Shuttlecock V: Sleep Like Leo Tonight

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I couldn't resist, I clicked one of the spoilers.


I can tell the concerts must be coming up ... I had my first pre-tour U2 concert dream last night. My seats suuuuuuucked.
I'm pleasantly surprised by some of the songs getting rehearsal time. But didn't we get a few rarities rehearsed pre-360 that never actually got played?
Speaking as someone who was 6-years-old when Pop was released, that song is really fucking dated lyrically.

I beg to differ. The line "Michael Jackson--History" is even more apt now that he's dead. Bono was likely writing with the mindset that Jackson was out of step or passé at that point.
I always thought it was a reference to his "History" greatest hits compilation. Obviously, probably a double meaning, though.
I beg to differ. The line "Michael Jackson--History" is even more apt now that he's dead. Bono was likely writing with the mindset that Jackson was out of step or passé at that point.
It's not that, it's the obsession over the sheer size of brands. Talking about Coke and McDonald's just isn't interesting in 2015 because their ubiquity isn't unique anymore. Not to mention the OJ reference, when OJ doesn't mean shit to anyone anymore. Hell, the concept of the Playboy Mansion itself doesn't mean anything anymore, if it ever did.
Of course it's dated. The whole point of the song is to take a bunch of frivolous shit that everyone was getting worked up over in the 90s and contrast that with the vastness of eternity (then will be there be no time for sorrow). There's an interesting twist in the middle, showing how the average Joe in a consumerist society envisions the afterlife; he'll get in as long as he hasn't bought a lottery ticket or parked in someone else's space, and his idea of Heaven is the Playboy Mansion. Pretty funny stuff, right at home on Pop.

Great song. I think the music is really appropriate for the subject matter too; sleazy yet still feels like it's defying gravity somehow.
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I always thought it was a reference to his "History" greatest hits compilation. Obviously, probably a double meaning, though.

Well yeah, it's using Jackson's recent compilation title to make a comment on pop culture.

Of course it's dated. The whole point of the song is to take a bunch of frivolous shit that everyone was getting worked up over in the 90s and contrast that with the vastness of eternity (then will be there be no time for sorrow). And then there's some interesting discussion of how the average Joe in a consumerist society envisions the afterlife; he'll get in as long as he hasn't bought a lottery ticket or parked in someone else's space, and his idea of Heaven is the Playboy Mansion. Pretty funny stuff, right at home on Pop.

Great song. I think the music is really appropriate for the subject matter too; sleazy yet still feels like it's defying gravity somehow.

Nice to see that this has more appreciation than I thought. It definitely gets bashed a lot in The Place Which Shall Not Be Named, but you're talking about a group made up of 90% philistines so not a surprise there.

Not to sound like an apologist, but I'm sure Bono was well aware of the easily-dated nature of those lyrics, and yes, I do think he was intentionally trying to make a point about the disposability of pop/fast food culture pleasures and instant gratification. This isn't a new observation.
It should be dated. The whole point of the song is to take a bunch of frivolous shit that everyone was getting worked up over in the 90s and contrast that with the vastness of eternity (then will be there be no time for sorrow). There's an interesting twist in the middle, showing how the average Joe in a consumerist society envisions the afterlife; he'll get in as long as he hasn't bought a lottery ticket or parked in someone else's space, and his idea of Heaven is the Playboy Mansion. Pretty funny stuff, right at home on Pop.

Great song. I think the music is really appropriate for the subject matter too; sleazy yet still feels like it's defying gravity somehow.


The song is pretty much perfection from the line "never bought a lotto ticket" on as far as I'm concerned.
Its an interesting choice, look forward to hearing it live, especially the guitar. Anything from Pop aside from acoustic Staring at the Sun is welcome.
It looks much better in the second pic within the article. sorrynotsorry for PLEBA comment.

But it's veering a little too close to orange. I'll let y'all know how it looks in person. :wink:
He doesn't take his hat off because he doesn't want everyone to know he's bald.

But everyone knows, so if he started showing up with a head full of hair, everyone would know it was fake.

He's stuck between a hat and a hard place.
News about Playboy Mansion is very cool, I concur with LM and Laz, I've always loved it, the music and production on it is something that's pretty rare for them, and lyrically and thematically it fits so well on Pop. It might even be the quintessential 'Pop' song. One Step Closer is also cool, that would probably be my second favourite song on Hutdab these days. That clip of Bullet also sounds pretty cool.

But by far the news that made me smile the most was that Running to Stand Still was rehearsed. I'd be reduced to a puddle if I ever heard that live.
Shame about the
rehearsal. Give it a rest for one tour.

The worst thing about the last tour was their insistence on playing like FIVE songs from ATYCLB for a while.
I'm wondering what the "radical new approach to arena sound" means.

Also, it's pretty much stated unequivocally that Bono isn't going to be playing guitar. Which, all jokes aside, unfortunately means more backing tracks,/under-stage players, or less choice of what to perform.
I will forgive them that one if they are serious about mixing the setlists up for the second half of the show.

I read the "arena sound" thing as the way the speakers were set up within the arena, about how they evenly dispersed the sound to all parts of the space.
Also, some major spoilers here about the whole two-night, Innocence/Experience thing:

The initial idea was to work up two entirely different concerts, but U2 worried about leaving out staples or having fans think they’d gotten the second-best show. As of last week, it planned instead to have a relatively fixed first half and a varying second one — separated, for the first time on a U2 tour, by an intermission.

This is unfortunate.

One other thing: the planned "intermission" might actually mean no opening act? Longer shows??
Bono looks like an idiot. Still love him, though. It'll be interesting to see how long this intermission is. If it's going to be much longer than your typical encore break, I'm not sure it's a good idea for a rock show.

And if Cori is now reading the spoilers, then who are we using the spoiler tags for?
To Laz: Why?
Assuming that by "varied second half" they mean "varied second half." That sounds great to me.

Yeah, I may give up on the spoilers. Does anyone else care, or is it just me y'all were kindly using tags for?
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