A PLEBA post-NYE party pact....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2001
Hotter 'n' hell Texas: Dallas
As if Pleba could possibly get any sillier...and in the vein of our own lovely AchtungBebe (*snicker*), I challenge anyone who happens to stumble home (safely, of course) but completely 3 sheets to the wind, to post here on Pleba in their inebriated state!

It will then be up to the leftover folks to try and interpret what's being said...

Oh, I'm SURE I'll be here, with bells on...and party hats, and those extendable blow horns, and crackers, and confetti....


See y'all "next year"!!!


p.s. oh yes, BE NICE!!!

[This message has been edited by Discoteque (edited 12-31-2001).]
I am terribly sad.

I am visiting my parents who usually are in bed by 10 and I have NO CAR. I will just sit here and have a bottle of champange I suppose. I don't know anyone out here in Vancover and I really want to go and do something but alas. No car, no buddies, very little moolah.

Aww well... All you other PLEBA girls shall go out and have to party for me. SIGH.
Macphisto!!!! Save me!!!!!!
*dreams of a gold limo pulling up around 10: 30 to take me out for a night on the town.*


-Bluey the Bored.
Originally posted by blueeyes:
I am terribly sad.

I am visiting my parents who usually are in bed by 10 and I have NO CAR. I will just sit here and have a bottle of champange I suppose. I don't know anyone out here in Vancover and I really want to go and do something but alas. No car, no buddies, very little moolah.

Aww well... All you other PLEBA girls shall go out and have to party for me. SIGH.
Macphisto!!!! Save me!!!!!!
*dreams of a gold limo pulling up around 10: 30 to take me out for a night on the town.*


-Bluey the Bored.
and of course LETS GET IT ON!


I'm not going out tonight, but I will be drinking with my parents later.

Fun, fun, fun.

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
Well darlings....
here I am several glasses of bubbly later and ... I'm pretty much the same as I was when I started. Many people claim that their personality changes as they drink but I don't think I really do... I'm the same girl I ever was... I just can't feel my lips.
Updates to follow... film at eleven.
Hehe Happy NEw year!! Im checkingf in and have had quite enoguh to drink hehe Well, I will go back to partying now, cya all later.
O MY DAD AM I BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even live up to my own thread!!!!

SOOO...*POP!* goes the champagne...*pour* *fizzzzz*...*sip* Ahhhh...

Here I am, it's 2:00 AM, I'm still wide awake, and stone cold sober, after a very dull evening with 3 friends (one of which went home *before* midnight cos she was sick)...so now I'm at home with my OWN bottle of bubbly (dammit!) and I will have a glass or two...or three.

But all was not lost this evening. I got home, checked my mail and halleluia!! U2 saves the day (yet again!). I had waiting for me: THREE close up color photos of Edge from behind the Staples center at LA3 from a fellow attendee; the little "U2" by Mark Taylor booklet (which I'd seen and nearly stole when I volunteered at the Salvation Army; and best of all, a video of the Direct TV U2 goodies!! WOO HOO!! I'll be in U2 heaven for a few more days, yay!!!!!

*hic!* oops, scuze me...

tipsy disco
It's post party, but I'm sober...even after a few glasses of Osti...anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! I hope it's filled with peace. And of course lots of love! and PLEBA!

"A Bono approved event is a good event!"

You can dream, so dream out loud!

"The way to be optimistic is not to shut your eyes and close your ears." -Bono

Create Light, Create Unity, Create Joy, CREATE PEACE!
Oh my DAD!

I am here it is 5:28 am and in a little while I'll have been up 24 hours...

and all I really wanted to do was have dinner and a movie.

Blah on swirls(frozen margaritas mixed with sangria) at On the Border. Just two of those giant ones and my family forced me to go out and drink MORE and have a good time!

I missed Bono on Charlie Rose AGAIN and if U2 were on anything else tonight well then I missed it.

Okay...might as well give you all a laugh...

I was reviewing the threads from EYKIW...here are some of my choice moments...

"I'm singing Britney Spears songs to my dad's cat!"

"That George Stephanopoulous or however his name is spelt dude on ABC is kinda hot for a guy who's not supposed to be hot."

"HOLY SHIT, the Beer Fairy came to our fridge!!!!!!"

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
OK, I'll bite, but you'll have to understand, I was a bit *happy* when I wrote the post and it was sent to the e-mail group I belong to. We were all at a party and I swear, I don't think I've laughed that hard in years.

Here's the message:

Here we sit at Michele's house.... where are the rest of you? it's 3:50 AM in the morning and Andi's on the floor laughing his ass off because Pam was licking, er, no I mean, Pam was taking the butter stick and shaping it with her fingers. Um, I think that she was just being Pam, and Andi caught her in one of her Pam moments and he said, "what are you doing, cleaning the butter?" he thought it was so funny that he ended up on the floor laughing hysterically, and then Pam ran into the bathroom. She said she was just cleaning the butter tray with her fingers because, well, she spilled something on it.

We're all drunk off our arses and I'm very surprised that this e-mail is even coming out coherent. We've talked about all sorts of things 'round the snacks table, from politics, to bisexuality, to animal style (IN-N-OUT!!!!! Get your mind out of the gutter, Marina!! ) Andi supposedly has an arse like a girl, so Gabe says. Ehm.... oh and we talked a lot about Larry and his nevermind. I turned as red as the strange orange cheese ball Michele had sitting on the table and I couldn't stop laughing because you know, the conversation was leaning towards things that were very ehm nevermind. Gabe's making up lyrics to all the songs playing on the stereo.. does anybody want to cheese Gabe? That's what he's asking. Any takers?

Cheese wiz anyone. I think I'm completely tipsy. It's now 4:00 AM and guitars have been dragged out. Oh boy. I'm so freakin' spinning. Michele won't let me type anymore because as always I'm talking a mile a minute, you know I kissed the Blarney Stone... it's supposed to give you the gift of gab, but I already have that and well, then my dad told me my lips would fall off. They haven't yet, thankyouverymuch. I'm so feckin' tipsy?! Stoopid shift key. I can't stand typing on laptops.... you know, that comment took awhile to say... I can't even think of what to call the thing I'm typing on. It's a what? Oh yeah. Gabe's making up lyrics again.

Courtney said to stop it's hurting my brain. I think she should join up with Gabe in the lyrics department. Where's Dallas? Oh god. The guitar they're playing on is from feckin' KMART. OHMYGAWD!!!!! I'm so freakin' tispy. TISPY!!!!!! tipsy!!! LOL!!!!! burnt tortilla chips and bread were enjoyed because that's Pam's culinary specialty.

OK now I need to go. too much has been said, but I was told not to erase it because it's all true. Tee hee.

Bye. I'm typing on Michele's computer - it's Moonie... shhhhhhh don't tell anybody.

(oh yeah... you weren't supposed to tell anybody, huh)

P.S Gabe is the butt doctor he said it, it's true.

If you ask me, I think it's all about drums.
"If a student with an accordion had come along, I would've played with them ya know...that was where I was at, I was that desperate to play with somebody."
(Larry, about his Mount Temple days, before forming U2)

*Larry, I played accordion. Can I have a drumstick?*
From the heart, on a blue sign, 11-18-01, Vegas

Tonight the moon has drawn its curtains
It's a private show no one else going to know
I'm wanting

(If You Wear That Velvet Dress)
Hit Gurl

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