SOE 33: Bono to open the batting on new album, Larry to keep wicket

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OMG summer of LOVE WTF! so good! i too am sick of 'living in the shadows"! this is gonna sound sick IRL! with good pair of cans! i don't know a bridge from a chorus, but i love the "i've been thinking about the west coast..."
red flag day is made for Quentin tarantino film! go adam! great bass and drums here, and edge backing vocals! both old and new U2 here, IMHO
I honestly have no idea why U2 didn't release Red Flag Day as their lead single. So much better than YTBTAM, while also radio friendly with its catchy melody and chorus.
so happy that adam's bass is front and center almost every song@!
little things better than kimmel, more atmosphere and even more withoutFB live in the way
I can't believe he's actually pulling off turning a meditation on the word "landlady" into a touching thing.

Most Bono thing in a while.
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