Arcade Fire, a.k.a. The Reflektors.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Meh, last night I was caught up in the leak fervor. Now that I've slept a little, I find myself back to being a bit ambivalent about this release. Once it's up on Grooveshark, I'll probably listen to it, but I'm not about to break my "No Download" policy for this one.

Can someone help me understand why one record store, in Ireland of all places (and possibly the Czech republic?) was given copies of the album to sell?

Or do I have this story wrong..

Clearly this was the condition under which Bono agreed to appear in the promo video.
All I've heard is the title track. Trying to decide if I have enough piddly work to do at my desk so I can listen undisturbed, or if I should just wait until I get home.
Ok, so the last 5 minutes is actually like that? Blah.

Otherwise, the album is great. And the official stream also confirms that the songs that I thought were cut short weren't in fact cut short. (unless of course they're fucking with us)

Porno might be one of my favorites.
All I've heard is the title track.

Whoops, I lied. I heard the other songs they'd played on SNL and that weird little special that aired afterwards.

I've lost track of which song I'm on in the tracklist, but .... the song that has the repeating line "You already know," I keep hearing it as "you are Reginald." :lol:
That's where I'm listening to it. Plus, Black Orpheus gives you something to watch, too!

I had to pause it after Joan of Arc, because I forgot I had a 2:00 meeting. :doh:
That's where I'm listening to it. Plus, Black Orpheus gives you something to watch, too!

Ive decided that I don't like the choice of this movie as a backdrop. The whys are better left for another discussion, but I just think they could've used better judgment.

It also seems odd to superimpose ones music on top of a film when in fact the best thing said film has going for it is its

Ill have to re listen with my headphones on once its released and try and not subconsciously associate it with the film forevermore.
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