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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. madamc


    Adam is a nerd. Pass it on! compare that to this funky gif I accidentally found!! secret is out adam...we know you're a closet nerd :P
  2. madamc


    I saw JackAss finally. I laughed a bit, but throughout the movie.. all I kept thinking was.. "what a bunch of stupid guys!!" Has anyone else seen it?
  3. madamc

    It's been a long while...

    ...since I've listened to a U2 album. I'm into Duran Duran now..been listening to them for many days straight this week. U2 just doesn't interest me anymore. I was at someone's house with cable TV...and U2 Slane special was playing, and I only watched 2 minutes of it, and lost interest. Am...
  4. madamc

    School's out

    Last day of uni was today.... Just thought I'd share with you all :p
  5. madamc

    Copyright Infringement!!

    A certain someone from this community has stolen from its members. Someone took boudoir Larry, and made some minor changes to the face, and claimed it her own. 3 months of work for Phuzz and I, and only 2 weeks of "tweaking" for her. At the bottom of the member's pages, it says... content...
  6. madamc

    look a likes......

    Okay..since I have a knack for finding the weirdest things online.... I thought I'd share my findings with y'all... enjoy.. larry & his look a like: sebs and his look a like...(I'm aware the look a like is uglier ok?!?)
  7. madamc

    85th RSOC meeting

    holy adam day! well I'll start one! post pictures of adam drinking..water, alcohol..anything *looks for pics*
  8. madamc

    adam's boudoir is up

    yes...his page is up..on his bday! for once mindi and I are on TIME!!! knock yourselves out! :adam:
  9. madamc

    Oh Bono, BeeeeHave!! I'm not gonna risk hotlinking the photos. Just click on the links..,it's worth it. I just hope that fan's hands were clean..
  10. madamc

    Valentine's Day...SHOW YOUR LOOOVE! make your own! :D
  11. madamc

    Adam's secret with the ladies...??

    okay....HERES THE REAL PIC.... *phew* thanks for people telling me on AIM.
  12. madamc

    So, who wants to be a Pleb?

    Pleb and Plebeian (plebian) are actual words :der: check this out: 1. Of or relating to the common people of ancient Rome: a plebeian magistrate. 2. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of commoners. 3. Unrefined or coarse in nature or...
  13. madamc

    Adam Clayton Look Alike On The Premesis

    ADAM GIRLS!!!! we now have our own...LOOK ALIKE (he's even got the same ears!!!). His name is Jeff. From what I hear, he posts in the forum :D (bono girls have tony) sure I feel silly posting this..cos he'll probably think I only find him hot cos he looks...
  14. madamc

    help needed over here!

    Hi everyone... I really need your help.... a couple of years ago, I found a hilarious "adult movie" star who looked a LOT like bono. He even had a he looked like UF era bono. I've been looking all over for it, and can't find it. He's standing and there are two women with him...
  15. madamc

    Boudoir Is Up!

    Girls, meet Larry:
  16. madamc


    Please click here :) madamc
  17. madamc

    HAHAHA! God some people....

    Someone described Adam... I know that Adam looks german...but to say that he kinda looks like a Nazi is harsh! lol....
  18. madamc

    Bono on People Magazine!

    thanks salome999 for this picture!
  19. madamc

    question for plebans

    I just signed up to be a member (paying one) of interference...I was wondering who signed up? PLEBA is the reason why I signed up really.... Cos it would suck if everyone left :sad: ... I more photoshop contests, no more funny posts about the more place to...
  20. madamc

    Adam Under Siege By Fans!

    poor adam... ..... :tongue:
  21. madamc

    ok...dont look if you're easily offended

    Phuzz and I are updating the boudoir, and the band members. here's a taste of what's to come: :drool:
  22. madamc

    Where The Toupee Has No Name

    Ok...I dont care if bono is bald or not...i really dont. for those who are in denial about our man aging..take a look here. he's still a sexy mofo! i don't see why some people have issues around here about his lack of hair--imagine how HE feels about his hair loss, hmmmm? edited: had...
  23. madamc

    sound clips

    heya girls and guys! i was wondering..where can i get sound clips of our favourite boys talking on the net? especially the famous quotes? thanks! <3 elaine
  24. madamc

    u2 colouring book!

    knock yourselves out!!!!!!
  25. madamc

    nipples in a t-shirt

    is my favourite bono lyric
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