My top ten picks for the JJJ hottest 100

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That article by the Cherry Bar guy is appalling. The stuff he wants played on Triple J is almost offensively bad in how out-of-date and derivative it is. No wonder it doesn't get any play; it's just guys with guitars and penile inferiority complexes who are trying to recreate their dad's vinyl collection. As soon as you mention Airbourne without being derisive, you've lost an argument.

Triple J's obviously not perfect and there's a reason why I don't exactly tune into it, but a whole lot of this debate is blown out of proportion. It's no use saying "wah wah this popular hit from the nineties wouldn't get any play now" because tastes have evolved. You could do the reverse and say "wow this popular hit from 2013 would never have got airplay in the nineties". Practically every artist actively seeking a larger audience will - consciously or not - modify their sound to some degree to appeal to people anyway. Hell, they'll be influenced by the same sounds that are shaping their audience and it'll generally be a natural evolution. I don't know why this is such a big deal.

Well yeah, tastes change, but that line of thinking can be taken too far, I mean, some artists do consciously mine older styles of genre. Sometimes it's shitty and dull and derivative, but it doesn't automatically have to be.

Otherwise everyone would have to be making hip hop or synth-heavy 'indie'.

To take an example much-bandied about these parts, I'd suggest that the National's records could have been made at any point in the last 20 or possibly even 30 years. Whether they'd be hits or not I couldn't say (they might have been massive about 1988, Springsteen massive; then again maybe not).
I doubt anybody's going to be much surprised after last year that there's been another attempt to predict the Hottest 100 with statistics. Not as large a sample size as before, but it's still a decent size so the prediction might not be too far off: The Warmest 100 - A Social Media-Sourced Prediction Of The Hottest 100

If you don't want to look, you also shouldn't read the following spoilered contents.

Cobbler's going to flip when he sees the predicted #1. I'm stunned that my two predictions for #1 are not even in the top five - Royals is #8 and Get Lucky #15. I understand Royals a bit, since there's clearly some vote-splitting going on with Team and Tennis Court, but Get Lucky will surely come in higher.

The Kite String Tangle at #11 baffles me. It seems that guy's become really popular in a huge hurry. I saw him in mid-October as the first opener, playing to an almost empty room at the Northcote Social Club. He was OK but didn't strike me as anything that was about to break the mainstream.
Well here we go for another year of bitching. Listen live here to remember why DJs are fucking annoying:

Warmest 100 not doing so well out of the blocks. #99, "Without You" by Dillon Francis, was predicted to come in at #37 by the Warmest 100 folks.

And at #96 here's Big Scary to remind me how their new album wasn't half as interesting as their older work. They seem to think their strength is slower songs when in reality they're much better when they try to rock a bit.

Cobbler's best mate makes what is surely not his only appearance at #95. Damnit man, stop being stoned at Rainbow Serpent; we need some rage and fury here.
I'm not sure who's more annoying, the DJs or the people who call in. Yeah, yeah, it's fucking Australia Day, I get it already.

This year's list isn't making much impression on me one way or the other.

Honestly, 'not half as interesting as their earlier work' is a phrase I'd reluctantly apply to the new Cloud Control stuff. I mean it's not terrible, or whatever, but I dunno.
I really hate that Like a Version stuff is included in the Hottest 100. Though yeah not as much as those awful listener calls from bogan parties.

As for Cloud Control, good god is that new album a huge step down. There are a couple of good tunes, but in general the album is a whole bunch of mediocrity seeking and failing to find redemption through expensive production.
Also, worst things so far: Fuckin' Problems, I Spy, and that shitty Bliss n Eso song they just played. (Edit: and this stupid fucking Illy Like a Version borefest.)
Illy, is that the 'medley' of bogan classics? Christ on a stick what a piece of shit.

64, whoo hoo, it's the Nashinal.
Fuck Chvrches are awesome. I've enjoyed a number of songs so far but "Lies" is the first I've got really excited about.

Also, Cobbler will murder me, but this "Bound 2" shite is utterly unlistenable.
Bound 2 ... is just so hard for me to get into, many seems to love it but the flow feels so awkward.

2 QOTSA songs included were good and so is Daft Punk's Instant Crush, but I haven't liked anything else.
Bound 2 ... is just so hard for me to get into, many seems to love it but the flow feels so awkward.

I actually thought something had started playing in another tab and then I realised it was just how incongruous his rapping is with the backing track.

Agree with you Axver, I love "Lies" :drool:

Presume "Recover" is still to come (and maybe "Gun" too?), so a good showing for Chvrches.

I'm disappointed "Tether" wasn't on Triple J's long list for voting, because if you ask me that's their finest moment.
Presume "Recover" is still to come (and maybe "Gun" too?), so a good showing for Chvrches.

I'm disappointed "Tether" wasn't on Triple J's long list for voting, because if you ask me that's their finest moment.

All in all one of my favorite albums of 2013. Very modernized synthpop and I love Lauren's voice.
Managed to time a quick trip to the bottle-o so that I missed Boy & Bear shitting in Australia's ears. Good timing. :up:

Some godawful Aerosmith song was on in the bottle-o. :down:
Was Kingswood that really ugh rock song a few minutes ago? I share that sentiment.
Was Kingswood that really ugh rock song a few minutes ago? I share that sentiment.

That's the one.

Glad "Scar" by Cloud Control made it. I think that's the one song from the new album that really holds up in comparison to their earlier stuff.
I thought that recently played Cloud Control song was quite alright, not something I usually listen to, but quite alright. Musically it was quite nice, not the biggest fan of those vocals.

The song on now though, is absolute trash.
The Fatboy Slim one about eat, sleep, rave, repeat? That was appallingly bad.

Also, holy shit, this "Love Me Again" song is from 2013? I recognise it from pubs and could've sworn it was from at least thirty years ago.
That was Fatboy Slim???

I feel like I've been betrayed. I need images of Christopher Walken dancing in my head again.
Scar does feel like the best of the newer Cloud Control songs, yeah.

What the fuck would Kingswood know about Ohio? And who gives a fuck?
That Robert De Long (if I'm misspelling a name I've only heard verbally, I will have to say I care not) song 'Make you Fucking Dance' is so terrible. What the fuck is wrong with him?
That Robert De Long (if I'm misspelling a name I've only heard verbally, I will have to say I care not) song 'Make you Fucking Dance' is so terrible. What the fuck is wrong with him?

The stupid bloody introductory sketch Triple J played before was even worse. Those sketches are just excruciating.
Who the fuck is Dustin Tebbutt?

(Some boring strummy fucker, apparently.)

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