Vinyl copy , please , thing ,
even though i 'm not a big fan of U2000s , it's their band , it's their business
and bono - no long hair please

I am sure they listen to the naysayers and negative comments and take it in a constructive creative way.
Bono often jokes that they surround themselves with people that give more negative than positive comments. He even said they can't escape it on the internet... hmmmm they must visit here often.
I just have a problem with people putting them down to stand out and get attention. It's like the one person in the crowd that isn't clapping. The performer looks at them and wonders why aren't you clapping ?
But, it's when you refuse to hear the negative feedback that is dangerous. Surrounding yourself with people that disagree with you is healthy and says a lot about great leadership in any organization.
Our president could learn from this. :D
I personally love U2s last two albums but wouldn't have any problem with giving my opinion about other albums/singles they've done or were to do that I may not like. Like, I think The Joshua Tree is overrated! :wink:

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