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  1. K

    U2 has cancelled 2nd leg of Tour

    Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a long time but always come to read. Anyway, I just read on Yahoo that "due to an illness of a family member" U2 has cancelled their last 10 dates. God bless whoever it is! Katalina
  2. K

    Would you like to see Bono's birthday plaque?

    would you like to see bono's birthday plaque? What a great bd gift!!! :p T-shirt is a great idea. I'd buy one. A while ago, I was even thinking of starting a "book drive" for children in Africa. Just go around my county and collect books that are in good condition. Then, perhaps ask a...
  3. K

    MERGED ----> Special Olympics 2003 + Special Olympics in Ireland

    Special Olympics in Ireland Hello: I have a friend who is now in Dublin as a volunteer for the Special Olympics. She said Bono and the Boys (along with other musicians) will play at one of the ceremonies. Just was wondering if any of our Plebans over there knows this and could perhaps get...
  4. K

    Guitar Throwing Edge

    Thanks a lot everyone for the info. Very interesting story about him losing his pic. I never bought the POP album (runs and hides), so that would explain why I never knew the title. This might be a good reason to buy it now. Extremely cool song. Edge lets go of all of his inhibitions...
  5. K

    Guitar Throwing Edge

    I wanted to know if any of you know the title to the song where The Edge throws his guitar across the stage during a "live" Elevation concert? Something like "I'm Not Coming/going Down." I think it's a great song, however, it's never played on the radio. The Edge really jams on that song and...
  6. K

    This Should Make Bono Happy

    I just read today that President Bush is pushing his $15 billion Global Aids Initiative to Congress. Seems like Bono's (and a lot of others) efforts are paying off. BTW, the $15 billion would be spread over the next 5 years.
  7. K

    Meteor Awards

    meteor awards I'm very curious as to how Sara and Catdubh got VIP passes. Please tell if you don't mind. Was Larry at the afterparty and was Ann with him?
  8. K

    Bono and Edge on the "Today Show" (Video Link Included)

    Bona on the "Today Show" FYI: Bono's going to be on the "Today Show" tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. ET, and will sing two songs from "Gangs of NY." Can't wait!!:|
  9. K

    Autographs and tattoos

    autographs and tattoos Very cool idea. Maybe not on the boob though, ouch!!!
  10. K

    Pleasing U2

    pleasing U2 someone mentioned massages...last night on VH1 they interviewed fans/groupies and they described their experiences. Well, one woman started giving foot massages to rock bands to get backstage and since then, she has massaged nearly everyone. She actually had pictures of every group...
  11. K

    Interview with Norman Hewson

    interview with norman hewson Nice article. Thanks for posting. I'm glad his eatery is a success, and it sounds like he really knows his stuff. I like the fact that he chooses to do business with the "small guy" instead of the "big guy" most of the time. I would have loved to have gone to...
  12. K

    ***All GOLDEN GLOBE Discussion Goes HERE!***

    all golden globe discussion goes here I saw them just as they won the award last night. Bono and Edge looked great. I was so happy when Bono asked Edge to say something, very cool. I still can't believe they won!!
  13. K

    Larry's stealing me away again!

    larry's stealing me away again In my eyes, YOUNG Bono was much more sexy than young Larry. Now, I can't keep my eyes off of Larry. Bono seems to be enjoying food way too much these days (although he's allowed and please don't be upset at me for mentioning. I'm about 15 lbs. overweight...
  14. K

    U2 at the Hockey games

    u2 at the hockey games After you mentioned UF, it stirred up some good memories. When I was single (ah, the good old days) and driving home really late from nightclubs in my midnight blud Firebird, I used to jam out on that song all the time. I wore out that cassette BIG TIME!! It's just...
  15. K

    the first time...

    the first time Nice thread. I had to think about this one because I started listening to their music in the early 80's (I'm the same age as Larry). For many years, I loved the group as a whole. I didn't really take the time to read much about them individually. Loved Bono at "Red Rocks."...
  16. K

    So, who WOULD you kick out of bed?

    So, who would you kick out of bed? :lol: :lol: This thread is absolutely hilarious!! I hope the guys are reading because you know this IS a subject they'd be interested in (even though most of them are married).
  17. K

    Bono in Newsweek

    Yes, the cover has Condi Rice on it. By the way, the Condi Rice story makes for fabulous reading. Quite inspiring, just like our U2 men.
  18. K

    Bono in Newsweek

    Bono in "Newsweek," December 16th edition, page 77. He answered a few questions from Newsweek. I can't scan at work so I'll have to type them: question: With terrorism and the econony, itsn't it hard to get Americans' attention about this issue? It turns out it's easier. The idea that the...
  19. K

    When Numbers Speak Louder Than Words

    I found this small tidbit from the most recent issue of "Time." On one of their pages, they give out "percentage" information which I like to read. Anyhoo, the following is what it reads: 71% - Percentage of adults in a recent survey who could name a member of the...
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    Welcome Newbies! - Post Here to introduce yourselves - ALL 'HI IM NEW' POSTS HERE!

    Welcome Newbies Hi, I'm Katalina (Spanish name in middle school from way back when) :wave: I've been reading your boards for over a year now and decided it's time to get in on the action. Although, I have to admit I wasn't sure if I wanted to be part of a group that Bono identifies as...
  21. K

    U2 online chat!

    U2 online chat I want to submit the following question, however, if anyone here knows the answer, I won't need to ask: Why does Bono wear his left sleeve sooo long?
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