A Message From U2

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It sounds like U2 is genuinely having fun, and that means they're at their finest! Vertigo is a good kick in the face! :applaud:
Thank you so much U2 for not disappointing. I love the spanish parts too. Vertigo ROCKS and shows you guys can still compete with the rest of the lads even while you are in your 40s you will be played next to the kids in their 20s.

With such an energy and raw edge not displayed since the 80s when I first heard and fell in love with you guys, do you think you might be able to throw in some of those older songs into your setlist this time around with the energy you had back then?

I'd like to request:

11'0 Clock Tick Tock (nice and fast like 1983 Red Rocks style!!!)
With a Shout
A Celebration (the fans that know ALL your stuff will shit their pants)
Another Time, Another Place

Anyway I know it's a shot in the dark but I think it would be GREAT and a huge surprise.

Thanks for being so great and lighting my U2 fire once again (and I wont even complain about how it has to take 4-5 years to do it each time!!!) just as strongly as you did in 1983.
Great single! Definitely worth the wait; you guys certainly didn't disappoint. Anxiously awaiting the CD and tour, see ya there!!
Adam, Bono, Edge & Larry,

Thank you for showing the world that those of us who are over 40 (and fabulous) can still rock and roll!

"Vertigo" sends the cares and the worries of everyday life far away, and replaces them with sheer joy and happiness. What a song! And what a band!!!

Much, much love...
Diane L.
U2 has been a part of my life so long, that I can't really remember anything before it. Thank you for filling my life with a miracle drug, your music.
:heart: :heart:

Vertigo is infectious and fun and I am counting down the days until the tour, because for me that is where all the magic happens! :hyper:

:wave: Carmella

p.s. Bono do you remember getting a rose from me on October 4th, 1989 in Brisbane Australia? :sexywink:
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Cleveland loves you guys--we can't wait for you to take your place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in '05. I have a feeling that Vertigo live is gonna be special. I would love to see you guys dust off some of the older stuff to make this tour the most rockin' kick ass tour ever.
Guys - thanks for rewarding our faith in you - we knew you would deliver the goods - you have never let us down before :happy:
What can I say?

Absolutely stunning track!!!

Good luck with the rehearsals. See you in London hopefully!!!


The reaction has been unbelievable! From 9 year old boys, to 20 year old metal heads, everyone is loving the new single!


Hope for the best on the new album and tour!

Y'know, I knew what I wanted the single to be like, but Lordy, Vertigo totally surpasses everything I wanted! I don't believe there could've been a better song to come back with!
I love how it kinda seems a little bit old and a little bit new and just when you think it's familiar it kicks some serious arse and sounds totally fresh :D

I can't wait to hear the rest of the songs on the album and to see them played live! Please play lots of dates in the UK...I think I'll go nuts if I can't get to a show! :tongue: oh and please don't play Wembley, cos it sucks monkey bollocks...the acoustics are so bad it sounds like the speakers are inside a sheep or something (...or yeah, I could've just said the sound is woolly :tongue: )

Anyhoo, wickness and all that....you're still *the* dudes :wink:
:bow: WE'RE NOT WORTHY! :bow:

:up: :hyper: :dance: :happy: :heart:

Thanks so much for this song, I love it, once again it's just what I needed to drag me out of the pits. You guys really know how to do it. :yes: I've been a fan since 1983! I was 13 when I saw Red Rocks and heard NYD on the radio and I am still in love! You mean so much to me and have been so special to me over the years I couldn't begin to say. Love U2! :heart: :hug:
hi im your #1 fan

that means im the best

bono you should go back to your pop look, that was badass
After the chores are done, its bliss to turn off the lights, crank up the volume, and leave this world behind. Dont ever underestimate the importance of music.

Thank you :up:

PS I just released the last two albums have been released right after I have given birth. This could be a problem......
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I've just read thought this entire thread, and it's hard to know what to add.
Vertigo is exhilarating, ecxiting, fun! I can't wait to hear the rest of the album.
I am one fan who is older than you guys, but you've had a great impact on my life. Your music is important, and not just in the personal sense. You always say, "Thanks for giving us a great life". Well, thanks back at you for sending some musical greatness our way!
Thank you, U2! I've been waiting for this song for what seems like forever (four years goes by slower than one would think!); and it's even better than I had hoped it would be! It got me so excited, that I went and designed my own U2 t-shirt, wore it to school, told everyone to listen to the song, managed to convince the bassist from my old band that we're playing it at the upcoming talent show, and got told off by my calculus teacher for listening to it in class when I was supposed to be doing work. :wink: You guys mean the world to me, so I'm glad to be hearing some new - and GREAT - material. Can't wait for the tour! Keep up the fantastic work!

P.S. - Edge, you've inspired me yet again to dust off my guitars and crank up the amps. :D Brilliant work.

P.P.S. - It's also nice to know that you guys are browsing around here. :wink:
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Hey Bono if you are reading this
find me the show you gave in Greece on DVD if you can lol :))

Vertigo rules Hello Hello ! Hola hola !
Thank you so much U2 for always making me smile. I have loved every album you have put out. I have really loved every tour beginning with the Love Town tour in Australia. I am really looking forward to the new album and tour. Keep up the good work guys.:heart: :kiss: :bow: :applaud:

Chizip said:
hi im your #1 fan

that means im the best

bono you should go back to your pop look, that was badass

Oh no you shouldn't. Your hair rocks! :drool: :love:

(and he's NOT your #1 fan he disses you guys all the time)

Please no more joking here guys, this is serious, this should be from our hearts :heart: with utmost respect :yes:

U2 :up:
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