4th Of July: America Exposed

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Nov 12, 2000
Nunya Business News, July 4, 2003

4th of July: America Exposed
by Ima Fuller Dung, Staff Reporter

"4th of July". Those 3 simple words conjure up some mighty powerful images: hot dogs, fireworks, patriotism and parades. However, most Americans don?t stop to think about the hideous history and motivation behind the traditions they hold so dear. How could they? If they did, they?d realize that even then, America was steeped in imperialism, unable to tolerate other cultures and peoples. If we stopped to think about these things, it would spoil our holiday.

Take the Boston Tea Party for example. City University History Adjunct Professor Seymour Butts says that while history revisionists tell us it was a brave stand for independence from heavy taxation, it was actually nothing more than an early example of environment pollution.

?It was hardly a simple harmless tea party?, says Professor Butts. ?On that day, America started a dangerous tradition that continues to this day. When those patriots dumped that tea in the water, they knew they weren?t just protesting high taxes. Recent research has shown that this ?tea party? had disastrous environmental effects on those waters. To this day, the area is uninhabitable by the once common 3 eyed sea bunny. That event was the beginning of a dangerous precedent that still reigns freely in American thought; ?Hey, we?re America?we can pollute whatever we want and we just don?t give a crap.?

Even the Declaration Of Indepence doesn?t escape scrutiny.

?The document?s history is steeped in religious intolerance?, says Rita Palm, principal at Lincoln High School. ?I mean, just look at it; you?ve got a bunch of old white guys using such incindiary language as ?Nature's God?. What most people don?t know is that a very large group of the original colonists were members of a religion that worshipped Mother Nature. How do you think it made them feel? I tell you, that document started America on its dangerous tradition of religious intolerance that still rages on, and most Americans just don?t give a crap.?

Even the methods by which we celebrate our independence are suspect. Earl E. Byrd, Teacher?s Assistant at Lawrence Elementary School was very critical of fireworks.

?The firecracker is America?s way of giving the ?virtual finger? to the rest of the world. By shooting off explosives high into the air where the whole world can see them, what we?re actually saying is ?Ha! We?re America, and we can do whatever we want, and if you don?t like it, be careful ? we just might decide to bomb the crap outta you!?.?
80sU2isBest said:
Even the Declaration Of Indepence doesn?t escape scrutiny.

?The document?s history is steeped in religious intolerance?, says Rita Palm, principal at Lincoln High School. ?I mean, just look at it; you?ve got a bunch of old white guys using such incindiary language as ?Nature's God?. What most people don?t know is that a very large group of the original colonists were members of a religion that worshipped Mother Nature. How do you think it made them feel? I tell you, that document started America on its dangerous tradition of religious intolerance that still rages on, and most Americans just don?t give a crap.?

Considering that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, that he was a non-Christian deist, and that deists used the term "Nature's God," it isn't a Christian document, and no amount of bitching, pissing, and romanticism from the Christian Right can change that fact.

The rest of this is unsubstantiated melodrama. Liberals were always better at humor. :sexywink:

At the time I posted this, there hadn't been one single new anti-US thread, and it was already 9:37 AM (I guess a few certain people are out of town or something). I didn't want forum regulars to feel like the world had suddenly gone dinky-dao, so I posted this.

Why must any thread which is critical of US foreign policy or the US' decision to detain people for over a year without trial be dismissed as anti-US?

Is it because it's easier to dismiss it as anti-American rather than have to discuss and debate the issues such a thread raises?
I don't feel that way about all threads that are critical of US Policy

But come on, Fizzing, you have to admit that many thereads that are posted in this forum are based on articles from leftist internet "new sources" that provide much more biased commentary than factual information. Many of these posts seem like they have just come out of someone's mind, as they are not being reported by other news sources.
For my part, I tend to post articles from British newspapers like the Guardian or occassionally the Independent. The Guardian is considered slightly left-of-centre and the Independent, as you might guess from it's name, is considered to be centre-ground. Both are well-respected newspapers ant not "leftist internet new sources."

Simply because something is not reported by all news sources does not mean it is factually inaccurate. Most mainstream sources haven't paid that much attention to what is currently happening in Liberia, for example, but that does not mean the situation is not real.

Nunya Business News

by Ima Fuller Dung, Staff Reporter

is this your creative side?
(we may be able to get you an NEA grant, afterall):wink:
That's funny, deep!

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't get me an NEA grant!
I find all things American to be "offensive." After all, I am a true U2 fan.

80sU2IsBest, YOU are a VERY, VERY bad man!


you should be banned, this thread should be closed, and we should all wallow in the misery of how bad the U.S.A. is.

I wonder if you'll all be laughing when the world is permenantly polluted beyond repair and our children and our children's children are forced to hide from the sun for fear of getting third degree burns, and forced to pay top-dollar for clean water.

Yeah, it's funny to laugh at people who care about our environment. Ha ha haaaaaaaaa.

You all make me sad. Very, very sad.
While we make you sad, I find you comical, because the very obvious point I was making somehow escaped you.
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