Boston #2 Setlist Party

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
To all the people who want Bono to stop talking before Streets: I get it. You just want a bunch of African babies to die.



I normally just tune him out, but the last night of Boston gave us this gem:

"OBVIOUSLY the worst part of AIDS is when mothers give it to their children."

It's the confidence with which he delivered it, as if it were a statistic, that really sold me.
WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??? (In the voice of the angry Rex Linn from Cliffhanger)
Sorry, but shit opening to an encore, if they where going to do steets it should have been done as a proper opening
They aren't throwing anything strange in, just messing with the order to fuck with us ?

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I'm telling you guys, someone's there. Come on, get on board this hype train with me.
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